To Last Is Optimum..

.. It posits a lot.^

Blog-post # 612:
(612 = 2 * 3 * 17 * 3 * 2.)


Four new art-inanimations:

Violent Optics
Violent Optics
Folding Radii
Folding Radii

Anagrams, 19:

Time’s dreams,
each still infinite:
Inside this
celestial firmament.

That is of
These folds do
spin as it.

Any radii
so folded..
As a fire did
only do.

Origami formed
Folding radii
or some mess.

Dimensions are..
Neon mess’ radii,
Dreams one is in.

Time did create
.. In iridescent
modes it made.

These dimensions:
Time’s nodes shine.

Noises are
violent optics,..
.. In loops,
visions, etcetera.

Yet as
scalene triangles..
In a glassy lens,

Within molecules is
that focus’ stain.
This celestial
was of this.

Interwoven ascents:
As went non-vertices.

As proportional
to trigonometry:
A loop is rotating
or empty or torn.

Humanity so fell,..
As if unto my Hell.

Satan’s shit:
That ass’ sin.

Funneling our
Sins or feces
plunged only
into us.

Americans’ shit:
In racist shame.

America’s zones:
Nazis’ era comes.

Whites caused
all terror.
We sell our
racist hatred.

tacos, ribs, a bun,
bagels, peaches.
beans, cabbages,
salads, wine, punch.


‘To last is optimum.
It posits a lot.’

‘Mum: It Pop optimum.’

‘Not Leroy or Elton.’

‘Not Elton? I not let on.’


Married older couple at
the grocery-store, where
the husband can’t see
well and the wife is

“Oh, I sure wouldn’t
like to be marooned on
a desert-isle,.. like
the sign says isle-11

would LOVE to be
macaroon-ed in the
dessert-aisle, though!
Aisle-11, you say?”

“Why did I even marry
you, you weird desert-
Hey, so I’ll just wait
for you, then, over in
the feminine-hijinks


The carpet has upon it
which type of pattern?

FLOOR-al, of course!..


Highrise-living can
be quite..



One who tests you so to
fit you for eye-glasses
half-full is..

an optimetrist..


That clock has a facial

(And it’s chronic.)

Kevin Spacey:
He’s an example of
someone who’s now
both.. infamous..



If the Muslim-World
is indeed transformed
into a caliphate,..
I guess its leaders,
then, would be of the..



Regarding how the Trump-
administration is now
gloating about the only-
specious report claiming
that 3 out of 4 of those
arrested in the US on
related charges are..


(And there is a.. hole
lot of shit in that
report to rebut,.. BUT..)

But yet most (likely far
more than only just 3 out
of 4) American-citizen
(and those who are just
simple mass-murderers
who officially are “NOT
terrorists”) are, though
on the other hand,..



Sorry, Ronny, but America
is now anymore only just..

a shitting shitty
of a hole!..

(Not too much of a
non-sequitur, actually..)

Dante (.. Who, in-regards
instead to current-events,
was only off, it now turns
out, by a few thousand
miles or so for the true
location of the Inferno..)
is warning his male chums
about a woman he had
(unfortunately for him)
been,..uh,.. acquainted

“Hey, dudes, watch out!
You don’t want to have sex
with her ever, even though
she’s indeed hot as HELL!”

“Really, Dante, man?”

“Yep, best you take heed
and beware, or else…
Abandon all hope
ye who enter HER

A political-cartoon idea:

Two frames:

The first frame shows, as
per the actual news-story,
a photo of a group of
African-Americans that had
been tagged by AI (which
belongs to a big tech
company we’ll just refer
to as.. ‘Ghoul^2’) as
being a group of

Then the second frame
shows a photo, maybe taken
at an office-party, of a
group of mostly-only-White
and mostly-only-male
Ghoul^2 employees.

But the AI has tagged this
photo as being a bunch of..


(Of _coarse_.)


Antisocial-media posts
oft occur..

in the coarse of human
(and inhuman..
and nonhuman bot)


A new horribly-offensive
slur referring to..
.. fascists.


The new F-word..

As in,
“I have such utter hatred
for those filthy fucking
FaKKKers and all their
faked so-called ‘facts’!!”

(^Hey, watch your mouth!..)


And to clarify:
“FaKKKers” has a soft ‘a’.
Like the ‘a’ in “fascists”.

So ‘FaKKKers’ sounds
(ironically) more like
“fact-ers” than “fakers”.

And “Fecists”, alliteration
of “feces”, might also be a
good slur for fascist, too,
.. the shitholes that they


By the way, there in-fact
is absolutely no actual
reason at all for White
people to hate Black or
brown people as a group,..

_other than_, that is,..

we White people’s _own_
DNA, which makes us all
inherently racist to our
evil cores.

We all can’t even help it.

.. But the problem is,
though, that most of us
like to indeed.. help it..


(^Hey, just tellin’ it
like WE are, now now!..)

Note how we now have a
president who, on one hand,
.. actually openly makes
vulgar explicitly racist
statements such as, for
just one example (but not
publicly in this one case),
about how certain entire
nations (and all their
brown-skinned people) are

But while, though, at the
same time..

He has BANNED government-
scientists from daring to
ever use such nasty naughty
terms like, say, “science-
based” and “evidence-based”!..
(The ‘SB-term’ and ‘EB-term’,

Donald Trump:


Gone now are the days were
Americans even have the
LUXURY to whine about the
utter destruction of the
US Constitution!

the good-old Bush-Era…

“Hey, you damn kids don’t
know how lucky we oldsters
were! We got to whine about
the sanctity of the US
Constitution for two miles
both ways and every single
day, even, being forced to
do so through a raging


Regarding that Hawaii
emergency-alert mishap..

First, so it seems there
are some Hawaiian officials
who now themselves are the
ones needing to..


(And cover-up, maybe even


So, I hear that Hawaii, at
least, will now therefore
be instituting a two-key
system for such alerts in
the future, so as to reduce
the risk of any more such
TWO civil-defense personnel
will now have to okay a
nuke-launch,.. uh,..
okay a WARNING-ALERT of a

Maybe too these two civil-
defense personnel should
each then carry a sidearm
so as to help.. convince..
the other guy to go ahead
and also launch…
the statewide emergency-


But, hey, you know what
President Trump Himself
will inevitably be doing as
a result of this mishap,

Surely He’ll soon — I guess
because regulations are BAD
— be issuing an order that
requires (And whether He
even has the legal-authority
or not to require such is
not even up for discussion)
that all civil-defense-
agency bunkers/offices/
whatever, like the one in
Hawaii, be set up to only
have, as before, SINGLE-
button alert-launching

Plus, furthermore,.. He’ll
also require that hereafter
the alert-sending button,
which will have to be
completely unmarked under
His edict, will resemble
almost exactly the bunker’s
own also completely-unmarked
real-nuke-launching button
— which all such bunkers
must now be installed with
because, hey, the more folks
who can just go and, whoops,
singlehandedly BUTT-LAUNCH
America’s entire nuclear-
arsenal, the better, see!
— where this nuke-button
will be, under Presidential
decree, necessarily situated
RIGHT next to the more-
benign alert-sending-button.

And too, as Trump will also
mandate, the nuke-launch-
button will have to be
situated, not only just
right next to the similarly-
looking alert-sending button,
but also right next to as
well — possibly between
these two buttons.. OR MAYBE
on the left.. OR MAYBE on
the right of the three —
the also-similarly-looking
and completely-unmarked
button that bunker-personnel
push so to order delivery
hot-wings for their entire
And all three buttons too
must be real tiny and close
together, of course.

(And then, it will of
course be pointed out to
we stupid Americans who
dare complain how dangerous
is Trump’s order that it is
obviously only for our own..




‘The Dishonest


‘Ginger Lee,
with Ruth Leslie
and Barbie Russ’*

*(But sometimes..
it’s Barbie Rick who
instead sings backup,
but to Ginger Lee’s..

(But sorry, still,
not Elton..)

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