Of Imagery Thus Brittle

.. And (therefore) brutal.

Blog-post # 630:
(630 = 2 * 3 * 7 * 3 * 5.)

Four new art-inanimations:

Two In Base-Zero
Two In Base-Zero
Glass, Randomness,
And Reality
Glass, Randomness, And Reality
Deep, Shallow,
And Polar Ruin
Deep, Shallow, And Polar Ruin

{{Update: May 30, 2018.
(Originally posted May 19.)
I have fixed the formatting
above of the images and
their titles.}}
Anagrams, 37:

The butterfly’s origami:
Of imagery thus brittle.

Ghosts tend to sin,
see, and think.
Death’s nothingness
is knotted.

Insane gods formed
crystal hues/mandalas..
.. Made of such glass,
randomness, and reality.

Kaleidoscopes are
ellipses and lines.
Space’s lenses looped
like a lens’ radii.

The truth is glass.
Light shatters us.

Cognition was
the universe’s.
A hue is its own,
is convergent.

A thin chaotic
knot in us..
.. Has thick

Maze or din.

Earth is a silly
zoo of omens.
Mazes so foolish
are only it.

Labyrinthine node:
Thin/linear beyond.

The binary nil.

One bit was..
In base-two.

Rainbows were fantasy..
Sewn as of binary water.

The strata’s
That sea’s
surreal ghosts.

Strata’s hourglasses
The sand’s ghost is
as surreal.

As fish-ponds:
Ships of sand.

Motions are of
the nautilus,..
.. Unto no ultimate
fish or sea.

It revolved as it has.
A trivalve does this.

Deep, shallow,
and polar ruin:
Wrapped around
holes in all.

Cut, pruned.

Huge cones form
a shape.
Megaphones are
of such.

Hellish strains:
In harshest ills.

A prophet is false.
People shit as far.

As Antichristians’
A rich satanic truth

The satanic rich
rise up, destroying
Yelling Christians
cheat or are stupid.

Terrorism is
dueling in rage.
Its religions
are murdering.

Mass-murderers are
heroic shit-heads.
Each’s terrorism
shames his rude dare.

God is obscene.

Shattering is..
.. Its ashen grit.

An omnipotent hellish
ass is racist.
All His satanic
men/shits rise on top.


They held/grasped
her as so.
She does get
harshly raped.

Nastiest and
threatened men
do doom.
Demons are damned
into a hottest end.

Abraham’s demon:
A bad omen’s harm.


This rotating
Its orbit has a grid,
a tone not as it.

As this poem and a ring:
I do spin the anagrams.

Butterflies defeated
their own shadows.
Those fluid beasts
were of that weird end.


‘A tart’s strata.’

‘Tones, a binary ran.
I base not.’

‘Slam in, as animals.’


Why do we need to move to
a bigger space-station?

Because we’re all..
_out-o’ space_
up here in this one!..


A feather touching an
unfortunate butt’s butt
would be quite the..

prat-tickle joke!..

(Less so absolutely

Nuclear-war is quite the..


Sa-terror-ical headline:

‘Trump Demands Nobel
Peace Prize Up-Front as
Precondition for not
Killing all Life on

‘All Life on Earth
has Rescinded Offer
of Nobel for Trump.
Mass-Death thus
expected soon.’..

Update 2:
‘Trump (and His new
best-bud Kanye) Claims
All Life on Earth
Wants to be Killed-Off.’


Forget about ever voting
for Him for president.

Hey, I wouldn’t ever even
vote for Donald Trump for



Trump’s Base* is made up
of His faithful..



*(Trump’s Base Uber-Alles,
indeed, in all seriousness!)

He sure likes to spout,
yes, but..
Thing we will NOT ever hear
Trump say (or even read
Him tweedledee-dumb..)..

“Mr Netanyahu,..
tear down that fence!”..


(Warning: May not yet be
considered to be super
politically-correct, at
least not at the current
time. Though we all, no
matter our race, will
be concerned about even
more so important matters
than political-correctness
when this finally comes to

In the near future, robotic
cops will be going around
unjustifiably blowing away
a lot of innocent unarmed
non-corporate persons
(maybe EVEN we White ones
too, by the way) at the
behest of the all-powerful
corporate AI-persons.

And the (also futile)
slogan proclaimed at that
time by we non-corporate
persons will be..

living-lives matter!”..

But if we are still alive
then (mid June)..

Coming soon to an internet
near you (near you if you
are within or near the US):

Net Extreme-ality!..


Ex-Net Ream-ality,
maybe more like it..


Extremely non-neutral,

Oh, sorry, but we’ve
actually seen absolutely



“I got in a minor
fender-bender the
other day.”


“Yeah, my car was
PARTIALED, man.”..


Which violin type produces
the most levels in its
harmonic structure?



Number-system made up of
only two types of zeros:






So, God created Mankind,
the absolutely best most
advanced thing He has
ever created, right?

Then, more recently,
Mankind has created AI,
which is now becoming
even more advanced than

And, hey, since Mankind
has now created something
that is even better than
is anything that God has
ever created, Mankind is
therefore even better
than God, see!..

That’s bad enough..

But too, oh by the way,

Since Mankind is better
than God, but, also, AI
is now in-turn better
than Mankind, therefore
AI has now become better
and more advanced than
is God, even!

(So,.. you BETTER start
worshipping It, then!*)..


*(No problem at all for
most folks with doing
that, though, apparently.)


PS: Uh, but to be serious..
— and the above “logic”
aside even.
Could AI be considered to
be (at least if you try
hard to make the argument)
a form of maybe-quite-
blasphemous Graven-Imagery?

Anthropomorphic Idol-ness?



‘Zoo Of Omens’

‘The Damning Of Demons’

‘Be Of Weredogs’


The last sting..
is.. lasting..



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