Our Lying Ears Yelled

Blog-post # 634:
(634 = 2 * 317.)

Seven new art-inanimations:

Parallel To Labyrinths
Parallel To Labyrinths
As It Or Ratios
As It Or Ratios
The Rosetta Signal
The Rosetta Signal
Existences Do Overlap
Existences Do Overlap
Signal rho-zeta
Signal rho-zeta
Else They Everlap
Else They Everlap
Sliced Ruins
Sliced Ruins

(Each image here involves

Anagrams, 62:

Our lying ears yelled,..
.. Seeing rudely/orally.

Up less.

Our EMP:
Up more.

Men do row.
Down more.

Ends slow.
Down less.

In the sun of
these summer solstices,
Such lost time often

A spiral tilts in the loops.
This is parallel to points.

Parallel to labyrinths:
All try or be in all paths.

As in Rosetta:
A stone is art.

A non-radial design
is turned..
.. Inside and around

Existences do overlap..
A vortex’s eclipse/node.

Rendered and held
in hatred’s chains,..
Sad children are hidden
then snared.

“Liars enrage Satan!”,
claim the nasty liars.
“All ‘animals’ are
say racists.

Truth is not as:
Biggest White-Supremacist
To stain us, glib racists
emit their hugest spew.

Racists’ sly fatigue:
Fascists are guilty.

Sly racists:
Scary lists.

Any asses have to hate
all their critics.
A theocracy is it:
A Hell ever Satan’s shit.

White dicks:
Wicked shit.

Nasty satanic Whites:
Any hate wins its acts.
Any hate casts its win.
Hate wins sanity’s act.

Rage’s satanic killers..
Are as sick, ill, strange.

Satan’s zeitgeist:
It set Nazis’ stage.
(Its Nazi-Age tests.)

As inside genocides’
God is seen, is
any race’s pride.

God’s own prayers
are given therein sin.
He never gripes
towards anyone rising.

Hitler is God’s hate.
As the Right so lied.

Traitors did hate
others’ treason.
That is a rotten disorder
to share.

This satanic treason:
Racists hate.. not a sin.

A satanic terrorism.

We satanic murderers:
Americans were turds.

This race-war:
A Whiter scar.

Skin-cancer is its rage.
Racists are sickening.

Autocrats’ hatreds/ruses
do rise.
Those racists/turds
are aroused.

God’s asinine justice;
this revenge; that anal con:
He is ejaculating into
the sad innocents’ graves.

In some, we are less
than less is.
Hate’s loneliness
was messier.

Mad rage: Its gargoyles’
ascent is in us.
Satan’s lying racist
demagogues rise.

This stylish demagogue
owns all hated darkness.
Still, gargoyles had then
used mistaken shadows.

This century of
great asinine evil:
In eyes’
threatening/trivial focus.

As fucking racists do lie:
God/Lucifer/Satan is sick.

Words, lies, hatreds, rawness
of humanity’s descent:
They formed winners and
losers as twisted as such.

Brats so evil; this holocaust
of redemption’s end:
The Fascist-Problem is ours;
no one did solve that.

Of the sad Republicans:
Posh Lucifer and Beast.

Of liberals’ use:
Our biases fell.

As genocides:
In a cog’s seed.

.. Is a seed.
(Seas die.)

To sin is no pox.

Sliced ruins:
Inside curls.

Squeezed as cosines:
A zed’s sequence is so.

In quasi-intense rest:
Quaintness is entire.

The botanical gardens:
As in each grand bottle.

The botanical sea:
As a bottle in each.

Grand seas:
As gardens.

Each boat yet
floats so:
To fly to seas,
to a beach.

Orbs do seed all fog.
Globs are so folded.

A slog.

Gel’s sagginess:
Glassiness’ egg.

Throat’s gushing:
Through its snag.

Hollow spirals
are entwined.
All loops were
snared within.

As the concavity
does twist.
It voids what
cones yet cast.

Rotations’ widths:
As into two-thirds.

In this dense round
tangled juxtaposition:
A point slid, and the
node or nexus is jutting.

The end’s final nexus
has overlapped.
A funnel-shaped vortex
shaped lines.

As barbed-wrapped as
A purple braid
bears webbed swabs.

As it or..


When a roar is getting

then a war is getting


“Knock, knock. Anyone
there in the john?”

“Uh, sorry. But I’m
currently indisposed.”

The opposite of ‘disposed’?
So, you’re currently posed,

“Uhhmm,.. yes..”


“The quarterback had been
left back in the 4th grade.
Though he at least,..
uh,.. I mean, at most..
knew his reciprocals.”

“Left back? So his teacher
must’ve thought, then, he
was right back there.
Or left back there..
whenever she turned her

“Yep, right back there,
right by the door to the
bathroom, uh,.. but left by
the door to the bathroom,
that is, if from his own
vantage. And from that
bathroom, he said he’d be
coming right back, I mean
left back.”

“Left/right back?
So he was instead a
halfback, then?
No wonder he was left
back. So he could then
come.. right back!”


Which type of warning did
the math-professor provide
the students regarding
the soon-to-be-discussed
sharply acute triangles?

A.. trigger-onometry
, of course!..


An Islamic authoritative
decree to lose weight would
then be, I guess, a..



Those who lose at life’s
game, but only because
they play too fairly,
are the..


(Because, see, it’s
instead the cheaters
who’re the beaters!)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

But yet the evolutionary
Ubermenschen, however,
are the..



Thing to say (which is a bit
more PC than using “what”):

“Oh, _who_ a total loser.
_Who_ a pathetic waste!”


‘The Who-A-Wastes’

‘The Melt-Ups’


‘Less Than Some’

‘The Illegal Alienated’


Forget any world-economy-
destroying trade-war.

President Trump is also
placing tariffs on even
yet another type of
‘import’ to America:

He’s been making
immigrant-families pay
America a ‘tariff’, too,
a tariff that consists
of.. their _children_!


(The most barbaric act of
_tariffism_ ever so far
committed in world-history,
even! There’s never even
been a more barbaric tariff,
believe me..)


(Speaking of pay-back..)

So then, brown immigrants
can now say of Americans,..

“They’re takin’ our


The destruction to stock-
markets that tariffs on
Chinese goods will soon
be wreaking will be like..

a China in a bull-shop!..


(.. Or in a bull-_market_
.. that’s thus no longer
to be, more precisely.)

{And again, remember,..
it’s The Stupid’s economy!}

Regarding the crap situation
the world finds itself in
now days:

Its reason being..
is, ironically,.. some very

_unreasonable_ beings!..


Now displayed at the Statue
of Liberty is this notice
to those daring to seek
refuge in America:

“Abandon all hope (and
children) ye who exited


Hey, even Jesus said we
should pay what we owe to
Big-Government (whether in
the form of our tax-money,
.. or our children, as —
but solely in the latter
case — Jeff Sessions
would make clear is what
Jesus surely meant).

“Give unto the seizure
what is the seizure’s,”
said He, even!


Above in this post, I said,
(Because, see, it’s
instead the cheaters
who’re the beaters!)

Even though whiners
can’t be winners,..

Now days,..

Truth comes from the
mouths of.. cry-babes.


Although, (Mr Cry-Baby
Extraordinaire Himself)
The Donald can’t take
much at all of the truth..

And, well,.. the feeling’s
indeed mutual, you know!

(You can say, even, that
both The Donald and the
truth are about to really
totally CRACK-UP, each due
to the other!
An Immutable Truth
meets an
Unstoppable Fascist,

And, what Melania Trump
can now say regarding her
Husband’s throngs of proudly
homophobic prole followers:

“Let them not bake cake!”..


(But, though,..
does she.. care?..)

Speaking of,.. uh,..
(and of.. badly-timed..
sentimentality, at that).

Valentine’s Day card idea:

Image is of two coffee-cups
side-by-side with a heart
rising between them.


“Hey, let’s be a


(Or, alternatively, for an

“We sure make a great


“Oh, I’m pretty damn

Uh,.. HANDSOME damn
straight, that is.
Yeah, that’s right.
Handsome straight.”..

(Even) Straighter than
handsome, though,..


1 thought on “Our Lying Ears Yelled

  1. trapezoidalamorphousness Post author

    Note to Antti Karttunen:
    Thanks for the suggestion to look at the computer-graphics of Ishu Patel and of John and James Whitney.
    I don’t have a fast enough internet-connection to look at any of it now, but I’ll try to look at it later when I get access to a better computer/connection.



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