Voids Were Prohibited

(^But when voids
are outlawed,..
only outlandishness
will be unavoidable!..)

And happy 1-2-3 Day,
on this 1-23!..

(^But, zero 0’s, though..
As 0’s are still PROHIBITED!
{Until the 30th, anyway..})

Blog-post # 613:
(613 = prime.)

Six (sort-of) new
inanimations, all together;
but only the top two are really
art, if even those two are:

Ironic Origami
Ironic Origami
Resist Sister
Resist Sister

And there’s a math-note at
the end of this post about
the following set of plots,
which are related to (or
equal to) the image
“Coro-Null” above:


The “Resist, Sister” image
above is my belated offering
for the Women’s March.

It is not my finest piece
of art I’ve ever created,
exactly. Yet, it makes use
of the very fitting fact
that “Resist” is an anagram
of “Sister”.

‘Belated offering’:
Oh, and sorry about that.

Well, there’s always next
year’s march, though..
And the next year’s,..
and the next,..
and the next,..
Yep, turns out it’s true
what they say.
Women’s work is NEVER done!
(Never ever EVER done,
Anagrams, 20:

Nice origami:
Ironic image.

In those
linear pyramids,..
Art is

Partial as this:
That is a spiral.

As weird solid spheres
Their lopsided essence
was stirred.

Eyesight was aligned..
Always inside the egg.

As helices
appeared to shimmer:
A part does seem

A slippery ice thaws.
Yet pi was spherical.

Glassiest sand:
As salt’s design.

This sand does
It ascends as
these voids.

On ships.

Funnels grasp..
Fans, plungers.

Asses’ filthy crap:
Fecal shit sprays.

Of sick rude descents:
Cursed feces do stink.

Curses do sicken all.
Cancers killed us so.

Fate’s lies want us.
A fetus was silent.

Yet so sad or shameful:
False myths do arouse.

Christianity’s hatred
does enslave us.
Rude racist evil
sinned, yet has so

In rudeness:
Sins endure.

Any woman can resist
this evil and dare
to fight it.
They last,
dominating in a win
over fascist hatred.



‘Spill a yolk, loyal lips.’

‘No, it a rude duration.’


‘The Funnel-Clowns’


‘The Extrema-terrestrials’

‘The Re-Sisters’

‘A Final-Line’

‘Voids Were Prohibited’

’21-Gun Solution’


Why did that spoon-mechanic
have such an easy time
getting the ladies?

Because, it turns out,
a.. gear boggles

even more than

.. beer-googles!


“The store-brand cleaning-
fluid is what’ll surely
(solvently) solve all the
world’s problems.
Yep, that’s right.
A market-based solution!”..


“Hey, I’ve had it up to
HERE!.. with being short.”


(“So, you’ve had it
down to there, you say?”

“Uhh.. Yes..
{Please don’t squash me.}”)


Unlike the taller of her
curvy sisters, a petite-
woman, though, might have
herself more of an..

egg-timer figure..


(The related possible jokes
about her biological-clock
completely aside,.. please.)

Which type of water can
really hurt your head?

_Skull-ding_ hot,
of course!..


So, what was the very very
unsatisfactory output that
the AI proverb-transforming
program had given us?

“Now now, you humans.
You know it’s..
garbled adage in,..
garbled adage out

(^True, though, this time
’round. Indeed our bad.
But, hey, someone must’ve
spiked the punch-cards!..)

A.I. might in-fact be very
much like nuclear-power or
even nuclear-weapons were
considered to be a few
decades ago.

.. Something very scary and
frightening that in-fact
may be very dangerous, but
something that (allegedly!)
well-meaning folks had at
one time, in the case of
nukes, tried to find benign
and “peaceful” uses for
(like, say, blowing-up the
Van Allen belts..), if to
little actual success (in
that stated “goodness”
goal, anyway),.. given the
fact that.. peace and
goodness are not actually
much even at all inherent
in the true nature of either
of these two technologies.

(As peace and goodness are
not actually inherent much
in our own true human N.I.
— Natural-Intelligence —
nature, either.)


Our country/world is
sure now in total..



(Yeah, and we’re sure
drowning really DAMN
DEEP DOWN in that bowl
of shameful BULL, too!
So, you better not
swallow {that BS They
try to feed you}!..
And, hey, you better
not even breathe..)


President Trump:

Turns out He indeed
is one Hell of a..



(ShocKKKing,.. shocKKKing,
I know..)

Regarding the tiny-finger
that’s poised on the BIG

President Trump:
“Hey, why can’t I use them
nukes if I got ’em?!..

.. and then keep usin’
them, and use ’em all
bigly, even,..

.. until I know..
what’s goin’ on!!?”*


*(Which could be a while.)


Yep, that’s some presidential
reckless wreck-fulness, quite
indeed,.. and is some
Mutually Absurd Destruction,

Yeah, and we’re sure walking
one Hell of a Final-Line,

But, hey,
it’s sort of like they say..
An unstoppable Doomsday-clock
is (far)-RIGHT.. (twice a)..

Surely-unoriginal put-down:

“Hey, your momma!..

.. is your half-sister!”..


(But it seems that,..

“Hey, your momma!..
.. is the momma of YOU!”,

should be way more than
sufficient a put-down
in most cases.
Poor your-momma, though..)
A little (unoriginal) song:

They hide
that untried genocide
behind our ignorance
but beneath our pride.

They hide
this worldwide suicide
between their lips,
which’ve only lied.

Yet they hide the truth,
a truth that’s died,
beyond our grasp..
but here before us each
and what we are inside,..
here before what is all
that they’ve denied..

Oh, there, they hide.

And it’s _our_ time
that they so bide.
And so they themselves
are those who hide.

As justice cried..
of what we are inside,
here before what is all
that they always
have denied.

And there, and as before,
.. and as do we,…

they hide.

About the fractally function
I plotted (as seen in several
images above):

In “Coro-null-one-two-three”,
the quadrants show four
different magnifications of
the same function.
The lines in the upper-right
quadrant represent for-scale
x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1.

The plots represent, roughly
(as per artifacts, plotting
errors, the top finite value
of k, and artistic-license
I took with the particular
settings), the function:

z = f(theta, r) =

sum(k= 1 to infinity)

where theta is in radians,
r is the distance from the
and [x] indicates x rounded-
down to the nearest integer.

And I then had the light-level
of the plot be proportional to
ln(|z|), instead of simply to

The border between the
glowing radial shape and
the solid black background
is arbitrary, and depends
on plot-settings and on
which finite value I took
the sum to (since I didn’t
actually sum with k going
all the way to infinity).

In “Coro-four” I show
a merging of two plots,
in the (zoomed-in) area
near y = 1 and just to
the right of the y-axis.

The redder and longer
coronal “fire” represents
the sum with k going from
1 to 64.
While the greener and
shorter coronal fire
represents the sum up to
k = 128.
(So, the top value reached
by k is indeed significant
in regards to the shape of
the coronal fire.)
The bluish arc represents
part of the circumference
of the circle that is
centered on the origin
(located below the image)
and that has a radius = 1.

I suppose that every value
of f(theta, r) = z where r
is greater than 1, if k
actually had gone to
infinity, would diverge
(to infinity or to no
value at all), since the
sum diverges when r is
greater than 1.
(And with the coloring
scheme, if k actually was
summed to infinity, then
all beyond the unit circle
would be black — there
would be no coronal fire
at all. Boring.)

And I suppose the infinite-
sum must converge to a
finite value for every r
less than 1.
(And these values are less
boring, since they, taken
together, form a fractal.)

However, for every r equal
exactly to 1 — the points
along the circumference of
the unit-circle — the sum
would, if the sum went to
k = infinity, either go to
infinity or converge to a
finite value in a fractal
manner depending upon the
value of theta.

If theta*4/pi is a fraction
with an even numerator and
an odd denominator, then
the sum should diverge to
But, I think, if theta*4/pi
is a fraction with an odd
numerator and either odd or
even denominator, then the
sum should converge to a
finite value.
I am uncertain what happens
if theta*4/pi is irrational,
Uncertain about


And voids are no longer
prohibited, you’ll be
pleased (or horrified)
to know..

(Though they still remain
a bit.. prohibitive..)

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