In Suspended-Inanimation

(Now, an encore.
Then soon, no more..)

Blog-post # 645:
(645 = 3 * 43 * 5.)

Six (and 3 halves) new
art-inanimations (plus
a bonus non-art image
further below):

There Inside Its Rotation
There Inside Its Rotation
Of Pseudo-Imperfections
Of Pseudo-Imperfections
Dark Shards
Dark Shards
Squiggled 180 degrees
Squiggled 180 degrees
Squiggled 90 degrees
Squiggled 90 degrees
Impurely Imperfect
Impurely Imperfect
Out And In-d-Klein
Out And In-d-Klein
Visions’ Ode
Visions Ode

Some notes about the images
“Of Pseudo-Imperfections”,
“Squiggled 180 degrees”,
“Squiggled 90 degrees”,
“Impurely Imperfect” (and
“Visions’ Ode” too to some
extent), and about the
related simply-derived
pseudo-random pattern these
images derived from are

Also below is an important
note about the image
“Out And In-d-Klein”.

Anagrams, 23:

Voids’ noise:
Visions’ ode.

Lopsided ovoids:
Loops divided so.

so overlaps..
Woven spirals
or seeds.

That hourglass
is woven.
As sunlight was
to hover.

Spheres cut..
.. Cusps there.

As that
A spin/mode of
the pure static.

Calculus had spun
purely there inside
its rotation.
Such is done
perpendicularly to
that nautilus’ rise.

Its own cosines
These inflections
did so twist.

As sickest mimes:
Ice smites masks.

The hatred’s satanic
stupidity is so evil.
As nasty idiotic lies
have spited truths.

A genocide’s doom
is seen so near.
As asinine greed
does soon come.

An order taught to Its

Nazi pigs,
as pig Nazis:
Pain is a
zigzag’s spin.

A swastika has
tentacles on its
As that likeness was
to be as satanic.

Mass-death is..
A sad mess’ hit,..
As the sadism.

Masses/failures give us
their racist Hell.
This evil ruse/fascism
sure is all the rage.

Americans do
hear racists.
AM-radio shares
its cancer.

With a gun,
Hell is as sick.
This was killing
us each.

We asses had made
our own death-beds.
Hades’ sad woe
beat/damned us

In an evil death,
fascist racists
hang losers.
Hell’s vast ignorance
is cast as fire and

Law so lewd.

Earlobes’ softness..
Feels as stone orbs.

This earlobe blurs.
The blob is surreal.


What does the cosmologist
use to clean his apartment?

The vacuum of (his) space,
of course!..


“You hear how that poet
was never paid for the
tribute he wrote?”

“Yeah, I heard he was..
ode.. quite a lot!”


The catch, though, to WYSIWYG
in this modern age is..

We’re blind!


Sir Edmund Hillary, Yogi
Berra, and Donovan issue
a joint-statement:

“Because it isn’t there
until it’s there!..
.. Then it isn’t there,
then it is.”

(Warning: Politics.
Warning: Satanic fascism.
Warning, warning,
NOT a handbook, but it’s
indeed a warning,
warning, warning..)

One difference between
Trump and a lawyer:

A lawyer reads the
tiny print.

But Trump can only read
the tiny words!..

(Speaking of illegitimate

But on the other hand,
the coarseness is in
The Devil(/Donald)!


Forget Pontius Pilate.

Crucifixions these days
are being carried out by..

Pompous President!..


The fact that about half of
Americans actually voted
for Trump to be president
has been for America as a
whole actually rather..



(But the US is getting more
and more GRATING, though..
Yay there, at least.)


Any environmentally-protected
national park, wilderness
area, etc is nothing more to
President Trump than the
serious crime of..


(Or of “TREE-ZONE!!”,
as He would put it.)


Regarding Trump’s even most
extreme agendas and judicial
How is the US Congress right
now nothing other than a
waterproof jackboot?

For Trump, it’s effectively
only just a..


(And speaking of right-wing

The gun-lobby could instead
have (just as legitimately*)

“Hey, now now.
Guns don’t shoot bullets.
Guns shoot people!”


*(Yet, seriously,
it in-fact takes BOTH
guns AND people to shoot
people {and to shoot
bullets too, for that
matter}, is the {duh,
obvious} thing.)

(“right-wing nuttiness”:
Oh, so I guess that’s
what’s meant by
“Riding.. shotgun”,
{Or at least in the US of
A, where we drive on the
correct/RIGHT side of the
road, that is!..})

Notes regarding the images
“Of Pseudo-Imperfections”,
“Impurely Imperfect”,
“Squiggled 180 degrees”,
and “Squiggled 90 degrees”:

First off, begin with a
2-by-2 “grid”, with the
lower-left square and
upper-right square shaded
black, and the other two
squares being white.

Then iterate, repeating
on each iteration what
you have so far (as noted
below) in a grid that is
twice as large in each
direction as the size of
the most recently created
grid of black and white
squares. (So, 4-by-4 after
the initial 2-by-2 grid.
Then 8-by-8, 16-by-16,
32-by-32, etcetera.)

Repeat the previous grid
exactly in the new larger
grid’s lower-left quadrant.
But rotate the older grid
clockwise by 90-degrees,
and repeat this same
rotated older grid in the
new grid’s upper-left,
upper-right, and lower-
right quadrants.

So, on each iteration:


S = still/same.
R = rotate right by
90 degrees.

That’s all the iteration
consists of. But yet the
resulting design, as the
grid grows larger, does
appear to me to get
unexpectedly complex (to
at least some extent).

Here is the pattern
as it begins growing:


(The lower-left quadrant of
each grid after the first
equals the unrotated version
of the previous grid.)

For the images “Of Pseudo-
Imperfections” and “Impurely
Imperfect”, I show two
consecutive iterations, two
copies of each iteration; and
I have symmetrically rotated
(without flipping) the four
grids so that the seed 2-by-2
square of each large grid is
near each images’ center, and
the 4 grids would be growing

Now, things get interesting,
if a bit less artsy, in the
cases of the images
“Squiggled 90 degrees” and
“Squiggled 180 degrees”.

In these two images I took a
particular iteration and
rotated it either by 90 or
180 degrees. Then I
superimposed this rotated
large grid of black and
white squares onto the
unrotated version and
colored as so:
If a particular grid-square
of either grid is black, and
the respective grid-square
of the other grid is either
black or white, then the
resulting grid-square is
But if both a particular
square of one grid and the
respective square of the
other grid are white, then
the resulting square is

(In Boolean logic:
OR, in terms of black.
AND, in terms of white.)

I find these squiggly designs
interesting because they are
in-fact non-randomly and
straightforwardly generated.

Note that other interesting
(pseudo-random) designs might
result too if doing other
things to the superimposed
grids, things such as
flipping, using different
sized-grids, shifting the
relative positions of the
grids, superimposing more
than two grids, using other
operations, using grids of
many more iterations than I
have, etcetera.

Regarding “Out And In-d-Klein”:

This is more so a true example
of a symmetric Klein-bottle
than the representation I have
given in my previous post,
“Mobius-Tube-esquely Klein-

In the earlier representation,
the fact that the “bottle”
joins itself at non-smooth
creases is, or I gather,
indeed a problem.

And this time, my smoother
and more topologically correct
(but still imperfect) Klein-
bottle thingy involves the
fourth-dimension (as too does
the standard true Klein-bottle).

Instead of (as in my earlier
image) the tube-ends terminating
within and connecting to the
loop-holes (sans the need for a
fourth-dimension), this time
each end of the tube passes into
the tube near the midpoint of
the tube’s length — passing
into the tube’s interior via
the fourth-dimension so as to
not (despite what apparently
happens in my image) puncture or
contact the tube wall when
Then each end of the tube exits
the tube’s wall and connects to
that wall, coming from the
inside of the tube so as to exit
near the midpoint of the tube’s
length (as in the image).

(Note: I’m not sure of the
definitions, but I think that to
be a true or truer Klein-bottle,
the ends of the tube may need to
connect to the tube’s wall in a
much smoother way than the too-
creased way I represented the
joining in my image.)

(And FINALLY, some BS-ence..)

If* a dream is simultaneously
both a dream and reality until
one wakes to observe the truth,
then what is reality — reality
or a dream — before one sleeps
.. to observe the lie?..




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