As Barbed-Wrapped As Bubble-Wires

Blog-post # 633:
(633 = 3 * 211.)

(With my many promises to stop,
people have dared not tell me
to go ahead and keep posting..
because they really don’t want
at all to.. encore-age me..
{But yet, though, I remain just
too.. encore-igible..})

Seven new art-inanimations:

Summetrically So
Summetrically So
Darker Than Neon
Darker Than Neon
Refracted Equation
Refracted Equation
Explosive Horizon
Explosive Horizon
Nonradial Radii
Nonradial Radii
Each Truth Does Spin
Each Truth Does Spin


Angels are as weird as knots.
A darkest neon was glassier.

The fascist demons’ anger:
As nightmares of descent.

In hot polar haze is
ash’s wet vortex.
That explosive horizon
was Earth’s.

Earth’s cusp:
Such tapers.

As time enclosed stains,
air, spectra,..
.. Stars, space, comets,
and linearities.

The sums are beyond..
A rhombus yet dense.

As the pinched torus:
Each truth does spin.

Circles sum math;
a line adds to an array.
Such are symmetrical
and not as radial.

As that refracted
This of a quadrant,

True crust.
Cuter rust.
Truer cuts.

(Trust a curl.)

As thrusts were
of copulation,..
We cast our pulses
into a froth.

Lax use.

The solitude is vast.
It does have its lust.

Female legs are so.
As some feel large.

It is large and
yet was small.
Marginally least
as widest;..
As least-marginally

People are humans.
No pumas leap here.

Therein the hourglass,
a fetus then is ours.
This shines throughout
surreal fate seen.

Each spiral is a twist;
each is all.
It was as helical/
spherical as it.

Our spiral-fractures:
Arcs or ruptures fail.

Moral suicides:
Ours is medical.

Fools so cheat, so may
drink, use, and drive.
Too many have died
in dark curses of loss.

Alongside our tired sadness
of our human descent,..
Angels or dunces do rise
and use hot fire to damn us.

Genocide’s taint:
Negation’s edict.

Our killer/spy-robots:
Terror is spooky bull.

We have racist ruses,
the original-sin.
In a genetic war,
harshest evil is ours.

In hatred, fascist jerks/
Trump-supporters did pee.
Jock-straps fisted their
puppets, and rise/murder.

Air-Force Zero:
Foe or crazier.

Americans’ boss,
President Putin:
In Satan’s pride,
Trump is obscene.

Satan swears, governments
are anointed by God;..
As were nasty demons and
an overt bigot’s anger.

State-run media’s reports
were Satan’s founding.
True ruses again taint
news, freedom, and sports.

As in biggest arson-fires:
Anger is of rising Beasts.

Hatred’s Christian-base
are hot fire’s evil asses.
Satan’s liar-beasts have
riches of their desires.

Jesus has died on hatred’s
burning cross.
Christ’s rage/BS does
josh, ruin, and end us.

Those flying fish:
Of sly fins’ height.

Being avocado-yolks,..
Any big ovals cooked.

Any dire bubble-wrap is
what is of knots/lies.
If so, this was bleakly
spun into barbed-wire.


‘Suicide-medic: I/us.’

‘De-suicide medic, I used.’


“Hey, NEVER say that anything
rhymes with ‘silver’!”..

“Uh,.. never?..
Not ever?
Not even once ever ever
in any sliver
of forever
(if forever
one could ever sever)?”

(Oh, but that’s^ clever..)


But seriously, though,..

Claiming that nothing rhymes
with “silver” — in the
strict sense of ‘rhyming’
that I guess is meant
(where all but the initial
letter/sound match up)
— is more than a bit like
also claiming that,..

“Hey, nothing rhymes with
‘persnickety’, you know!”..

(And yet such a claim^ would
be considered by most to be
quite.. rickety..)

(And in other news..)

He had an off-the-wall

.. to do away with that
ugly painting..


What have ETs been using to
improve the human-race’s

Probe-biotics, of course!..


(And you thought they were
simply engaged in nefarious
anal-surveillance of the
when in-fact they instead
were giving abductees
poop-transplants, is all..
{ETs are the _opposite_ of
the CIA that way..})


The one thing I don’t get
about eco-friendly living
is,.. that’s fine and good,
but, uh,..

isn’t sitting on the john
and/or puking all day
an _even worse_ form
of food-waste, though?!


And health-food Jesus said,..

“I am the alpha-sprouts
and the omega-3.”..

(And said too, of course,..

“Forgive them Father, for
they know not what they eat.”)


But why did Mr T, on the other
hand, become a vegetarian?

Because he..

“Pity d’ food!”..


(^Not necessarily a true story.
{Please don’t sue.})

(But, hey, what’s even worse
than having a beer-belly and
a neck-beard?

Having a beer-neck and a
belly-beard, of course,..
if you dare to so tremble
in horror at the thought!..)


(New term?)

What many Whites, especially
White men, have these days
(explaining in-part Trump’s
“win” in 2016) is a serious
case of..


(and of ‘White-guilt-fatigue’,
to be specific.)

Speaking of Trump (speaking)..

In-fact, many Trump statements
of “fact” are only, even at
best, obvious examples of..

ipse _dick’s_-its!..

(.. Or of oopsy dick’s-its,
often even.)


And obviously too (if
ironically), there’s been
absolutely _no pause_
in that foe’s faux-pas,
at all ever exactly.


So, how then does one get
President Trump to finally
go to prison, you may ask?..

Simply put the nuclear-button
(and/or the Russian hookers,
drugs, piles of cash, etc..*)
in His prison-cell, of course!..


And better yet, He won’t even
pardon Himself once there,
either. Yep, home at last..

(Home at last. Home at last.
Praise God, almighty,
He’ll be non-free at last!..)

{^But then He’ll be pushing
that button there, however..}

(We now take a break from the
regularly-scheduled Trump-jokes
for a word-play puzzle from our

Re: “Trump-bait”:

^But where do we then..
bait all‘?..

Behind the.. _____-____,
of course..

(“Uh,.. behind the spoon,
you say?”



But if whichever president at the
time is not Himself personally
up to launching nukes, which type
of general might the president
then delegate the fun task to?

A.. brink-oh-dear general,
of course!..

(Warning: Riskily risque.
Warning: And even worse,
it’s politically-related.
And worst of all, it’s
Warning. Warning.)

“Oh, what tiny hands you
have there, Grand Leader!”..

“Hey, betta’ ta’ _fist_
my MANY MANY followers’
super-tight asses with,

(.. “That all dats whatsup!
Hey, Me dee best fister
EVER, see. There never be
a better fister in all
world history, even.
can fist so good!
{Nah, nah, nah!}”)

(Warning: Riskily risque.
Warning: Sophomoric.)

“Man, you know those women.
Hey, you can’t live with ’em.
You can’t live without ’em.”

“So true, man.
My own lady drives me nuts,..
and even while she’s busy..

drivin’ my nuts!”..

(Warning: Riskily risque again.)

Those two sophomores continue..

“Watch out. Net-neutrality
is ending, man.”

“Oh no!..
Hey, especially whenever I’m
lookin’ at porn, I sure don’t
want anyone, uh, other than
ME myself*,.. uh,
throttlin’ my big-data..,

*(“Oh, yeah,.. or other
than my lady, of course..
Yeah, or her. But no one
else, though. No one..
Nope. Nope.”)

But more sophisticated than
sophomoric (.. hopefully)..

(And speaking of.. handling
large.. amounts of data..)

A new(?) form of mathematical

First off, there are so-called
arithmetic averages:

a = (x_1 + x_2 +.. + x_n)/n.

Next, there are so-called
geometric averages:

a = nth-root of
(x_1 * x_2 *.. * x_n).

(And there are also other
types of averages, too,
like, say, the so-called
harmonic averages.)

So, my maybe-new type of
average is, you could say,
the next type of average
above geometric average.

If the x’s are each more
than 1, anyway, we have:

a = e^b,
where b is the geometric-
average of the logarithms
of the x’s:

b =
(ln(x_1) * ln(x_2) *.. *

This is the next step up
in the hierarchy of types
of averages, in the sense
that geometric-average is
e raised to the arithmetic-
average of the logarithms
of the x’s. So, hey, raise
e to the logarithms’
geometric average instead
to get an even “higher
form” of average, then.

And you could then continue
even further, of course
(as long as the log-of-the-
log-of-.. -the-log-of each
x is defined and preferably
is positive), raising e to
the mth type of average of
the logarithms of the x’s
to then get the (m+1)th
type of average of the x’s.

a = e^(e^(e^(..
(ln(ln(..ln(x_1)..)) *
(ln(ln(..ln(x_2)..)) *


(Note: At least one real root
exists for the nth root of
the product of the
ln(ln(ln(..)))’s just as long
as the product is positive,
ie. as long as there are an
even number of negative
n(ln(ln(..)))’s in the
However, if any of the
ln(ln(ln(..)))’s are negative,
then my “average” fails to
intuitively equal what one
would think of as an average.
For example, my “average” of
1/x and 1/y, where x and y are
both greater than 1, would
equal the average of x and y,
which can be a lot greater
than 1/x and 1/y, not
somewhere between them.

The average of 1/x and 1/y
equals the average of x and y

ln(1/x) = -ln(x),
ln(1/y) = -ln(y).)

So, ln(1/x)*ln(1/y)

because the negatives cancel


(One more note:
The name “hypergeometric-
average” probably is not
acceptable for these types
of averages, though, since
the term “hypergeometric” is
already in-use elsewhere in
Hyperthetically metric, though:


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