Test-Pattern # 3.289868..

(^Its only randomness
might be inherent
in only its wrongness..)

Blog-post # 614:
(614 = 2 * 307.)

Three (inadequate)

In Night’s Pixel
In Nights Pixel
Radio-Screen Test-Pattern
Radio-Screen Test-Pattern

And regarding the image
“Coro-Null” from my
previous post:

Its alternative name
is “Ghost-Sun”.

Anagrams, 15:

The helix is spinning.
In night, pixels shine.

Transparent is..
Rain’s patterns.

patterns, hues:
The focus is

Life’s spiral:
A fire spills.

Shards were of..
Freer shadows.

We are descending
unto Hell’s hot fire.
As Lucifer does
enlighten down there.

As Muslims, Jews, and
Christians so cheated us.
Such satanism does damn
liars, witches, Jesus.

People twisted their
awe/sins into their
masters’ viral gods.
Most, as we, are
worshipping those
trite lies and
trite devils.

As our sadness/
Gashes, stains,
losers, and us.

We are forced
into sadness.
A node’s arcs’
ends were of it.

These notes
are sung so..
To hear tongues’

In lips, humanity
has revolved.

As sad angels’ tinsel:
A stained-glass lens.

Grids are to
enclose fractions..
.. Of a circle’s
integers and roots.



‘Forewent, is it?
Is it newer of?’


Hey, you know what the
Entertainment Industry
(including reality-TV,
etc) has, especially
these days, been using
to really increase the
social-standing of some
folks to a level that
is, in many cases, far
beyond what these folks
even at all deserve?

That Industry has been
using (and abusing)



(^And that Lens-Of-Lies
uses some very highly
distortional optics,

But, at least as for
Hollywood in-particular,
the above problem might
be somewhat solved if
American society was to
receive the emergency-
surgery it now needs.

That much-needed surgery
being a…

of course!..


(But the ER’s in Hollywood
are surely too overwhelmed
all the time with folks
there constantly getting
their emergency cosmetic-
surgeries, though!..
Sometimes they even have
to make the liposuction
patients wait for hours,
even, in triage while the
botox-patients are being
treated {sometimes at all
hours of the night, even}.
So sad.
And boob-jobs-gone-wrong
trauma-cases take up an
entire wing of the ER
unto just themselves.)


And I doubt it’s going
to really happen.
But if President Trump
actually indeed ends up
testifying under-oath…

(Oh, and He damn-well
has no problem at all
with swearing, alright,..
if not ever so solemnly,
exactly, though..)


“Put your hand on the
‘Mein Kampf’..”

“Uh, on the ‘Art Of
The Deal’, you say?”..

“Yes, on the Bible.”..


(^It’s funny because
He won’t be true..)

‘Jeers Of Toy’


‘The Sub(versive)liminals’

‘Shadows Of Shards’

‘Shards Of Shadows’

‘The Vice-Versa-Tiles’


‘The Illegal-Aryans’

‘Pablo Pi-Cat-sso And
The Salvador Doggies’

Song by Biomess:
(Or by whatever is their
name instead if “Biomess”
is already taken, which
it surely is.)

From their album:
“The Genocides Of March”.

Gentle Genocide

They had killed
the deficient
to be more efficient!
But now it’s sufficient
to just let us die..
but then don’t tell
us why.

No, don’t ever say why
they still have us die.
As for why we die,
it was their pride.
And, yes, we died
for their lies
they lied;
we died for that
that we defied
and of which we cried.
We, Jews and Gentiles,
we gently died, indeed,
not to be denied; yes,
we died, died for this,


For two players.

Start with an n-by-n grid
drawn on paper, where n
is an integer (which, I
suggest, is at least 6).

First, the players take
turns each labeling the
rows/columns with 1
through n.
Player 1 labels the rows.
Player 2 labels the
The players label the
rows/columns in order of
the numbers (1 on each
player’s first move, 2
on their second moves,
etc), but they label the
rows/columns in any order
that the players choose.

So, player 1 first labels
any row she chooses with
a 1; then player 2 labels
any column he chooses
with a 1 as well.
Next, player 1 labels any
row she chooses, other
than the row labeled 1,
with a 2; and player 2
labels any column he
chooses, other than the
column labeled 1, with a
And players continue this
way until each has labeled
the last un-labeled row/
column with the integer n.

So, the rows are then
labeled, in a manner
player 1 decided, with a
permutation of (1,2,3,..n).
And the columns too are
then labeled, in a manner
player 2 decided, with some
permutation of (1,2,3,..n).

Then next, one of the
players writes into each of
the grid’s squares the sum
of that square’s row-number
(as-per how player 1 had
labeled the rows) plus its
column-number (as-per how
player 2 had labeled the
columns), so that the grid
ends up being entirely
filled with all n^2 of such
sums, one sum per square.

And then part-2 of the game

Player 1 starts in the
upper-left square. Then
she draws a (vertical or
horizontal) line-segment
from this square into
either of the two adjoining
squares (directly to the
right or below on the first
move in-particular).
And she gets a point if
the two connected squares’
numbers (the two sums of
each squares row plus its
column) are coprime,
ie if the two integers/sums
have no common divisors
other than 1.
(For example, 12 and 25
are indeed coprime.
But 12 and 15 are not,
since 3 divides both.)

The players thereafter take
turns, each drawing a line-
segment from the square the
other player just crossed
over into.. and across the
dividing grid-line into any
adjacent and NOT-YET-VISITED
square that lies directly
either above, below, left
of, or right of (but not
diagonal to) the square that
the other player had just
most recently visited.

And (as on player 1’s first
move) on each player’s turn,
the player gets a point if
both of the newly-connected
integers are coprime to each

The chain of connected
grid-squares is to be
necessarily continued in
this manner until it is
impossible to extend it
(because the chain’s leading
end is “trapped” by already-
visited squares and/or by
the outer edge of the grid).

But the game isn’t over yet.
(Unless every square has
already been visited at this

The next player to move after
the chain has been trapped —
ie. the first player who
cannot continue the chain —
can start a new chain that
branches off of any already-
visited square he/she chooses
if adjacent to an as-yet-
unvisited square, and then
connect that already-visited
square to that as-yet-
unvisited square.
(And too, the player then
either gets a point or does
not, accordingly.)

Then the players must
continue this new chain for
as long as possible.
Then, again, a new chain is
started anew when (and only
when) necessary, springing
from any already-visited
square (which may be part
of any of the old chains).
And in-turn, even newer
chains spring from already-
visited squares whenever

And the game continues this
way, with chains branching
from older chains like a
tree, until all n^2 squares
are finally visited.

(It is indeed possible that
some “chains” will only be
1 square long.

And it is also possible
that a player might want to
intentionally cause, for
whatever strategic reason,
a particular chain to
become trapped.)

And the player who has
earned the most points at
game’s-end (when all the
n^2 squares have finally
been visited) is the


Two notes:
If doors are drawn (erased)
between the adjacently-
connected squares, instead
of the connected adjacent
squares being connected by
line-segments, then the
end-result of the game is
a maze.
(Draw two doors somewhere
in the grid’s outer wall,
too, so you can enter and
exit this maze.)

The n^2 number of integers
that appear as sums in the
grid-squares are the same
set of integer-sums and the
same numbers of occurrences
of these particular sums
for any grid that is of
a given n-by-n.

There always is:

One 2,
Two 3’s,
Three 4’s,
(n-1) number of n’s,
n number of (n+1)’s,

.. but then..
(n-1) number of (n+2)’s,
(n-2) number of (n+3)’s,
Three number of (2n-2)’s,
Two number of (2n-1)’s,
and one (2n).

(So, the maximum number
of occurrences of any
particular sum is always
n number of (n+1)’s.
And the minimum number of
those sums that occur is
always one 2 and one (2n).)



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