Sixth Gilded Light, X Is

(Of course.^)

Blog-post # 609:
(609 = 3 * 7 * 29.)

Five new art-inanimations:

Knotted Pentahedron
Knotted Pentahedron
Greatest Common Multiple
Greatest Common Multiple
Spasms A Crass Sarcasm Saps
Spasms A Crass Sarcasm Saps

(Regarding the image
“Greatest Common Multiple”:
As a bit of a puzzle, try
to determine the rule that
is used to color the image’s
black/white regions either
black or white.
It’s simple math.)
Anagrams, 21:
(Aside: And never even mind
that 21 times the date, the
29th, equals 609, which is
this blog-post’s number. Yes,
never even mind that fact..
{Or even odd it either.})

As knotted as
this pentahedron:
That is the stone,
spark, and node.

Atoms spark therein
these domes.
Most hemispheres
are as knotted.

Shapes’ rotation
yet has shredded.
Spheres do thread
as they do stain.

Completed totals
are summing so,..
As do Greatest
Common Multiples.

Weirdest tilting
helices had
The sliced-up and
righted lines are
to twist.

A spare set..
(A part sees.)

Each forewent us.
Often we are such.

Beast of its beauty
or style:
A butterfly is yet
to be as so.

Deal with the Devil:
We divide that Hell.

The Devil is NOT
(or is) great!
Nastier gods
lie to thrive.

Hate is damning devils.
This angel divides man.

Nazis do use murder.
Mad zeros ruined us.

As disturbing as
Rage’s brutality;
a sin’s id.
Brutality is anger,
is sad.

Murderers’ rage:
Germs are ruder.

All our sins/deaths:
A sad Hell rots in us.

We losers are burned
in Hell; yet desire
burned of hate.
But all our fiery sins
had been rendered to

All is ruined.
The losers hide..
Inside Hell,
their souls dare.

Fascist rapists were
of their harms.
This sperm-warfare’s
hot fire is cast.

Strains below..
In warts/lobes.

This was so
repugnantly stained.
A lewdness is
spraying unto that.

Any sprig.
Any grips..
A springy..
Gray spin.


‘Till I with gilded light,
I will it.’

‘Sixth gilded light: x is.’

‘Too-real uvulae-root.’

a crass sarcasm saps.’


What would Noah had needed
to build the ark out of
if it had to instead carry
twice as many animals as
it did?



What might the government do
if your tax-returns don’t
come out.. even?

They might..

odd-it you!..

Belated Xmas-related advice
for grocery-store managers:
(Or not so belated..
Isn’t it now already the
Xmas season.. for Xmas of
2023, or something? Better
get shopping, therefore..)

During the Xmas-season, I’d
hear grocery-stores playing
that most-often-ANNOYING
Xmas-music over their PAs.

But why?

It seems to me that playing
it would be counterproductive
to grocery-stores’ ultimate
goal of making money.
(Their goal of Mammon over
Jesus, in other words.)

And never even mind the fact
that such music will, for one
money-losing problem with it,
scare away customers who
happen to be non-Christian
and/or who simply have _any_
good taste in music..

But, in addition, and maybe
even more problematic for
grocery-stores, people will
be shopping for food at
these stores,.. but then
they’ll hear the Xmas music;
and so they’ll get in the
“Xmas-spirit”, alright, but
by thinking,..

“Oh, that music reminds me,..
I’ve got to go shopping at
the mall later for gifts.
So therefore, I better keep
from spending too much money
here at the GROCERY-store,
then, I suppose.”!..

(Unless, though, the shopper
is at the grocery-store to
buy, say,.. cinnamon, cloves,
peppermint, etc,..
ie. Christmas season-ing!..
{Hey, ‘Tis the seasoning!..})


Related belated Xmessiness:

They (ie. merchants, mostly
in-fact) talk about how we
consumers do like to “shop
till we drop”. (If we’re
cool, that is.)

.. And shopping-till-we-
drop is something that, of
course, merchants sure don’t
have any problem at all that
we go and do, obviously,..

.. just as long as, though,
we consumers don’t actually
do that dropping until AFTER
we’ve paid for our purchases!

But then, after paying, hey,
go ahead and drop away!..
(What do merchants even care
at that point? This is a
free country*, isn’t it?..)

*(“Free country”:
Just ask those who OWN it..
and own us.
THEY, in-fact, didn’t even
actually have to pay even
one cent for any of it..
Even though it is WE, the
ones ourselves who’re owned,
who are paying, alright.)

(More so cheery, though..)

In another universe:…

The Earth there has the
same number* of days per
year as our own year also

But their year on non-leap
years is divided-up into
exactly 73 weeks of 5 days
each, and into exactly 5
months of 73 days each.

Thus then, each month for
4 consecutive years starts
on the same day of the
week that that particular
month begins upon during
every other year of that
same 4-year period.

(And if a particular year
begins on weekday # 1,
whatever that day is
named, then the months
{during the particular
four-year period} begin
on weekdays…

Month 1: # 1.
Month 2: # 4.
Month 3: # 2.
Month 4: # 5.
Month 5: # 3.)

Then an extra day is added
to the end of the 5th month
every 4 years.
(With weirdness like on our
Earth too, where leap days
maybe are or are not added
at the end up a particular
century, depending on how
to best align the days and
the actual year-length.)

Then every 4 years, the
particular weekday that a
particular month begins
upon is shifted by one day
from what was the day that
that same month began upon
during the year prior.


(It is quite likely that
this calendar-system is
far from original.. even
in our own universe.)


And, oh, about those
5-day weeks..

Just like in our system,
workers often work for 5
days in a row.
But in the other universe
(and soon in ours too, of
course!),.. weekends are
each ZERO days long!..

But having the rent due,
though, only 5 times per
year instead of 12 times..
sure is not acceptable at
all here in this universe.
So then, despite maybe
even if the five-day weeks
are sans any weekends,
this alternative system
would obviously NOT AT ALL
ever be adopted in our own

(See, the slumlord-lobby
is a powerful lobby, after
all. They even own all
three branches of the US
federal government right
now. No kidding around.)

*(“The Earth there has the
same number of days per
It seems to me that it
would be more accurate and
grammatically-correct, when
referring to the exact year-
length, to say, “the same
amount of days per year”,
since there are a noninteger
{about 365.24} number/
amount of days each year.)


The Borg (from the later
few Star Trek series) go,
in deep ominous monotone:
(And in this first case,
that monotone is very
very.. White..)

“You will be assimilated.
Your ethnic foods and
culture will be added to
our own and appropriated.
We will bastardize and
cheapen your culture and
food by, in-part, opening
fast-food chains with
outlets mostly located in
strip-malls throughout the
galaxy,.. and by producing
pop-music we will claim is
Earthling-inspired, but
which is actually only some
cynically-cheapened and
overly-commercial BS in-fact
written and recorded by Borg
who have not even any real
understanding at all of what
it truly means to be an
.. Resistance is futile.”..

Or maybe it could go
instead down like this:..

“You will be assimilated.
Resistance is futile.”

“Uh, what? We will be
ass-simulated, you say?
So, fake butts are your
thing, then?”

“No. Assimilated.
We said ‘assimilated’.”

“Uh, what? We will be
ass-STIMULATED, then?
So it’s you Borg, then,
who are actually the
anal-probing ETs?
I thought those anal-probe
ETs were shorter and greener
than you guys. BUTT.. it’s
you guys, then?! Okay.
Learn something new every
day, I suppose.”..

“No. Assimilated! Geesh.
Humans need to learn to
actually listen, already.
.. We’re out of here, then,
since humanity obviously
has nothing of value for us
to acquire. See ya’ later,
losers, uh,.. NOT!”..

Politics now.
(Watch out..)

Meme for you:..

So, how DO we then..

Deal With The Devil..

-problem in this country?..

Political-cartoon idea:

Part 1:

President Trump — dressed
(as per the usual) as Death
— sadistically hacks away
with His scythe both at
Father-Time and at the

“Hey, we gotta make those
CUTS for the Greater Good!”

Part 2:
(An even more darkly drawn

Trump then malevolently
floats over what is left
of both corpses, just a
bloodied pulpy mess, while
He sinisterly grins and
is drooling hungrily..

The caption underneath:..



Republicans warning us of the
terrorist-threat to America:

Turns out,..
the wolves themselves are
in-fact those who’ve been
crying “Wolf!”..


‘Alien Uvulae’

‘Furious Nephew
(And The Nefarious Few)’*



‘X Is Tense’

‘Injustice Of The Peace’

*(Apologies to Grandmaster
Flash and The Furious Five.
{You remember Flash, right?
“He tried to get away,
but he couldn’t get far,..
’cause some stupid
gave away his car!”..})

For any plural number of
players, each with a
distinctly-colored pencil/pen.

First draw a circle subdivided
into n number of evenly-sized/
shaped slices (like slices of
a pizza), where n is a
multiple of the number of
(n should be at least several
times the number of players.)

And too before play begins,
a mark is made just outside
the circle next to one of the
slices to indicate to the
players that this is the
“primary slice” of the pizza.

Players then play the game
by taking turns, where each
player on his/her turn
colors-in an as-yet-still-
unfilled slice with his/her
own pencil/pen or makes a
distinct mark (such as the
player’s initials) in an
as-yet-unmarked slice.

Each player should end up
filling/marking the same
number of slices by game’s

After all the slices have
been filled/marked, the
score is determined.
Each player’s slices are
numbered as determined by
counting the player’s own
slices (as they are at
game’s end) clockwise around
the pizza starting at the
pizza’s primary slice.
The number of any particular
slice is irrespective of the
order that the slices were
filled/marked by the player
during the game.
What matters is the final
positions of a player’s own
slices relative to each other
at the end of the game.

Each player gets a point for
every one of his/her own
slices — slice number k —
where another one of this
player’s own slices is
located k slices clockwise
from that slice.
(It does not matter which
particular players filled/
marked the intermediary
slices that are skipped
over while counting.
And the clockwise counting
may continue past {or to}
the primary slice.)

For (too simple) example:
(Two players here;
player 1’s slices are
labeled with numbers;
player’s 2’s slices are
labeled with letters.
n = 8.
The 1 indicates the primary

d 1 a
4 * 2
3 c b

Player 1:
1 is 3 slices clockwise from 3.
2 is 4 slices clockwise from 4.
2 points.

Player 2:
d is 3 slices clockwise from c(3).
b is 4 slices clockwise from d(4).
2 points.

A tie.

(And finally, an off-course
or more on-course, if coarse,
encore,.. of course.)

Trying to save the world
isn’t solely about helping
to save humanity from its
own destruction,..

it too is about helping to
make humanity worth even
being saved!



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