A Proxy For Approximation

(^Approximately an adequate
title at all,.. sort-of.)

Blog-post # 635:
(635 = 5 * 127.)

Three new art inanimations:

In Crystalline Ratios
In Crystalline Ratios
Approximated By Loops
Approximated By Loops

Yes, “Crystallabyrinth” is
a maze.
(Go from the center-top
to the center-bottom.)

Anagrams, 20:

As is that White-
Supremacist Court:
A pure racist hate
twists it so much.

Genocides were as
our nightmares.
Rude racism enrages
no White egos.

Ellis Island:
Ills and lies.

Nightmares made ruins..
In mass-murdering hate.

Starry celestial
rotation shines.
Stone ratios are
this crystalline.

Such has not
kaleidoscopically bent.
Beyond/upon all clocks
is that, is each.

Of the creased spirals:
Their folds are spaces.

As indescribable
as the flaps:
Tabs bend; each spiral
is false.

In asymmetric slices:
Its many semicircles.

As hemispherical as..
.. Shapes each similar.

Round shapes’
oscillations had
All is a shard and/or
is upon the cosines.

To crush inside,..
It so is churned.

Sad purges..
Grasped us.

Soon, in mass-murder:
Morons’ ire damns us.

Our rude toll,
Thugs are to
murder all souls.

Final Solutions:
In a fool/sin/lust.

Demonic turds remain,
are casting their maze.
In rage, satanic Nazis
committed murder here.

Our Lord’s sins
grew satanic.
In God’s own
are racist slurs.

As All*h’s
infinite justice:
It ej*culates
His final sin.

The damnation of
the soulless:
Unto this Hell’s
fate soon made.


‘US tamer? OK?..
Not on Korematsu!’

‘Sling no masks among nils.’

‘Oh, cameras are macho.’


“Why are you wearin’ no

“Because I wore ’em out.
.. But then, whoops, the
prob is that I forgot to
wear ’em back in.. -side!”


Sheltered White person

“I keep hearin’ about
them green thumbs,
them red eyes, and blue
tooths, and, oh yeah,
them yellow bellies..

So, all them things must
belong, then, to those
‘people of color’ I keep
hearin’ about, I suppose?”


This upcoming MLK Day,
Donald Trump will surely
say (and be very serious
about it, too),

“Hey, but _I’M_ MLK!
Major-League King!”


(Yep, there’s definitely
MLK on _both_ sides,
you know, now now..)


Beyond even all His other
.. uh,.. serious issues,
it’s truly amazing that
so many people voted for
Donald Trump, given that
He has absolutely no
.. name-recognition..

Trump goes,..

“Who your name?!
Uhhh,.. ‘Iv-vahn-kah’,
you say??..
Hey, you Spanish!?!?

(Warning. Warning.
Trigger-warnings all
over the place.
Warning. Warning.)

To show Him what it’s like,
maybe President Trump
should even be separated
from His own daughter!..

But then, in this particular
case, that would involve..

_getting out the hose_!..

(Warning. Warning.

Mass-shootings these days
are often cases of..

going Post-Truth-al!..


Hey, though, remember,..

Psychos don’t mass-murder

_PsychoSES_ do!..

But such deadly psychoses
aren’t possessed by just
the shooters themselves,
though, by the way.

No, now days those
psychoses belong to
_us all_!


Social-media is.. the
Opioid of the Masses!


_completely_ deeestracted
by deee Opioid des Volks!”)

{And don’t you be a bunch
of opioid-crisis-babies
about it, now now..}

Those who don’t remember
history — its genocides,
racism, slavery, child-
labor and child-marriage,
world-wars and other wars,
its use of nuclear weapons,
its dictatorships, its
plagues, famines, and
other mass-die-offs, the
Dark Ages, the Inquisition,
the Crusades, its torture,
mass-rape, forced religious
conversions, its forced
relocations and/or unjust
incarcerations of large
groups of repressed “lesser”
people, with these people’s
children sometimes even
being taken from them,
and etc, etc, etc.. —

are doomed to repeat it.

And, well,..
it sure then seems, to say
the least, that we’ve all
definitely forgotten history!

Mass-amnesia big-time.

(Or is saying “we’ve
forgotten” being way _way_
too kind to us all?!..
.. Given that so many
examples of the repetition
of the darkest portions of
human-history have almost
always been very much, if
often covertly so, by

(Speaking of dystopian
Hell by-design..)

My layman’s analysis of
now-retired US Supreme
Court Justice Kennedy’s

I am unfamiliar with how
he had ruled on the vast
majority of the cases
during his tenure.

However, in those cases
coming to my mind where he
had ruled with the High-
Court’s liberals — cases
involving abortion-rights,
the legalization of gay-
marriage, etc — it seems
his votes largely served,
maybe even very wittingly
so on his part, to anger
and mobilize conservative/
far-right voters and

Though on the other hand,
there are the many cases,
some very significant indeed,
where he had ruled instead
with the Court’s conservative
justices — Citizen’s United,
the recent case regarding
racial-gerrymandering, Bush
v Gore (Was Kennedy in the
majority there?). And these
were cases where his swing-
vote permanently enshrined
right-wing ideals and
Republican rule (many times
doing so by permanently and,
I’d say, unfairly disarming
and disenfranchising social-
liberals and Democrats).

Plus, oh yeah, there was
the politically malicious
timing of his retirement,
during Trump’s presidency.
(Hey, way to go.. {into
retirement}, there,

And the timing of Kennedy’s
retirement and his rulings
in many cases where he sided
with conservatives have had
and will have — as opposed
to the situation with many of
the liberal SC rulings, which
more often are potentially
reversible — some serious,
irreversible, and very
significant negative real-
world consequences, thus
seriously harming American
democracy, civil-liberties,
civil-rights, and the equal
and fair application of the
rule of law for generations
to come in ways once
considered by most Americans
to be much too unthinkably
horrific to at all even have
any possibility of actual
manifestation within modern
(let alone future, let alone
far-future) “Shining City On
A Hill” America.

And — unlike with the
riling-up of conservatives
after whenever he had sided
with liberals — in the
aftermath of many USSC
rulings that had aligned,
due directly to Kennedy’s
swing-vote, with conservatives,
however, it ends up not really
mattering just how angry and
mobilized liberals have been
made by his unfortunate swing-
votes in these cases.
Because in many of these
particular cases, it thus
is — due to the very nature
of the cases, such as of the
gerrymandering and Citizens
United cases — now totally
all over anyway for liberals
and for liberlism.

The war has already, and
ultimately so without any
possibility of appeal,
been completely lost for

There is, thanks to so many
5-4 rulings, pretty much
absolutely nothing liberals
can do about any of this
situation, even perhaps into
perpetuity, no matter how
angry and how mobilized they
or how angry and how mobilized
(or especially how imprisoned
or how dead) are the poor,
are the racial minorities,
are the ethnic/religious
minorities, are women, or are
any other such total losers,
all soon to be losing even
much MUCH more so.

Thus, overall, many of
Kennedy’s conservative
rulings in-particular have
had the _material_ (and
probably, all along,
intentional) effect of
moving the political
needle farther and farther
to the far-right, and, to
make matters even worse, of
keeping it there permanently.

His “centrism” be-damned,

So, it could even then be

With “moderates” like Kennedy,

hey, who needs Hillary?!!!..

(Switching gears, though.
More fun than total
dystopia, even!..
Uh,.. if you like math
and puns at all, that is..)

To claim that pi equals
(3/2 + squareroot(97)/6)
exactly is really quite..


Note about above absurd

The surd (about 3.1414763)
is between 1/8000th to
1/9000th of the actual
value of pi.

And even though it is
impossible in-principle
to construct pi exactly
using just a compass and
straight-edge (and too
paper and pencil/pen, and
table-top, and adequate
lighting and air for you
to breathe at the time,
you still could indeed
approximate pi as closely
as desired (even much more
closely than my above
algebraic surd does, if
just not exactly equal pi)
to a value that is either
some rational fraction or
algebraic surd, and thus
would be a (non-pi) value
which can indeed be
constructed by straight-
edge and compass in some

(For example, you could
bisect a line-segment of
length 1 into smaller and
smaller segments each of
length 1/2^n, for
n = 0, 1, 2, 3… as far
as desired, but not to
n = infinity.
Then you could add up some
of the segments to make a
single line-segment the
length of the sum, using
your compass as a scribe
to append one length after
another, using whichever
particular segments as-per
as many {but finite number}
of binary-digits you desire
in the base-2 representation
of pi:
1 + 1 + 1 + 1/8 + 1/64 +..)

So, I may have already
before somewhere seen the
construction of “pi” with a
straight-edge and compass
using the particular surd
above in-particular; or
maybe it was another surd
(possibly approximating pi

But you could construct the
surd above as so:
(Certainly not the simplest
way to do this.)

First, construct a straight
line-segment of 9 units.
Then construct a perpendicular
of 4 units long, connecting to
one end of the 9-unit segment.

Then connect the other two
non-connected ends of these
two segments to form a right-
triangle with a hypotenuse
that is squareroot(9^2 + 4^2) =
squareroot(97) units long.

Then divide the hypotenuse
into 6 equal lengths.

And then extend the hypothenuse
by 3 units, and bisect the
extended length.

Then the distance that includes
half the extended portion, 3/2,
and the adjoining nearest 1/6
of the hypothenuse,
squareroot(97)/6, almost is
equal to pi.


Oh, and squareroot(97) almost
equals, but not exactly, 325/33.

So, pi almost is the rational
3/2 + 325/198 = 311/99 =
which is a crappy approximation
to pi, but rationally crappy..

Though my ab-surd approximation
above isn’t (significantly)
much better.


A less absurd surd that
approximates pi a lot closer
3/2 +

which is about 3.1415938..

And you can continue to get
surds, as too is the case with
rationals, that are closer and
closer to pi, if never exactly
equal to pi.

(Unless, however,..
Sisyphus, Achilles, and the
Tortoise finally reach {and
reach precisely} the rainbow
that this trio has long
sought to reach.
{A rainbow of enlightenment
and social-justice that is
_finally_ completely free of
racism, of sexism, and of
homophobia, that is.}

But the universe just ain’t
that kind.

.. Uh,.. Not exactly.
Not even close!)

Close, but,..
I don’t even smoke cigars..


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