Mazes Revealed Yet Unsolved

(.. But easy to solve.
.. And yet hard to reveal..)

Blog-post # 625:
(625 = 5 * 5 * 5 * 5.)

Three new art-images:

It Then Is Linear
Via Trigonometry
It Then Is Linear Via Trigonometry

The top image represents the
maze generated via my secret
maze-generating algorithm
when taken out farther than
in the image I posted in
my previous post.
(I quit generating it after
an arbitrary number of moves.
But it could have gone out
And, oh, I may have made a

See below for the answer
revealing what that algorithm


The final image is an easy

I first took the even-easier
maze I generated via the
simple maze-generating
(The silver paths of the
top image.)

Then I took this symmetric-
but-simple maze and turned
both the walls and the paths
into paths, with the old
boundaries between walls and
paths becoming the new walls.

And then to try to make it a
more interesting maze, I took
the liberty of introducing a
few.. asymmetries as I
arbitrarily saw fit.

Anagrams, 16:

Therein gravity’s
inertial motion:
It then is linear
via trigonometry.

Round spherical shapes
twisted around.
Thunder is as
perpendicular to

Of our surrealism’s
dimensional collapse:
As nil arose, one
colorful spiral is

Of shredded ellipses:
Spheres else did fold.

A droplet’s scene in us:
As inert pulsed cones.

A spherical butterfly
was of spinning designs.
The surreal wings’/fins’
flapping is cast beyond.

Colors yet form
in some mazes..
.. Of more-so
symmetrical zones.

Pointed shards of
all coincidences..
.. Do spin in the
creased conical folds.

A space shook/filled.
Fake loops each slid.
All of each so spiked.
Of oil’s lacked shape.

Of devils, angels,
witches, and/or women:
As do a demon’s, their
cloven-wings flew.

All the rude, fascist,
and racist men do puke.
Stupid satanic fuckers
are damned to Hell.

These nasty
They are stupidest racist
satanic shits in a
moronic herd.

A hellish stupid racist
unstable madman has
Trump is to blunder
and scam. He is as ill
as His sad hatred.

These trillion rude
Our lies cast us
into red-hot Hell.

Once, killing was sin.
Now, all is sickening.

Spices are..
.. As recipes.


‘Art-name mantra.’

‘Art-name meme-mantra.’


As for my weight,..

I guess I’ve really got
to take it down a nosh..


“That major hard-rock band’s
tour, I heard, has a lot of

“A lot in ten cities,
you say?”


(“Oh, so you’ve been to hear
them already, I gather.”
“Uh, what!?”)


Some people are such..

herd-core conformists.


Stigmata are a..
Christ-stain concept..


“Hey, digging up that buried
cursed artifact will literally
destroy the entire planet!
So then, it _better_ not
ever be.. UNEARTHED!”


Putin is not just some
tin-pot dictator.

Oh, no, he’s much more of
a.. GOLD-pot (or even
PLATINUM-pot) dictator!..


(But Trump is more of a
chamber-pot dictator,

Donald Trump, it turns out,
has in-fact been quite the..

FAKE-estate developer!..


even more like it..)

Political corruption can
sure lead to quite the..


of ill-gotten gains,


Now days it’s all EFT-up..

Everyone For Themselves!..

And, finally,..
(Uh, maybe even _finally_
for-real, with nukes
and stuff..)

The answer to the maze-
generating algorithm puzzle:







(Actually, it’s a Hell lot
more complicated to try to
explain this than I thought
it would be.)

Take a grid (preferably of
infinite size, if you decide
to make a REALLY big maze..),
and start by having a square
of the grid be the initial
room of the maze.

Place two “doors” in the
exterior wall of this room,
each in the opposite wall
than is the other door.

And draw two new maze-rooms
each in one of the two empty
grid-squares next to the
initial maze-room so that
each new room is connected
to the first room via one of
the two doors.
So you should now have three
maze-rooms in a row (making,
so far, a maze-path that is
simply a 3-by-1 rectangle).

Okay, now things get

The maze is generated in moves
from whatever has been so-far
generated by adding to the
maze two new maze-rooms and
two new doors (one per room
each door connecting a new
room to the older part of the
maze) on every move.

These two new maze-rooms
happen to be symmetrically
placed relative to each other
so that if you are to rotate
the maze by 180 degrees about
the initial maze-room, the
maze would look the same.

Now, when you draw a new door
and maze-room, you are doing
so such that you enter the
new room from the older part
of the maze in a direction of
either right, down, left, or
And the other maze-room is
drawn on the same move so
that you enter it in the
opposite direction as you
enter the other room that
is generated on that move.

But after you draw a door
and maze-room, for the next
pair of doors and maze-rooms
you shift each respective
direction by 90 degrees

(Obviously, both new maze-
rooms’ directions will still
remain at 180 degrees from
each other even after the
shift; and the directions
remain in-opposition during
every move of the maze’s

However — important caveat
— you are only allowed to
generate a new maze-room in
an empty grid-square where
the maze has not yet been
generated within it.
And, oftentimes, the grid-
square just to the right of
the older door, which is
where you would have put
the newest room if you
could have, happens to
already be occupied by a

So, the algorithm states
that you go in whichever
direction — right, down,
left, or up; ie. 90 degrees
clockwise from the previous
direction for the respective
square — from the just-
previously generated maze-
room.. and skip over any
intervening already-generated
maze-rooms until you first
come to an empty grid-square.

Then, since this empty
grid-square should be right
next the maze as generated
so far, you put a new maze-
room in that empty grid-square,
and you put a door into that
room as to pass through the
maze’s exterior wall (exterior,
as generated so-far).

And, if two or more older
maze-rooms abut this newest
room, the new door is placed
in the new room’s wall that
is closest to the maze-room
that precedes the newest room
(in the same one of the two
growing chains of rooms), so
that you enter the newest
room from the direction of
the previous room’s location
(if not necessarily from the
previous room per-se).

And, keep in mind, there are
TWO new rooms added each move,
which are added in opposite
directions so that the maze
grows in two opposite
directions at once.
And so you have two growing
separate but opposite chains,
each (which considering a
single chain alone) of
adjacent rooms.

And best be careful, if
generating the maze by hand,
that you keep track of which
chain you are having the new
room generate from.
Or otherwise you might wrongly
have the new room grow from the
end of chain A, say, but in the
direction of chain B (which is
the opposite direction you
should be going).

First few moves:
* is initial square.
One chain is numbers.
The other is letters.
(-‘s are for formatting.)

– – 4 – –
b – c – –
a – * – 1
– – 3 – 2
– – d – –

Notice how each of 4 and d is
physically disconnected from
the first 3 squares of its
own chain.



I’m not sure if necessarily
every grid-square eventually
becomes part of the maze
even if the maze is extended

It seems the exact overall
pattern never repeats, but
I am unsure.

And it too is maybe possible,
but I think unlikely, that
after some number of moves,
the maze-generation starts
doing some possibly-dumb/
simple thing repeatedly



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