A Tad Infinitum

Blog-post # 618:
(618 = 3 * 103 * 2.)

(And I’ve got to hurry up and
post today while the date is
still 2-22.
{Or 22-2 overseas.*}
Happy ‘222’,.. to you!..)

*{But now it’s already 23-2
overseas, though.}

Seven new art-inanimations:

Infinity Mod 16
Infinity Mod 16
As All Cosmic Syzygies
As All Cosmic Syzygies
Massive Latitudes
Massive Latitudes
As Cosmically Spun
As Cosmically Spun
Infinity Squared Mod 16
Infinity Squared Mod 16

I used math, to various degrees,
to make each of these seven
images above.

The top and bottom images could
instead have been called
“Forever (Squared)
Mod Four-Squared”.
(Not really about modulo 16,
technically though.
But mod 2 after multiplying
by 16, indeed however.
Oh, and hey, TOO,
16 = 2^(2^2),
and 2 2 2 is today’s date!..)

These two images are the next
two in my sequence of similar
recent (math-inspired) images
that includes “In Indeterminate
Void” and “Violent Optics”.
(From posts # 616 and # 612,


And the names of the second and
third images metaphorically
relate to…

The ‘Cog-mos’.


And the name “Infinitad” is
a neologism inspired by..

‘monad’, ‘dyad’, ‘triad’,
‘tetrad’,.. ‘INFINITAD’!..

Anagrams, 13:
(Warning, one a bit below
is kind-of dirty.)

Cogs are schematically
As all cosmic syzygies
created them.

As in knotted spirals:
A nil’s darkest points.

As cosmically spun:
A cyclops,
a nil’s sum.

As of mythical eclipses:
This cyclops is a female.

Inside Earth’s eclipses
or Earth’s flares is
Their spirals are designs
of this clearest shine.

Hatred does cast
us all into human loss.
As rudest Hells/

Whites are
evil devils.
As is Hell;
we revived it.

Turbulent and yet
lopsided shit:
That polluted
density is burned.

She is a
liberated woman.
Her labia was

Of ourselves:
Fools ever us.

As loud noises:
A sound so lies.

woven pieces are
Space-time ever was
as multidimensional.

Its cone.

(Warning, warning:
All the jokes today are
kind-of especially bad.
Warning, warning..)

A _strapless_ bra
can be for a guy who
sees a woman in one
quite the..

_lap-stress_ bra!..


I hear that many antacids

_chalk_-full of calcium..

(And copper?..)

Copper points gun at fleeing
suspect and yells,..

“Freeze, punk!”

Suspect then stops, turns,
and wisecracks,..

“Free spunk!?..
Ewww! Not from YOU, copper!
Hey, you couldn’t even pay
me to take your spunk –..
uh,.. off your hands, I
imagine — you copper!”..


(^Hey, don’t try this at
home, kids!
And _especially_ not at
all if you happen to be
non-White kids!)
(Warning, warning:
Next two puns might be
considered by some to
be a bit PI.
Warning, warning.)

News-anchorwomen are often
considered to be (by their
bosses at Fox, anyway)..



“Hey, fellow White person,
do you happen to know at all
why, amongst Black people,
collard-greens are such a
popular food?”

“No, no, no there, now now.
That question is politically-
incorrect and is even racist
for you to ask.
The proper and correct thing
to ask instead, though, is
why, amongst Black people,
are ‘greens-of-collard
such a popular food.”..


(^Sorry. Too PI?
Hopefully not. But I was
just so gosh-darn proud
of my punning to hide my
White-light under a bushel.)
Hyphens can sometimes make
all the difference…

Of course there are examples
such as:

“Deer-hunter”, one who hunts
versus “deer hunter”,
where (at least if the
absence of hyphen is very
much the writer’s intent,
anyway) it is the _deer_
who is the hunter..

But, too, it is kind of the
opposite of being a..


if the recovering substance-
abuser slips up and then
becomes a..



And, no, I don’t mean here
that it is the _substance_
that is the abuser..)


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