As A Butterfly Or As Lies

Blog-post # 643:
(643 = prime.)

(And when I said last post
that 642 = 123 * 2, well,..
I instead meant it equals
321 * 2.

1-2-3 vs 3-2-1.

But, hey, I also said,

“Yet again..
Going.. and staying still..
simultaneously both forward
and backwards at light-speed.”

So, I guess sometimes..
a lie is not a lie!..)

Ten new art-inanimations:

Angels Did Create Strangeness’ Sea
Angels Did Create Strangeness Sea
Crystallized Hues
Crystallized Hues
Maze Crudely Lit
Maze Crudely Lit
Even The Symmetries Are Odd
Even The Symmetries Are Odd
Regarding Sin(pi/phi) Radians
Regarding Sin(pi/phi) Radians
Roundness Wrapped In Solar Gears
Roundness Wrapped In Solar Gears
Perpendicular To Hourglasses
Perpendicular To Hourglasses
As In This Cosmos
As In This Cosmos

A note about the image “Regarding
Sin(pi/phi) Radians” is below.

Anagrams, 52:

As a butterfly or as lies:
Fate so brutally arises.

These crystal rainbows:
Labyrinths were so cast.

Hues crystallized in me.
Lit mazes crudely shine.

In nil’s tangled arcs:
All is transcending.

The hourglass was
in its bottle.
Truth’s lie is as
that snow-globe.

Space-time is what is
harmonic, is whole,
and is glass.
As in this cosmos,
it was aligned, was

Loops are as
hemispherical as
A color is a shape in
the masses’ spiral.

The rotation stirs magic.
That is as trigonometric.

The yo-yos, pulses, zigzags:
Loops, syzygies thus gaze.

In these glassy
lattices’ nodes:
Lights, ice, eyes,
salt, stone, sand.

As linearity’s ice/salt:
It is a crystalline sea.

Shiny stellar lattices:
The salt is crystalline.

All auroras shine.
Colors stain auroras.
As a solar/lunar corona
is hot, is surreal.

Earths are of
clear suns/moons.
form these seas.

Wrapped in roundness’
solar gears,..
Worlds, suns, or ends
are appearing.

Energies, sand, glass,
and etceteras:
Angels did create
strangeness’ sea.

These kaleidoscopic
toy angels:
They looked into glass,
ice, space.

Christ’s weirdest thorns:
His crown’s thirst rested.

Satanic thirst:
That racist sin.

A monster, thug, pig,
demon, and wickedness:
Trump sickened/negates
His own damn god.

This evil was dealing
those wars, deaths, and
In that wrath’s rage,
all done to us is what
is deserved.

God is to be as damned,..
.. Dooming dead beasts.

Anger had doomed us all.
As a Hell damned our god.

That death’s ozone-hole
As Hell oozes down to
the Earth.

In murder’s aroused pain:
Raped minds are ruinous.

That criminal, so rude:
A demonic liar’s truth.

The Evangelical
A revenge cast most
in Hell.
(Hell’s men ever got

As criminal as idiotic
This racial-
discrimination is

On this weirdest
hardest space:
There it sits and
was so perched.

A fascist toilet
so taints.
Cast as into it,
fate is lost.

Pure turd.

Sad Nazi hogs
choose to lose.
Oozing assholes
do so cheat.

Of pearl-less oysters:
Foes pry. Losers steal.

Each mix was
so tiny/simple.
Any is what is

In techno-mancy,
data dupes its humanity.
AI/math/chance/money is
nutty and stupid.

TV’s core.

Into any surreal
An entirety/color/hue
so aligns.

On the blobs, seeds,
and butterflies:
Densest bubbles do rise
then float.

Bubbles tangled so.
As blots bend/bulge.

I squiggled..
Eggs, liquid.

Sly stockings dance.
Candy sticks on legs.

This lady’s garters
are yet a sly woman’s.
Her legs strayed, as
morality was nasty.

Net’s grid.

As winged ellipsoids:
Wide lines, solid gaps.

As a circumference
does twist,..
Weird foci, scans,
etcetera sum.

A twisted and glassy
Ice’s crystal wad
is tangled.

As universal arcs
have coiled.
Such voids are clear
via a lens.

Time forms empty ruins.
Semi-firm entropy must.

In time’s purity.
It is empty ruin.

In our evil end:
Eternal racism.
An ill is to remain
never cured.

To thus ruin that rat,..
A truth is not a truth.

A demon is purely lost.
As Trump does only lie.


‘Did spill? Are bi?
Liberal lips did!’

‘Erase song, or
prognoses are.’


What must be even grosser
to eat than headcheese?



Besides 0, which whole number
is the most.. (w)hole?

The number _sieven_, of course!


“It has all the amenities.”

“The ‘amenities’?
So, as in ‘a-mean-ities’,
the opposite of ‘meanities’,
you’re saying then?”

“Yes indeed.
Because our staff takes care
of all those.. niceties.”..



‘Sisyphus Shrugged’

‘Even The Symmetries
Are Odd’


‘Ma Luscious and
the Evil MILFs’


Money is no object..

to those using virtual-currency,
that is..


Insomniacs get PLENTY of sleep..

.. in their dreams, that is!!..


Not only is the slur unfair to
literal pigs, but, too, the
term “pigs” is a misnomer when
used to refer to sexists and
racists, since, unlike literal
pigs,.. racists and sexists
can’t ever be..

.. cured!

(And speaking of pork-butts..)

Trump is indeed one Hell of a..



President Trump has referred
to OTHER people as,..
(A very partial, but accurately
reported, list.)




“A low-IQ individual”,

“A low-life”,

“A rat”,

“A thug”,

“A liar”,

etc, etc, etc, etc.

Well then, not only does,
as it is said, it take one
to know one,..

but apparently too, it sure
takes one to not actually
know one..

and, likewise it sure seems,
to not know absolutely any
damn thing even at all!..


If candidate Trump had ACTUALLY
believed Hillary was as corrupt
as He has claimed, then He
would instead have been
SUPPORTING her all along (like
she was an authoritarian enemy
of America, or something),..
and maybe even He would have
_voted_ for her!


(Not that Trump necessarily
didn’t actually vote for
Hillary, though,..
or vice-versa.)

Well, liberals really are a
bunch of hypocrites after
all, it turns out.

Because, for a bunch of self-
righteous hippy vegetarians,..

they apparently sure do always
like to..



(Yet, it’s often hormone-free
free-range locally-sourced
crow, though.)

All is indeed to end with
a whimper*,..

end as-per a whim of Trump,
that is!..


*(_And_ end with a bang.)
But seriously,..

Here’s a moderate proposal.
(And I’m not trying to pull a
.. Swift one here..)


The Statue of Liberty needs to
be completely demolished, and
soon. No joke.

But it needs to be demolished
for the opposite reason that
the statues of Confederate
leaders need to be brought
down (and brought completely*
down right now).

*(Leaving not even the
Confederate statues’..

Because the Statue of Liberty
is highly offensive for being,
as it has turned out, a brash
symbol and sickening reminder
of those values we Americans
very much do not at all truly
actually value.

An offensive lie.

While the Confederate statues,
however, are highly offensive
for being brash symbols and
sickening reminders of those
values we (Whiter) Americans
very much indeed DO truly
actually value (and still do
to this day, it has turned

An offensive truth.


(Or in other words..
What this country really needs
these days much more than any
statutes of limitation {such
as on rape-charges, say, being
filed}.. is some limitation of

Semi-neo neologism:

AI-enhanced big-data is only
just a bunch of..

‘technomancy’, is all it
really is.

Note about the image “Regarding
Sin(pi/phi) Radians”:

The name comes from the fact,
if it is a fact, that the
product, k = 1 to infinity,
of (1 -1/(k(k+1)))
likely equals 1/pi of the sine
of pi/phi radians, where phi
is the golden-ratio.

And since halfway around the
circle is pi radians, then
the image graphically represents
the approach to, at the circle’s
edge, sin(pi/phi) radians.

However, my math — though it
seems to check out numerically
— was based in-part on a well-
known math-result that I myself
now only vaguely recall (And I
don’t have any written reference
handy) and that I cannot myself
manage to prove. So I am unsure.


And that’s why mathematicians
can sometimes be just like

Because, while some math-
results are absolutely

some mathematicians are


Unproofably yours,


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