Postmodern Predestiny

Blog-post # 623:
(623 = 7 * 89.)

Four new art-inanimations:

Convoluted Sundial
Convoluted Sundial
Oscillating Like Funnels
Oscillating Like Funnels

Regarding the name:

This is a portmanteau
between “pellucid”
(which means
‘transparent’) and

And, yes, the image is
based on the same math
as is “Paradox Else Does”
from my previous post.
(Plus a little bit of
some other math.)


Hey, it’s propellers
.. all the way around!..

Anagrams, 24:

Funnels so oscillate.
.. Into all lenses’ focus.

Dim cyan:

Least brightest shadows
became random.
These almost are cobwebs,
grids, and math.

As nouns so hemispherical:
Each is amorphousness’ nil.

This rind is a peel..
Inside the spiral.

Flat arc.

A time-fractal.
A flat time-arc.

Ringed holes, cages,..
Helices and/or eggs:
Else reaching gods.
Cold energies gash.
Gored sins each gel.

Therein these very-circular
circular shapes:
Clear yet spherical
curves/hierarchies turn.

Obelisks, arcs..
.. Rise as blocks.

.. Lob skies.

Spheres and cones
spiraled in us to pi.
Helices, points,
roundness disappear.

Convoluted sundials
are of shadows.
Ovals’/cones’ radius
does unfold/thaw.

Radii’s calculus arranges,..
As circular sundial-gears.

Surreal beings or stars,
each as insane as us, had
Such earths, suns, galaxies,
seeds, and brains are to

Snug rich.
Such grin.

God’s hellishly
In sin and lies:
Evangelical Christianity’s

A sicker absurd Hell:
Such killers are bad.

Our polls mandated fascism —
A scam of Donald Trump’s lies.

Manly pole:
Only ample.

Shields were
protruding forwards.
Inert grips held
rude swords of war.


In madness’ data:
Satan is damned.

Human destination:
The damnation in us.

Non-permutational anagram:

Asinine, very thin gas:
A sin in everything as.


‘Fresh sash, serf?’

‘”Did past rot?”
“No. Contort, sap did.”‘

‘Nostril flirts on.’

‘Sane poem:
A sesame-open as.’


Where does a pod of
killer-whales make
music in-unison?

In an.. ‘orca-stra’,
of course!


Why is the appetizer-
dispensing vending-machine
not working?

Because it’s out of..



My main goal in life anymore
is just to get out of living-
my-life alive!..

(That’d be nice..)

Stormy the strumpet..
petted Trump’s pet trumpet!

She was even tootin’
like Putin, who too likes
to toot but then smite
Trump’s mighty pet trumpet
at night.

And Putin’s pet strumpets
too be pettin’ and peein’
upon (and then gettin’ wet)
Prez Trump’s pet trumpet.

Though Prez Trump is smitten
with both Putin and Clinton.
And He’s in-fact a shill,
and even still, for Hill.
Though not as much as are
His shrill swill-filled
GOP party’s pill-poppers
up on Capital Hill still
the shills for HIS thrill
if not for His ill-skill —
poppin’ their Godly pills
they’re pushin’ like Putin,
getting their fixin’
just like with Nixon,
just as unjustly lusty
as with that ex-Prez,
Bill Clinton.

But still, Prez Trump’s
such a shill, if silently,
for Hill, that He’s still
so even more so
than ever has been so Hill
for her has-been-Prez Bill.

But Bill had his own fill
of tootin’ and pettin’
his pet trumpet which not he
(if did indeed once Hillary
and strumpets like Lewinsky)
did inhale (and eagerly).

But seriously,..

Though in Hell are all we
for daring not to be free,
despite a spite so angry,
despite this furious fight
for our killed free-will,
and for truth and justice
ever wronged constantly
but never once wrong..
It’s this, a failed fight
(against the farthest
of the furthest Far-Right)
by Hill, by you, by me,
and too tacitly by she,..
she, the Whore of Babylon,
.. ie. Stormy.

But yet it is we, see,
who’ve all been dirtily
(and nastily)
tootin’ (like Putin)
the unlikely (un)likes
of Prez Trump’s pet trumpet.
As it’s WE who’re strumpets
and who’ve been inhalin’
our own fascist failin’ —
oh, and never mind Palin
(who’s been yet one more
Trumpian Babylonian whore).

Yes, Stormy the strumpet..
petted Trump’s pet trumpet.
But she beats such a Beast
in the least, in His haste,
in His hate.

Yes, this is quite a mix,
our siX-siX-siX-rated fate,
this sick and sticky
messy messianic wait,
a wait for our master,
for our baited fate,
our faked fate that’s
what’s been makin’…

— as it’s been mistakin’,
and They’ve been fakin’
(but we’ve been takin’) —

‘Merica just so (if not so)
really.. DAMN.. great!..


Forget the “School-to-prison

With all the school-shootings,
now days, even worse and even
more so, it’s becoming the..

School-to-cemetery pipeline!


Whenever a White American guy
shoots up a crowd of innocent
Americans, we should be
asking which of these two
possibilities is so..

Did the shooter have direct
ties to the domestic
terr’rism organization the


Had the shooter simply been
“inspired” by the domestic
terr’rism organization the

terrorist yells as he
shoots up a crowd,..



But forget “Making ‘Merica
akbar again”..

What would be even better and
REAL nice right now is to..

make America safe even at all
from total annihilation again!

In that^ regard..

Hey, an international
“Kumbayah” is sure a
whole lot better than
an international..



Forget Kim.

Trump too has His own

ie. John Bolton*,
that is!..

(And even worse, he’s
a nuclear-OVERreactor!..)




And forget gerrymandering
basically stealing the US
election in-favor of the

What might end up being
even more of a threat to
the election’s integrity



‘The Fluid-Drynamics’

‘Oscillating Like Funnels’


A bit of a gear-shift..


Take a 6-by-6 grid.

Write the integers 1 through 12
in some order along the top and
left side of the grid so as to
number the columns and rows with
a different integer for each
(Each of the 12 integers will be
used exactly once.
Six of the integers — you
choose which six — will be
along the grid’s top, numbering
the columns.
And the other six integers,
different than the first six,
will be along the grid’s side,
numbering the rows.)

Then write in each of the grid-
squares the product of its
row-number times its column-

The goal is to find a way to
divvy up the integers between
the set of row numbers and the
set of column numbers so as to
try to minimize the number of
products that appear in the
grid more than once (ie. to
try to maximize the number of
products that each appear only

(The arrangement of the
integers along the top of the
grid, numbering the columns,
or along the side of the grid,
numbering the rows, is
All that matters is which six
integers number rows and which
six integers number columns.)

(With the integers divvied
up without any attempt to
get a good score.
Leading 0’s are just for

/// 01 04 07 10 11 12
2 | 02 08 14 20 22 24
3 | 03 12 21 30 33 36
5 | 05 20 35 50 55 60
6 | 06 24 42 60 66 72
8 | 08 32 56 80 88 96
9 | 09 36 63 90 99 108

8, 20, 24, 36, and 60 each
occur twice.
So there are 26 = 36 – 5*2
unique products.
(Unless I counted wrong.)

However, I myself have been
unable to find a perfect grid,
a grid where every product is
The best I can do so far is
only one pair of two identical
(34 unique products, and two
products equal to each other.)

There are at least two
(partial, optimal??) solutions
with only one identical pair,
but they are identical to each
other except that two integers
are interchanged (from
labeling a row to labeling a
column, and vice-versa).

I suspect that there is no
perfect solution, with all
36 products being unique.
But I haven’t proved this.

Though I also suspect, given
my attempts at this, that
proving there is no perfect
solution would actually be
easier to do than finding a
perfect solution.. even if
there indeed _is_ a perfect

But FINALLY, and seriously,
very VERY seriously:

The M.A.D. strategies of
decades past are thrown
completely out the window
(or.. launched out the silo)
when talking about, as Trump
and Bolton are, PREEMPTIVE

Now the calculus of our
enemies,.. and too in-turn
that of ourselves in-
anticipation of our enemies’
own altered strategies,
dangerously shifts more
towards, maybe much more,
their having the perceived
need to _preemptively attack
us_, indeed possibly even
with nuclear-weapons, before
we attack them.

They may not prefer that
option, because we will
respond harshly.
But they may feel they
have nothing anymore to

And, furthermore, if we
reason they are feeling
this way (due to our own
initial provocation in
the first place, but
never mind), then _we_
will be even more likely
to attack first.

And then in-turn, _they_
may reason they need to
attack first because of
what we might be planning
in-response to what they
might be planning in-
response to our own
stated plans for

On and on, around and
around, more and more
a likelihood of an attack,
.. until someone _really_
does indeed attack!..


But, hey, a fun neologism,
though, regarding the



(And I, as we are all, am..


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