Lined-Octal At Code-Nil

(Well, _someone’s_ got to
call their blog-post that.^..)

Blog-post # 608:
(608 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 19.)

Three new art-inanimations:

In Inertia Interwoven
In Inertia Interwoven

Anagrams: 29.

Shattered labyrinths
formed a spiral.
Shards of their dreams
bent partially.

Knotted were
Some hid.
We do seek spectra,
do look inside them.

A glass lens
or the art or
its paint:
Laser-light too
is as transparent.

Space is what
is rusting,..
As cusps/gears
within it.

The loxodrome
is as sand.
Solar moons
had existed.

As this sector
is a null-vector.
It rusts in all
hot cores/caves.

Turning as do
sine-waves and
their vortex:
A vast inert
nexus/grid had
so interwoven.

Plaid was interwoven.
A wind overlaps twine.

Entirety’s diagonal
is itself diagonal,..
As a tilting solid
yet of a linear design.

Do align as..

Sky of moons or toys:
Yo-yos form knots so.

Glowing as reefs..
In a flower’s eggs.

Alien-rats’ uvula.

Soft hoof.

Gel is distant.
A design tilts.

To imply/rotate:..
It: A lot or empty.
(Partly time too..
At my trite loop.)

Arcs were, fate is,..
Faces were astir.
We craft seas’ ire;
We craft sea-rise.
Fire was as erect.

This sinful
American zeitgeist’s
Therein Nazi-fascists’
ultimate “Seig Heil!”.

Of their
Hated liars’ demonic
evil fascism:
It gets us.. furious.

These so are
Satan’s Chosen
Non-poor cheaters
each then amass
our assets.

Any corporations
then so slur.
Thus, only racists
are non-poor.

Evangelical Christians:
Ever as
An evil’s
racist leg-chain.
An evil’s
crashing act/lie.
As a circle,
an evil’s night,..
Hell gains
via its cancer.

All their ruses,
sin, genocides:
Religions’ cruelness
is death.

Every religion will
equal Satan.
Any evil lies are
all quite wrong.

God fathers souls:..
Daughters of loss.

His DNA..
.. Had sin.

To prey.

Riemann hypothesis:
In math-hype or sines.

Yin/Yang’s dim zeros:
In random syzygies.


‘A mocha: Ah, coma!’

‘Lined-octal at code-nil.’

‘”Dastardliness, o, posse?”
“Drat! Sad.”‘

‘Diorama aroid.’


When is Miss Crass
most crass of all?

On.. Christmas,
of course!..


Oh, but only
rolled in ghouls..
are now our..


What’s like a
lead walk?
(Or like a lead wok,
for that matter.)



But what does an illegitimate
couple get when they inamicably
agree to cease cavorting?

of course!..


Which names have been (redacted)?

Those of espe(***)lly ra(***)l

Warning: More-on politics.

The problem is, even though so
many racist Confederate statues
have recently been removed,..

each of those statues’..
very much still remains

(And in-lieu of any such racist
statue that once stood upon its
base, President Trump now stands
tall upon, and is {baselessly}
propped up by, that very same
{now His political} base.)


Regarding the Carlin-esque 7
Deadly Naughty Words that CDC
scientists now DARE not utter..

Here are probably some suggested
work-arounds, such as, for one,

(or “NTPB”),
(or “NPFTA”).

Maybe too:

Non-corporate pre-born entity.


which is an actual synonym;
but the Trumpies have surely
never heard it before and
will think it is absolutely
A-OK because of the “hetero”
part. And, hey, they wouldn’t
have any problems with
HETERO-ness anything-at-all,
oh WOULD they?!..

Note, the different spelling
between “Heterogeneous” and
“Heterogenous”, so as to
even better evade the Trumpy
They’ll think that the CDC
scientists are talking (in
their dastardly smarty-pants
terr’rist-chattering cant)
instead about that bad evil
undeserved advantageousness
(such as those evil quotas
and even more evil peace
and understanding) derived
from DIVERSITY,.. or about
how advantageous it is (to
the goal of receiving God’s
love) to be straight, not
about, as is actually being
talked about, any of the
advantageousness derived
from outside the organism
per-se (ie. from outside
the individual carbon-based
human person, in this case).


Republicans in 2018..!*

*(Or ‘Rn-2018’, which sounds
just so darn science-y.
{“So, BAN it then!..
BANNNNN.. it!..”})
More neologismation:


Those corporate-“persons” and
other ultra-human Ubermenschen
entities that the Republican
tax-bill ACTUALLY benefits at
all, and benefits greatly.

(Influenced by the terms
“Big-Oil”, “Big-Pharma”,
and the like.)

Used as in:..

“Big-Bribe Industrial-Complex,


(Though, unfortunately, it
seems we have a long time
before at all even nearing
“Peak-Bribe”, however..
In-fact, bribes may be the
sole resource soon left in
abundance.. If anyone wants
to build an electricity-
generator or car-engine
powered by them..)
And even more neologisilization:

New(?) term, for the post-
net-neutrality internet:


Which is just as low-fi as
is AM radio, and soon too
is to be just as uniformly
right-wing as well.


(Though, AM implies the
morning-time; but this is
now more so the internet’s

‘InterNOT’,.. or ‘Enter-Not’,
might also make good new(?)
names for what little we’re
now being left with of the
internet’s corpse.

In the near-future:..

AI-driven/operated trash-trucks
are, it turns out, disposing
not only of people’s trash,
but too are simply disposing
completely of the recyclables
people have left out next to
their trash-bins.


But too as these trash-trucks
travel along the streets,
they are picking up and then
disposing completely of..
any passer-byes who happen
to be.. old people or
racial/ethnic minorities,
or who are homeless people
or poor people, or are..



(Now, where did the AI
get THAT^ Great idea!?..)

Well, the Luddites were
actually correct all along.
Turns out we really
shouldn’t have been so..


The liberals’ (surely losing)
new goal:

To make death and taxes
.. for the super-rich..
at-least-somewhat inevitable



The have-MORE-ONS..
sure like to..
pour on and pee on..
we poor peons!..

A bit Lighter-(Sided)..

“Luke, I am your father.”

“Well, then, Darth-Dad.
You thus owe my mom some
major MAJOR back-child-
support, then.”

“Uhh, umm, uh,..
Luke, I am not your father.”


Transients whose friends are
as tenuous as their situations



So, to bring it down to an
intellectual level closer,
but still much above, that
of President Trump and His

I’m reminded of something the
kids used to (still?) say..
that, I’ve finally realized,
very much applies too to the
even more seriously dangerous
greenhouse-gasses threat
in-general, as well, which
our entire world now faces,
and applies also to the
related seriously dangerous
threat to us all of
mass-ignorance on the topic..



(Simple as that,
turns out.^)

(Somewhat more seriously,
an environmental-protest-
sign slogan:

“Stop toxic greenhouse-
polluters’ denial:







‘Spot Marks the X’*


*(“Hey, get off my X NOW,
{“But you can sure go ahead,
Spot, and mark my _ex_,
though, if you wish.”..})

Easy political-map “maze”:

(I put “maze” in quotes because
it is quite easy to solve, yet it
is not, though, solved quite so..

So, say there is this liberal guy
who is living here in Colorado,
maybe in Boulder, say, who is
wanting to travel cross-country
to a protest of some sort in
Washington DC.

He will definitely not fly
there — both because of his
opposition to the airline-
industry and because he’s too
poor anyway to fly. And he even
plans not to drive there but
to instead cycle all the way —
because, hey, car-driving only
feeds the Big-Oil Industrial-
Complex Beast, man..

(Though whether he cycles or
drives is unimportant to this
puzzle. What only matters is
that he takes no plane or boat
at any point in his journey,
traveling across land the
entire way; but he will cross
bridges or go through tunnels
whenever necessary.)

Yet, however, he has imposed
an important caveat upon his

Simply put, he refuses to
travel through, on his way
from Colorado to Wash DC,
absolutely any US state that
had (officially) gone to
Donald Trump in the 2016
US general-election for

So, then, through which
US states (and..) must he

(.. For the shortest trip;
but his itinerary’s list of
visited states will generally
be quite restricted, anyway.)

It is lucky he has no job
to get back to in Colorado,
because his trip could take
awhile, so he better leave
a LONG time before the day
of the protest..

(..tropssap sih ekat retteb
eh ,oot ,dnA)

My solution to this^ puzzle:









First he must go from Colorado
south into New Mexico.

Then, his only option is to
travel into the country of
(That is why I specifically said
he must avoid the Trump-states,
rather than saying he must pass
only through Hillary-states.)

Then next he must go WEST,
passing through the narrow strip
of land in Mexico between the
Gulf of California and Arizona.

He then must of course go north
into California, then travel up
the entire US West Coast through
Oregon and Washington state into

Now, I am uncertain of the
politics of most Canadian
provinces. But I think I heard
that Alberta, at least, is more
than a bit conservative, at
least by Canadian standards.
So the traveler can take a much
longer trip than otherwise
necessary, if he chooses to,
by going north around Alberta.
But that would not be necessary
under the maze’s rules, since
Alberta, whatever its politics,
did not vote for Trump in any
(Though they might indeed vote
for Trump in the future —
in 2020, 2024, 2028,.. –,..
after Trump forcibly annexes
Canada into the US.
But that’s another issue for
another day, though..)

Then the traveler travels east
(east _finally_!), dropping down
into the US at (for the quickest
route) the border with New York
(Maybe he can even visit
Niagara Falls.)

He can go visit much of New
England (including even New
Hampshire) at this point, if
he so chooses.

But he’ll probably be so tired
and behind-schedule at this
point that he might decide to
just go south and pass into..
New Jersey.
(And he can visit NY City at
this point if he chooses to.)

Then he will have to travel
from New Jersey southwest into
Delaware, being careful to
avoid the tip of Pennsylvania
where Philadelphia is located.

Then his trip goes west through
Delaware into.. Maryland, and
then _finally_ on to.. DC!


(But if Maryland had voted for
Trump, though — Did it? —
he then would be screwed.
I was thinking it would’ve
been cool in that case if the
cyclist could have passed
along the thin isthmus/strip
of islands, if they are even
connected by bridges/tunnels
{which I don’t know, I’ve never
been there}, that are located
at the eastern edge of the
Chincoteague Bay, going into
Virginia and then to DC,
arriving in DC via the other
side of the Potomac than if
by going through Maryland.
But alas, most of the isthmus/
islands, even if crossable
fully by road/trail, are part
of Maryland, not Virginia.
{Though my map is real old —
.. but at least it’s post-
The isthmus/islands haven’t
changed states since, have
The problem is, though,..
Trump will soon be claiming/
officially-declaring that
He actually won Maryland,
thus making a route, had it
existed, through Virginia
But He’ll claim He won every
other state too. So the trip
couldn’t then at all be made
anyway, not even in the first
place, if/WHEN Trump finally
makes His new-improved
vote-count official..})

And, whoops, I forgot to even
mention the Solstice.

Happy Lose-ter Solstice, indeed..
(Or Minuser Solstice for those
in the Southern Hemisphere.)


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