Nose, Weirder, In Spots

(Next on your local

The root of all E/m’s,
From c to shining c..
.. REALLY quickly..)

But in other news,
science, and
(and hilarity)..

Blog-post # 622:
(622 = 2 * 311.)

Five (and a half) new

In Coronal Pulses
In Coronal Pulses
Paradox Else Does
Paradox Else Does
Wilted Fire
Wilted Fire
Coronal Fire
Coronal Fire

(Yeah, I reused the
“Extraterrarium” image to
make “In Coronal Pulses”.)

(And a note regarding the
image “Paradox Else Does” is
at the end of this post.)
Anagrams (25):

Solar-flares have
been hot, not white.
Those rainbows fell
to Earth/Heaven.

With the stars’
Sun-spots will
reach to Earth.

Of solar cinders
yet ours,..
Coronal fire
destroys us.

Our destiny stirs.
It ruins/destroys.

Wilted fire fades so.
As flowers defied it.

A blossom’s
true ruin:
Moisture also

The fire has risen,
was knotted
but was bent.
It burnt of what
is between heat’s

Hot voids/suns
are eternal.
Heaven’s ruin/rot
does last.

As odd planets,
suns, rings:
Glass spins and
does turn.

In a demon’s lenses,
gears, circuits:
Asses’ electronics
are minding us.

Globes were auras.
Below us are gears.

A shell is spinning,
is curled again,..
.. Aligning spirals
and helices in us.

Helices do dare turn,
as our own selves do
turn anew.
Roundest carousels
and ovals were wound

Of space’s
clear tower:
Spectra were
so focal.

This dense swirling
Thinness is inside
wrong lengths.

Thin clarity was
hidden beyond us.
Any such odd reality
bends within.

Arcs create
inside them.
Their crescent is
as tangled, is as

Logarithms, meshes,
Math is of these
grid-lines’ sum.

Entirety’s energy
is divided via
mathematics’ art.
As each derivative
did integrate in
its symmetry.

Dare explode as so:
Paradox else does.

Sarcasm’s ire cast..
.. Racist massacres.

Our biases render
hate’s racialness.
As liars and their
ruses are obscene.

Hate’s racist
ghouls rise.
This slaughter
is coarse.

As hate or
as butterflies:
Beasts are of
a truth’s lie.

In its parody:
A point is dry.


Dreaming is simply when
the mind has opened
another browser-window..


We sure have, these days,
been.. spoon-fed.. a huge
load of total..
by the..


A phrase to someday be
confronting.. Someone..

‘Abandon all Trump-properties,
Ye who enter here!’..

Speaking of^..

America these days must be
where angels fear to tread,
because it’s definitely

Rush-ins fool!..


But in “other” news from
these here parts..

Now days existing in a
constant state of..



^(Thanks in-large-part to..

the ‘Inner-Ray’,..

which is, ironically,
NOT so.. in-lightening..)

Political cartoon:

Caption at top:
‘Maybe political-contributions
aren’t the ONLY reason that
US politicians serve the NRA.’

Image is of a politician
speaking before an NRA event.

But behind him stands a man,
the NRA-personified, pointing
a rifle at the politician.

And the NRA-man is saying,..

“Don’t doubt our commitment
and focus, Congressman.
Oh,.. we’ve got your back.”..


The gun-nuts’ version of
what Prescott had said
at Bunker Hill:

“Shoot first,..
see the whites of
their eyes later!”..


(But a bit less silly,

The cop-version of what
Prescott had said:

“Don’t shoot.. until you
see the non-Whiteness of
their skin!”..)

More silliness involving
the Red-Coats (versus,
ironically, the Reds)..

Regarding Britain expelling
those diplomats:..

They probably told Britain,..

“Well, fine then, we’ll
leave. But, hey, though,
we’ll be going to, and
enjoying ourselves in,..

Oo,.. OUCH!..

Speaking of murder-related

Murder-mystery movie-scene
parody-skit (which might
be highly unoriginal):

An ensemble cast of characters
is stranded together in the
mansion of the wealthy murder-
victim, being stranded there
because a severe storm has
washed out the road and

“Well, the murderer could
have plausibly been any one
of us here, honestly.
For we all, each and every
one of us, had our own
personal reasons for wanting
to have seen Malcolm dead.”

(Awkward silence {aside from
some thunderclaps, of course}
as the characters look with
suspicion around the room
at each other, wondering
which one of them was the
one who is capable of..
committing.. _murder_..)

Then one lone voice:..

“Uhh,.. hey, since we all
wanted him dead anyway,..
uh,.. um.. Soooo,…
what’s even the problem,

Other character:

“Yeah, right. Oh, that’s
it. No I remember. _I_
killed him, turns out!”

And another,..

“Hey, thanks!..
.. Oh, but yeah,.. it
was really _I_ who killed
him, though!”

Yet another:

“No, _I_ killed him, see!
And I gots him good, too,
I tells ya’!”

And still another:..

“Wait, but _I_ killed him!”

And the last of the group:

“No, you’re all liars!
The murderer was _I_,
in-fact! _I_!”..

Then someone points out..

“Well, either way, what’s
truly important is that..
we’re in this mansion here,
Malcolm’s dead,.. plus too,
we have control of his
assets and, an even more
immediate plus, we’ve also
got access to his booze.
Soooo, then,…
Hey, let’s all party!”

“Party! Party! Party!..”

And so on..


There might be some problems
with the legitimacy of the
“marshmallow-test” from

For instance, perhaps this
was the deal..

Psychologist reenters the
room to see that the kid
has indeed eaten the
marshmallow, and goes
to the kid,..

“You BAD little brat!
How DARE you have eaten
it! Now you will get NO
MORE marshmallows, you
stupid LOSER!”..

(Then next, maybe the
researcher physically
smacks the kid a bit,
as well too.
Just because,.. even
the psychology-lab is
life, is why.)

The kid then grows up
to be a no-good loser,
_just_ as the researcher
(smuggly) knew he would.


But.. what if, instead,..
(The kid in this latter
case being richer and
Whiter than the first
kid was..)

“Well, you went ahead
and ate the marshmallow,
I see. Hey, way to take
initiative there, son!
And since you’re such an
obviously intelligent
go-getter, plus you’re
so adorable to-boot,
I’ll just go ahead and
give you those two
additional marshmallows
anyway. Or, hey, take
the entire bag of
marshmallows, if you
like! You’ve definitely
earned them, you winner,

Then the kid grows up
someday to be, say,..

And I was going to joke
that He had grown up to
be President Trump in
But, alas, no. President
Trump has never ever
grown up, though, is
the problem there..

However, say the kid does
indeed non-grow-up to
be President Trump,..
then He’d be going
around boasting still to
this day how He got TWO
marshmallows, ’cause He’s
a WINNER, see, while all
the LOSERS, on the other
hand, have only gotten
ONE marshmallow each,
even if we losers had
passed the marshmallow-
test as youngsters with

“Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah!”..


(But,.. I haven’t the
heart to tell Him,
though, that _I too_
— even though I am a
loser who surely would
_not_ had passed the
marshmallow-test even
at all as a youngster
if I had taken it —
have myself, along with
Trump too, gotten TWO
whole marshmallows,..

and too, I’ve even
gotten _two_ scoops of
ice-cream, believe it
or not..
Shhh, though..)


‘Marshmallow-Test Fail-Boy’

‘The Locorhythms’

‘The Intelligentlemen’

‘Doctors Without Boundaries’


“Hey, where is it that
the mice strow?”

“In the orchestra-pit,
of course!”..


I saw the saucy sage
at the seance;
she said,..

“If there’s some sausage
in that sage-sauce,
then surely also so
there’s some sage-sauce
on that sausage.”..



(Speaking of deep thoughts..)

Finally, regarding the image
“Paradox Else Does” above
and the simplified version
below, “What It Does Also”:

In each image, the circles’
radii and too the distances
from the center of the
vertical edges and of the
horizontal edges are all
in-proportion to the
squareroots of the logarithms
of the positive integers.

Therefore, each intersection
of a horizontal and vertical
edge falls exactly on a
That is because, if the two
shorter sides of a right-
triangle have lengths of
the squareroot of ln(m)
and the squareroot of
ln(n), then the hypotenuse
has a length of squareroot
of ln(m*n).

Which also means,..
that, in the plus/plus
quadrant, anyway, the
mth edge from the center
and the nth edge from
the center, with the x
and y axes representing
edges m = 1 and n = 1,
intersect on the edge of
circle number (m*n), if
the first “circle” is
considered the central
point (it having a radii
equal to 0).

So the image is, basically
in a way, a Pythagorean-
based radial slide-rule.

The simplified version:

What It Does Also
What It Does Also



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