Spin’s Rotation: Transposition..

(.. Transposition:..
Rotation’s Spin..)

Blog-post # 620:
(620 = 2 * 5 * 31 * 2.)

Four new (or semi-new)

Therein, Into, Beyond Glassiness
Predetermined Chaos
Predetermined Chaos
As Do These Cobwebs
As Do These Cobwebs

(The bottom image is
the closest thing to a
selfie that you all
will ever get from me.
Consider it my official
{But sorry for the
low-rez, though.})

(A note is below about
“Predetermined Chaos”,
which is a puzzle of
sorts {if only sort of
so.. it’s.. of sorting}.)
Anagrams (23):

Chaotic symmetries:
They are cosmic mist.

Spin’s rotation:
(Rotation’s spin..)

is its one orb.

Destiny has random
pieces therein.
Any is chaos, then
is predetermined.

A god is
His one pyramid
does align.

Cosines had so
summed and rotated
inside shapes.
Each did spin as
does time, as does
roundness’ math.

Earth’s planetariums
use laser-colors:
Stellar/solar hues
arose in a spectrum.

Foci’s lenses were
such a spherical
Hollow shapes’
circumference is
as seen.

I held/climb/ascend
an abacus.
Such imbalances
did balance.

Masks are rotated
around our faces.
A dream does craft
a knot, a ruse,
or us.

As do these cobwebs
and the eyes of truth:
They focus to/between
Death’s/Hades’ orbs.

The embraces do..
.. Become hatred’s.

Fascist fuckers are
rising anew.
As we suffer in
sick racist anger.

Assholes’ stupidity
was as Lucifer’s.
His fascist pustules
do always rise.

We then will all die
for those sins of
this Ubermensch.
His meanest lewd fire
burns witches/fools
in hot Hell.

Trump was chosen;
then lies you dare
state stay lies.
Cum always easily
rises unto the top..
and sets there.

Ill chap.

We dumb
perverted fools:
Lewd bums do
forever pet.

Zero plaid.

.. Pry ears.

As gallows:
Laws’ goals.

Each mortal end,
smear, and lie:
Americans are
damned to Hell.

Our destiny’s
Atoms’ ruin
does nix entirety.


‘We fall as all, a few.’

‘To lay, groping nip:
Orgy a lot.’

‘Testes: A set set.’

‘Testis, it set.’

‘Sinister germ:
Regret sin is.’


“You hear about that brash
but in-fact cowardly spoon?”

“Yeah, it sure has quite
the.. bellowy yell!”..


Regarding President Trump’s
latest act of international..


But a tariff on STEALING,

would absolutely DEVASTATE

.. the Trump family!..

Regarding AG Sessions going
around threatening states
over both “sanctuary-cities”
and legal-pot*:

Hey, then. What this country
therefore really needs now
is a new…

SUCK-SESSIONS!-ist movement!!


Well, _someone_ is sure
Or, at the least, he sure
is.. SUCKING!..)

Whenever leaders have fallen,

then Their subjects (and other
leaders too) will surely soon



(Hey, don’t _you_ only
be yet just another..

Speaking of setting a..
low Bar..
(.. and of being fu-Bar..)

The whole of the Bar-exam
for public-defenders in-
particular must consist
of only a single yes/no
question, and maybe too
at-most one lengthy
followup “explain” essay-

Something along the lines,
surely, of,..

“Do any poor, non-White,
disabled, or otherwise
disenfranchised defendants
have, in-fact, ANY legal
rights even at all in the
United States of America?

And you _better_ say No,
and explain why it’s a
_good_ thing it’s so,
if into workin’ as a
public-defender is
where ya’ wanna go!..

But speaking of being

I suppose it’s ironic that
many of the disenfranchised
folks so often need to eat
at fast-food..

Speaking of

(Hey, forget “metrosexuals”.)

Men who are heterosexual,
but yet who’re pro-women’s-
rights and women-respecting
and who are sickeningly
liberal and non-macho
sissies.. tend to be…

(Let’s be honest, now now..)


(Even) Stupider jokes:
(Because it’s time to shift
gears a bit.. to the gear
of ‘unwind’…)

A domed botanical-garden
is the..



The one-room school-house
is indeed quite..



(Unless it’s been set up
in a massive warehouse
or something tragically
(Some slam-dance poetry..)

This death of innocents
is the death of innocence,
is a death of inner sense,
But in-essence our nonsense
makes no such sense..
‘Cause it solely takes,
yet it makes..
just unjust mistakes,..
yes,.. it only makes
just _our_ mistakes.

Yes, it takes so much
that we’ve got at-stake.
And we’re burning
at that stake
— well done! —
in a mistaken but taken
burning fire sensed
by each and everyone, in
this burning hellish fire
of each and every gun.

(Bad) Band-names:

‘The Phantasmosexuals’

‘The Idioeccentricrazies’



‘John Deuce And
The Yellow-Livers’**



‘The Yellow-Bellied
on backup bagpipes
{which are yellow,
of course}.)

*(Rocky-Flats allusion.
{Rocky-Flats, you ask?
That’s whence came the
glowing.. flocky-rats,
of course..})
A note about “Predetermined
Chaos”, which is a puzzle
of sorts:

The patterns of little
colored blocks is repeated
and rotated for each
quadrant, of course.
So let us consider, for
simplicity, just the
upper-left (black
background) quadrant.

There are four different
colors of blocks.
And there are 6 groups of
colored blocks, starting
with the arbitrary “seed”*
group of four blocks, one
of each color, at the far
right (of the upper-left
quadrant) just above the
quadrant’s center.

*(Starting with another
seed generates another
differently shaped
block-group collection,
maybe even completely
different with just a
slight change in the
seed group arrangement.)

Below the seed group in
the upper-left quadrant
is the second group, and
below that is the third
Then the 4th group is
nearest the top of the
upper-left quadrant, and
the 5th group is below
that. And the 6th group
is furthest to the
lower-left of the
upper-left quadrant.

Each of the six groups is
larger than the previous.
It is easier to see which
blocks belong to which
groups when you realize
that each group (whose
blocks are not all
necessarily contiguous)
is symmetrically shaped/
(A group of blocks looks
the same in shape*, if
not in color, after
flipping 180 degrees.)

*(As too do a group’s
internal boundaries
between different colors
of blocks look the same
after flipping, if not
the colors themselves.)

A simple set of rules
recursively generates
the growing collection
of blocks, starting with
the arbitrary seed-
I think this rule could
be used repeatedly so to
have the group grow
larger and larger, as
large as is desired.
But yet still, not EVERY
square of the grid will
eventually contain a
colored block.

(For one such block-less
square, the center square
of any block-group will
always remain empty,
unless the rules are
tweaked a little.
I haven’t thought at all,
though, about which other
squares, if any, would
forever remain empty.)

I do basically the same
simply-described thing
(sort of the same, but
different.. — the
different rules are
symmetrically related,
however, and are not too
arbitrary) to each color
in-turn, creating 4 new
blocks of each color
(and 16 new blocks
overall) for each new
group of blocks.

And each group of blocks
contains the previous
block-group at its center.

Can you guess the set of

Here to make the rules,
not to follow them..


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