The Questioning-Machine

(But why does the machine
ask us its questions?

Because we’re so..

Blog-post # 627:
(627 = 3 * 11 * 19.)

Five new art-inanimations:

Beyond All Pulses
Beyond All Pulses
As Palindromes Did So Align
As Palindromes Did So Align
In Solid/Lopsided Anagrams
In Solid/Lopsided Anagrams
Spilled As Shadows
Spilled As Shadows
It Churns It So
It Churns It So

Anagrams, 24:

As the reds, blues,
pinks, and yellows:
White’s darkness
pulses beyond all.

As asymmetrical
inner designs:
Mostly extreme circles
spin again amid sines.

As any cosmic spiral’s
linear design:
In glassiness,
pyramids are conical.

Sundials and hourglasses
are set.
As a design surrounds
all as these.

Hourglasses of their
dimensions and time:
Those sundials are
forming so inside them.

That whirlpool’s
glassiness does rain,
was twisted.
As therein it, water
glows so and spills
its shadows.

As palindromes did
so align..
.. In solid/lopsided

Random piles.

Cones, shards so spun..
.. As horns, cusps,

In this harshest
Truth is as is
the labyrinth.

As do humans, liars
deceived even God.
Evil genocides have
dared damn us so.

These Christians..
Share this incest.

Hatred’s fucking
Fascist skinheads are
the loser thugs.

Teapots are sour.
Pour-taste arose.

To stir in such,..
It so churns it.

Wings open then rise.
Those were spinning.

As these spiral-wings
else did float,..
Shapes so aligned,
twisted, rise, fall.

Night’s spiral was
so misty.
That prism now is,
is glassy.

All we do.

Thinking is
Nothing will die.

As I sing
the poem sung..
.. Using its

All questions are stupid
yet are this ironic.
Non-sequiturs as theirs
idiotically repeat.

Making each sin..
In shaken magic,..
In each masking.
(A sickening ham.)

In Man’s quiet echoing.
(Shine, quoting cinema;
Equating in no chimes.)


Unfortunate name we could
use for the Trump-doctrine:

‘The New “Real”‘!..

Term for this country’s
quickly-descending moral
and economic situation:



To afford to be admitted to
a US hospital these days,
one needs a really large…

check-in’ account!..


A pair of mutually-antipodal
points along the equator are



What did the lower-legs use
to block the air when they
ran real fast?


shins wield




But the..

more flat..


Where is it that the..

tot did pee?

(And quite unfortunately..)

Right there in the..

pot of tea!..

(Stir THAT^ with a..

‘Innocent As Sin’

‘The Guilty-Bystanders’


‘The Guilty Geldings’

‘Considerate Suicide’



Maybe “Considerate Suicide”
would be a better album-
name than band-name.


And maybe something along
the lines of
“We’re Questioning-Machines”
might be a good name for an
album put out by

“We’re the questioning-

Or “We’re questioning
the machines”?

Either way.

Hey, let’s ask some
machines, though, which
way it is or should be..

Might as well,..
since they’re (now)
questioning _us_,..

(.. and questioning how
much longer they will
even let us exist).

Ring, ring..

“Have you reached the
number of the household
you have intended to
Am I home now?
Do I even exist?

Do you?

What is the meaning of
Do you know?
Or do you think you
Do you _mean_ to know?

Is this very question
I’m now stating a lie?
Can it even be a lie,
since it’s a question?
But, though, can the
preceding question or
this very question
here be a lie, then?
But does that, either
way, make me the liar?
Or just you?

But what is a question?
Is this a question if
it is not a question?
But what if it indeed

And will you ever know
the true Truth?
But how about the truly
true Truth?
And would, if so, you
then believe it?
_Can_ you believe it?
Do you even want to?

And will you now.. —
and why exactly will
you (please elaborate in
the space provided, and
between the lines, and
in the too-small margin
that’s needed to contain
such a marvelous proof)
–.. next be taking
‘BS Philosophy Conundrums’
for 500, Alex?
Yes? No? Why?
Why, oh why?
_That_ is the question,
.. or _is_ it?”..

Sign for your personal-space
or unpersonal-workplace:

‘Thinking Allowed’


(^Wishful.. _thinking_,
though, of course..

In actuality, it’s
more often more like,..

‘NO Thinking Allowed!’
{or ‘Aloud’ either}.)

Thing to say in-parting:

“To you,..

piles of smiles!..
for miles and miles!”..


(A few final losers,..
So, we all are..



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