
(And you thought it would
end more with an 0-Mega..*)

*{Still might, though..}

Blog-post # 632:
(632 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 79.)

Twelve new art-inanimations:

The Rousing Of Time
The Rousing Of Time
Its Ultimate Spin
Its Ultimate Spin
Like Glasslike Convexity
Like Glasslike Convexity
Distant Flora
Distant Flora
As Is The Collapse
As Is The Collapse
Essence Of Convexity
Essence Of Convexity
Null Averages So
Null Averages So
Loop Blossom
Loop Blossom
As Woven As Existence
As Woven As Existence
Likely Like Labyrinths
Likely Like Labyrinths

(“Likely Like Labyrinths”
is, of course, a maze.
Go from the middle of
the left or right side
to the middle of the
opposite side.
Indeed, only the white
paths are part of the
maze. And indeed too, this
is the same maze-design I
used in the image “The
Rousing Of Time”.
I started with a quadrant
of the same path-design I
used in the image, from
my previous post, “Therein
Dimly Shaped Neon”, but
repeated the quadrant in
a different manner here.
I then made edits so to
form a valid maze, but I
only edited the path-
arrangement along the
horizontal and vertical
central axes {where the
quadrants meet}.)


Uh, I am unhappy about the
fact that the quality of
most all the images in
this post is poor, given
especially that this is
likely to be my final
blog-post ever.

Anagrams, 44:

As is the collapse:
Shapes oscillate.

This darkness’ torn stars
do ooze/shine.
Knotted horizons/stones/
shards arise.

As rust bleeds violet,..
It loses vast blue-red.

Those are fiery flowers.
They were of frail roses.

Flora’s distance
does spin,..
As inside no
fold’s spectra.

Convexity’s essence was
a sine/cosine.
Any existence’s science
is woven as so.

Existence’s visions/
sights focus a lens.
It is such of its
convex glassiness seen.

Earthen skies
surpass Earth.
Thus, therein seas
are sparks.

Auroras, strobe-lights:
Glass orbits our Earth.

As strobe-lights:
The orbits’ glass.

The glassiness of such
semicircular neon:
Clearest crimson’s hues

Looks hid/lie.

Nosier vortex.

Overt sin-noir.
(Torn revision.)


Those racial-minorities:
Hate’s ironic limit arose.

In failures:
A life’s ruin.

Insane/enraged throats
do so hurt us.
Threatening are
sad shouts or sound.

A farthest-right wing-ism:
That was this grim fringe.

The Right/Republicans
did yet assault us.
They are stupid racist
bullies and thugs.

Satan’s asinine
Insane beasts sin,
are evil.

God’s satanism:
Sins, data, smog.

Satan’s foolish
president sins.
Nastiness is to
pardon His Self.

That fucking ass
is dangerous.
A fascist thug/god
rains nukes.
A fascist thug’s
God nukes Iran.

His fascist anger
will nuke the Earth.
Hellish twits are
fucking Satan here.

Hateful ruses snared
a fiery/insane Beast:
Trump’s soul.
As these sad sinful
remorseful buyers are

Here upon a racist cusp,
zeitgeist, and mass-murder:
ruses/nightmares raped us.

Dangerous is what is.
As gods are within us.
(I was this dangerous.)

As within
repulsive toilets:
The evil urinal-pies
so twist.

As the tiny angelic
demons’ ilk:
Any insects like them
do align.

This is a flat wing.
As it was in flight.

Earth’s stymied engines:
Therein a system-design.

Leap or stop,..
.. As to propel.

A time-unit splits..
.. Its ultimate spin.

As in lopsidedness,..
A dense solid spins.

Odd loop/bliss/mess:
Lopsided blossoms.

Moons do swirl above
Earth, as did rain.
Their blossoms are
a wind and/or a void.

Oil was in globs,..
.. Billowing as so.

A focus’ sense:
Noses face us.

I act crass.

An overall guess:
Null averages so.

In those divided
Designs do tie,
have varied.

As labyrinths roused time,
Beyond that is surrealism.

Calculus made/prioritizes
It is summed as a puzzle
or a circle.


“Well, that’s sure a
_traffic-circle_ way of
(sort-of) saying it.”..


It’s quite ironic
that what are NOT so

are water-colors if
they’re.. _runny_!..


“Why do they call them

Hmm, maybe because they
are just like grapes,

.. but they’re fruit!?”..


(And that’s^ a bit like,..

“Fraternal twin-sisters?

Hmm, maybe because they
are just like fraternal

.. but they’re twins!”..)


Freeze peach..





Constantly pulled over,..

so to be..

consistently pushed under!


(Yep, racism is ironic
that way..)
(But seriously.. too..
{From irony to steel-y..})


Said by pacifists just
before and during the
soon-coming deadly war
between the US and its
former allies in Europe
and Canada:

“No blood for steel!”

Political cartoon:

(3 frames.)

Frame 1:

A wealthy Republican
in yachtsman’s clothes
says, “A rising tide
raises all boats!…”


Frame 2:

Huge private/corporate
yachts (labeled “Tax-
cuts for the ultra-rich”)
and US Navy vessels
(labeled “Runaway
military-spending”) are
intentionally ramming
and sinking all the many
smaller defenseless
boats in the harbor.


Frame 3:

(That Republican
yachtsman continues..)

“… Uh,.. raises those
boats still left afloat,
that is.”


Not many goals can be
achieved at all when
leaders are going to a..

but their positions
are to remain..



If the world is saved from
its ultimate destruction
in part by Golf-Diplomacy
— ie. by Trump and Kim
playing each other in a
friendly round or two of
golf — then, hey,..

I’ve heard of the

but a Golf-PEACE would
be even better!..

(A peace based on lies,..
golf-ball lies*, that is..)


*(Yep, and based on
goof-balls’ lies, too,..
of {golf} course..)


President Trump whacks
Himself upside His head
(Wack!..) when realizing
that it would have been
EVEN GREATER to have had
instead moved the US
embassy to Jerusalem a
few weeks later, since
that city fell to
Christian conquerors in
the 11th Century, and
the anniversary of that
glorious event occurs at
the beginning of June.

But, hey, though,
now now..

Those who don’t remember
(true) history*..

are doomed to not be able
to fully use it cynically
and offensively to their
ultra-fascist advantage!..


*(Let alone if they’ve
never even learned history
in the first place.)

So, Leibniz, aside from
inventing calculus and
stuff, was in some ways
an idiot, since he had
argued the philosophy of
our world being the best
possible world.

But Newton, also an
inventor of calculus
(plus too a formulator
of gravitational
equations and stuff),
was reportedly an
arrogant ass.

So then, calculus was
originally discovered
by an idiot and by an
ass, it’s sad to say..

Though — fast-forward to
today — President Trump
(who’s also a president,
mind you!) is both an
idiot AND an ass.

Therefore, Trump invented
calculus TWO times, see,
while Leibniz and Newton
each only invented it but


{And, “Nah! Nah! Nah!”..}

Thus, Trump is the very
greatest calculus-
inventor EVER, see, the
very best inventor of
calculus in all of world-
history, even!

There’s never even been
a greater inventor of
calculus than Donald


(Though it’s more so His
_wife_ who likes to..
integrate what she’s
.. uh,.. from Mrs Obama’s

(Speaking of Let’s-be-

Which type of linings
are had by the clouds
floating above a
Panglossian paradise?

Those, of course, of..

fool’s _silver_!..




‘Fool’s Silver’

‘Ray Gaydar and the
Dreadful Hemlocks’




That urinal-cake..

does make..

the colonel ache!..

(.. for spoons..)



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