
(.. But fringy foolish..)

Blog-post # 626:
(626 = 2 * 313.)

Five new art-inanimations:

A Scenic Desire
A Scenic Desire
Of Cumuli
Of Cumuli
Those Things As It
Those Things As It
Pulses/Forms Are Woven
Pulses/Forms Are Woven

Math indeed was involved in
the creation of these images,
but I forgot exactly how so.


Note regarding “Symmmazetry”:

This is not the exact same
image as simply just a B&W
version of my recently-posted
more-colorful image
“Symmazetry” (two m’s).
But this image (three m’s)
was created similarly.

The layout of the larger paths
(as too in “Symmazetry”)
was derived via my algorithm.
And I had taken that and also
made the bit-harder (but still
easy) maze I posted in my
most-recent blog-post.

This “maze” however can be
solved simply by going
basically diagonally from
the upper-left to the lower-
right, the main shortfall of
my algorithm.

But this B&W image here still
should be good for coloring
(by kid or adult), anyway..

Anagrams, 15:

All solar suns were
of the galactic shine.
Each night was lit as
are colorful lenses.

As iridescence:
A scenic desire.

The War To End.. Us All:
A rude stat: Hell won.

.. Rains.

Data-rape has
us losers.
All our dead souls
are trapped in schemes.

Correct or justified,
unsure of the data:
Our conjecture differed,
as a truth is to.


This of a truth’s
tilted design:
Those things as it
did flutter.

Whites’ cruel anger:
A still-warm evil.
We all will ever
remain racist thugs.

Whites craved
shame’s stain.
We have this
racist madness.


A horrible wad.

As lies, noise
was shouted.
This is a sound
we also see.

Pulses/forms are woven.
Flower-vases spun more.

Thin lines converge
to that design.
Those vertices tangled
in nothing.

The steamed artichoke
is as was that.
This we soak, char, made.
Eat, taste this.


‘Sting, nude dung-nits.’

‘Sag, nude-dung as.’


“Hey, you hear how the
actor and actress playing
Romeo and Juliet are
serious Christians?”

“Yeah, they’re indeed
quite the.. cross-lover


Some presidents are

Yet some presidents
are just steamed..


(And, yep, some presidents
just need to be steamed..)


But President Trump is not
a racist, though.. Oh, no.

For instance, there indeed
are, despite all logic and
reality and whatever else
too that liberals say,
enemy-armies from Latin
America amassing just south
of the US border, see,..
waiting to invade us and
take our American freedoms
away, see..

But even with Trump The
Great’s Great Trumping Wall
(the GTW), though, those
foreign-skinned enemy-armies
will surely instead simply
just invade us from the sea
and from Canada, watch out..

And so,..

Military advisor:
“One if by Mexico,
two if by…”

“Whoa, whoa, wait a second
there, fella. Me can’t
count that bigly!”..

(Hence the focus mostly
only being on the wall
along the _Mexican_
border, see..)

Since we’re all now these
days apparently only a
bunch of stupid immature
trash-talking idiots,
here then is a warning
hopefully at least some
of us can maybe even
understand at all:

Hey, man,
you better watch out.
Because fascism now days
sure as Hell is _really_
spreading,.. and is so
_even_ almost as far and
wide and as quick..

as is…



If you have a case of
horrible diarrhea, then
you _better_ have plenty
of toilet-paper..


(You ever notice..)

Parents tell their kids,

“We had to send our pet
to a,.. uh,.. um,..

But then decades later,
those now-grown kids
tell their own kids,..

“We had to send your
grandparents to a,..
uh,.. um,.. ‘home’.”..


(It seems very likely
that I have heard/read
this^ and previous joke
somewhere before.)

Who odds it out?

The even man out!

And what is it that
that even man does
odd out?

The evens!..


‘The Odd E-O’s’

‘The Id I Ate’

‘Fringy Benji and
the Edgy-Wisemen’


We’re not in-fact
social-media ‘users’
as much as we are..




This game combines a few
of my earlier games.

For 2 players.

First, draw an n-by-n grid
on paper, where n is some
odd positive integer.
(I suggest an n of at least
12 or more, maybe a lot
more. But the n should be
finite, meaning that the
resulting “maze” shouldn’t
be allowed to grow
arbitrarily large in any

Either player then fills-in
the centermost square of
the grid.

The game begins with one
player filling in the square
immediately to the left of
this central square, and
then the other player
filling in the square
immediately to the right of
this central square.
(So, to start, there should
be a 3-by-1 filled-in
rectangle in the center of
the grid.)

Thereafter, players take
turns filling in empty
grid-squuares, one empty
grid-square per each
player’s move.

There are a few caveats..

The square a player fills-in
must be directly to the right
or left, based on the
direction that that player
most recently moved, of the
square that that same player
most previously filled-in.

So, in other words, a player
fills-in a square in the same
row as his/her most-recently-
filled-in square, and then on
his/her next move fills-in a
square in the same column as
his/her most-recently-filled-
in square. Then in the same
row, then the same column,
then the same row, then the
same column,.. etc.

(And both players’ first move
is in the same row, which
forms the 3-by-1 rectangle.
So next they move vertically,
filling in a square in the
same column. But.. they each
will only have two choices
for their second move, just
above or just below their
own first filled-in square,

But a player can’t just move
to any empty square she/he
chooses in the same row or
same column.

The player must fill-in the
empty square (in whichever
of the two allowed directions
that the player chooses, left
or right) that necessarily is
the first _empty_ square
encountered if traveling in
the chosen direction from the
square that that same player
most-recently had filled in.

(Thus, each player only has
at-most two possible empty
squares to choose from on
any single move.

And a newly-filled-in square
might possibly be adjacent to
the square that that player
filled-in in her/his most-
recent previous move.

It inevitably will always be
immediately next to _some_
previously-filled-in square
or squares {filled-in by
either player}, in any case.)

And so, every time a player
“passes over” at least one
already-filled-in square
before “landing on” the
first empty square
encountered in the particular
row/column, the number* of
passed-over filled-in squares
is added to the player’s

*(Which is 1 fewer than the
number of squares traversed.)

The game continues until a
player can’t move any more
because the squares of the
row or column he/she must
move within are already all
filled-in from one side of
the grid to the opposite

Then the player with the
largest score is the winner.



1) Players must stay within
the grid.

2) If, instead of filling in
the squares, players make
“rooms”, with a door erased
in the exterior wall that
leads into the new room,
then a maze is formed.
(Make two doors in the
exterior wall at game’s end
to complete the maze.)

2b) And if both players
happen to consistently turn
right on every move, then
my recent algorithmically-
formed maze results.

3) It might be a good idea
for the players to use
differently-colored pencils/
pens, and then too maybe to
number the moved-to squares
as the game progresses
rather than simply filling-
in the squares, so that it
is clear which square was
a particular player’s most-
recently-filled-in square.
(In practice, confusion as
to which was a player’s
last-filled-in square seems
like it could otherwise be
a significant problem.)

4) It must be stressed that
a player isn’t allowed to
move forward or backwards.
She/her must always move
perpendicularly to the
direction most-recently

5) Indeed, passing over
the center square counts
as 1 more point added to
a player’s score.

Passing over the very
NON-central squares,..


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