An In-Even-able In-Odd-ibility

(Assured to be unheard.^)

Blog-post # 639:
(639 = 3 * 71 * 3.)

Five and a half (or four
and two halves, if you
prefer) new art-inanimations:

Above All Shadows
Above All Shadows
Hades’ Sum
Hades Sum

These images were each
created by in-part using
math or algorithmic

“Mazeum”, which is a relatively
easy maze (Go from the gray
square within it to the door at
the upper-left, or vice-versa),
was formed by taking the
following procedure-generated
bit of maziness, then
repeating/rotating it, and
arranging and connecting these
sub-mazes in an arbitrary


Read below (in this post) to
see how I calculated this
sub-maze pattern (which
could have been extended
under the procedure to be
as large as desired).

And read below to also see
how I calculated the
pattern occurring in both
“Chaoscillated” and

Anagrams, 27:

These are big random storms
in and of turmoil.
A simmer does transform
to a thundering boil.

Shaped as surrealism:
Spirals are Hades’ sum.

In drastic holes as real:
All is a shred’s creation.

As dense as those swirling flaps:
Glass fire was hot and else spins.

This pseudo-chaos:
Such too is shaped.
I do such to shapes.

To anti-hope.

As scrambled:
Sarcasm bled.

Nice dark bang.

A blue or red; black or white:
Dark color/hue; we be tribal.

Colors and hues:
Each round loss.
Chaos’ lone surd..
.. Shuns oral code.
Shun solar code.

Any spirals are..
As linear spray.

Sad shapes formed in creation.
Most faded as an ironic sphere.

Knots add, cosines sum therein.
The dim darkness so continues.


Strange chairs:
Crashing a rest.

Odd faces:
Fads’ code.

Inside periscopes’ lenses:
Spies spied essence or nil.

Therein eggs’ weird zones:
Things were so energized.

Of God’s gel/sap:
Eggs do so flap.

Hades’ sum.
(Muses had..
Shamed us.)

An ICE then clings.

Angry ruses catch us fish.
Such fascists are hungry.

Satanic spike:
A sickest pain.

Toxic hate/stain/sin/assault:
That is satanic, is not sexual.

Satan wins.. in our end.
As ruin is non-wanted.
It was ruins and neon.

Hate’s killing racism:
A sick ill’s nightmare.

Damnation’s grim rudeness:
An ending is to mass-murder.

Anagram puzzle:

Why do egotists cool down
Hell when they end up there?

Because their..

_____ _____ _____!..


‘A voyage: Gay ova.’

‘Dr Uterus: A sure turd.’

‘Lot I PAC: Capitol.’

‘Lot I PAC, set at
state’s capitol.’

‘Torn, Israel clears
in rot.’

No, I to pet, ah.’

‘Hate-potion is a sin.
O, I to pet, ah.’


I’ve.. sung to pressure..

that.. tongue-suppressor*.


*(.. Which, unlike a
tongue-depressor or
even a tongue-repressor,
is a spoon, of course.)

Those.. stowed tools
(including a spoon)
were, of course, beneath



The nuclear-powers rule
(the entire world) with a..



The REAL “Trump-Derangement
Syndrome” is actually a
severe case of..



The pain that gets gain
happens mainly when we strain.

But a pain with no gain
mainly happens when we sprain.

And yet the pain from which
we maybe-many manly men
must reframe
happens mainly when we..


*(Don’t be chauvinist-..
Pygmalions, guys!..)
Regarding the maze-
generating algorithm:

My bit of maze (surrounded
by the gray grid) I have
calculated by hand, and it
may be erroneous.

I ended the maze-generation
at an arbitrary (and much
too soon) point. But its
algorithm (which follows),
though, could easily/quickly
generate the maze as large
as you like, if you program
it on a computer.


(All the following “maze-
rooms” are drawn so their
walls/doors align with
the lines of a grid, one
maze-room per grid-square.)

First, draw the first room
in the middle of your grid.
Then connect it with a door
to a second maze-room drawn
immediately to the right of
the first room, making a
2-by-1 rectangle.

I can most easily explain
the rest of this procedure
via some combination of
BASIC pseudocode/
plain-language. (BASIClish..)

First, set up a 2-dimensional
array (as large as you want)
of variables a(m,n), with
each a(m,n) = 0 to start.

If the array is M elements
by M elements, then let
a(M/2, M/2) = 1, and let
a(M/2 +1, M/2) = 1.

(M/2 here^ is only an
For one thing, m and n in
a(m,n) must always be
positive integers.)

Start by setting a(m,n) and
a(m+1,n) to 1, where m and n
are both somewhere near half
of M.
(a(m,n) and a(m+1,n)
correspond to the 2 already-
drawn maze-rooms.)

Also to start, if a(m,n) and
a(m+1,n) are the first two
array-elements (mentioned
above) to equal 1, then let
b = m+1, and let c = n.
(So, a(b,c) represents,
before the loop below begins,
the element on the right of
the two elements that are
initially equal to 1.)

r = 1, to start.

(r represents the direction
each new room is generated in
relative to the previously
generated room.
r = 0 is up.
r = 1 is right.
r = 2 is down.
r = 3 is left.
{‘Up’ here represents a
decrease in the vertical
coordinate, and ‘down’
represents an increase
in the vertical coordinate.
‘Right’ corresponds to an
increase in the horizontal
coordinate, while ‘left’
represents a decrease in
the horizontal coordinate.
But these relations are
arbitrary and can be
reflected if you wish.})

Okay, with the set-up BS
out of the way, now the
relatively-fun looping
part of the algorithm:

For d = 1 to (maximum number
of maze-rooms you want – 2).

(^For/next loop, as-per
There are actually two
additional rooms than the
maximum value of d due to
the initial 2 rooms.)

k =

(This^ counts the number
{1, 2, 3, or 4} of already-
generated rooms that are
immediately above, below,
to the left, and to the
right of the most-recently
generated room.)

If k = 1, then r = r + 1.
If k = 2, then r = r – 1.
If k = 4, then r = r + 2.

(This^ changes the direction
based upon the number of
adjacent {and above, below,
to the left, to the right}
already-generated rooms.
{The direction remains the
same if k = 3.})

If r is greater than 3
(ie. is 4 or 5), then
r = r – 4.
If r is -1, then r = 3.

(This^ keeps r between 0
and 3, ie. r = r(mod 4).)

If r = 0, then c = c – 1.
If r = 1, then b = b + 1.
If r = 2, then c = c + 1.
If r = 3, then b = b – 1.

If a(b,c) = 1, then go to

(^b or c increases/decreases
until an array-element that
equals 0 is first arrived

If b or c is less than 0 or
is greater than M, then end.

(This^ is so the maze stays
within your array.)

Let a(b,c) = 1.

(^The array is updated to
indicate the new maze-room.)

Draw a door in the grid
at grid-square (b,c) in
accordance to r — passing
from an immediately-adjacent
already-drawn room (which is
not necessarily the previously
-generated maze-room) — in
the square’s bottom wall if
r = 0, in the square’s left
wall if r = 1, in the
square’s top wall if r = 2,
and in the square’s right
wall if r = 3.

(^The maze itself is updated.
The new door in the wall is
drawn opposite of the
direction represented by r;
ie. it is drawn in the wall
facing the just-previously-
generated maze-room, whether
or not that most-recently-
generated maze-room is
immediately adjacent in the
grid to the newest room.)

Next d.


(I have not yet actually
programmed this^ on a real
computer, and so it may be
erroneous or incomplete.)

Note: I am not sure if each
square within the maze’s
outer boundary is eventually
filled with a maze-room if
you make the maze large
enough. Maybe there are
grid-squares that are to
remain empty even if you
made the maze infinitely
large (d goes to infinity),
but I don’t know.

Speaking of tying an

Regarding the pattern in
“Chaoscillated”, which is
repeated in “Pseudo-Chaos”:

This pattern too was
generated via a procedure,
which is a little simpler
of a procedure than the one
used to generate the maze.

Start again with an M-by-M
array filled entirely
with 0’s.

Set the middle element,
which is (if M is even)
a(M/2,M/2), to 1.

But here there are four
branches (not making a maze
here) sprouting from the
middle element, with these
discontinuous branches
passing (in their respective
directions) over any array-
elements that already are
equal to 1.

Every pair of opposite
branches, the two that
sprout horizontally from
the center element and the
two that sprout vertically,
move in-direct-opposition
to each other, one of each
pair moving down when the
other moves up, and one to
the right when the other
moves to the left.

But the two branches that
begin by sprouting
horizontally from the center
always change their direction
on each move in the clockwise
direction, moving (The left
branch directions are in
parentheses) right (or
left), then down (or up),
then left (or right), then
up (or down), then right (or
left), then down (or up),

While the two branches that
begin by sprouting vertically
from the center always change
their direction each move in
the counterclockwise direction,
moving (The bottom branch
directions are in parentheses)
up (or down), then left (or
right), then down (or up),
then right (or left), then up
(or down), then left (or
right), etcetera..

And all squares along the
diagonals emanating from the
middle square must be avoided/
(If a(M/2,M/2) is the center
square, then these squares to
avoid are those of the form
a(n,n) and a(n,M-n),
n = 0 to M.)

These squares must be avoided
because, otherwise, sometimes
the new square of a vertical
branch and the simultaneously-
generated new square of a
horizontal branch would both
be generated in the same
location, which is forbidden.

This pattern, as with the maze
above, could be extended to be
as large as you desire.

All’s well that ends Hell..


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