
(Yet again..
Going.. and staying still..
simultaneously both forward
and backwards at light-speed.)

Blog-post # 642:
(642 = 2 * 107 * 3
= 123 * 2.)

And Leroy steps back into
the internet for one quick
encore, but no more.

Going forward AND backwards..

One FINAL art-inanimation:


Anagrams, 8:

As dreams all end
before they begin.
A real nightmare
flees beyond beds.

The glassiness:
As light’s sense,..
As lenses’ sight..
.. Sees sans light,
.. Else sans sight.

Its Doppler-surrealism:
A limit’s reds or purples.

Lenses’ odd foci..
.. Folded cosines.

Grim racist sin.

This sarcasm’s hits:
That smash’s crisis.

Into crudest..
.. Destruction.

A destructiveness:
As its crude events..
.. Deceive sans trust.


(^The final anagram above is in
{dis}honor of the deadly attack
a year ago at a White-
Nationalist rally, and too of
other modern-day terrorist

Thing to yell at loud kids:

“Hey, subtle down!”



‘Settle-Up, With
The Saddle-Downs’


And, FINALLY, I might as well
tell you the answer to the
“Loci Colorize Zero” puzzle
before I go away forever:

The colors are as follows:

Red and purple represent
those squares that, when
they’re added to the design,
they are bordered* at the
time by only one already-
included square.

*(Bordered in the directions
of up, down, left, or right.
Diagonal touching at corners
is not considered here.)

Red represents those squares
of the string of squares
sprouting from one side of
the center square, and
purple represents the
squares of the other string
that had sprung from the
opposite side of the center

Blue and green represent
those squares that, when
they’re added to the design,
they are bordered by exactly
two already-included

(And blue is of one string
of squares, while green is
of the opposing string.)

Yellow and orange represent
those squares that, when
they’re added to the design,
they are bordered by exactly
three already-included

(And yellow is of one string
of squares, while orange is
of the opposing string.)

And the 2 dark gray squares
(the same color for both
opposing strings) represent
those squares that, when
they’re added to the design,
they are bordered by four
already-included squares.


In other words,
Say you number the squares,
two of each number, in the
order they are added to the
design, labeling the center
white square with a 0, then
labeling the two squares on
the left and right of the
center with a 1, etc.

Then — as considered at any
time from when the particular
square had been added to the
design to the time that the
design has been completed —
what you can simply look at
is the number of adjacent
squares (in the directions
of up, down, left, or right)
that had been labeled with
lesser integers.



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