
(^Quite the hypocritical
we thus indeed have here.
But forget any of that,
because elsewhere in
this Distraction-World,
I have the following
amazing-ment for you all
to instead ponder and

Blog-post # 615:
(615 = 3 * 5 * 41.)

Four new art-inanimations:

Knots, Coincidences,
Or Etceteras
Knots, Coincidences, Or Etceteras
Meso-Atomic Palindrome
Meso-Atomic Palindrome

Anagrams, 22:

Our damn machines:
In each random sum.

A god has given
our machines their
hide therein,
in us.

Any surreal dream:
Numerals arrayed.


Your master does
shit on His slaves.
He so is a rudest,
most evil, horny ass.

We are sent towards
our Hell’s labyrinths.
Hatred was therein
stone-walls so blurry.

Evil Nazis are
solely damned here.
Any do dare ever lie
in Hell’s mazes.

As dim Nazis do weep.

All deaths:
Hell’s data.

Harshest lying
sadists doom
what is reality.
Nightmarish asses
do destroy it all
this way.

The world is
densely solid
and of spires.
Only this
weirdness’ folds
are lopsided.

As were slices.

Ovum plus sperm:
Lovers’ pump-sum.

Lust’s gore:
Vulvas do sin.
revolt us.

Faces and faces
are of knots.
Faker nodes so
affect a scan.

Entirety was as
a bulbous shred.
Any so is but what
blues/reds are.

Big cyan
foam, waves:
As a mess of
a billowing

Inside blossoms/
Noise becomes

All arcs/sines bend.
Clearness is bland.

Solely a spectrum
inside a crystal
clarity does spin
as all.

Circles, mandalas,
spheres arise
As their weirdness’
mechanical spirals.

I did seek concentric
rotations’ essence..
Inside knots,
coincidences, or


‘Spasm-regret faded
after germ saps.’

‘Some memos.’


As someone with OCD,..

The thought that I have
intrusive-thoughts has
indeed.. double-crossed
my mind..


(Yep, and too, I’m all..

So, how often are some
light-switches switched?

Sometimes indeed quite..



It’s ironic, though,
that most often
NOT at-ease are..


(Warning: May be upsetting
to some readers.)

If the ovum fails to be
fertilized by the sperm
penetrating it*, then
the ovum-sperm combo
has, I guess, been..



*(ie. The dastardly act
of ‘fertilcide’.)

Hey, if you lash a back
with just a spoon,..

then that.. backlash..

does thus.. lack bash!..


The Shit-House Effect:

Since people of CO2-lor
are immigrating to the
US all willy-nilly and
unchecked, as so claim
the theory’s proponents,
this inward migration
therefore causes a very
rapid rise in our
country’s political
temperature and overall
long-term climate,
which then in-turn leads
to a major and dangerous
rise in Naz-sea levels
throughout our nation.

And, in addition, this
effect also, as well,
is very much currently
in-evidence throughout
the world as a whole,
especially in Whiter
nations, nations where
there are currently
being documented and
seen first-hand many
-related cases of
upward-trending Naz-sea
level rises — where in
most such cases there is
now even being observed
some quite concerning
and quite significant
rises in these particular
nations’ average Naz-sea

the shithouse-effect
remains controversial,
and notably so amongst
As liberals in-particular,
even if they indeed still
acknowledge the rise in
their nation’s Naz-sea-
levels, tend to deny the
evidence that the effect
is actually people-of-
CO2lor-caused, opting
for an alternative theory
that Naz-sea-levels are
instead rising mostly
only due to historical,
somewhat-periodic, and
cycles in the overall
average amount of
societal/personal racism
as is often measurably
expressed by the vast
majority of White-people.

(And though I mentioned
the ‘evidence’ above^,
note that I did not,
however, mention at all
that bad _nasty_ term of
Nope, no evidence of
any ‘evil-dents baste’
statements regarding any
‘climb-mate chains’
herein! No sirree!)

Hey, which ethnic-culture is
it actually being the most
racist of all for Whites to
be appropriating, though?

of course!..


(With its cross-burnings,
slave-owning, lynchings,
genocide, Blackface-wearing,
immigrant-banning, etc, etc,
etc, etc, etc..
Yep, it best that any White
person go his/her own way
in life and dare not almost
ever at all appropriate even
his/her own race’s culture.
As that way lies madness..
AND badness..)


Doesn’t now look like any of
this banning will actually
happen, or not anyway to the
extent it should,.. but..

Hey, if some RussKKKies
can get banned for their

Maybe too, then, a Dope
should be banned for His


Well, a nuclear-exchange
would indeed literally
be a “trade-war”!

So, we _better_ charge a
REALLY STEEP tariff on all
those incoming missiles,
then, I guess!..

Finally (speaking of

“Hey, never mind that
glitzy and distracting
other side-show they’re
trying to lure all the
suckers to go see over

Oh, but you, however, must
come and see instead this
show here, the one and
only absolutely greatest
show on the entire face
of our Earth!

So, come and see it,
every man and woman and
child, each and every,
one and all!
Come and see the amazing,
the fantastic, the always
astonishing and sometimes
frightening sights and
sounds, most of which
never before have been
dared to be experienced
by man or woman or child,
or even by beast!

Yes, you must come inside,
then, to experience it all
here and now!
Yes, set your eyes, ears,
hearts, minds, and souls
upon what phantasmagoria
waits for you within!

Yes, come experience the
simultaneously knowable
and completely unknowable,
the never-before-seen
most-amazing spectacle
that could ever possibly
be glimpsed by any humble
mortals, the in-fact most-
amazing spectacle even to
have ever existed at all!,
.. the quite-unbelievable
but yet still quite-true
spectacle.. of

(Dramatic music..)..





PS: This might be my
last post ever. Today I had
some technical-problems
signing-in, which likely
will only get even worse.

And/or,.. maybe we all
might get nuked sometime
this week, is another
possible reason for the
end of all posting.

.. Speaking of having
some ‘technical-problems’..
(but when that technology
is, unfortunately, working
just as intended)..

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