Sire So Long No Song No Loser Is

(^I could have instead just
simply had the palindrome,
“Sire So Long No Loser Is”.
.. But then there wouldn’t
have been.. no song..)

Blog-post # 637:
(637 = 7 * 13 * 7.)

Three (and 3/2s) new art

Finite Flames
Finite Flames
Reciprocally Clockwise
Reciprocally Clockwise

(The colorful arrangement of
squares in “Reciprocally
Clockwise” is what automatically
arises if beginning with a
square of side-length 1, and
then appending 4 squares of
side-length 1/2, then of 1/3,
then of 1/4,.. to 1/16, doing so
consistently in a manner that’s
probably much easier for you to
just see for yourself than for
me to try to explain.
{And the design, using the
algorithm, could have been
continued forever*.})

*{Which is why it is fitting,
if not at all appropriate,
that the design sort-of looks
like a swastika.
Infinite-Year Reich, indeed!
Hey, just like in reality!}
Anagrams, 23:

Orbits’ selves are shining.
Their sins’ obverses align.

Distant elliptical
crescents arise.
As electric spirals
tilted in ascent.

A scrunched line:
In each curl’s end.

The total ruse is..
As this roulette.

Spun as odder omens.

As origami’s butterfly:
It forms a bug’s reality,..
A fire’s/bug’s mortality.
Truly of a gambit’s rise,..
A fib’s image truly rots..
Liars’ soft/grim beauty.

Sly inert cockroaches arouse.
Intercourse coarsely choaks.

Satan’s own death dies.
He was stained, not sad.

Trump is evil’s nastiest
asshole. He was longing
to wear Black-face.
Hate’s White racist
fucker/tool snaps/lies,
waging blame on slaves.

A mean ugly madness
or libel:
Many demons are
as gullible.

As in us, as inside
Damned asinine spite
is ours.

Trump’s angels;
hate’s angry ire:
As nightmares
strangely pure.

Putin’s murders:
Trump’s rude sin.

Mass-murder is
therein all ends.
Harm’s rudeness
still remained.

This monster:
In the storms.

Torn mess.

A hard ire.

Visceral stains:
An evil’s racists:

An evil’s racism:
Man is visceral.

This sum had divided
into multiplications.
Such a dimension plus
that void did limit it.

As a planet was orbiting
several suns and their
Ascending past Earth,
its vast plural rainbows
are seen.

Those are
cosmic fishbowls.
Swirls become of
this chaos.

In this slightest
The truth is vertical,
is sung.


We’re either checkin’ out..
or we’re check-out in..


.. When checkin’ out
the check-out we’re in,
I imagine.

Unless, of course, we..
chicken out..

Either way, though,
it’s checkered..

In Out In Out In Out In Out
Out In Out In Out In Out In
In Out In Out In Out In Out
Out In Out In Out In Out In
In Out In Out In Out In Out
Out In Out In Out In Out In
In Out In Out In Out In Out
Out In Out In Out In Out In


Trump’s unnecessary and
dangerous economy-destroying
trade-war is going to end up
being one Hell of a..

Recession of Aggression!


There are only two major
political tribes in the US:

The Losers
The Lucifers.

.. Or, in other words,

The Whiners
The Winners.

And of course, I don’t have
to at all tell you which of
the political parties is
either of these!
It’s obvious.

(I never really would have
had to tell you which is
which. But it’s _especially_
obvious these days!)


(“The Losers”; “The Whiners”:
Regarding why that will ever
continue to remain so..)

One difference between
Republican and Democratic

Though Republicans try so
hard to keep America from
ever learning from its
own mistakes,..

the Democrats, however,
try so hard to keep
_themselves_ from ever
learning from their
own mistakes!


President Trump, it seems,
is about to meet His maker*
in (aptly) HELL-sinki..

*It be Putin, that is!..

(And, hey, I’m not..
Putin you on!)

Rights/liberties are like
scoops of ice-cream, turns

As-per His usual MO,
Trump’s BS power-play — this
time via His Supreme Court
nomination — is designed to,
on one hand, deny Americans
even the most basic of human/
civil rights/liberties
(No ice-cream even at all for
we losers, in other words),..

while simultaneously on the
other (tinier) hand, letting
us know just how superior He
is to we losers, because the
Almighty (and soon even more
Almightier) Trump is about
to be granted (via coming
Supreme Court rulings) many
unprecedented, practically-
omnipotent, and autocratic
powers and rights to do as
however He desires, and too
will be granted even greater
levels of un-impeachability
and absolute immunity to the
law (to both civil law and
criminal law).
(ie. This all being His
Majesty’s proverbial two
scoops of ice-cream*, if
you will.)


*(Oh, and it’s an ice-cream
made from REAL milk, too,
not from that FAKE milk-like
product/substance that the
Trump administration is very
much intent on forcing the
rest of the world to allow
to KILL as many babies as
inhumanly possible {and
without even the slightest
restrictions on this deadly
substance’s marketing, let
alone on its selling}.

(But the President, though,
gets the real non-poisonous
stuff; because He’s just so
special, see.
The best, even.)

Yeah, speaking of asinine
and cynical power-plays!

And I’m not talking about
“Jesus Trump Superstar”
here, exactly, by the way!})


Mueller’s report (if it ever
is to come out.. or is to be
even allowed at all) is
destined to be quite an..

EXPO-SIVE exposé!


When it comes to recent US
presidential candidates,
it’s sure for us all been
a case of..

Hit(ler) and M(is)s!..


Absolutely no matter what,
Trump’s base will keep
supporting Him.

But why?

Because, they’re such a
bunch of..


(Being both banal and basal
.. {and a bit anal..
but not always nasal}.)


“AM talk-radio sure
broadcasts on a powerful
signal these days.”

“Oh, and _how powerful
is it_!?”..

“Well, it transmits using
lots and lots of..

KILL-o-THOUGHTS, it does!”


Americans be just so gosh
darn stupid that if, say,
ya want us to like soccer
(ie. for’gner-football),
all ya gots to do is just
make each goal worth 7

“Hey, new-soccer fun to
watch. ‘Cause now it be
not borin!”..

(Oh and too, including some
chainsaws, fire-pits, and,
oh of course, high-powered
guns {preferably full-auto}
would obviously sure help
a lot.*)

*{Not that, though, pleasing
Americans’ finicky tastes is
nearly as much a priority
for those in the rest of the
world as we like to think it
is a priority for them.}


“You’re a pair of underwear.”

“Hey, you’re putting me on


“I’ll bet you a huge amount
that eating those rancid-
looking T-bones there will
make you and me real sick.”

“Oh, so you’re wanting to,
uh,.. raise the steaks,
are ya, eh?”..


What holds the front half of
a tractor to the back half?

A tractor-beam, of course!..


(^Old {but simultaneously
juvenile} unoriginal joke.)

“Hey, what’s your forte?”

“It’s playing the piano..
in an ironic manner.”..


Which type of melodic
music is the loudest,
fastest, and angriest?


(But of coarse..

Excerpt from post # 632
(sans some carriage-returns):

“{“Why do they call them
Hmm, maybe because they
are just like grapes,
.. but they’re fruit!?”..
(And that’s^ a bit like,..
“Fraternal twin-sisters?
Hmm, maybe because they
are just like fraternal
.. but they’re twins!”..)


And also,..

“Hey, why do they call
them ‘harpsichords’?

Hmm, maybe ’cause they’re
just like harps,..

.. but they play chords!”..


(Obviously that’s^ what’s up.)

(Speaking of sequiturs..)

A pattern to consider:

First, a loose-end to tie-up:

The grid-design in the image,
from my post # 634,”Parallel
To Labyrinths” was based on
the maze-generating procedure
I wrote about in my blog-post
# 625.
But instead of making a maze,
I simply shaded each square
one of two colors, depending
upon which of the two chains
each square belongs to.

(In the image “Parallel To
Labyrinths”, each chain is
64 squares long. But in the
maze-y art-image “Symmazetry”
from my post # 625, and too
the same pattern in my image
“Symmmazetry from post # 626,
I continued the pattern out
a further number of squares.
However, I may have made an
error somewhere in the
generation of the outer
squares of the maze.)

Now, taking the (2*64) 128-
square pattern (which I
think must be correct), I
generate the following
integer-sequence based
somehow on that pattern
(Can you guess how?), and
then I repeated it (just
for fun), as displayed
graphically here:

Maze-ical 1

Converting the sequence to
musical notes/ half-steps,
starting on A, we get this
song (ignoring which octave
any note belongs to):

A B D# E D A# G# A A# G# F# G#
F# G# F F# E D C# D# G G# F# D
C C# D C A# C A# C A A# G# F#
(And repeat.)

I haven’t actually _listened_
yet (or even yet simply
imagined) this song, though.

And I haven’t yet worked out
the note-durations. For now,
we’ll just say all the notes
are quarter-notes.

Using the same grid-pattern,
but using another procedure
(Can you guess it too?)
to determine the notes via
that pattern, I come up with
this melody:

A B B C# C# B C# C#
B C# F B G C# B C#
G B D# F G B A
(And repeat.)

The final A is an octave
above the initial A; and,
as per musical convention
but not as-per the note-
generating procedure, the
final A lasts twice as
long as does each of the
other notes (which are
all quarter-notes).

Here is the sequence
represented graphically:

Maze-ical 2

A hint regarding each of
the two procedures that I
used to derive the melody
from the grid-pattern:

The first procedure results
from the pattern as derived
with some specific number
of squares making up the
grid-pattern, 64 * 2 = 128
squares in this particular
In other words, this note-
pattern differs based on
the necessarily-finite
total number of squares
in the grid-pattern.

But the 2nd procedure can
be continued indefinitely,
while producing the same
set of notes independently
(other than for the total
number of notes) of how
large the grid-pattern
finally gets.

So, if another number of
squares had instead been
generated in the grid-
pattern, the set of the
smaller number of notes
would be the same subset
(of that number of notes)
of initial notes that
belongs to the larger set,
no matter how many squares
the larger grid-pattern

(But even though under the
2nd procedure notes can
be calculated indefinitely
without, or I think so,
the pattern ever repeating
exactly, I simply cut the
process off where I did,
and then I repeated the
same pattern of notes


“{I haven’t actually
_listened_ yet (or even
yet simply imagined)
this song, though.

Okay, so I’ve gone ahead
and listened to these
melodies, after all.
And better yet, I have
looped them and mixed
them both into one “song”
(but for only my own
enjoyment — sorry),
repeating, in one track,
the 1st melody twice for
every 3 repetitions of
the second melody in the
other track.

As so:

Maze-ical 1plus2

Umm, it sounds..
interesting, I’ll just say..
(but not dare sing).

But yet, finally,..
the mesomorphic man has sung,..


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