Out-Orbit In A-Rounder-Space

(.. As too as it is
in-space around outer-orbit..)

Blog-post # 638:
(638 = 29 * 11 * 2.)

Nine new inanimations:

In/Below Suborbital Stars
In-Below Suborbital Stars
Of Syzygies Of Nothingness
Of Syzygies Of Nothingness

Anagrams, 56:

As a knotted butterfly
is dead.
Darkest beauty did
so flatten.

Therein stained-glass
is a large vortex.
Light existed via art,
lasers, neon, gears.

Swirling as the cosines:
Within glassiness’ core.

Any ghost is a lens.
It has glassy neon.

As incorrect as..
Art’s cosine arc.

Neon things/vortices:
In this so convergent.

That so is of our
concave spectrum.
Vacuous concepts are
to form this.

These rainbows boiled.
We are inside hot blobs.

Nothingness’ solar syzygies:
Yet sensing glassy horizons.

In strangeness’ creation:
Neon irises/arctangents.

Lenses, prisms, galaxies,
hues, or distances:
As more spirals existed
in such glass seen.

Skies, stars, or reaches
Those are spires, are
dark spaces.

Spirals each celestial:
A star’s helical eclipse.

In a red-purple so odd:
Pure and/or lopsided.

A tan gem.
Tan game.

.. Looked in phase.

Coldness’ celestial circuitry
shined as neon..
Inside such a node’s
crystalline electronics.

In logic.

Ever stabbed with holes:
Blobs have twisted here.

Comets each rise.
These are cosmic.

In that universe of
A sun forever spins
to its heights.

Celestial moons:
Omens oscillate.

In this knotted hourglass:
Dark stone is hot sunlight.

In angles too.

Evolution is..
.. Too evil in us.

Cupid is hunting,..
.. Duping such in it.

Bicuspid teeth:
Such bit it deep.

Nuts, eggs, or food:
For God’s tongues.

As mouths then do suck,..
Those shut and mock us.

A filthy hooker’s legs:
(Legs are filthy hooks.)
Her looks get/lay fish.

This bulging weirdness

The bulbs, blobs, and/or
.. Drip as lobes, bubbles,

Satanically innocent:
A non-nice nasty act/ill.

As a hip fascist terrorism:
Rapists are of this racism.

Putin’s man, His satanic
Antichrist-ian treason
is Trump’s.

To taint Ass’ anger,..
Satan is not great.

Sly Marks-Of-The-Beast
Smart-(but fakely so)-

I am a stained coil.

Rage’s genocides stir..
Racist gods’ energies.

Evil’s racist ruse:
Liars set cursive.

Lost in Hell, in hatred’s
brutal fascism/anger:
A burning cross still had
this eternal-flame.

Yet in cobs.
City bones.
Is bent/coy.

In rot, surrealism yet
is also tilted.
Errors ultimately do
stain its lies.

Diagonal fires:
As of nil/rage/id.
Of slain id/rage,..
Rage/id so final.
Rain is lead fog.
As rain/fog lied.

God pushes a rod’s abortion.
Bigots do soon rape us hard.

Of evil’s ignorance:
Naive fools cringe.

A shy random introverted
Many as this tilt under,
over, around.

Helical toilets:
All the coils tie.

Babylon hid under/in stars.
A labyrinth’s ruins do bend.

In/below suborbital stars:
A bubble’s rotation swirls.

For all.

Thus as sad decapitation:
Data is a code that is spun.

We do perceive truths
inside noise.
Pictured visions were seen
.. to hide.

Densest purity
has shattered.
As that sphere is

Crystalline space arises.
Eclipses are sans clarity.

Beans so little:
To be as lentils.


‘Gate-man’s name-tag.’

‘We felt bus, as a subtle

‘We foot too few.’

‘Straddle held darts.’

‘Cradle held arc.’

No, it at. I paced.’

No, it a tip aced.’


Which type of potatoes
give kings their super-



“My apartment has no roof.”

“Why not?”

“Because my rent has gone
through it!”..


Who hits the hay as soon
as getting off work?..



“I was sure..
taken aback..
by my ex saying she wanted
to reunite with me.”..


My devious plan to eat a whole
bunch of beans and rancid food
has really..



Having diarrhea is when



“Ahh, I see fish in your
future.. Uh, oh,.. wait..
This is my fishbowl.”

“So, you see _blurry_ fish
in my future, then?
(And I see an eye-exam in
YOUR future, Madam..)”


Elderly comedian says,..

“Activity-monitors? Really?
You kids and your newfangled
gizmos! Hey, I’ll just stick
to my tried-and-true old-school
type of activity-monitor,
thank you.

A scale!”..


A comedienne says,..

“Why do they call it a
‘bachelor-pad’, anyway?
Hey, that sounds like some
sort of sanitary-napkin..
for an overly-excitable


After Germany gets its
new more kick-ass PM,
Adolf Hit-Back-At-Trumper,
they’ll be..

fighting Fuhrer with Fuhrer!


What makes fascist ideas
really fly these days?

The fact they’re so..



Thanks to the Zimmermann trial,
knowing cursive can be considered
yet another form of.. shorthand..
(or of tiny-hand, if you prefer)
for White-entitlement.

In other words, Blacks are
definitely still falling hard
through the..



In an anti-anti-universe*,
a certain cable-news
network instead has fare
(which is much more so
balanced, if still almost
as extreme) like this..

*(By the way. _This_ is
an anti-universe.)

The announcer asks, sans
any trace of sarcasm,..

“Next on Xof,..

Do all White men justly
and automatically go to
Hell when they die?

Or is there not a Hell
in the first place for
anyone at all to go to,
since there simply is no

Stay with us. We’ll ask
our guests after the
break which is true.
But YOU decide.”..


(Probably both are true
{somehow}, methinks.)

Trump’s advisor, recalling W’s

“Don’t look into Putin’s soul,

But Trump then looked into
Putin’s soul, anyway..

(And without even wearing His
protective Hell-fire glasses.)

Donald Trump must surely be
the absolutely worst poker-
player ever.
(There’s never been a worse
poker-player ever in world-
history, even..)

Trump: “You got nottin’ but
a 2, a 3, a 5, a 6, and an
8, I know!”

Which means, of course, that
HE has nothing but a 2, a 3,
a 5, a 6, and an 8.

So, despite His bluster, bet
big against Him every time,
since He’ll continue trying
to bluff in the same manner,
as if He just cannot ever
catch on that you’ve long
ago caught on.

(But require that all His
contributions to the pot be
completely in cash, though,
refusing all IOUs, since
His IOUs are obviously not
good even at all.)

But then He might switch-up
His strategy a bit..

After you and He lay down
your hands, and both hands
are plain to see:

“Hey, you a crooked nasty
CHEATER! You got five 2’s!”

(Five 2’s being the best
poker-hand EVER, He thinks.
There’s never even been a
better hand. {And, hey, any
news that there are only
four 2’s total in a deck is
FAKE news, of course.})

And, thing is, He’ll claim
you have five 2’s despite
the obvious fact, even,
that you actually have an
honestly-derived royal-
flush, say, if that is what
you have.

Then, still, He goes,..

“_I_ got five 2’s, see! So,
ME the winner! Me is! ME!”

Then He grabs the pot all
for Himself before you can
even complain.

.. And finally, He tosses the
entire card-table in the air,
destroying all evidence of His
malfeasance, doing so like He
does when losing at chess, or
something, or like when He’s
losing at trade-negotiations,
or something,..
or when He’s “playing games”
with, say, nuclear-weapons..

And, speaking of God,..

Can Donald Trump tell a
lie SO BIG.. that even
He Himself
doesn’t fall
for it completely!?..


whore is well,..
despite the fact that..

war is Hell!..


But beware not to..
soil its teat..
whenever miss-sitting
upon a..

toilet’s seat!..


‘The Runny Monks’

‘Hell Mary’

‘Last Nation’*
*(Canadian punk-rock.)

‘The Post-Product

‘Sub-Nova And
The Super-Orbitals’





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