Say, ran I binary as?


Blog-post # 629:
(629 = 17 * 37.)

Eight new art-inanimations:

Such Knotted Shards
Such Knotted Shards
Some Solar-Rings
Some Solar-Rings
Ecliptic Space
Ecliptic Space
Unlike Linear Glass
Unlike Linear Glass
Radiametrically Opposed
Radiametrically Opposed
As Earth’s Palindromes
As Earths Palindromes
In A Labyrinthine Palindrome
In A Labyrinthine Palindrome

(A note about “In A
Labyrinthine Palindrome”
is at the end.)
Anagrams, 37:

As Earth’s palindromes:
The mandalas or spires.

To sum inside a
lopsided mandala:
All does add, as
it is pandemonium.

As a
Crystal is made by
this palindrome.

This linear glass:
As in lasers’ light.

Glass’ chunk had
rotated inside.
Such a knotted shard
is aligned.

Of those earths’
angular swirling:
That solar ring’s hues
are flowing.

A noise was shaping
Megaphones are as
inward as this.

As our bulging dream:
A big/large/round sum.

As logarithmic as
to/in it:
This rotation is

A logarithm is as a
drastically made funnel.
All grids are of any
mathematical sundials.

As semicircular
as that:
A crash’s arc
is ultimate.

This flower/fetus
therein us:
Those were the
fruitful sins.

Of nastiness cast:
Snot stains faces.

Moron-brains did
hate/abuse us.
A neuron-bomb as
theirs is a dud.

Sheer Utopia returns.
Torture pains us here.

Throughout destiny
and spiritualism:
Truth has no god,
as purity is unlimited.

God’s Black/White lie:
A bigot’s wicked Hell.

Satan is humanity’s
only god.
Hating any loss,
it damns you.

Hatred’s Antichristians
Hell drains that
fascist rain.


Satan gored his
own demons.
God’s horns do
tame sin anew.

Hatred was an
ugliest angel’s.
Satan’s White gall
enraged us.

Ignorant losers;
stupid failures:
Our lurid fate stings,
is personal.

This rudest hatred was
of Christian Neo-Nazis.
Fascists or truths are
as hidden within a zone.

America’s Christianity
and police-state:
Hypocrites’ satanic
racism; a tainted lie.

Church-states cheat us
or lie to all.
Such hustles are
a theocratic toll.

Eclipses or arcs
mix partially.
Sly liars
approximate circles.

I flatten this..
.. In that itself.
It felt as thin.

As this inset
That stone shard
is entire.

As inside that mesh:
This is a dense math.

That ghostliness
within us:
This thus was
its neon-light.

Sight, no less.

That hue’s shadow
is electronic.
Each so was;
this toilet churned.

Sundials then rotated..
As toilets and thunder.

Saturn’s sieve is..
.. As its universes.

Universal rings did
orbit as hues.
Their solar suns
are subdividing.

In linear spaces:
An eclipse rains.


‘”Diamond lost, is it?
Is it sold?”
“No, maid.”‘

‘To ladle, held a lot.’

‘Say, ran I binary as?’


The real issue isn’t so
much at all “God’s Will”.

No, in-fact, the real huge
problem instead is that
when God died, He left NO
And a large percentage of
all war and violence
throughout human history
is basically just God’s
descendants fighting (yet
again) over His estate!..


“Uh, try to imagine a duo
of solid ghosts?

Well, honestly, that’s
real.. hard two phantoms.”


Why had the poor life-
sciences report-card
dissolved completely
after being tossed out?

Because it had been..



Bleached, de-germed
wheat flour is..


Because, see, it’s only
.. _empty_-calories!..


Shock’n’ Awful!


‘The Hard Two Phantoms’


‘Escaping Velocity’


‘Odd Aryan And
The Off-Whites’



‘Drastic Funnel’

Finally (likely literally
so), a note regarding
“In A Labyrinthine

Consider the gray paths
The layout of these paths
was generated by an
algorithm (if I didn’t err,
since I “ran”* the algorithm

*(Say, ran I binary as?..)

The algorithm was similar
to the algorithm I used
to generate a recently-
posted maze, where there
I turned clockwise by 90
degrees after generating
each new room, and I
skipped over as many
already-generated rooms
as necessary before first
coming to an empty grid-
square (which would be
somewhere along the
perimeter of the maze as
generated so-far).
And then I also was, as
here too, generating two
new rooms simultaneously
in opposite directions on
each step of the algorithm
(which is why the maze is

But for this maze here, I,
after generating any room
(and also generating that
room’s diametrically
located room), either I
turned right by 90 degrees
or went straight ahead..
as per the following
palindromic sequence
(which I have discussed
before, if with another
pair of “binary digits”
other than R and S):

Start with “R” (for right).

Generate the sequence by
doubling (or maybe a
little bit more) the
sequence at each step.

On the nth step, if the
sequence’s nth term is R,
repeat the sequence up
to that point (the finite-
length subsequence), but
place an “S” (for straight
ahead) between the old and
new (and identical to each
other) sub-sequences.

But if the nth terms is an
S, then simply repeat the
subsequence (without a
new S).

As so:


(.. Which can be continued,
as the maze too {had I had
the time},.. forever..)

No more,.. ever ever again,


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