Author Archives: trapezoidalamorphousness


(.. But fringy foolish..)

Blog-post # 626:
(626 = 2 * 313.)

Five new art-inanimations:

A Scenic Desire
A Scenic Desire
Of Cumuli
Of Cumuli
Those Things As It
Those Things As It
Pulses/Forms Are Woven
Pulses/Forms Are Woven

Math indeed was involved in
the creation of these images,
but I forgot exactly how so.


Note regarding “Symmmazetry”:

This is not the exact same
image as simply just a B&W
version of my recently-posted
more-colorful image
“Symmazetry” (two m’s).
But this image (three m’s)
was created similarly.

The layout of the larger paths
(as too in “Symmazetry”)
was derived via my algorithm.
And I had taken that and also
made the bit-harder (but still
easy) maze I posted in my
most-recent blog-post.

This “maze” however can be
solved simply by going
basically diagonally from
the upper-left to the lower-
right, the main shortfall of
my algorithm.

But this B&W image here still
should be good for coloring
(by kid or adult), anyway..

Anagrams, 15:

All solar suns were
of the galactic shine.
Each night was lit as
are colorful lenses.

As iridescence:
A scenic desire.

The War To End.. Us All:
A rude stat: Hell won.

.. Rains.

Data-rape has
us losers.
All our dead souls
are trapped in schemes.

Correct or justified,
unsure of the data:
Our conjecture differed,
as a truth is to.


This of a truth’s
tilted design:
Those things as it
did flutter.

Whites’ cruel anger:
A still-warm evil.
We all will ever
remain racist thugs.

Whites craved
shame’s stain.
We have this
racist madness.


A horrible wad.

As lies, noise
was shouted.
This is a sound
we also see.

Pulses/forms are woven.
Flower-vases spun more.

Thin lines converge
to that design.
Those vertices tangled
in nothing.

The steamed artichoke
is as was that.
This we soak, char, made.
Eat, taste this.


‘Sting, nude dung-nits.’

‘Sag, nude-dung as.’


“Hey, you hear how the
actor and actress playing
Romeo and Juliet are
serious Christians?”

“Yeah, they’re indeed
quite the.. cross-lover


Some presidents are

Yet some presidents
are just steamed..


(And, yep, some presidents
just need to be steamed..)


But President Trump is not
a racist, though.. Oh, no.

For instance, there indeed
are, despite all logic and
reality and whatever else
too that liberals say,
enemy-armies from Latin
America amassing just south
of the US border, see,..
waiting to invade us and
take our American freedoms
away, see..

But even with Trump The
Great’s Great Trumping Wall
(the GTW), though, those
foreign-skinned enemy-armies
will surely instead simply
just invade us from the sea
and from Canada, watch out..

And so,..

Military advisor:
“One if by Mexico,
two if by…”

“Whoa, whoa, wait a second
there, fella. Me can’t
count that bigly!”..

(Hence the focus mostly
only being on the wall
along the _Mexican_
border, see..)

Since we’re all now these
days apparently only a
bunch of stupid immature
trash-talking idiots,
here then is a warning
hopefully at least some
of us can maybe even
understand at all:

Hey, man,
you better watch out.
Because fascism now days
sure as Hell is _really_
spreading,.. and is so
_even_ almost as far and
wide and as quick..

as is…



If you have a case of
horrible diarrhea, then
you _better_ have plenty
of toilet-paper..


(You ever notice..)

Parents tell their kids,

“We had to send our pet
to a,.. uh,.. um,..

But then decades later,
those now-grown kids
tell their own kids,..

“We had to send your
grandparents to a,..
uh,.. um,.. ‘home’.”..


(It seems very likely
that I have heard/read
this^ and previous joke
somewhere before.)

Who odds it out?

The even man out!

And what is it that
that even man does
odd out?

The evens!..


‘The Odd E-O’s’

‘The Id I Ate’

‘Fringy Benji and
the Edgy-Wisemen’


We’re not in-fact
social-media ‘users’
as much as we are..




This game combines a few
of my earlier games.

For 2 players.

First, draw an n-by-n grid
on paper, where n is some
odd positive integer.
(I suggest an n of at least
12 or more, maybe a lot
more. But the n should be
finite, meaning that the
resulting “maze” shouldn’t
be allowed to grow
arbitrarily large in any

Either player then fills-in
the centermost square of
the grid.

The game begins with one
player filling in the square
immediately to the left of
this central square, and
then the other player
filling in the square
immediately to the right of
this central square.
(So, to start, there should
be a 3-by-1 filled-in
rectangle in the center of
the grid.)

Thereafter, players take
turns filling in empty
grid-squuares, one empty
grid-square per each
player’s move.

There are a few caveats..

The square a player fills-in
must be directly to the right
or left, based on the
direction that that player
most recently moved, of the
square that that same player
most previously filled-in.

So, in other words, a player
fills-in a square in the same
row as his/her most-recently-
filled-in square, and then on
his/her next move fills-in a
square in the same column as
his/her most-recently-filled-
in square. Then in the same
row, then the same column,
then the same row, then the
same column,.. etc.

(And both players’ first move
is in the same row, which
forms the 3-by-1 rectangle.
So next they move vertically,
filling in a square in the
same column. But.. they each
will only have two choices
for their second move, just
above or just below their
own first filled-in square,

But a player can’t just move
to any empty square she/he
chooses in the same row or
same column.

The player must fill-in the
empty square (in whichever
of the two allowed directions
that the player chooses, left
or right) that necessarily is
the first _empty_ square
encountered if traveling in
the chosen direction from the
square that that same player
most-recently had filled in.

(Thus, each player only has
at-most two possible empty
squares to choose from on
any single move.

And a newly-filled-in square
might possibly be adjacent to
the square that that player
filled-in in her/his most-
recent previous move.

It inevitably will always be
immediately next to _some_
previously-filled-in square
or squares {filled-in by
either player}, in any case.)

And so, every time a player
“passes over” at least one
already-filled-in square
before “landing on” the
first empty square
encountered in the particular
row/column, the number* of
passed-over filled-in squares
is added to the player’s

*(Which is 1 fewer than the
number of squares traversed.)

The game continues until a
player can’t move any more
because the squares of the
row or column he/she must
move within are already all
filled-in from one side of
the grid to the opposite

Then the player with the
largest score is the winner.



1) Players must stay within
the grid.

2) If, instead of filling in
the squares, players make
“rooms”, with a door erased
in the exterior wall that
leads into the new room,
then a maze is formed.
(Make two doors in the
exterior wall at game’s end
to complete the maze.)

2b) And if both players
happen to consistently turn
right on every move, then
my recent algorithmically-
formed maze results.

3) It might be a good idea
for the players to use
differently-colored pencils/
pens, and then too maybe to
number the moved-to squares
as the game progresses
rather than simply filling-
in the squares, so that it
is clear which square was
a particular player’s most-
recently-filled-in square.
(In practice, confusion as
to which was a player’s
last-filled-in square seems
like it could otherwise be
a significant problem.)

4) It must be stressed that
a player isn’t allowed to
move forward or backwards.
She/her must always move
perpendicularly to the
direction most-recently

5) Indeed, passing over
the center square counts
as 1 more point added to
a player’s score.

Passing over the very
NON-central squares,..


Mazes Revealed Yet Unsolved

(.. But easy to solve.
.. And yet hard to reveal..)

Blog-post # 625:
(625 = 5 * 5 * 5 * 5.)

Three new art-images:

It Then Is Linear
Via Trigonometry
It Then Is Linear Via Trigonometry

The top image represents the
maze generated via my secret
maze-generating algorithm
when taken out farther than
in the image I posted in
my previous post.
(I quit generating it after
an arbitrary number of moves.
But it could have gone out
And, oh, I may have made a

See below for the answer
revealing what that algorithm


The final image is an easy

I first took the even-easier
maze I generated via the
simple maze-generating
(The silver paths of the
top image.)

Then I took this symmetric-
but-simple maze and turned
both the walls and the paths
into paths, with the old
boundaries between walls and
paths becoming the new walls.

And then to try to make it a
more interesting maze, I took
the liberty of introducing a
few.. asymmetries as I
arbitrarily saw fit.

Anagrams, 16:

Therein gravity’s
inertial motion:
It then is linear
via trigonometry.

Round spherical shapes
twisted around.
Thunder is as
perpendicular to

Of our surrealism’s
dimensional collapse:
As nil arose, one
colorful spiral is

Of shredded ellipses:
Spheres else did fold.

A droplet’s scene in us:
As inert pulsed cones.

A spherical butterfly
was of spinning designs.
The surreal wings’/fins’
flapping is cast beyond.

Colors yet form
in some mazes..
.. Of more-so
symmetrical zones.

Pointed shards of
all coincidences..
.. Do spin in the
creased conical folds.

A space shook/filled.
Fake loops each slid.
All of each so spiked.
Of oil’s lacked shape.

Of devils, angels,
witches, and/or women:
As do a demon’s, their
cloven-wings flew.

All the rude, fascist,
and racist men do puke.
Stupid satanic fuckers
are damned to Hell.

These nasty
They are stupidest racist
satanic shits in a
moronic herd.

A hellish stupid racist
unstable madman has
Trump is to blunder
and scam. He is as ill
as His sad hatred.

These trillion rude
Our lies cast us
into red-hot Hell.

Once, killing was sin.
Now, all is sickening.

Spices are..
.. As recipes.


‘Art-name mantra.’

‘Art-name meme-mantra.’


As for my weight,..

I guess I’ve really got
to take it down a nosh..


“That major hard-rock band’s
tour, I heard, has a lot of

“A lot in ten cities,
you say?”


(“Oh, so you’ve been to hear
them already, I gather.”
“Uh, what!?”)


Some people are such..

herd-core conformists.


Stigmata are a..
Christ-stain concept..


“Hey, digging up that buried
cursed artifact will literally
destroy the entire planet!
So then, it _better_ not
ever be.. UNEARTHED!”


Putin is not just some
tin-pot dictator.

Oh, no, he’s much more of
a.. GOLD-pot (or even
PLATINUM-pot) dictator!..


(But Trump is more of a
chamber-pot dictator,

Donald Trump, it turns out,
has in-fact been quite the..

FAKE-estate developer!..


even more like it..)

Political corruption can
sure lead to quite the..


of ill-gotten gains,


Now days it’s all EFT-up..

Everyone For Themselves!..

And, finally,..
(Uh, maybe even _finally_
for-real, with nukes
and stuff..)

The answer to the maze-
generating algorithm puzzle:







(Actually, it’s a Hell lot
more complicated to try to
explain this than I thought
it would be.)

Take a grid (preferably of
infinite size, if you decide
to make a REALLY big maze..),
and start by having a square
of the grid be the initial
room of the maze.

Place two “doors” in the
exterior wall of this room,
each in the opposite wall
than is the other door.

And draw two new maze-rooms
each in one of the two empty
grid-squares next to the
initial maze-room so that
each new room is connected
to the first room via one of
the two doors.
So you should now have three
maze-rooms in a row (making,
so far, a maze-path that is
simply a 3-by-1 rectangle).

Okay, now things get

The maze is generated in moves
from whatever has been so-far
generated by adding to the
maze two new maze-rooms and
two new doors (one per room
each door connecting a new
room to the older part of the
maze) on every move.

These two new maze-rooms
happen to be symmetrically
placed relative to each other
so that if you are to rotate
the maze by 180 degrees about
the initial maze-room, the
maze would look the same.

Now, when you draw a new door
and maze-room, you are doing
so such that you enter the
new room from the older part
of the maze in a direction of
either right, down, left, or
And the other maze-room is
drawn on the same move so
that you enter it in the
opposite direction as you
enter the other room that
is generated on that move.

But after you draw a door
and maze-room, for the next
pair of doors and maze-rooms
you shift each respective
direction by 90 degrees

(Obviously, both new maze-
rooms’ directions will still
remain at 180 degrees from
each other even after the
shift; and the directions
remain in-opposition during
every move of the maze’s

However — important caveat
— you are only allowed to
generate a new maze-room in
an empty grid-square where
the maze has not yet been
generated within it.
And, oftentimes, the grid-
square just to the right of
the older door, which is
where you would have put
the newest room if you
could have, happens to
already be occupied by a

So, the algorithm states
that you go in whichever
direction — right, down,
left, or up; ie. 90 degrees
clockwise from the previous
direction for the respective
square — from the just-
previously generated maze-
room.. and skip over any
intervening already-generated
maze-rooms until you first
come to an empty grid-square.

Then, since this empty
grid-square should be right
next the maze as generated
so far, you put a new maze-
room in that empty grid-square,
and you put a door into that
room as to pass through the
maze’s exterior wall (exterior,
as generated so-far).

And, if two or more older
maze-rooms abut this newest
room, the new door is placed
in the new room’s wall that
is closest to the maze-room
that precedes the newest room
(in the same one of the two
growing chains of rooms), so
that you enter the newest
room from the direction of
the previous room’s location
(if not necessarily from the
previous room per-se).

And, keep in mind, there are
TWO new rooms added each move,
which are added in opposite
directions so that the maze
grows in two opposite
directions at once.
And so you have two growing
separate but opposite chains,
each (which considering a
single chain alone) of
adjacent rooms.

And best be careful, if
generating the maze by hand,
that you keep track of which
chain you are having the new
room generate from.
Or otherwise you might wrongly
have the new room grow from the
end of chain A, say, but in the
direction of chain B (which is
the opposite direction you
should be going).

First few moves:
* is initial square.
One chain is numbers.
The other is letters.
(-‘s are for formatting.)

– – 4 – –
b – c – –
a – * – 1
– – 3 – 2
– – d – –

Notice how each of 4 and d is
physically disconnected from
the first 3 squares of its
own chain.



I’m not sure if necessarily
every grid-square eventually
becomes part of the maze
even if the maze is extended

It seems the exact overall
pattern never repeats, but
I am unsure.

And it too is maybe possible,
but I think unlikely, that
after some number of moves,
the maze-generation starts
doing some possibly-dumb/
simple thing repeatedly



For Demons Seein’ All

(^But you’re just a loser
who can only see 3-space.
Nah, nah, nah, nah!..

{Upon this date of 4-4.
.. In 4-4 time.})

Blog-post # 624:
(624 =
2 * 2 * 3 * 13 * 2 * 2.)

Five (and a half) new

Duality Number-Four
Duality Number-Four
Ghost-Sun beta-null
Ghost-Sun beta-null
Poignant Nil
Poignant Nil
A Sun-Lit Universe
A Sun-Lit Universe


(The patterns in today’s images
were determined pseudo-randomly
{to different extents} using
some simple math.
{But I have now forgotten what
the math exactly was that I
had used to make these images.}

However, it is highly likely
that some parts of the patterns
in these images, as in many of
my math-derived images, were
calculated incorrectly by the
low-accuracy plotting-program
I used.
{Thus, arti-pseudo-factual..
these image’s patterns would
unfortunately be, in-fact..})

(“Ghost Sun beta-null” is a
plot derived similarly but
differently than was the
image “Coro-null, from my
Jan 23, 2018 blog-post.)

Anagrams (17):

In each empty/torn nautilus:
The continuum is planetary.

Inverse nautilus:
A sun-lit universe.

.. Are so thick.

This artichoke was..
What a thick rose is.

As flowers ever so:
A few lovers’ roses.

Thumbing a nose..
.. To human-beings.

Solid helpless lust:
Sleep holds us still.

Fate’s whirlpools
ever do arise/align.
Voids are holes,
are of spilling water.

Therein hot glassy Hell:
Holy light, lenses, Earth.

Hitler is Lucifer, yet
had chanted lies as God.
Such hated dictators yell,
“Seig Heil!” and “Fire!”

Man-demons are stupid.
Trump is one as damned.
(And/or Putin made mess.
It made up randomness.)

Deeply racist
insane thug:
The president is
a clan guy.

In this damn
dreamt zeitgeist:
Nazi nightmares
did test time.

Slinging these at us so,
Eggs hit/stun as no lies.

Nothing essentially
does transpire.
These nils as it
render so poignantly.

A puzzle (or this same
design) does meander.
Pseudo-mazes are things
else randomized.

Never is:
(Sever in..
Ever sin.)


‘No, man, nice.
Kill like cinnamon.’

‘Amoral aroma.’


_All_ cuts of meat are..

animal bye-bye-products..


Who oversees the more
comfy version of Hell?

of course!..


Like a.. hot-plate..

is the.. hate-plot.


“You hear how several
key-posts have not even
yet been filled in the
Trump administration?”

it seems they’re still
a bit.. short-handed!”..


If Republicans do well in
the 2018 midterm elections,
they will likely only then
have, at best for them, a..


(But, still, it will
likely lead to the
attempted literal..


of all we losers.)


Actually, the Birthers
have simply misheard.

What was _really_ up is
that Barack Obama had..

“beans, borin’ quinoa”,
is all..


Forth unto where did that
bluish-green, if a bit
hard-of-hearing, demon go?

Unto the..

forth demon-cyan!..


Consider the following
maze-like image:


This arrangement of paths
within this proto-maze is
generated via a simple

Can you guess that algorithm?

I could have continued the
maze-generation outwardly
as far as desired, using
this algorithm.
(I only stopped so early in
the process because I have
other things to do today..
But I bet the maze would
have looked a lot better
had I continued it to a
significantly large size.)

Oh, and I could have made
an error, of(f) course.

(Warning: Math.)

A newly considered
mathematical constant?
Or something that is already
well-known or a simple
manipulation of well-known
constants, perhaps?

r is the real number, which
is about 1.677.. (but this
decimal might be way wrong;
I have reason to believe,
based on what little I’ve
read online and on other
investigations, that it
could maybe actually be
1 + sqrt(1/2), which is
1.707.., or it might be
something else either
close or not so close),


r =

sum{k=0,1,2..} 2^(-int(k*r)).

(Int(x) is x rounded-
down to the nearest integer.)

So, in other words, if we
take the sequence of integers:

which is (for k = 0, 1, 2,..)
0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8,..,

and if we take r in binary,
which is

then it just so happens
that the 1’s in the binary
representation are located
at positions (with the bit
to the left of the decimal-
point being position 0)
0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8,..,
the same set of integers
as the sequence int(k*r).

And this pattern, by
definition, would continue
for all the infinite-number
of bits in the binary
representation of r.

I could easily check online
to see if this constant and
its sequence already is
well-known, which it must
be. But doing that is not
as fun as just posting it
here without checking..


A fun math-fact, though,
regarding r:

If r is irrational (but it
might not be, yet I bet
it must be irrational),
then the following is so:

3 – r =


(Due to a famous and
interesting result
regarding so-called
stating that the two
integer sequences

int(k*r) and

{for k = 1, 2, 3,..,
and if r is any
irrational constant
greater than 1},

contain no integers in
common with each other,
but together contain all
the positive integers.

{For example,
int(k*pi) is:
3, 6, 9, 12, 15,
18, 21, 25, 28,..,

and int(k*pi/(pi-1)) is:
1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10,
11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19,
20, 22, 23, 24, 26,..

Every positive integer
occurs in one sequence
or in the other, but not
in both.})


Hey, try to wrap your mind
around (and vice-versa)
the concept of..

having a Klein-bottle-
shaped skull..



Postmodern Predestiny

Blog-post # 623:
(623 = 7 * 89.)

Four new art-inanimations:

Convoluted Sundial
Convoluted Sundial
Oscillating Like Funnels
Oscillating Like Funnels

Regarding the name:

This is a portmanteau
between “pellucid”
(which means
‘transparent’) and

And, yes, the image is
based on the same math
as is “Paradox Else Does”
from my previous post.
(Plus a little bit of
some other math.)


Hey, it’s propellers
.. all the way around!..

Anagrams, 24:

Funnels so oscillate.
.. Into all lenses’ focus.

Dim cyan:

Least brightest shadows
became random.
These almost are cobwebs,
grids, and math.

As nouns so hemispherical:
Each is amorphousness’ nil.

This rind is a peel..
Inside the spiral.

Flat arc.

A time-fractal.
A flat time-arc.

Ringed holes, cages,..
Helices and/or eggs:
Else reaching gods.
Cold energies gash.
Gored sins each gel.

Therein these very-circular
circular shapes:
Clear yet spherical
curves/hierarchies turn.

Obelisks, arcs..
.. Rise as blocks.

.. Lob skies.

Spheres and cones
spiraled in us to pi.
Helices, points,
roundness disappear.

Convoluted sundials
are of shadows.
Ovals’/cones’ radius
does unfold/thaw.

Radii’s calculus arranges,..
As circular sundial-gears.

Surreal beings or stars,
each as insane as us, had
Such earths, suns, galaxies,
seeds, and brains are to

Snug rich.
Such grin.

God’s hellishly
In sin and lies:
Evangelical Christianity’s

A sicker absurd Hell:
Such killers are bad.

Our polls mandated fascism —
A scam of Donald Trump’s lies.

Manly pole:
Only ample.

Shields were
protruding forwards.
Inert grips held
rude swords of war.


In madness’ data:
Satan is damned.

Human destination:
The damnation in us.

Non-permutational anagram:

Asinine, very thin gas:
A sin in everything as.


‘Fresh sash, serf?’

‘”Did past rot?”
“No. Contort, sap did.”‘

‘Nostril flirts on.’

‘Sane poem:
A sesame-open as.’


Where does a pod of
killer-whales make
music in-unison?

In an.. ‘orca-stra’,
of course!


Why is the appetizer-
dispensing vending-machine
not working?

Because it’s out of..



My main goal in life anymore
is just to get out of living-
my-life alive!..

(That’d be nice..)

Stormy the strumpet..
petted Trump’s pet trumpet!

She was even tootin’
like Putin, who too likes
to toot but then smite
Trump’s mighty pet trumpet
at night.

And Putin’s pet strumpets
too be pettin’ and peein’
upon (and then gettin’ wet)
Prez Trump’s pet trumpet.

Though Prez Trump is smitten
with both Putin and Clinton.
And He’s in-fact a shill,
and even still, for Hill.
Though not as much as are
His shrill swill-filled
GOP party’s pill-poppers
up on Capital Hill still
the shills for HIS thrill
if not for His ill-skill —
poppin’ their Godly pills
they’re pushin’ like Putin,
getting their fixin’
just like with Nixon,
just as unjustly lusty
as with that ex-Prez,
Bill Clinton.

But still, Prez Trump’s
such a shill, if silently,
for Hill, that He’s still
so even more so
than ever has been so Hill
for her has-been-Prez Bill.

But Bill had his own fill
of tootin’ and pettin’
his pet trumpet which not he
(if did indeed once Hillary
and strumpets like Lewinsky)
did inhale (and eagerly).

But seriously,..

Though in Hell are all we
for daring not to be free,
despite a spite so angry,
despite this furious fight
for our killed free-will,
and for truth and justice
ever wronged constantly
but never once wrong..
It’s this, a failed fight
(against the farthest
of the furthest Far-Right)
by Hill, by you, by me,
and too tacitly by she,..
she, the Whore of Babylon,
.. ie. Stormy.

But yet it is we, see,
who’ve all been dirtily
(and nastily)
tootin’ (like Putin)
the unlikely (un)likes
of Prez Trump’s pet trumpet.
As it’s WE who’re strumpets
and who’ve been inhalin’
our own fascist failin’ —
oh, and never mind Palin
(who’s been yet one more
Trumpian Babylonian whore).

Yes, Stormy the strumpet..
petted Trump’s pet trumpet.
But she beats such a Beast
in the least, in His haste,
in His hate.

Yes, this is quite a mix,
our siX-siX-siX-rated fate,
this sick and sticky
messy messianic wait,
a wait for our master,
for our baited fate,
our faked fate that’s
what’s been makin’…

— as it’s been mistakin’,
and They’ve been fakin’
(but we’ve been takin’) —

‘Merica just so (if not so)
really.. DAMN.. great!..


Forget the “School-to-prison

With all the school-shootings,
now days, even worse and even
more so, it’s becoming the..

School-to-cemetery pipeline!


Whenever a White American guy
shoots up a crowd of innocent
Americans, we should be
asking which of these two
possibilities is so..

Did the shooter have direct
ties to the domestic
terr’rism organization the


Had the shooter simply been
“inspired” by the domestic
terr’rism organization the

terrorist yells as he
shoots up a crowd,..



But forget “Making ‘Merica
akbar again”..

What would be even better and
REAL nice right now is to..

make America safe even at all
from total annihilation again!

In that^ regard..

Hey, an international
“Kumbayah” is sure a
whole lot better than
an international..



Forget Kim.

Trump too has His own

ie. John Bolton*,
that is!..

(And even worse, he’s
a nuclear-OVERreactor!..)




And forget gerrymandering
basically stealing the US
election in-favor of the

What might end up being
even more of a threat to
the election’s integrity



‘The Fluid-Drynamics’

‘Oscillating Like Funnels’


A bit of a gear-shift..


Take a 6-by-6 grid.

Write the integers 1 through 12
in some order along the top and
left side of the grid so as to
number the columns and rows with
a different integer for each
(Each of the 12 integers will be
used exactly once.
Six of the integers — you
choose which six — will be
along the grid’s top, numbering
the columns.
And the other six integers,
different than the first six,
will be along the grid’s side,
numbering the rows.)

Then write in each of the grid-
squares the product of its
row-number times its column-

The goal is to find a way to
divvy up the integers between
the set of row numbers and the
set of column numbers so as to
try to minimize the number of
products that appear in the
grid more than once (ie. to
try to maximize the number of
products that each appear only

(The arrangement of the
integers along the top of the
grid, numbering the columns,
or along the side of the grid,
numbering the rows, is
All that matters is which six
integers number rows and which
six integers number columns.)

(With the integers divvied
up without any attempt to
get a good score.
Leading 0’s are just for

/// 01 04 07 10 11 12
2 | 02 08 14 20 22 24
3 | 03 12 21 30 33 36
5 | 05 20 35 50 55 60
6 | 06 24 42 60 66 72
8 | 08 32 56 80 88 96
9 | 09 36 63 90 99 108

8, 20, 24, 36, and 60 each
occur twice.
So there are 26 = 36 – 5*2
unique products.
(Unless I counted wrong.)

However, I myself have been
unable to find a perfect grid,
a grid where every product is
The best I can do so far is
only one pair of two identical
(34 unique products, and two
products equal to each other.)

There are at least two
(partial, optimal??) solutions
with only one identical pair,
but they are identical to each
other except that two integers
are interchanged (from
labeling a row to labeling a
column, and vice-versa).

I suspect that there is no
perfect solution, with all
36 products being unique.
But I haven’t proved this.

Though I also suspect, given
my attempts at this, that
proving there is no perfect
solution would actually be
easier to do than finding a
perfect solution.. even if
there indeed _is_ a perfect

But FINALLY, and seriously,
very VERY seriously:

The M.A.D. strategies of
decades past are thrown
completely out the window
(or.. launched out the silo)
when talking about, as Trump
and Bolton are, PREEMPTIVE

Now the calculus of our
enemies,.. and too in-turn
that of ourselves in-
anticipation of our enemies’
own altered strategies,
dangerously shifts more
towards, maybe much more,
their having the perceived
need to _preemptively attack
us_, indeed possibly even
with nuclear-weapons, before
we attack them.

They may not prefer that
option, because we will
respond harshly.
But they may feel they
have nothing anymore to

And, furthermore, if we
reason they are feeling
this way (due to our own
initial provocation in
the first place, but
never mind), then _we_
will be even more likely
to attack first.

And then in-turn, _they_
may reason they need to
attack first because of
what we might be planning
in-response to what they
might be planning in-
response to our own
stated plans for

On and on, around and
around, more and more
a likelihood of an attack,
.. until someone _really_
does indeed attack!..


But, hey, a fun neologism,
though, regarding the



(And I, as we are all, am..


Nose, Weirder, In Spots

(Next on your local

The root of all E/m’s,
From c to shining c..
.. REALLY quickly..)

But in other news,
science, and
(and hilarity)..

Blog-post # 622:
(622 = 2 * 311.)

Five (and a half) new

In Coronal Pulses
In Coronal Pulses
Paradox Else Does
Paradox Else Does
Wilted Fire
Wilted Fire
Coronal Fire
Coronal Fire

(Yeah, I reused the
“Extraterrarium” image to
make “In Coronal Pulses”.)

(And a note regarding the
image “Paradox Else Does” is
at the end of this post.)
Anagrams (25):

Solar-flares have
been hot, not white.
Those rainbows fell
to Earth/Heaven.

With the stars’
Sun-spots will
reach to Earth.

Of solar cinders
yet ours,..
Coronal fire
destroys us.

Our destiny stirs.
It ruins/destroys.

Wilted fire fades so.
As flowers defied it.

A blossom’s
true ruin:
Moisture also

The fire has risen,
was knotted
but was bent.
It burnt of what
is between heat’s

Hot voids/suns
are eternal.
Heaven’s ruin/rot
does last.

As odd planets,
suns, rings:
Glass spins and
does turn.

In a demon’s lenses,
gears, circuits:
Asses’ electronics
are minding us.

Globes were auras.
Below us are gears.

A shell is spinning,
is curled again,..
.. Aligning spirals
and helices in us.

Helices do dare turn,
as our own selves do
turn anew.
Roundest carousels
and ovals were wound

Of space’s
clear tower:
Spectra were
so focal.

This dense swirling
Thinness is inside
wrong lengths.

Thin clarity was
hidden beyond us.
Any such odd reality
bends within.

Arcs create
inside them.
Their crescent is
as tangled, is as

Logarithms, meshes,
Math is of these
grid-lines’ sum.

Entirety’s energy
is divided via
mathematics’ art.
As each derivative
did integrate in
its symmetry.

Dare explode as so:
Paradox else does.

Sarcasm’s ire cast..
.. Racist massacres.

Our biases render
hate’s racialness.
As liars and their
ruses are obscene.

Hate’s racist
ghouls rise.
This slaughter
is coarse.

As hate or
as butterflies:
Beasts are of
a truth’s lie.

In its parody:
A point is dry.


Dreaming is simply when
the mind has opened
another browser-window..


We sure have, these days,
been.. spoon-fed.. a huge
load of total..
by the..


A phrase to someday be
confronting.. Someone..

‘Abandon all Trump-properties,
Ye who enter here!’..

Speaking of^..

America these days must be
where angels fear to tread,
because it’s definitely

Rush-ins fool!..


But in “other” news from
these here parts..

Now days existing in a
constant state of..



^(Thanks in-large-part to..

the ‘Inner-Ray’,..

which is, ironically,
NOT so.. in-lightening..)

Political cartoon:

Caption at top:
‘Maybe political-contributions
aren’t the ONLY reason that
US politicians serve the NRA.’

Image is of a politician
speaking before an NRA event.

But behind him stands a man,
the NRA-personified, pointing
a rifle at the politician.

And the NRA-man is saying,..

“Don’t doubt our commitment
and focus, Congressman.
Oh,.. we’ve got your back.”..


The gun-nuts’ version of
what Prescott had said
at Bunker Hill:

“Shoot first,..
see the whites of
their eyes later!”..


(But a bit less silly,

The cop-version of what
Prescott had said:

“Don’t shoot.. until you
see the non-Whiteness of
their skin!”..)

More silliness involving
the Red-Coats (versus,
ironically, the Reds)..

Regarding Britain expelling
those diplomats:..

They probably told Britain,..

“Well, fine then, we’ll
leave. But, hey, though,
we’ll be going to, and
enjoying ourselves in,..

Oo,.. OUCH!..

Speaking of murder-related

Murder-mystery movie-scene
parody-skit (which might
be highly unoriginal):

An ensemble cast of characters
is stranded together in the
mansion of the wealthy murder-
victim, being stranded there
because a severe storm has
washed out the road and

“Well, the murderer could
have plausibly been any one
of us here, honestly.
For we all, each and every
one of us, had our own
personal reasons for wanting
to have seen Malcolm dead.”

(Awkward silence {aside from
some thunderclaps, of course}
as the characters look with
suspicion around the room
at each other, wondering
which one of them was the
one who is capable of..
committing.. _murder_..)

Then one lone voice:..

“Uhh,.. hey, since we all
wanted him dead anyway,..
uh,.. um.. Soooo,…
what’s even the problem,

Other character:

“Yeah, right. Oh, that’s
it. No I remember. _I_
killed him, turns out!”

And another,..

“Hey, thanks!..
.. Oh, but yeah,.. it
was really _I_ who killed
him, though!”

Yet another:

“No, _I_ killed him, see!
And I gots him good, too,
I tells ya’!”

And still another:..

“Wait, but _I_ killed him!”

And the last of the group:

“No, you’re all liars!
The murderer was _I_,
in-fact! _I_!”..

Then someone points out..

“Well, either way, what’s
truly important is that..
we’re in this mansion here,
Malcolm’s dead,.. plus too,
we have control of his
assets and, an even more
immediate plus, we’ve also
got access to his booze.
Soooo, then,…
Hey, let’s all party!”

“Party! Party! Party!..”

And so on..


There might be some problems
with the legitimacy of the
“marshmallow-test” from

For instance, perhaps this
was the deal..

Psychologist reenters the
room to see that the kid
has indeed eaten the
marshmallow, and goes
to the kid,..

“You BAD little brat!
How DARE you have eaten
it! Now you will get NO
MORE marshmallows, you
stupid LOSER!”..

(Then next, maybe the
researcher physically
smacks the kid a bit,
as well too.
Just because,.. even
the psychology-lab is
life, is why.)

The kid then grows up
to be a no-good loser,
_just_ as the researcher
(smuggly) knew he would.


But.. what if, instead,..
(The kid in this latter
case being richer and
Whiter than the first
kid was..)

“Well, you went ahead
and ate the marshmallow,
I see. Hey, way to take
initiative there, son!
And since you’re such an
obviously intelligent
go-getter, plus you’re
so adorable to-boot,
I’ll just go ahead and
give you those two
additional marshmallows
anyway. Or, hey, take
the entire bag of
marshmallows, if you
like! You’ve definitely
earned them, you winner,

Then the kid grows up
someday to be, say,..

And I was going to joke
that He had grown up to
be President Trump in
But, alas, no. President
Trump has never ever
grown up, though, is
the problem there..

However, say the kid does
indeed non-grow-up to
be President Trump,..
then He’d be going
around boasting still to
this day how He got TWO
marshmallows, ’cause He’s
a WINNER, see, while all
the LOSERS, on the other
hand, have only gotten
ONE marshmallow each,
even if we losers had
passed the marshmallow-
test as youngsters with

“Nah! Nah! Nah! Nah!”..


(But,.. I haven’t the
heart to tell Him,
though, that _I too_
— even though I am a
loser who surely would
_not_ had passed the
marshmallow-test even
at all as a youngster
if I had taken it —
have myself, along with
Trump too, gotten TWO
whole marshmallows,..

and too, I’ve even
gotten _two_ scoops of
ice-cream, believe it
or not..
Shhh, though..)


‘Marshmallow-Test Fail-Boy’

‘The Locorhythms’

‘The Intelligentlemen’

‘Doctors Without Boundaries’


“Hey, where is it that
the mice strow?”

“In the orchestra-pit,
of course!”..


I saw the saucy sage
at the seance;
she said,..

“If there’s some sausage
in that sage-sauce,
then surely also so
there’s some sage-sauce
on that sausage.”..



(Speaking of deep thoughts..)

Finally, regarding the image
“Paradox Else Does” above
and the simplified version
below, “What It Does Also”:

In each image, the circles’
radii and too the distances
from the center of the
vertical edges and of the
horizontal edges are all
in-proportion to the
squareroots of the logarithms
of the positive integers.

Therefore, each intersection
of a horizontal and vertical
edge falls exactly on a
That is because, if the two
shorter sides of a right-
triangle have lengths of
the squareroot of ln(m)
and the squareroot of
ln(n), then the hypotenuse
has a length of squareroot
of ln(m*n).

Which also means,..
that, in the plus/plus
quadrant, anyway, the
mth edge from the center
and the nth edge from
the center, with the x
and y axes representing
edges m = 1 and n = 1,
intersect on the edge of
circle number (m*n), if
the first “circle” is
considered the central
point (it having a radii
equal to 0).

So the image is, basically
in a way, a Pythagorean-
based radial slide-rule.

The simplified version:

What It Does Also
What It Does Also



Spanned As Non-Asymmetry

(.. And then spinned as
non-correct spelling..)

Blog-post # 621:
(621 = 3 * 3 * 3 * 23.)

First off,..

Happy (base-10) Pi-Day.

“Happy bidet?”

“That too, but no.

“Pay-day, then?
That’s good.”

“No, Pi-Day.”


“No, today, Wednesday.”

“When’s day?
When it’s not night.”

“But Pi-Night is finite.”

“Like iron-pyrite?”

“Ironically, quite right.”

“But don’t pirate that
pyrite (from the pine-nut
planet), whether it’s
Pi-Day or Pi-Night, right?”


“But I hear that pi
is 3.141…,
but yet it’s never done.
Never done it’s been
in which base, again?
Uh, base 10?”

he’s our 1st-base man.”..


Ten (and a half)
new (and semi-new)
art (and semi-art)

Stone Prism
Stone Prism
Blossom Arising In-Descent
Blossom Arising In-Descent
As Otherwise: So Was Either
As Otherwise - So Was Either
Helices Stir
Helices Stir
Helices Restir
Helices Restir
Helices Recur
Helices Recur

(Math — and, yes, in some
cases pi — was used to
various degrees to plot
each of the images above.
Though I’m not in the mood
to explain it all, though.)

(And think of the three
related “Helices” images
as looking like 4-leaf
clovers or crisscrossed
hourglasses rather than
swastikas, please..)
Anagrams, 20:

glassiness, and
Stone prisms are as
tangled inside us.

Time’s long shape
traversed stones.
Its strangeness does
overlap them.

Lightning-clouds were
Inside any is glowing
electric thunder.

This quite clear
That cube is

Helices stir..
.. Their slices.

Its ellipses
each spherical:
Pi is all these
circles’ shape.

Stephen Hawking..
.. Knew the shaping,
.. Knew the phasing.
(He knew this pang.)

Light’s duality is
these waves seen.
Glassy hues have
else twisted in it.

Equinoxes descend.
Nixed sequences do.

Spanned as
Many ends
transpose many.

As otherwise:
So was either.

Surrealism is to so bend.
Blossoms arise under it.

As is weirdness:
Sin was desire’s.

cheaters/liars of Lucifer’s
baddest nastiness:
US Republicans are
fascists,.. are damned
to Hell’s fire.

The sly, rude, asinine
assholes’ language
dominated over us.
As our demagogues have so
yelled/risen in hate, sin,
and lust.

Racism is a lie as
constant as forever.
Fascists are evil,
are satanic morons.

The Antichrist is
as stupid.
It shits that crap
inside us.

Those urinals are
knotted with sieves.
Sinks/toilets have
turned as their woe.

A sundial revolves.
Vulvas are so lined.

Stupidest bow-tie:
It be so twisted up.


Them pigs ‘r real mean.

So, hey, you best not..
truffle with ’em!..


Said on first day after
the change to daylight-
saving time:

“I heard that people had
‘lost an hour of sleep’
due to the time-change
last night.
Well, it then must’ve
been _their_ hour of
sleep, I suppose, that
_I_ got last night!”..

(“And I’m not giving it
back to them, exactly.”)


“Dinner last night was
really darn tasty.”

“Was?! Use proper
grammar, now now.
Hey, come on, did you
actually mean to say
that it isn’t tasty

“That’s right, since
it’s now mostly just
poop inside me, then
indeed, it’s not at
all tasty anymore!”..

({With a defeated sigh..}
“Uh, I concede. True,
it probably isn’t tasty.”)

(Stupid) Thing to say:..

When stuck in traffic
due to road-work,

But this road ain’t


it was a _bare witness_..
who did _bear witness_

.. to the orgy..


One difference between
me and President Trump:

I have a scatterbrain..

But Trump, however, has..
scat _for_ a brain!..

Some math-plot fun:
(Then the answer to last
week’s colored-block

Back on Sep 30, 2016 (in
blog-post # 538) I posted
about what I call the
‘quasi-ellipsoid’, a 3-D
form with a cross-section
that is an A by B ellipse,
and where every cross-
section perpendicular to
that ellipse and passing
through the ellipse’s
center is a circle (which
shares its center with
the ellipse, which too is
the center of the quasi-
ellipsoid as well).

Now,.. (I mean, then)..
I posted at that time a
plot of the front and top
of the quasi-ellipsoid.
(The top has a profile
that is an ellipse with
the same size and shape
as has the elliptical
cross-section I mention
The front has a profile
which is a circle with
diameter equal to the
largest diameter of the

But, for over the
previous 25 years or so
since I first thought
about this form, I had
just been assuming.. —
and let this be a lesson
to you all about just
assuming anything!.. —
that the 3rd orthogonal
profile, from the side,
was also elliptical or
somewhat elliptical.
I had never actually got
around to plotting the
quasi-ellipsoid from
that vantage!..

Until.. just very

And boy was I wrong!..

Here again are the plots
of the front and top
(from my Sep 30, 2016
post) on the left side
of this image; but this
time I have included the
side-view too (in the

Quasi-Ellipsoid - amended

I may have made a math
error, but I figure that
the straight-looking edges
of the profile are indeed
in-fact straight lines.

(By “edges”, I am talking
about the edges of the
profile specifically.
Though the particular
points on the quasi-
ellipsoid’s surface that
trace out the straight
lines of the profile are
actually NOT straight
in 3-D.
Say there is a bright
light shining at the
quasi-ellipsoid from
exactly its side. Then
the shadow that is cast
would have some straight
But if the quasi-ellipsoid
is rotated even slightly
in-relation to the light-
source, then the shadow
would cease to have those
straight edges.)

And I figure that these
lines, the straight edges
of the profile (and which
trace out the top/bottom
extrema of the left-to-right
contours represented in the
plot of the front-view {seen
in my image’s lower-left}),
have slopes of:

+-squareroot((A/B)^2 -1).

So, the slopes (rise over
run) of the straight lines
(yet straight only as seen
from the side, though, but
not in 3-D) in my side-view
plot, since B/A = 1/2 for
this quasi-ellipsoid
in-particular, are (where
plus or minus depends upon
which one of the four
profile-edges we are
referring to):


(Thus, for a quasi-ellipsoid
with B/A = 1/2, by drawing a
horizontal line through two
of these straight side-view
profile-edges, we happen
then to make an equilateral

Also, if you want to trust
my math,..
I figure that the volume
of a quasi-ellisoid, in
terms of half the major (A)
and minor (B) axes of the
elliptical cross-section,

B^3 * pi * 4/3 *..
.. (sum{k=0 to infinity}..

where c equals the constant

(The ‘()!’s represent

I don’t know (yet) if the
infinite sum has a closed
form, though.

And if A = B, the sum is
considered to equal 1, so
the volume formula becomes
simply the volume of a
sphere of radius B {which
also equals A in this case}.

It looks like I had, back
in that Sep 30, 2016 post,
confused in my formula the
entire lengths of the
ellipse’s axes with half
the length of those axes.
The formula is actually
for half, analogous to the
ellipse’s major and minor
radii, not to its major
and minor diameters.
The quasi-ellipsoid still
has the same shape either
way, however, but is either
8 or (1/8) times as massive
as it should be if you were
to wrongly assume radii
instead of diameters or
diameters instead of radii.

But regarding any ratio of
A/B, though, it doesn’t
matter if you assume radii
or diameters (as long as
you assume the same for
both A and B).

Answer to colored-blocks
puzzle in my previous

Each group of blocks, as
I said, is made up of 16
new blocks in addition
to those of the previous
block-group, with 4 new
blocks of each of the
four colors.

The generation of each
new block-group consists
of 4 moves, with four new
blocks, one block of each
color, added to the group
on a move.

So, on a particular move,
a new block of each color
(r = red, p = purple,
y = yellow, c = cyan) is
generated in whichever
direction (up, right,
down, or left) relative
to the position of the
block of the same color,
depending upon the move-
number (1, 2, 3, or 4),
as follows:

. 1 .
4 r 2
. 3 .

. 1 .
2 c 4
. 3 .

. 3 .
4 p 2
. 1 .

. 3 .
2 y 4
. 1 .

(Going clockwise or
counterclockwise; starting
with, on move 1 of the
particular block-group’s
generation, a move up
or a move down.)

On any particular move,
every new block of each
of the four colors is
generated the same number
of grid-squares (from the
block of the same color)
as also too are each of
the three new blocks of
the other colors
generated from their own
color’s most-recently-
generated block.

And this number of grid-
squares — which is the
same number, on any
particular move, for each
color — is the minimum
number of grid-squares
needed so that every
single block of the four
new blocks (one of each
color) can be generated
within an empty grid-

(So, at least two of the
newest blocks — or at
least one, maybe, if you
begin with another seed-
group — will be touching
blocks; and the other new
blocks may or may not be
adjoining previously-
generated blocks.)

(Also — note — it is
possible that the nearest
empty grid-square in the
appropriate directions
for two or more blocks
might be the same square.
In this case, neither
color of block is to be
generated in that square,
and the ‘minimum number
of grid-squares needed’
is then increased further
so that the new blocks
are generated somewhere
beyond the problematic
empty grid-square.

This is why, for the
particular seed-group
I give, the central
grid-square will never
be filled.
Because the groups are
being generated
symmetrically, and thus
a move which would have
placed any color in the
very center would also
have placed another color
in the center as well —
a no-no.)


No no-no’s, now now!..

.. Hey, and not _even_ any
_biblical_ no-no-ings..



Spin’s Rotation: Transposition..

(.. Transposition:..
Rotation’s Spin..)

Blog-post # 620:
(620 = 2 * 5 * 31 * 2.)

Four new (or semi-new)

Therein, Into, Beyond Glassiness
Predetermined Chaos
Predetermined Chaos
As Do These Cobwebs
As Do These Cobwebs

(The bottom image is
the closest thing to a
selfie that you all
will ever get from me.
Consider it my official
{But sorry for the
low-rez, though.})

(A note is below about
“Predetermined Chaos”,
which is a puzzle of
sorts {if only sort of
so.. it’s.. of sorting}.)
Anagrams (23):

Chaotic symmetries:
They are cosmic mist.

Spin’s rotation:
(Rotation’s spin..)

is its one orb.

Destiny has random
pieces therein.
Any is chaos, then
is predetermined.

A god is
His one pyramid
does align.

Cosines had so
summed and rotated
inside shapes.
Each did spin as
does time, as does
roundness’ math.

Earth’s planetariums
use laser-colors:
Stellar/solar hues
arose in a spectrum.

Foci’s lenses were
such a spherical
Hollow shapes’
circumference is
as seen.

I held/climb/ascend
an abacus.
Such imbalances
did balance.

Masks are rotated
around our faces.
A dream does craft
a knot, a ruse,
or us.

As do these cobwebs
and the eyes of truth:
They focus to/between
Death’s/Hades’ orbs.

The embraces do..
.. Become hatred’s.

Fascist fuckers are
rising anew.
As we suffer in
sick racist anger.

Assholes’ stupidity
was as Lucifer’s.
His fascist pustules
do always rise.

We then will all die
for those sins of
this Ubermensch.
His meanest lewd fire
burns witches/fools
in hot Hell.

Trump was chosen;
then lies you dare
state stay lies.
Cum always easily
rises unto the top..
and sets there.

Ill chap.

We dumb
perverted fools:
Lewd bums do
forever pet.

Zero plaid.

.. Pry ears.

As gallows:
Laws’ goals.

Each mortal end,
smear, and lie:
Americans are
damned to Hell.

Our destiny’s
Atoms’ ruin
does nix entirety.


‘We fall as all, a few.’

‘To lay, groping nip:
Orgy a lot.’

‘Testes: A set set.’

‘Testis, it set.’

‘Sinister germ:
Regret sin is.’


“You hear about that brash
but in-fact cowardly spoon?”

“Yeah, it sure has quite
the.. bellowy yell!”..


Regarding President Trump’s
latest act of international..


But a tariff on STEALING,

would absolutely DEVASTATE

.. the Trump family!..

Regarding AG Sessions going
around threatening states
over both “sanctuary-cities”
and legal-pot*:

Hey, then. What this country
therefore really needs now
is a new…

SUCK-SESSIONS!-ist movement!!


Well, _someone_ is sure
Or, at the least, he sure
is.. SUCKING!..)

Whenever leaders have fallen,

then Their subjects (and other
leaders too) will surely soon



(Hey, don’t _you_ only
be yet just another..

Speaking of setting a..
low Bar..
(.. and of being fu-Bar..)

The whole of the Bar-exam
for public-defenders in-
particular must consist
of only a single yes/no
question, and maybe too
at-most one lengthy
followup “explain” essay-

Something along the lines,
surely, of,..

“Do any poor, non-White,
disabled, or otherwise
disenfranchised defendants
have, in-fact, ANY legal
rights even at all in the
United States of America?

And you _better_ say No,
and explain why it’s a
_good_ thing it’s so,
if into workin’ as a
public-defender is
where ya’ wanna go!..

But speaking of being

I suppose it’s ironic that
many of the disenfranchised
folks so often need to eat
at fast-food..

Speaking of

(Hey, forget “metrosexuals”.)

Men who are heterosexual,
but yet who’re pro-women’s-
rights and women-respecting
and who are sickeningly
liberal and non-macho
sissies.. tend to be…

(Let’s be honest, now now..)


(Even) Stupider jokes:
(Because it’s time to shift
gears a bit.. to the gear
of ‘unwind’…)

A domed botanical-garden
is the..



The one-room school-house
is indeed quite..



(Unless it’s been set up
in a massive warehouse
or something tragically
(Some slam-dance poetry..)

This death of innocents
is the death of innocence,
is a death of inner sense,
But in-essence our nonsense
makes no such sense..
‘Cause it solely takes,
yet it makes..
just unjust mistakes,..
yes,.. it only makes
just _our_ mistakes.

Yes, it takes so much
that we’ve got at-stake.
And we’re burning
at that stake
— well done! —
in a mistaken but taken
burning fire sensed
by each and everyone, in
this burning hellish fire
of each and every gun.

(Bad) Band-names:

‘The Phantasmosexuals’

‘The Idioeccentricrazies’



‘John Deuce And
The Yellow-Livers’**



‘The Yellow-Bellied
on backup bagpipes
{which are yellow,
of course}.)

*(Rocky-Flats allusion.
{Rocky-Flats, you ask?
That’s whence came the
glowing.. flocky-rats,
of course..})
A note about “Predetermined
Chaos”, which is a puzzle
of sorts:

The patterns of little
colored blocks is repeated
and rotated for each
quadrant, of course.
So let us consider, for
simplicity, just the
upper-left (black
background) quadrant.

There are four different
colors of blocks.
And there are 6 groups of
colored blocks, starting
with the arbitrary “seed”*
group of four blocks, one
of each color, at the far
right (of the upper-left
quadrant) just above the
quadrant’s center.

*(Starting with another
seed generates another
differently shaped
block-group collection,
maybe even completely
different with just a
slight change in the
seed group arrangement.)

Below the seed group in
the upper-left quadrant
is the second group, and
below that is the third
Then the 4th group is
nearest the top of the
upper-left quadrant, and
the 5th group is below
that. And the 6th group
is furthest to the
lower-left of the
upper-left quadrant.

Each of the six groups is
larger than the previous.
It is easier to see which
blocks belong to which
groups when you realize
that each group (whose
blocks are not all
necessarily contiguous)
is symmetrically shaped/
(A group of blocks looks
the same in shape*, if
not in color, after
flipping 180 degrees.)

*(As too do a group’s
internal boundaries
between different colors
of blocks look the same
after flipping, if not
the colors themselves.)

A simple set of rules
recursively generates
the growing collection
of blocks, starting with
the arbitrary seed-
I think this rule could
be used repeatedly so to
have the group grow
larger and larger, as
large as is desired.
But yet still, not EVERY
square of the grid will
eventually contain a
colored block.

(For one such block-less
square, the center square
of any block-group will
always remain empty,
unless the rules are
tweaked a little.
I haven’t thought at all,
though, about which other
squares, if any, would
forever remain empty.)

I do basically the same
simply-described thing
(sort of the same, but
different.. — the
different rules are
symmetrically related,
however, and are not too
arbitrary) to each color
in-turn, creating 4 new
blocks of each color
(and 16 new blocks
overall) for each new
group of blocks.

And each group of blocks
contains the previous
block-group at its center.

Can you guess the set of

Here to make the rules,
not to follow them..



(^Throwing our zeitgeist
the furthest..
off-kilter.. of all..)

Blog-post # 619:
(619 = a prime.)

Five new art-inanimations:

The Sand, Ashes, Mist,
Droplets, Noise, Or Fire
The Sand, Ashes, Mist, Droplets, Noise, Or Fire
To Any Orbit
To Any Orbit
Permutating As So In Us
Permutating As So In Us

Anagrams, 11:

A game is spun,
is to turn,..
Permutating as so
in us.

Amusement-park rides..
Make true dreams spin.

To any orbit:
By rotation.

Knotted weirdness’
spiral sung..
pulsing words.

Love counts,..
.. Convolutes..
(.. Unto cloves.)

The flowery voids
roused us.
Thus, our love is
of dry weeds.

do pulse..
Up into
old fish-eggs.

These mad, sad,
insane, or crazy
Hatred’s Nazis are
really sick demons.

hypocritical sin:
As many Christians’

As we damned gods
to Hell,..
Death dooms
lewd angels.

The sand, ashes,
mist, droplets, noise,
or fire:
Solid stone shards are
of their emptiness.

Palindromes (crappy):

‘Did we lay a lewd id?’

‘For a loss igniting,
is solar of?’

‘Set-air tapers,

‘Re-get nil-integer.’

‘Set a color;
pro locates.’


If President Trump is the
Ultimate Super-Being ever,
then that must mean that
His Vice-President is the

Super-Being ever??..


And which activity does
Big Brother most like
to watch people engage

of course!..


But Big-Data likes
to engage in..


Seriously for a second,

Political-cartoon idea:
(But I might have seen
this cartoon already.)

Big tough-looking and
well-armed cops are,
whilst grinning evilly,
pointing their powerful
guns at a huddled crowd
of unarmed and scared
civilians, most of whom
are poor and non-White.

“Well, America’s Far-Right
doesn’t oppose EVERY form
of gun-CONTROL!”

The type of additional
background-checks that
Republicans would likely
actually be okay with:

A week after wannabe-
gun-purchaser submits
to a DNA swab,..

“Says here your background
is approximately 12.5%
non-White ancestry, which
is well over the 6.25%
Gun-purchase thus DENIED!”

American teacher and
administrator are

“I should point out that
those teachers whose pay
you are cutting are heroes
who have literally saved
the lives of many students
during the last few
school-shootings at my

“Yes, BUT, now now,..
saving-lives is NOT on the
standardized-tests, though!
So, still (and thus!),
those life-saving teachers’
are to remain absolutely
NOT favorable!
And your whiny groveling
appeal on their behalf is
thus DENIED!”..

(Teacher then slinks away
in shame,.. returning back
to the primordial ooze to
again be nothing other
than the spineless liberal
he is..)
Another (unfunny)

“Soon it’ll be _teachers_
who are taking the

Two images:
First is of a teacher
firing a gun at a firing-

Second is of the paper
target after being shot
up, with the test’s
bubbles having been
“filled” in the correct
pattern not with a
number-2 pencil, but
with bullet-holes.

Back to the students..

But guns ARE America’s
children, though!..

News bulletin:
“A senseless tragedy at
yet another American
highschool. Two dozen
innocent guns were shot
down by a SICK gunlessman
— a politically-liberal
anti-gun psycho fellow-
student, authorities say.
The gunlessman had opened
non-fire on the crowd of
guns in the school’s
cafeteria, apparently
killing his defenseless
gun-classmates at-random.”

But seriously..

Neologistic term:
(That’s neither new
nor logical.)



(Well, at least the
postal-workers should
now finally rejoice..)
And still political,
but not (entirely)

Regarding the politically-
entwined Far-Right
Christian extremists*:

(Bumper-sticker, perhaps?)

those who are Caesar’s!..

*(And, too, regarding
the anagram above:

Satanism’s hypocritical
As many Christians’

(Back to guns.
Always back to guns,..
again and again..)

guns don’t kill people!
People kill people!”

“So, let’s ban people,

“That’s exactly what
the guns are for, even!”

(And I might as well
repost the following,
from my Aug 28, 2014

You know those gun-
rights advocates?

Yeah, sometimes their
arguments’ bullet-points
are quite.. hollow..





‘Naive George and
the Orwell-Fixations’

‘The Orwell-Majority’

‘Oral-Alien Discopia’

‘The Horror-Force Men
of the Epoxy-Lips’



“Naive George and
the Orwell-Fixations”
“The Orwell-Majority”
(and “Oral-Alien
Discopia” too):

Apologies to
Big-Brother and the
of course.

And, hey,..

FAKE Newspeak
.. is..
REAL Newspeak!..

(If sometimes the
two are more equal
to each other than
at other times..)



(Biggest organization
in it by-far: The NCA.)

So just sit down in one
of the Catapult-Lobby’s
comfy “chairs”,..and…
AWAY.. you.. GO!…
Lobbed from the lobby,

Hey, and when catapults
are outlawed!..
Then only people will be
firing-off catapults, or
something that makes
just as much sense as…


(And just one more thing
on this topic:

So, the NRA goes,
“Lock up all the psychos!”

Authorities then say,
“Okay, great idea.”

And then they thus lock
up the NRA members!..

For-real, a significant
percentage of NRA-members
would themselves be
locked-up, by the way, if
the government followed
the suggestions on the
matter of these folks’
own organization.
Oh, the iron-y, indeed.})

Now for some fun and

Two games:

Game 1:
(Easiest of these two
games to play.)

Start with a 4-by-4 or
a 5-by-5 grid drawn on

The two players, Player X
and Player O, take turns,
with each player on her/
his turn writing her/his
own mark (X or O) into a
yet-unmarked grid-square.

Player X can place his/her
first X in any square of
the grid.

And Player O can place
her/his first O in any
square of the grid other
than that with Player X’s
first X in it.

Thereafter, players each
must alternate between
horizontal moves and
vertical moves, each
player writing his/her
own particular mark on
each of his/her horizontal
moves in an empty grid-
square either to the left
or right of his/her own
previously marked grid-
square,.. and writing
his/her particular mark on
each vertical move in an
empty grid-square either
above or below his/her own
previously marked grid-

Player X moves horizontally
on his second move, marking
a square right or left of
the first square he wrote
an X into.
But player O moves
vertically on her second
move, marking a square
above or below the first
square she wrote an O into.

And — important caveat —
there can be no more than
two of a player’s OWN marks
located in every row and
in every column.

The last player able to
move is the winner.
(Ties are possible.)

(5-by-5 grid.
Both players’ first marks
here are those to the
furthest upper-left.
‘E’s represent empty


X cannot move anymore,
but he moved after O last
was able to move.
So X wins.

Player O’s final move
was into the lower-right
However, if O instead had
moved on that move to the
square just to the left,
not right, of her
penultimate O, then she
could have moved up to
the first row on her next
move, and would have
instead been the final
player able to move, and
thus would have then been
the winner.

And given that possibility,
it would have been smarter
for Player X to have moved
on his final move one
square to the right of
where he actually moved.
(But he got lucky.)


Note: The maximum possible
number of moves for a
5-by-5 grid game, which
would end in a tie, is
10 moves for each player
(leaving 5 empty grid-

(And of course the maximum
possible number of moves
for a 4-by-4 grid game,
which too ends in a tie,
is 8 moves for each player
— which would in that case
leave no empty squares.)

Game 2:

Two players.

There are an even number
of rounds.
The players alternate
on every round which
player is the “Numberer”
and which player is the
A round’s Traverser is
the only player that
scores on that round.

An n-by-n grid is drawn
on paper before each
round, where n is
determined by both
(See note below about
the values of n’s.)

After the grid is drawn,
the Numberer-player
labels the grid’s rows
and columns (just to the
left and just above the
grid) with the integers
1 to 2n, a single
distinct integer for
each row and for each
The ordering of the
integers is up to the
Numberer, as too is
whether any particular
integer labels a row
or labels a column.
But each integer from 1
to 2n must be used once
and only once.

Then either player
writes into each of the
grid-squares the product
of that grid-square’s
column-number times its

Next, the Traverser
player — beginning at
any grid-square she/he
chooses, and then first
moving to the second-
visited square in either
the horizontal or vertical
direction as she/he
chooses — alternates
between moving in the
horizontal direction,
left or right, and the
vertical direction, up
or down, so as to visit
an as-yet-unvisited
grid-square in the same
row or column (depending
on the move’s direction)
as is located the
just-previously visited
(A “move” or, synonymously,
a “visit” is a jump from a
grid-square to one other
grid-square in the same row
or column.
No other grid-squares that
are located between these
two grid-squares in the
same row or column are
considered to have been
“visited” or “moved to”.)

But, unless this is the
final move of the round,
the Traverser, when moving
vertically, may only move
to a row with no other
yet-visited grid-squares
in it, and, when moving
horizontally, may only
move to a column with no
other yet-visited grid-
squares in it.
(The final visited grid-
square will be in the
same row or column as is
the starting grid-square.)

Thus, there should be, at
the end of every round,
two and only two visited
grid-squares in each row
and in each column, for
a total of 2n number of
visited grid-squares
(including the starting
grid-square) at the end
of every round.

Then the Traverser
connects, as she/he moves
during a round, every
grid-square he/she has
just been upon to the
next-visited grid-square,
connecting the two grid-
squares each move with a
horizontal or vertical
(These line-segments are
allowed to intersect each

And the integer (the
product of the grid-
square’s row and column
numbers) in each newly-
landed-upon grid-square
is circled (as too is the
starting grid-square’s
number), and then that
integer is written down
in one of two lists,
where which one of these
two lists it is written
depends upon whether the
respective grid-square
was arrived upon by
traversing horizontally
or by traversing

(The starting grid-
square’s integer goes
into the other list
than the list where the
integer {the second
circled integer} goes
into, ie. into the same
list as where the
integer {the third
circled integer} goes
{So, think of the
starting grid-square,
the first circled
integer, as the
zero-th traversed-to

Then, at the round’s
completion, add of the
integers in both lists,
and then subtract the
two totals.

Then add the absolute
value of this
difference to the
Traverser’s grand-score.

And at game’s end, the
winner of the game is
the player with the
SMALLEST grand-score.


Variant to make the
game more interesting:

At the end of a round,
take the sum of all the
integers in the grid
that are located where
connecting line-segments,
as were drawn by the
Traverser during play,

And then the Traverser
must add this sum to
either one of her/his
two lists’ totals, where
which list she/he adds
it to is up to the
Traverser herself/himself.

(But, unless she/he is a
masochist, he/she would
probably be adding it to
the list with so-far the
lesser total, so as to
minimize the absolute
value of the difference
between the two lists’

An example round:
(n = 5.
Neither “player” here
is using much or even
any strategy.)

… 3 | 2 | 8 | 6 | 10
– – – – – – – – – – – –
4| 12, 08, 32, 24, 40
9| 27, 18, 72, 54, 90
7| 21, 14, 56, 42, 70
1| 03, 02, 08, 06, 10
5| 15, 10, 40, 30, 50

So, the Traverser
moves (sans strategy
here) as so:

* h * * g
a * * b *
* * e * f
* * d c *
J I† * * *

(^Asterisks represent
un-visited squares.
J and I are capitalized
in my vain attempt to
have the grid align
somewhat despite the

Thus, the Traverser’s
two lists of integers
(each with five
integers) are:

First list:

27, 6, 56, 40, 10.

Second list:

54, 8, 70, 8, 15.

The first list’s sum
is: 139.

The second list’s sum
is: 155.

The absolute-value of
the difference of the
two sums is 16, which
is added to the
Traverser’s grand-

However, if the players
are playing under the
rule-variant, then the
sum of the intersection
grid-squares’ integers
must be determined as

x’s represent the

* h * * g
a x * b *
* * e x f
* * d c *
J I * * *

The integers at the
two intersections are
18 and 42, with a sum
of 60.

So, the traverser
then adds 60 to the
list-sum 139 to get

Then the absolute-
value of the
difference between the
two totals is:

|199 – 155| = 44,
which is what is added
to Traverser’s grand-

(And remember that the
goal for a player is
to get the SMALLEST
And remember too that
example round here was
“played” basically at-
random. Surely the
Traverser could have
done better, and maybe
too the Numberer could
have constructed a
numbering of the rows
and columns that made
it harder for the
Traverser to get a
small difference between
the two lists’ sums.)



Instead of maintaining
two lists each round,
the Traverser only needs
to alternate between
adding the visited
integers to a running-
total and subtracting
the visited integers
to the same running-
(Though, it might be
easier to keep track
with two separate

The grid-size may change
from round to round, but
both players must have,
when they each are the
Traverser, the same set
of n’s (ie. grid-sizes)
as the set of n’s when
the other player is the

(So, for example — with
one player being the
Traverser on odd-numbered
rounds and the other
player being the Traverser
on even-numbered rounds —
the sequence of n’s, as
per the respective rounds
{8 rounds in-number},
might look like this:
4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7.)

Hmm,.. and I guess many
other of my multi-round
games too can also have
grid-sizes that vary in
this fair way, rather
than the grid-size
remaining the same from
round to round.



A Tad Infinitum

Blog-post # 618:
(618 = 3 * 103 * 2.)

(And I’ve got to hurry up and
post today while the date is
still 2-22.
{Or 22-2 overseas.*}
Happy ‘222’,.. to you!..)

*{But now it’s already 23-2
overseas, though.}

Seven new art-inanimations:

Infinity Mod 16
Infinity Mod 16
As All Cosmic Syzygies
As All Cosmic Syzygies
Massive Latitudes
Massive Latitudes
As Cosmically Spun
As Cosmically Spun
Infinity Squared Mod 16
Infinity Squared Mod 16

I used math, to various degrees,
to make each of these seven
images above.

The top and bottom images could
instead have been called
“Forever (Squared)
Mod Four-Squared”.
(Not really about modulo 16,
technically though.
But mod 2 after multiplying
by 16, indeed however.
Oh, and hey, TOO,
16 = 2^(2^2),
and 2 2 2 is today’s date!..)

These two images are the next
two in my sequence of similar
recent (math-inspired) images
that includes “In Indeterminate
Void” and “Violent Optics”.
(From posts # 616 and # 612,


And the names of the second and
third images metaphorically
relate to…

The ‘Cog-mos’.


And the name “Infinitad” is
a neologism inspired by..

‘monad’, ‘dyad’, ‘triad’,
‘tetrad’,.. ‘INFINITAD’!..

Anagrams, 13:
(Warning, one a bit below
is kind-of dirty.)

Cogs are schematically
As all cosmic syzygies
created them.

As in knotted spirals:
A nil’s darkest points.

As cosmically spun:
A cyclops,
a nil’s sum.

As of mythical eclipses:
This cyclops is a female.

Inside Earth’s eclipses
or Earth’s flares is
Their spirals are designs
of this clearest shine.

Hatred does cast
us all into human loss.
As rudest Hells/

Whites are
evil devils.
As is Hell;
we revived it.

Turbulent and yet
lopsided shit:
That polluted
density is burned.

She is a
liberated woman.
Her labia was

Of ourselves:
Fools ever us.

As loud noises:
A sound so lies.

woven pieces are
Space-time ever was
as multidimensional.

Its cone.

(Warning, warning:
All the jokes today are
kind-of especially bad.
Warning, warning..)

A _strapless_ bra
can be for a guy who
sees a woman in one
quite the..

_lap-stress_ bra!..


I hear that many antacids

_chalk_-full of calcium..

(And copper?..)

Copper points gun at fleeing
suspect and yells,..

“Freeze, punk!”

Suspect then stops, turns,
and wisecracks,..

“Free spunk!?..
Ewww! Not from YOU, copper!
Hey, you couldn’t even pay
me to take your spunk –..
uh,.. off your hands, I
imagine — you copper!”..


(^Hey, don’t try this at
home, kids!
And _especially_ not at
all if you happen to be
non-White kids!)
(Warning, warning:
Next two puns might be
considered by some to
be a bit PI.
Warning, warning.)

News-anchorwomen are often
considered to be (by their
bosses at Fox, anyway)..



“Hey, fellow White person,
do you happen to know at all
why, amongst Black people,
collard-greens are such a
popular food?”

“No, no, no there, now now.
That question is politically-
incorrect and is even racist
for you to ask.
The proper and correct thing
to ask instead, though, is
why, amongst Black people,
are ‘greens-of-collard
such a popular food.”..


(^Sorry. Too PI?
Hopefully not. But I was
just so gosh-darn proud
of my punning to hide my
White-light under a bushel.)
Hyphens can sometimes make
all the difference…

Of course there are examples
such as:

“Deer-hunter”, one who hunts
versus “deer hunter”,
where (at least if the
absence of hyphen is very
much the writer’s intent,
anyway) it is the _deer_
who is the hunter..

But, too, it is kind of the
opposite of being a..


if the recovering substance-
abuser slips up and then
becomes a..



And, no, I don’t mean here
that it is the _substance_
that is the abuser..)


Twice Stead In Two Naughts

Blog-post # 617:
(617 = prime.)

Four new art-inanimations:

In Cosmic Cogs
In Cosmic Cogs
As Turbulent As Finitude
As Turbulent As Finitude

Anagrams, 23:

Casting ashes into
this loneliness:
The nothingness is
less antisocial.

The stellar pipe-organ
is as strange or deep
as it is.
Angels are poised
here, sitting atop

A universe of
stained light
spun into spirals.
This nautilus is
overlapping fire
and stones.

Imagination does
encapsulate itself.
In/of ultimate space,
a noise is tangled.

Globes do transcend
the insanity.
Yet orbs and cones
tangled in this.

Sliced and stained
orbs, cubes, and
As lopsided bulbs or
transcended distance.

Worlds are
.. Do swirl in
a stellar cog.

Spiral essence:
Lens as precise.

In the cold
Colors, hues,
and light.

Galactic hourglasses
had arisen.
As each cog, light
is a surreal sand.

Solar gush.
Solar hugs.

Sugar’s holes.
Solar gushes.

As turbulent as
An anti-butterfly
is in us.

To spin around:
Up in tornados.

As cater-corner:
Torn crease/arc.

Assholes’ riches were
justly their own..
Jesus Christ swears..
those holy winners

Subtraction has
totals inside,
and is too to add.
An abacus tilted as
this; rotations did
not do so.

America’s Second-
Amendment is to bear
arms, and is to
massacre ourselves.
Nonsense as mad as
terrorism became as
correct; as it
made us so damn evil.

Guns do massacre.
Arms/dongs cause.

In yet another fun/lame
massacre.. bigger than
even before,..
Americans are often
being shot. (Many have
been regretful.)

Humanity is cast
into Hell’s ruses.
These ill satanic
myths ruin us so.

A yolk does see..
As eyes looked.

A niche:
In each.


‘Foe so placid,
a radical pose of.’

‘Die so; lots use Jesus
to lose id.’

‘We/Jesus use Jew.’

‘Sin, a gross organ is.’

‘Snag/rob organs.’

‘Organic in agro.’

‘Eradicates a set,
acid are.’

‘Stolen, I plan it
in alpine lots.’



‘Placid Acid’

‘The Metal-Defectors’

‘Die No Mo”


‘The Soda-Mites’

‘The Disk-Custards’

‘The Freeze-Punks’*

*(Their debut-album:
{Could be ‘Pipe-Orgy’s
or ‘The Disk-Custards’
or ‘The Soda-Mites’
album-name, too..})

Hey, what’s even better
than being “head-over-

Being.. “head-oriented-
of course!..


I oft forego wearing
my needed glasses,
but not because my
wearing them makes
me look ugly,..

.. but instead only
because my wearing
them makes YOU all
look ugly!..


(Yep, you blur-people
are all MUCH more
attractive than are the
humans, I’ll sure say.)

“Hey, watch out for
that EMP-pulse!”

“That ‘electromagnetic-
pulse pulse’?
Uh, don’t be stupid.”

“No, me smart, see:
‘E = M P^2’!”..


(But worse yet than a
simple EMPP, though,
it could be an
pulse pulse pulse pulse
pulse pulse pulse…’.
‘E = M P^{You don’t even
want to know how huge}’.)
Cartoon idea:

Sign on storefront in
a bad neighborhood:

“No Lootering”..

Shop-owner outside store,
talking to customer while
pointing at the sign:

“Oh, ’cause we don’t even
make enough money here to
afford _both_ signs.”..


(A sign — but only one
sign — of the times,
Yep, and it’s quite the..
of a sign, too.)

Hey, you know what
The Weather Girls might
have had to say about
the MeToo movement?

“Hallelujah, it’s..
reinin’-in men!”..


There’s possibly maybe
only one person on Earth
who is even stupider
than is President Trump
(if you can believe it).

Yep, and she might even
manage somehow to..


One of the only truly
justified reasons to
loathe anyone is if they
are a racist or otherwise

So, should someone, then,
who loathes racists just
because they are racists
be referred to as a..


“Oh, I’m not a racist!..
I AM a racist-ist,

More neologism fun with
a tough-issue (which too
is unfortunately in the
news as well):

Maybe, so as to better
distinguish between the
loathsome dangerously
“sick” sometimes-even-
murderous psychopaths/

and the majority of
the mentally-ill who
are mostly in-fact
mild-mannered and are
non-dangerous in most
every way and who
actually deserve our
sympathies much more
than they deserve our

the first group of these
“sickos” should then
henceforth be referred
to as being..

‘obsane’, to be more
specific, instead of
the more general term

‘Obsane’, with the prefix
‘ob-‘, meaning hostility
to and in-opposition to,
in this case to ‘sanity’.

Influenced by ‘obscene’.


Of course, the word
‘insane’ still comes
across to me as being
a bit tough on the much
less violent group of
mentally-ill folks
(which I am one of).

‘Mentally-ill’ is fine.
But it is often used,
and often carelessly,
to also describe the
obsane sickos as well.

And ‘sanely-challenged’,
or something like that,
just sounds to me like
a non-funny joke making
fun of PC-language (and
all its highfalutin
hyphens.. {ie. all its
‘hyphens of lowfalutin-

Hmm,.. maybe then,
‘metasane’ might do?

The prefix ‘meta-‘
meaning here either a
shift to (or, if you
prefer, already at) a
position beyond or to/at
a level above the level
of someone being of only
the usual and simply
run-of-the-mill boring
type of sane.

And too, one could go,
“I never ‘met a metasane’
person I didn’t like.”..
So, there’s that plus..

I like it.

But, though, it seems
sort of like “special”,
in that it seems to me
like it could also be
interpreted as a
laughably too-PC term
used, if most often done
so with good intentions
and by advocates, yes
(but, however, by those
who are mostly group-
outsiders nonetheless),
basically, it appears,
to mainly try to humor
the group it refers to
into thinking that
they’re greater people
than.. — “hey, but
let’s be honest, now now”
–.. they in-fact really
actually generally are.

(Speaking of obsanity..)

If you’ve noticed, society
these days sure has some..



(Damn, it’s even gotten
SO bad that, now days,
the term “Top-40 Hit”
sounds like it might
be referring to a

*{I might have heard this
“joke” before somewhere.
And maybe over and over
.. and over.. and.. over
and over again.., even.})

Yep, when it comes to
gun-violence in America,..

it’s a sick case of
repeat,.. repeat, repeat,
.. repeat,..

and repeat..

(.. As _totally_
and _absolutely_
unnecessary, that is.)
Speaking of being so
damn utterly SICK:..

And now for some..

Hey, Iran would’ve surely
been a much truer democracy
if simply, despite their
relatively benign civilian-
leadership, it wasn’t for
the hard-liners,..

those hard-liners.. of..

B Netanyahu, D Trump,
and M Pence, that is!..

Not-so-funny skit:

him talk..

“Who else is in your
terror-cell, Mohammed!?
Give us a name, you pig!
Hey, you BETTER answer
us right now, or..

Hellish scream:

Interrogator then turns
to colleague:

“Quick, have Interpol
put out an alert for this
most certainly with the
full-name of ‘Mohammed
we can just betcha!”..

(See, see,^ torture indeed
DOES work after all to get
at THE TRUTH.. and then
to, in-turn, SAVE LIVES!..

is typical of what is
to be expected from the
far-right, which has
always denied the evils
that it itself has been
by-far most responsible

Climate-change denial,
in that regard, is much
like Holocaust-denial.

But one key difference
between these two types
of asinine denial we’ve
seen coming from the
far-right, however,
is that their denial
of climate-change
in-particular is
basically the denial
that a Holocaust..

WON’T BE happening!

And, shifting gears a bit,
.. an update about some of
the math in my previous

I said in small part:..
(Where m and n are both
randomly-picked integers
picked, independently of
each other, from 1 to

“{then the probability of
m*n = P being a multiple
of d for any particular
positive integer d is:

(1/d) *..
product{p|d} of..
(1 + c(d,p)*(1 -1/p)),

where the product is over
the distinct primes p
that divide d,
and where c(d,p) is such
that p^c(d,p) is the
largest power of p that
divides d.


An alternative way to get
the probability for a
given d is:

This probability equals..

sum{j|d} j*D(j)*mu(d/j),

where the sum is over
the positive integer
divisors j that divide d,
where D(j) {see note 1}
is the number of positive
divisors of j, and where
mu() is the Moebius
function {see note 2}.


(Note 1:
I use capital D here,
even though the number-
of-divisors function is
usually written with a
lower-case d, so as to
avoid confusion with the
integer variable I’ve
{unwisely, turns out}
been calling d.)

(Note 2:
The Möbius function of
a positive integer k,
mu(k), equals:
0 if k is divisible by
any square integer
greater than 1;
but otherwise it is
equal to -1 if k is
divisible by an odd
number of distinct
and it equals 1 if k
is divisible by an even
number of distinct
And mu(1) = 1.

{Its sequence starts:
1, -1, -1, 0, -1, 1,
-1, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, -1,
1, 1, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0,..}

The Möbius function may
seem arbitrary. But it
actually is really useful
throughout number-theory.

And, yes, it’s named after
the same mathematician as
the one who came up with
the Möbius strip,
August Möbius.

However, August Möbius’
function deals with an
entirely different branch
of mathematics than does
his strip: number-theory
vs topology.
Though, you might say
{and as many modern
mathematicians might
too as well say is so,
if a bit lightheartedly},
those two “entirely
different” branches of
mathematics, as it’s..
turned out,.. can be
considered to be actually
in-fact only two “entirely
different” sides of the
very same, uh,.. strip!..)

(^Speaking of a..


Beyond The Doubt Of All Shadows

Blog-post # 616:
(616 = 7 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 11.)

Posted upon this day
in the merry month of..

Four new art-inanimations:
(And one half more.)

In Indeterminate Void
In Indeterminate Void
Colossal Nil
Colossal Nil

(A note about
“Divisualization” is
below, as too are other
things and notes about
those other things.)
Note about the
post-number, 616:
(The anagrams, etc,
etc, are below this.)

I’ve written about this
topic already. But recall
how it is that…

So then, 616 is thought by
some folks to be the ACTUAL
Number Of The Beast.
(Assume for the sake of
argument that the actual
Number Of The Beast indeed
is 616.)

But meanwhile,.. 88 is
often used on-line by
Neo-Nazis to indicate
“Heil, Hitler!”, since
the H in “HH” is the 8th
letter of the alphabet.

Okay, then, so given that
there are lots of biblical
references to the number 7,
including some even
in-reference to The Beast
Itself, hey, what do we get
when we multiply 7 by 88,
by chance?..

(Also, one more thing
before the anagrams
and all the rest..)

Regarding the name of
my previous post,

Though, President Trump
is an example of a

just a figment of our

(Or of our unthinkable
nation, anyway..)

And Trump’s quite a..
Demag-Rogue, too.

(We now join our regularly-
scheduled blog-post already

Anagrams, 11:

The weird nautilus’
edges shine as knots.
A gilded sun sets unto
where it is shaken.

As continuous nils
A sum’s inflection
so round.

Atoms’ ruin.

Satan did rise
from ashes.
A demon’s fear
is its shard.

American morons
descended, are cast
into hate’s rising
These satanic racists
did champion genocide,
terrorism, and treason.

Into their torn ascents
and lopsided dreams:
These palindromes did
transcend rotations.

Nil yet divided
into dreams.
Voids did

The one truth is..
There unto this.

Hate’s fascists are
ugly nauseating
Each is a lusty
thug, has a stained
festering ass.

Satanic hatred
is ours.
As a so-rude

Number Of The
Presidential Beast:
Trump’s fate has
been inert/boiled.

Palindromes (crappy):

‘Def-Fuhrer huffed.’

‘Till inside,
divided is nil lit.’

‘Nil inside,
divided is nil in.’

‘Final inside, divided
is nil an ‘If’.’


‘Beyond The Doubt
Of All Shadows’

‘He Quells Empty Squares’

‘The Rich Are Nixin”


‘Anything’s Impossible’

‘The Superterraneans’

‘The Demag-Rogues’

‘Further Than Führers’

‘Def Führer’

‘They Be Good Few Kings’


“Hey, you heard how Albert
Einstein had no tolerance
for uncool shallow people?”


“Yeah, I even heard that..
he quelled empty squares!”

(.. “Uh,.. but that’s not
what _I_ heard, though.
Not exactly, anyway”..)

Finally, some math fun:
(The Number Of The Best.)

Take two integers, m and n,
each picked uniformly at
random from 1 to infinity.
Multiply these two integers
to get their product P.

Now, the probability that
the positive integer d
divides evenly into P is
not as simple to determine
as one might expect.

(This is not the same
probability of whether d
will divide evenly into
a single randomly-picked
integer {picked uniformly
from 1 to infinity}.
That probability is simply

Here is a plot of the
likelihoods (white jagged
line) that d will divide
P {where P = m*n}, for
d = 1 to 32, with the
bottom and top of this
graph representing a
probability of 0 (0%) and
of 1 (100%), respectively.

Divisible Into Products

(If my math is correct..
Uh,.. but my computer is
in-fact what is much more
likely to be wrong than
even I am likely to be
wrong here, I’ve {again}
discovered to my horror.)

If I figured the math
correctly (And I am certain
this is well-known and is
on-line, but I don’t feel
like looking it up now),
then the probability of
m*n = P being a multiple
of d for any particular
positive integer d is:

(1/d) *..
product{p|d} of..
(1 + c(d,p)*(1 -1/p)),

where the product is over
the distinct primes p
that divide d,
and where c(d,p) is such
that p^c(d,p) is the
largest power of p that
divides d.
(c(d,p) is the exponent
raising p in the prime-
factorization of d.)

I’ve been wondering if
the probability for any
particular d exactly
equals the probability
for another value of d.

I haven’t discovered if
there is such an example
of exact-equality.
But amongst d = 1 to 32
(And this is why I had
plotted the colorful
horizontal lines), there
are indeed some close
calls, but I don’t think
any exactly-equal pairs
of probabilities.

The nearest close-call
(and by-far,.. uh, I
mean,.. by-CLOSE) among
these 32 probabilities I
think must be (unless I
missed a closer one)..

the likelihood that P is
divisible by 11..

is quite close to..

the probability that P
is divisible by 24.

The probability for
d = 24 is:

And the probability
for d = 11 is:

And 25/144 – 21/121 =

This means that, even
though the probabilities
that most other d’s will
divide P can be quite
varied, the chance that
P is divisible by 24
happens to be only just
a very teeny-tiny amount
greater than the
likelihood that P is
divisible by 11.

(You would have to
randomly pick m and n
{to thus determine P}
10’s-of-thousands of
times, at least, before
you would see any
significant difference
on-average in the number
of P’s that are divisible
by 11 as opposed to the
number of P’s that are
divisible by 24. Or I
think so, anyway {but
my untrustworthy computer
says otherwise}.)

And even if there are no
exactly equal probabilities
for different values of d,
I am pretty certain that
there must be much closer-
calls, probably arbitrarily
close, even, as we consider
d’s that are larger and


(But, oh, I may have made
an error, since actually
checking this on my
computer gets me a much
different result.
However, I have strong
reason to believe that
that discrepancy is due
only to my computer’s
screw-up and not to my
But too, unfortunately,
the implication is that
a lot of my art that has
been derived from math-
plots has been wrongly


Related puzzle:

Given my formula for the
probability of P = m*n
being divisible by d (and
assuming this formula is
actually correct), and if
you take any particular
positive integer r, then
what is a math-expression
(generally, in-terms of
the variable r) for a
value (maybe the only
value, but I don’t know)
of d such that the
probability that P is
divisible by d is exactly
equal to..

r/d ?

(Specific numerical
If r is 6, then d = 108
works, since the
probability that 108
divides P is
6/108 = 1/18.)


(There may be multiple d’s
for at least some, even if
maybe not for all, r’s.
I don’t know.
If so, in that case, there
may be multiple general-
expressions in-terms-of-r
as well.
But there is at least one
example of a value of d
for every particular
positive integer value of
r, I do indeed know.)
More math fun:

Regarding the image
“Divisualization”, which,
alas, is mostly just math,
not so much art:

If you notice, looking close
at a quarter circle, the nth
quarter-ring outward from
the center has a mark at
each _reduced_ fraction
(whatever fraction of 90
degrees here, which
represents 1) that is
between 0 and 1 and that has
a denominator of n or less.

(For example, the 5th
quarter-ring out has marks
1/5, 1/4, 1/3, 2/5, 1/2,
3/5, 2/3, 3/4, 4/5,
and at 0 and 1 too if you
wish to count these two

And, further bonus math fun:

If you take the number of
reduced fractions between 0
and 1 that have a denominator
not exceeding the positive
whole number n (And it doesn’t
matter here if you count the 0
and/or 1, or do not), and you
divide that number by the
square of n, you get the
fraction a(n).

And if you let n go to
infinity,… (larger and
larger quarter-rings, further
and further from the center)
then the fraction a(n)
(IF I did my math correctly)..

a finite constant, which is
decimal equal to about

but which equals exactly..


(So, the number of reduced
fractions between 0 and 1,
where no fraction has a
denominator that exceeds
n, is _roughly_ equal to
n^2 * 3/pi^2, with the
approximation improving*
as n increases.
Specifically, the ratio of
the actual number of such
fractions divided by
(n^2 *3/pi^2) approaches 1
as n increases. But yet
the _difference_ between
the true number and the
approximation might be way
off no matter n, though I
don’t know.})


And if you consider the number
of radiating marks in each
entire nth ring of the circle,
then you divide by n^2, this
should then of course approach
4 times that amount, or
12/pi^2 (about 1.21585..).


Oh, and the occurrence of the
square of pi in the constant
and the fact that the image
is a circle are unrelated and
only coincidental.
I just decided to make the
image a circle, is all, since
then the closer lines of the
outer-rings would then not be
SO clumped together.

(And too is it only coincidental
that it’s pi _squared_, on one
hand, but too the image as a
whole is a square..)

Multitude of multiplications,
a division into divisions
of avoided and voided voids..
And it’s added, in addition,
but is subtracted as some sum,
a sum that’s sometimes also
times-ed as so.. And then
it’s else done so yet so as,
as was whatever had forever
solely been just as this
thus so is.
As that so is as it; and
that (as it) always was so.
As so was it as it is so,..
as yet is its sole etcetera..


Me = Empty-squared


(^Quite the hypocritical
we thus indeed have here.
But forget any of that,
because elsewhere in
this Distraction-World,
I have the following
amazing-ment for you all
to instead ponder and

Blog-post # 615:
(615 = 3 * 5 * 41.)

Four new art-inanimations:

Knots, Coincidences,
Or Etceteras
Knots, Coincidences, Or Etceteras
Meso-Atomic Palindrome
Meso-Atomic Palindrome

Anagrams, 22:

Our damn machines:
In each random sum.

A god has given
our machines their
hide therein,
in us.

Any surreal dream:
Numerals arrayed.


Your master does
shit on His slaves.
He so is a rudest,
most evil, horny ass.

We are sent towards
our Hell’s labyrinths.
Hatred was therein
stone-walls so blurry.

Evil Nazis are
solely damned here.
Any do dare ever lie
in Hell’s mazes.

As dim Nazis do weep.

All deaths:
Hell’s data.

Harshest lying
sadists doom
what is reality.
Nightmarish asses
do destroy it all
this way.

The world is
densely solid
and of spires.
Only this
weirdness’ folds
are lopsided.

As were slices.

Ovum plus sperm:
Lovers’ pump-sum.

Lust’s gore:
Vulvas do sin.
revolt us.

Faces and faces
are of knots.
Faker nodes so
affect a scan.

Entirety was as
a bulbous shred.
Any so is but what
blues/reds are.

Big cyan
foam, waves:
As a mess of
a billowing

Inside blossoms/
Noise becomes

All arcs/sines bend.
Clearness is bland.

Solely a spectrum
inside a crystal
clarity does spin
as all.

Circles, mandalas,
spheres arise
As their weirdness’
mechanical spirals.

I did seek concentric
rotations’ essence..
Inside knots,
coincidences, or


‘Spasm-regret faded
after germ saps.’

‘Some memos.’


As someone with OCD,..

The thought that I have
intrusive-thoughts has
indeed.. double-crossed
my mind..


(Yep, and too, I’m all..

So, how often are some
light-switches switched?

Sometimes indeed quite..



It’s ironic, though,
that most often
NOT at-ease are..


(Warning: May be upsetting
to some readers.)

If the ovum fails to be
fertilized by the sperm
penetrating it*, then
the ovum-sperm combo
has, I guess, been..



*(ie. The dastardly act
of ‘fertilcide’.)

Hey, if you lash a back
with just a spoon,..

then that.. backlash..

does thus.. lack bash!..


The Shit-House Effect:

Since people of CO2-lor
are immigrating to the
US all willy-nilly and
unchecked, as so claim
the theory’s proponents,
this inward migration
therefore causes a very
rapid rise in our
country’s political
temperature and overall
long-term climate,
which then in-turn leads
to a major and dangerous
rise in Naz-sea levels
throughout our nation.

And, in addition, this
effect also, as well,
is very much currently
in-evidence throughout
the world as a whole,
especially in Whiter
nations, nations where
there are currently
being documented and
seen first-hand many
-related cases of
upward-trending Naz-sea
level rises — where in
most such cases there is
now even being observed
some quite concerning
and quite significant
rises in these particular
nations’ average Naz-sea

the shithouse-effect
remains controversial,
and notably so amongst
As liberals in-particular,
even if they indeed still
acknowledge the rise in
their nation’s Naz-sea-
levels, tend to deny the
evidence that the effect
is actually people-of-
CO2lor-caused, opting
for an alternative theory
that Naz-sea-levels are
instead rising mostly
only due to historical,
somewhat-periodic, and
cycles in the overall
average amount of
societal/personal racism
as is often measurably
expressed by the vast
majority of White-people.

(And though I mentioned
the ‘evidence’ above^,
note that I did not,
however, mention at all
that bad _nasty_ term of
Nope, no evidence of
any ‘evil-dents baste’
statements regarding any
‘climb-mate chains’
herein! No sirree!)

Hey, which ethnic-culture is
it actually being the most
racist of all for Whites to
be appropriating, though?

of course!..


(With its cross-burnings,
slave-owning, lynchings,
genocide, Blackface-wearing,
immigrant-banning, etc, etc,
etc, etc, etc..
Yep, it best that any White
person go his/her own way
in life and dare not almost
ever at all appropriate even
his/her own race’s culture.
As that way lies madness..
AND badness..)


Doesn’t now look like any of
this banning will actually
happen, or not anyway to the
extent it should,.. but..

Hey, if some RussKKKies
can get banned for their

Maybe too, then, a Dope
should be banned for His


Well, a nuclear-exchange
would indeed literally
be a “trade-war”!

So, we _better_ charge a
REALLY STEEP tariff on all
those incoming missiles,
then, I guess!..

Finally (speaking of

“Hey, never mind that
glitzy and distracting
other side-show they’re
trying to lure all the
suckers to go see over

Oh, but you, however, must
come and see instead this
show here, the one and
only absolutely greatest
show on the entire face
of our Earth!

So, come and see it,
every man and woman and
child, each and every,
one and all!
Come and see the amazing,
the fantastic, the always
astonishing and sometimes
frightening sights and
sounds, most of which
never before have been
dared to be experienced
by man or woman or child,
or even by beast!

Yes, you must come inside,
then, to experience it all
here and now!
Yes, set your eyes, ears,
hearts, minds, and souls
upon what phantasmagoria
waits for you within!

Yes, come experience the
simultaneously knowable
and completely unknowable,
the never-before-seen
most-amazing spectacle
that could ever possibly
be glimpsed by any humble
mortals, the in-fact most-
amazing spectacle even to
have ever existed at all!,
.. the quite-unbelievable
but yet still quite-true
spectacle.. of

(Dramatic music..)..





PS: This might be my
last post ever. Today I had
some technical-problems
signing-in, which likely
will only get even worse.

And/or,.. maybe we all
might get nuked sometime
this week, is another
possible reason for the
end of all posting.

.. Speaking of having
some ‘technical-problems’..
(but when that technology
is, unfortunately, working
just as intended)..

Test-Pattern # 3.289868..

(^Its only randomness
might be inherent
in only its wrongness..)

Blog-post # 614:
(614 = 2 * 307.)

Three (inadequate)

In Night’s Pixel
In Nights Pixel
Radio-Screen Test-Pattern
Radio-Screen Test-Pattern

And regarding the image
“Coro-Null” from my
previous post:

Its alternative name
is “Ghost-Sun”.

Anagrams, 15:

The helix is spinning.
In night, pixels shine.

Transparent is..
Rain’s patterns.

patterns, hues:
The focus is

Life’s spiral:
A fire spills.

Shards were of..
Freer shadows.

We are descending
unto Hell’s hot fire.
As Lucifer does
enlighten down there.

As Muslims, Jews, and
Christians so cheated us.
Such satanism does damn
liars, witches, Jesus.

People twisted their
awe/sins into their
masters’ viral gods.
Most, as we, are
worshipping those
trite lies and
trite devils.

As our sadness/
Gashes, stains,
losers, and us.

We are forced
into sadness.
A node’s arcs’
ends were of it.

These notes
are sung so..
To hear tongues’

In lips, humanity
has revolved.

As sad angels’ tinsel:
A stained-glass lens.

Grids are to
enclose fractions..
.. Of a circle’s
integers and roots.



‘Forewent, is it?
Is it newer of?’


Hey, you know what the
Entertainment Industry
(including reality-TV,
etc) has, especially
these days, been using
to really increase the
social-standing of some
folks to a level that
is, in many cases, far
beyond what these folks
even at all deserve?

That Industry has been
using (and abusing)



(^And that Lens-Of-Lies
uses some very highly
distortional optics,

But, at least as for
Hollywood in-particular,
the above problem might
be somewhat solved if
American society was to
receive the emergency-
surgery it now needs.

That much-needed surgery
being a…

of course!..


(But the ER’s in Hollywood
are surely too overwhelmed
all the time with folks
there constantly getting
their emergency cosmetic-
surgeries, though!..
Sometimes they even have
to make the liposuction
patients wait for hours,
even, in triage while the
botox-patients are being
treated {sometimes at all
hours of the night, even}.
So sad.
And boob-jobs-gone-wrong
trauma-cases take up an
entire wing of the ER
unto just themselves.)


And I doubt it’s going
to really happen.
But if President Trump
actually indeed ends up
testifying under-oath…

(Oh, and He damn-well
has no problem at all
with swearing, alright,..
if not ever so solemnly,
exactly, though..)


“Put your hand on the
‘Mein Kampf’..”

“Uh, on the ‘Art Of
The Deal’, you say?”..

“Yes, on the Bible.”..


(^It’s funny because
He won’t be true..)

‘Jeers Of Toy’


‘The Sub(versive)liminals’

‘Shadows Of Shards’

‘Shards Of Shadows’

‘The Vice-Versa-Tiles’


‘The Illegal-Aryans’

‘Pablo Pi-Cat-sso And
The Salvador Doggies’

Song by Biomess:
(Or by whatever is their
name instead if “Biomess”
is already taken, which
it surely is.)

From their album:
“The Genocides Of March”.

Gentle Genocide

They had killed
the deficient
to be more efficient!
But now it’s sufficient
to just let us die..
but then don’t tell
us why.

No, don’t ever say why
they still have us die.
As for why we die,
it was their pride.
And, yes, we died
for their lies
they lied;
we died for that
that we defied
and of which we cried.
We, Jews and Gentiles,
we gently died, indeed,
not to be denied; yes,
we died, died for this,


For two players.

Start with an n-by-n grid
drawn on paper, where n
is an integer (which, I
suggest, is at least 6).

First, the players take
turns each labeling the
rows/columns with 1
through n.
Player 1 labels the rows.
Player 2 labels the
The players label the
rows/columns in order of
the numbers (1 on each
player’s first move, 2
on their second moves,
etc), but they label the
rows/columns in any order
that the players choose.

So, player 1 first labels
any row she chooses with
a 1; then player 2 labels
any column he chooses
with a 1 as well.
Next, player 1 labels any
row she chooses, other
than the row labeled 1,
with a 2; and player 2
labels any column he
chooses, other than the
column labeled 1, with a
And players continue this
way until each has labeled
the last un-labeled row/
column with the integer n.

So, the rows are then
labeled, in a manner
player 1 decided, with a
permutation of (1,2,3,..n).
And the columns too are
then labeled, in a manner
player 2 decided, with some
permutation of (1,2,3,..n).

Then next, one of the
players writes into each of
the grid’s squares the sum
of that square’s row-number
(as-per how player 1 had
labeled the rows) plus its
column-number (as-per how
player 2 had labeled the
columns), so that the grid
ends up being entirely
filled with all n^2 of such
sums, one sum per square.

And then part-2 of the game

Player 1 starts in the
upper-left square. Then
she draws a (vertical or
horizontal) line-segment
from this square into
either of the two adjoining
squares (directly to the
right or below on the first
move in-particular).
And she gets a point if
the two connected squares’
numbers (the two sums of
each squares row plus its
column) are coprime,
ie if the two integers/sums
have no common divisors
other than 1.
(For example, 12 and 25
are indeed coprime.
But 12 and 15 are not,
since 3 divides both.)

The players thereafter take
turns, each drawing a line-
segment from the square the
other player just crossed
over into.. and across the
dividing grid-line into any
adjacent and NOT-YET-VISITED
square that lies directly
either above, below, left
of, or right of (but not
diagonal to) the square that
the other player had just
most recently visited.

And (as on player 1’s first
move) on each player’s turn,
the player gets a point if
both of the newly-connected
integers are coprime to each

The chain of connected
grid-squares is to be
necessarily continued in
this manner until it is
impossible to extend it
(because the chain’s leading
end is “trapped” by already-
visited squares and/or by
the outer edge of the grid).

But the game isn’t over yet.
(Unless every square has
already been visited at this

The next player to move after
the chain has been trapped —
ie. the first player who
cannot continue the chain —
can start a new chain that
branches off of any already-
visited square he/she chooses
if adjacent to an as-yet-
unvisited square, and then
connect that already-visited
square to that as-yet-
unvisited square.
(And too, the player then
either gets a point or does
not, accordingly.)

Then the players must
continue this new chain for
as long as possible.
Then, again, a new chain is
started anew when (and only
when) necessary, springing
from any already-visited
square (which may be part
of any of the old chains).
And in-turn, even newer
chains spring from already-
visited squares whenever

And the game continues this
way, with chains branching
from older chains like a
tree, until all n^2 squares
are finally visited.

(It is indeed possible that
some “chains” will only be
1 square long.

And it is also possible
that a player might want to
intentionally cause, for
whatever strategic reason,
a particular chain to
become trapped.)

And the player who has
earned the most points at
game’s-end (when all the
n^2 squares have finally
been visited) is the


Two notes:
If doors are drawn (erased)
between the adjacently-
connected squares, instead
of the connected adjacent
squares being connected by
line-segments, then the
end-result of the game is
a maze.
(Draw two doors somewhere
in the grid’s outer wall,
too, so you can enter and
exit this maze.)

The n^2 number of integers
that appear as sums in the
grid-squares are the same
set of integer-sums and the
same numbers of occurrences
of these particular sums
for any grid that is of
a given n-by-n.

There always is:

One 2,
Two 3’s,
Three 4’s,
(n-1) number of n’s,
n number of (n+1)’s,

.. but then..
(n-1) number of (n+2)’s,
(n-2) number of (n+3)’s,
Three number of (2n-2)’s,
Two number of (2n-1)’s,
and one (2n).

(So, the maximum number
of occurrences of any
particular sum is always
n number of (n+1)’s.
And the minimum number of
those sums that occur is
always one 2 and one (2n).)



Voids Were Prohibited

(^But when voids
are outlawed,..
only outlandishness
will be unavoidable!..)

And happy 1-2-3 Day,
on this 1-23!..

(^But, zero 0’s, though..
As 0’s are still PROHIBITED!
{Until the 30th, anyway..})

Blog-post # 613:
(613 = prime.)

Six (sort-of) new
inanimations, all together;
but only the top two are really
art, if even those two are:

Ironic Origami
Ironic Origami
Resist Sister
Resist Sister

And there’s a math-note at
the end of this post about
the following set of plots,
which are related to (or
equal to) the image
“Coro-Null” above:


The “Resist, Sister” image
above is my belated offering
for the Women’s March.

It is not my finest piece
of art I’ve ever created,
exactly. Yet, it makes use
of the very fitting fact
that “Resist” is an anagram
of “Sister”.

‘Belated offering’:
Oh, and sorry about that.

Well, there’s always next
year’s march, though..
And the next year’s,..
and the next,..
and the next,..
Yep, turns out it’s true
what they say.
Women’s work is NEVER done!
(Never ever EVER done,
Anagrams, 20:

Nice origami:
Ironic image.

In those
linear pyramids,..
Art is

Partial as this:
That is a spiral.

As weird solid spheres
Their lopsided essence
was stirred.

Eyesight was aligned..
Always inside the egg.

As helices
appeared to shimmer:
A part does seem

A slippery ice thaws.
Yet pi was spherical.

Glassiest sand:
As salt’s design.

This sand does
It ascends as
these voids.

On ships.

Funnels grasp..
Fans, plungers.

Asses’ filthy crap:
Fecal shit sprays.

Of sick rude descents:
Cursed feces do stink.

Curses do sicken all.
Cancers killed us so.

Fate’s lies want us.
A fetus was silent.

Yet so sad or shameful:
False myths do arouse.

Christianity’s hatred
does enslave us.
Rude racist evil
sinned, yet has so

In rudeness:
Sins endure.

Any woman can resist
this evil and dare
to fight it.
They last,
dominating in a win
over fascist hatred.



‘Spill a yolk, loyal lips.’

‘No, it a rude duration.’


‘The Funnel-Clowns’


‘The Extrema-terrestrials’

‘The Re-Sisters’

‘A Final-Line’

‘Voids Were Prohibited’

’21-Gun Solution’


Why did that spoon-mechanic
have such an easy time
getting the ladies?

Because, it turns out,
a.. gear boggles

even more than

.. beer-googles!


“The store-brand cleaning-
fluid is what’ll surely
(solvently) solve all the
world’s problems.
Yep, that’s right.
A market-based solution!”..


“Hey, I’ve had it up to
HERE!.. with being short.”


(“So, you’ve had it
down to there, you say?”

“Uhh.. Yes..
{Please don’t squash me.}”)


Unlike the taller of her
curvy sisters, a petite-
woman, though, might have
herself more of an..

egg-timer figure..


(The related possible jokes
about her biological-clock
completely aside,.. please.)

Which type of water can
really hurt your head?

_Skull-ding_ hot,
of course!..


So, what was the very very
unsatisfactory output that
the AI proverb-transforming
program had given us?

“Now now, you humans.
You know it’s..
garbled adage in,..
garbled adage out

(^True, though, this time
’round. Indeed our bad.
But, hey, someone must’ve
spiked the punch-cards!..)

A.I. might in-fact be very
much like nuclear-power or
even nuclear-weapons were
considered to be a few
decades ago.

.. Something very scary and
frightening that in-fact
may be very dangerous, but
something that (allegedly!)
well-meaning folks had at
one time, in the case of
nukes, tried to find benign
and “peaceful” uses for
(like, say, blowing-up the
Van Allen belts..), if to
little actual success (in
that stated “goodness”
goal, anyway),.. given the
fact that.. peace and
goodness are not actually
much even at all inherent
in the true nature of either
of these two technologies.

(As peace and goodness are
not actually inherent much
in our own true human N.I.
— Natural-Intelligence —
nature, either.)


Our country/world is
sure now in total..



(Yeah, and we’re sure
drowning really DAMN
DEEP DOWN in that bowl
of shameful BULL, too!
So, you better not
swallow {that BS They
try to feed you}!..
And, hey, you better
not even breathe..)


President Trump:

Turns out He indeed
is one Hell of a..



(ShocKKKing,.. shocKKKing,
I know..)

Regarding the tiny-finger
that’s poised on the BIG

President Trump:
“Hey, why can’t I use them
nukes if I got ’em?!..

.. and then keep usin’
them, and use ’em all
bigly, even,..

.. until I know..
what’s goin’ on!!?”*


*(Which could be a while.)


Yep, that’s some presidential
reckless wreck-fulness, quite
indeed,.. and is some
Mutually Absurd Destruction,

Yeah, and we’re sure walking
one Hell of a Final-Line,

But, hey,
it’s sort of like they say..
An unstoppable Doomsday-clock
is (far)-RIGHT.. (twice a)..

Surely-unoriginal put-down:

“Hey, your momma!..

.. is your half-sister!”..


(But it seems that,..

“Hey, your momma!..
.. is the momma of YOU!”,

should be way more than
sufficient a put-down
in most cases.
Poor your-momma, though..)
A little (unoriginal) song:

They hide
that untried genocide
behind our ignorance
but beneath our pride.

They hide
this worldwide suicide
between their lips,
which’ve only lied.

Yet they hide the truth,
a truth that’s died,
beyond our grasp..
but here before us each
and what we are inside,..
here before what is all
that they’ve denied..

Oh, there, they hide.

And it’s _our_ time
that they so bide.
And so they themselves
are those who hide.

As justice cried..
of what we are inside,
here before what is all
that they always
have denied.

And there, and as before,
.. and as do we,…

they hide.

About the fractally function
I plotted (as seen in several
images above):

In “Coro-null-one-two-three”,
the quadrants show four
different magnifications of
the same function.
The lines in the upper-right
quadrant represent for-scale
x = 0, x = 1, y = 0, y = 1.

The plots represent, roughly
(as per artifacts, plotting
errors, the top finite value
of k, and artistic-license
I took with the particular
settings), the function:

z = f(theta, r) =

sum(k= 1 to infinity)

where theta is in radians,
r is the distance from the
and [x] indicates x rounded-
down to the nearest integer.

And I then had the light-level
of the plot be proportional to
ln(|z|), instead of simply to

The border between the
glowing radial shape and
the solid black background
is arbitrary, and depends
on plot-settings and on
which finite value I took
the sum to (since I didn’t
actually sum with k going
all the way to infinity).

In “Coro-four” I show
a merging of two plots,
in the (zoomed-in) area
near y = 1 and just to
the right of the y-axis.

The redder and longer
coronal “fire” represents
the sum with k going from
1 to 64.
While the greener and
shorter coronal fire
represents the sum up to
k = 128.
(So, the top value reached
by k is indeed significant
in regards to the shape of
the coronal fire.)
The bluish arc represents
part of the circumference
of the circle that is
centered on the origin
(located below the image)
and that has a radius = 1.

I suppose that every value
of f(theta, r) = z where r
is greater than 1, if k
actually had gone to
infinity, would diverge
(to infinity or to no
value at all), since the
sum diverges when r is
greater than 1.
(And with the coloring
scheme, if k actually was
summed to infinity, then
all beyond the unit circle
would be black — there
would be no coronal fire
at all. Boring.)

And I suppose the infinite-
sum must converge to a
finite value for every r
less than 1.
(And these values are less
boring, since they, taken
together, form a fractal.)

However, for every r equal
exactly to 1 — the points
along the circumference of
the unit-circle — the sum
would, if the sum went to
k = infinity, either go to
infinity or converge to a
finite value in a fractal
manner depending upon the
value of theta.

If theta*4/pi is a fraction
with an even numerator and
an odd denominator, then
the sum should diverge to
But, I think, if theta*4/pi
is a fraction with an odd
numerator and either odd or
even denominator, then the
sum should converge to a
finite value.
I am uncertain what happens
if theta*4/pi is irrational,
Uncertain about


And voids are no longer
prohibited, you’ll be
pleased (or horrified)
to know..

(Though they still remain
a bit.. prohibitive..)

To Last Is Optimum..

.. It posits a lot.^

Blog-post # 612:
(612 = 2 * 3 * 17 * 3 * 2.)


Four new art-inanimations:

Violent Optics
Violent Optics
Folding Radii
Folding Radii

Anagrams, 19:

Time’s dreams,
each still infinite:
Inside this
celestial firmament.

That is of
These folds do
spin as it.

Any radii
so folded..
As a fire did
only do.

Origami formed
Folding radii
or some mess.

Dimensions are..
Neon mess’ radii,
Dreams one is in.

Time did create
.. In iridescent
modes it made.

These dimensions:
Time’s nodes shine.

Noises are
violent optics,..
.. In loops,
visions, etcetera.

Yet as
scalene triangles..
In a glassy lens,

Within molecules is
that focus’ stain.
This celestial
was of this.

Interwoven ascents:
As went non-vertices.

As proportional
to trigonometry:
A loop is rotating
or empty or torn.

Humanity so fell,..
As if unto my Hell.

Satan’s shit:
That ass’ sin.

Funneling our
Sins or feces
plunged only
into us.

Americans’ shit:
In racist shame.

America’s zones:
Nazis’ era comes.

Whites caused
all terror.
We sell our
racist hatred.

tacos, ribs, a bun,
bagels, peaches.
beans, cabbages,
salads, wine, punch.


‘To last is optimum.
It posits a lot.’

‘Mum: It Pop optimum.’

‘Not Leroy or Elton.’

‘Not Elton? I not let on.’


Married older couple at
the grocery-store, where
the husband can’t see
well and the wife is

“Oh, I sure wouldn’t
like to be marooned on
a desert-isle,.. like
the sign says isle-11

would LOVE to be
macaroon-ed in the
dessert-aisle, though!
Aisle-11, you say?”

“Why did I even marry
you, you weird desert-
Hey, so I’ll just wait
for you, then, over in
the feminine-hijinks


The carpet has upon it
which type of pattern?

FLOOR-al, of course!..


Highrise-living can
be quite..



One who tests you so to
fit you for eye-glasses
half-full is..

an optimetrist..


That clock has a facial

(And it’s chronic.)

Kevin Spacey:
He’s an example of
someone who’s now
both.. infamous..



If the Muslim-World
is indeed transformed
into a caliphate,..
I guess its leaders,
then, would be of the..



Regarding how the Trump-
administration is now
gloating about the only-
specious report claiming
that 3 out of 4 of those
arrested in the US on
related charges are..


(And there is a.. hole
lot of shit in that
report to rebut,.. BUT..)

But yet most (likely far
more than only just 3 out
of 4) American-citizen
(and those who are just
simple mass-murderers
who officially are “NOT
terrorists”) are, though
on the other hand,..



Sorry, Ronny, but America
is now anymore only just..

a shitting shitty
of a hole!..

(Not too much of a
non-sequitur, actually..)

Dante (.. Who, in-regards
instead to current-events,
was only off, it now turns
out, by a few thousand
miles or so for the true
location of the Inferno..)
is warning his male chums
about a woman he had
(unfortunately for him)
been,..uh,.. acquainted

“Hey, dudes, watch out!
You don’t want to have sex
with her ever, even though
she’s indeed hot as HELL!”

“Really, Dante, man?”

“Yep, best you take heed
and beware, or else…
Abandon all hope
ye who enter HER

A political-cartoon idea:

Two frames:

The first frame shows, as
per the actual news-story,
a photo of a group of
African-Americans that had
been tagged by AI (which
belongs to a big tech
company we’ll just refer
to as.. ‘Ghoul^2’) as
being a group of

Then the second frame
shows a photo, maybe taken
at an office-party, of a
group of mostly-only-White
and mostly-only-male
Ghoul^2 employees.

But the AI has tagged this
photo as being a bunch of..


(Of _coarse_.)


Antisocial-media posts
oft occur..

in the coarse of human
(and inhuman..
and nonhuman bot)


A new horribly-offensive
slur referring to..
.. fascists.


The new F-word..

As in,
“I have such utter hatred
for those filthy fucking
FaKKKers and all their
faked so-called ‘facts’!!”

(^Hey, watch your mouth!..)


And to clarify:
“FaKKKers” has a soft ‘a’.
Like the ‘a’ in “fascists”.

So ‘FaKKKers’ sounds
(ironically) more like
“fact-ers” than “fakers”.

And “Fecists”, alliteration
of “feces”, might also be a
good slur for fascist, too,
.. the shitholes that they


By the way, there in-fact
is absolutely no actual
reason at all for White
people to hate Black or
brown people as a group,..

_other than_, that is,..

we White people’s _own_
DNA, which makes us all
inherently racist to our
evil cores.

We all can’t even help it.

.. But the problem is,
though, that most of us
like to indeed.. help it..


(^Hey, just tellin’ it
like WE are, now now!..)

Note how we now have a
president who, on one hand,
.. actually openly makes
vulgar explicitly racist
statements such as, for
just one example (but not
publicly in this one case),
about how certain entire
nations (and all their
brown-skinned people) are

But while, though, at the
same time..

He has BANNED government-
scientists from daring to
ever use such nasty naughty
terms like, say, “science-
based” and “evidence-based”!..
(The ‘SB-term’ and ‘EB-term’,

Donald Trump:


Gone now are the days were
Americans even have the
LUXURY to whine about the
utter destruction of the
US Constitution!

the good-old Bush-Era…

“Hey, you damn kids don’t
know how lucky we oldsters
were! We got to whine about
the sanctity of the US
Constitution for two miles
both ways and every single
day, even, being forced to
do so through a raging


Regarding that Hawaii
emergency-alert mishap..

First, so it seems there
are some Hawaiian officials
who now themselves are the
ones needing to..


(And cover-up, maybe even


So, I hear that Hawaii, at
least, will now therefore
be instituting a two-key
system for such alerts in
the future, so as to reduce
the risk of any more such
TWO civil-defense personnel
will now have to okay a
nuke-launch,.. uh,..
okay a WARNING-ALERT of a

Maybe too these two civil-
defense personnel should
each then carry a sidearm
so as to help.. convince..
the other guy to go ahead
and also launch…
the statewide emergency-


But, hey, you know what
President Trump Himself
will inevitably be doing as
a result of this mishap,

Surely He’ll soon — I guess
because regulations are BAD
— be issuing an order that
requires (And whether He
even has the legal-authority
or not to require such is
not even up for discussion)
that all civil-defense-
agency bunkers/offices/
whatever, like the one in
Hawaii, be set up to only
have, as before, SINGLE-
button alert-launching

Plus, furthermore,.. He’ll
also require that hereafter
the alert-sending button,
which will have to be
completely unmarked under
His edict, will resemble
almost exactly the bunker’s
own also completely-unmarked
real-nuke-launching button
— which all such bunkers
must now be installed with
because, hey, the more folks
who can just go and, whoops,
singlehandedly BUTT-LAUNCH
America’s entire nuclear-
arsenal, the better, see!
— where this nuke-button
will be, under Presidential
decree, necessarily situated
RIGHT next to the more-
benign alert-sending-button.

And too, as Trump will also
mandate, the nuke-launch-
button will have to be
situated, not only just
right next to the similarly-
looking alert-sending button,
but also right next to as
well — possibly between
these two buttons.. OR MAYBE
on the left.. OR MAYBE on
the right of the three —
the also-similarly-looking
and completely-unmarked
button that bunker-personnel
push so to order delivery
hot-wings for their entire
And all three buttons too
must be real tiny and close
together, of course.

(And then, it will of
course be pointed out to
we stupid Americans who
dare complain how dangerous
is Trump’s order that it is
obviously only for our own..




‘The Dishonest


‘Ginger Lee,
with Ruth Leslie
and Barbie Russ’*

*(But sometimes..
it’s Barbie Rick who
instead sings backup,
but to Ginger Lee’s..

(But sorry, still,
not Elton..)

More Nodal Than A Noodle

(Yet no knotted noodle
nods not to non-naughts
that knowingly, nonetheless,
are as knotted as no other
but none other than none.)

No relation to Don..}

Blog-post # 611:
(611 = 13 * 47.)

Five and a half (or maybe
it’s four and two halves)

As Those Cosmoses
Orbiting Above
As Those Cosmoses Orbiting Above
But Beyond Even Them..
But Beyond Even Them
Molecular Entirety
Molecular Entirety
Nodes So End
Nodes So End

But Beyond

But Beyond

Note: Regarding the swirls
of “But Beyond Even Them”
and in the simplified
“But Beyond”:

(Anagrams, puns, etc are
below in this post after
all the following curve-
related nonsense*.)

*(I guess something is
indeed literally nonsense
if, simply, there is anyone
at all who can’t make sense
of it!.. And I would DARE
Donald Trump, say, to try
to make even any sense of
the following..)

Just for fun..
you could plot any such type
of ‘spiral’ you desire by
first off taking a standard
spiral based on any function
you choose, r = f(theta) —
for example, r = 1/(theta+1)
or (as in my images here)
r = 1/2^theta — and then
have each full turn of the
spiral either turn clockwise
or counterclockwise depending
on any mathematical criterion
you choose — such as the
n’th turn’s direction is based
upon the evenness/oddness of
the nth term of some integer
sequence, or maybe is based
upon the nth digit of the
binary representation of a
particular real number you
have chosen.


And consider these 4 curves:

Either Swirly Or Whirly

I don’t feel like explaining
the math-rule used to generate
the curves in the two
“But Beyond..” images above.
But each of these four curves
here, though, is based on the
very-palindromic sequence
(which could have been
taken to an infinity of


(R = clockwise,
L = counterclockwise.)

Start with R.
If the nth term is L, then
simply repeat the entire
sequence so far.
If the nth term is R, then
repeat the entire sequence
so far, but with an L
between, appended just
after the old subsequence
and just before the
repeated subsequence.

Then the manner in which
the sequence is palindromic
is itself palindromic (and
it is so in the same manner
as is itself).

The spiral-generating
functions for these curves
(not drawn to scale) are:

Radius is proportional
(clockwise from upper left)






One more less-mathematical
thing on this topic of
such types of curves:

The curves of these plots
remind me of an interesting
dream I had decades ago.

I dreamt that the soul of
each individual person had
a distinct shape, different
from the shape of any other
person’s soul.

And these shapes happened
to look a bit like twisted
strands/strings, resembling
somewhat the spiral-esque
curves above.
(Plus, 3 of these particular
curves look overall a little
like brains as seen from the
side, and the other maybe
like a cerebellum or vaguely
like the whole brain as seen
from the back/front.)

Might these strands/strings
represent microtubules of
brain-cells?.. which indeed
have be conjectured by some
(if dubiously so) to be —
maybe somehow via quantum-
physics, they say —
responsible for our

Or, thinking even much much
smaller,.. might they relate
somehow to the “strings” of
(And why.. knot?!..)


Oh, and a(nother) pun on the
string-theory topic before
I then move on to other
(weightier!..) matters:

I guess, then, that very
VERY tiny crafters of
subatomic-string-art are
makers of…


(I might have heard a
“micro-mé” joke before.
But probably not before
in the subatomic-string

Anagrams, 21:

A solid molecular
Colors are yet

Within cosmoses
lit as glass:
This mess was
oscillating so.

Earth’s orbital
Ash or rust is
as global there.

Orbital sundial:
It is a round ball.

As in auroras’
A sun is solar
or mauve.

Any volume:
Only mauve.

The blossoms,
fire, and eggs:
Forms do beget
glass’ shine.

As flames arise,
themselves set
An evil’s hate
else forms
messier fates.

Morons steer us
near atomic-war.
As America enters
our own storm.

Our mortal descents:
Torment so sad/cruel.

The angry demon:
Damn-hot energy.

Lucifer’s stain:
Its fecal ruins.

Satanic thugs..
Stain, gash, cut,..
Sin, cut, aghast,..
Cuss at a thing,..
At such a sting,..
Cast us, hating..
As a night cuts.

Creeps, shit,
and/or beasts:
Hatred’s obscene

Myth does bind us.
Hymns’ doubt dies.

Do barter.

Crescents are..
.. Craters’ scene.

This amplitude
is aligned.
A design has
multiplied it.

Yet in
Every length is
this science.

So halved inside
cuspidate grid-nodes:
As such pointed seeds
divided or align.

So end.


‘Signage-gang is..’

‘As lasso, yo-yos, salsa.’

‘So, yo-yos..’

‘We so sew.’


‘Fine mess is semen if.’

‘Sane mess is semen as.’

‘Sane mess is semen if
a fine mess is semen as.’


‘Descent’s Department’

‘The Atomic Morons’



Forces Of Evil:



Pleading innocent-of-Crimes-
of-insanity is claiming,..

hey, you were…

just following disorders!..

(And, by the way, I think

“We’re innocent of..
by reason-of-insanity,”..

has a nice lyrical rhythm
to it, if anyone wants to
use it in a rap or punk-
song or something.)

And some dotards should
really be trying harder
not to be so damn..


Some (more) political-humors,
.. yes, some more very bitter

That book about Trump that
is now out.. is a case of..

The Wolff who cried
“Little boy!”..


But Trump and Bannon basically
are arguing over which of the
two is more purely of the
White race..

“No, you traitor {to the White
race}, _I_ have the smaller

“No, you crazy idiot flunky,
it’s _I_ who got dee small-ly


And regarding Trump being
such a “stable genius”,
and all:

First off,.. hey, so to prove
His fitness for office once
and for all, He then needs to
take the LONG-FORM IQ test!..

Which is so long, it’s longer
than a whole _140 characters_,


So, it’s as if…

President Trump is playing
chess, say, with me.
And I am beating Him badly.
(And fool-disclosure:
Trump is actually probably
the ONLY person I could beat
at chess.)

So,.. in frustration,..
He then tosses the table and
chess-board in the air..

But THEN He screams out
(or posts to social-media,
or whatever),..

ME beat Crooked Leroy!
Me WIN! ME, ME win!..
NOT flunky Crooked Leroy!
No, ME win!.. Nah! Nah! Nah!!

And THEN,.. over a year later,
.. and long long after I have
stopped giving any sh’t at all
about my oh-so humiliating
“loss” to Him,..

even still..
President Trump hasn’t yet
stopped going around
continually screaming,..

ME beat Crooked Leroy!
Me WIN! ME, ME win!..
NOT flunky Crooked Leroy!
No, ME win!.. Nah! Nah! Nah!!

(Hey, you just can’t argue
with THAT^ logic!..)


Crooked Leroy..

Tilts Aligning I Last Lit

Blog-post # 610:
(610 = 2 * 5 * 61.)

Three new art inanimations:

Asymmetric Space
Asymmetric Space
Nothingness Askew
Nothingness Askew

(Note regarding the image
“Asymmetric Space”:
{And then the anagrams,
palindromes, puns, etc
after this note.}

This image was derived via
some simple math. However,
I’m sure that there are many
artifacts beyond my control
{especially so in the
corners} due to the
inexactness of the plotting-
program’s calculations and
due to the image-resolution.
{For example, the swirling
“eyes”, a pair in each
corner, are actually only
due to the quick oscillations
of the function interfering
with the grid-layout of the

But if you would like to plot
the image yourself {doing so
at whatever accuracy and/or
resolution you desire}, the
plot for a single quadrant
is simply:


where a(x,y) =

{with [x] defined here as x
rounded up* to the nearest

I forget the range of my
plot, but I think maybe each
quadrant’s x and y both run
from 0 to about 5 or so.
Then I duplicated the
quadrant, and rotated it and
negated two copies,

*{But rounding down instead
of up produces a similar but
different design.})

Anagrams, 11:

Dreamt tints..

That nothingness is askew.
Knots as these snag within.

In a zone’s darkest shard:
Knots as razed had risen.

As integrated as dimensions:
None is estimated sans a grid.

Solid round emptiness
is what is alternating.
As within, it spun, tilts,
meanders, or does align.

As does weirdness,
the wrap does flap.
Spiral-shaped wads
were so softened.

All of asymmetric space
is to so sink/hide,..
As in its mythic
kaleidoscopes or flames.

A sling..
Lags in..
Nil gas,..
Nil sag.

As behind our own
mute shield:
A lens hid us,
but we hid no more.

This dimwit’s end:
His twisted mind.

As of surreal finalities:
A sun-flare is a fire so lit.


‘Tilts aligning I last lit.’

‘No op maligning I lampoon.’

‘Did well, like we kill
lewd id.’

‘Set, I byte ninety bites.’

‘No grasps: Argon.’


Which element’s atoms
have vanished?

Those that.. ARGON!..


It’s in-fact a..

doubled-edged shield!


‘The Uto-peons’

‘The Id-Dots’




‘Joseph And The
Dream Girl’

Fun little tradition I
engage in every New Years:

I go to bed early, then
I wake up, maybe around
midnight, but don’t look
right away at the clock.

Then I can think to myself,
while lying in bed,..

“Hmm, not only am I unsure
of what time it now is,..

but I don’t even know
which YEAR it is either!”

(Fun times..
Me so crazy.)


When Kim and Trump (and/or
maybe Putin and Xi) (soon!)
set off some fireworks of
Their own in the greatest
fireworks-finale EVER,..

what song should the
orchestra be playing
at the time?..

The ‘2018 OVER-ture’,
of course!..


Yep, It’s the overture
for when.. YOU’RE over!..

And it’s indeed long..

But, hey, sorry, though.
There’s absolutely no..

More regarding the
End Of The (Flat) World:

Explaining science to idiots.

On the topic of global-
warming vs climate-change:

Consider hail. Hail itself
is COLD, is it not?
Yet it falls on the HOTTEST
of days, not so much in the

Why? Because the ENERGY
inherent in the hotter
atmosphere is needed to
power hail-storms.

Hail happens to happen, see,
and it even exists too,..
despite even conservatives’
best attempts to claim that
it, or that weather events
like it, just couldn’t
possibly be.
(Ye conservatives be of so
little FAITH, I guess..)

So, to allude to the
backwards-masked message in
Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway To

I don’t know if it’ll ever
snow or not in the House
Of Satan..

But one thing’s for sure,

It’ll sure at least HAIL
(And be really hot as HAIL,


And FINALLY, on the
general topic:

But yet still, though,
if the universe ends not
with a hot-as-Hell bang,
but instead with a

that would in-fact be
rather quite..




Sixth Gilded Light, X Is

(Of course.^)

Blog-post # 609:
(609 = 3 * 7 * 29.)

Five new art-inanimations:

Knotted Pentahedron
Knotted Pentahedron
Greatest Common Multiple
Greatest Common Multiple
Spasms A Crass Sarcasm Saps
Spasms A Crass Sarcasm Saps

(Regarding the image
“Greatest Common Multiple”:
As a bit of a puzzle, try
to determine the rule that
is used to color the image’s
black/white regions either
black or white.
It’s simple math.)
Anagrams, 21:
(Aside: And never even mind
that 21 times the date, the
29th, equals 609, which is
this blog-post’s number. Yes,
never even mind that fact..
{Or even odd it either.})

As knotted as
this pentahedron:
That is the stone,
spark, and node.

Atoms spark therein
these domes.
Most hemispheres
are as knotted.

Shapes’ rotation
yet has shredded.
Spheres do thread
as they do stain.

Completed totals
are summing so,..
As do Greatest
Common Multiples.

Weirdest tilting
helices had
The sliced-up and
righted lines are
to twist.

A spare set..
(A part sees.)

Each forewent us.
Often we are such.

Beast of its beauty
or style:
A butterfly is yet
to be as so.

Deal with the Devil:
We divide that Hell.

The Devil is NOT
(or is) great!
Nastier gods
lie to thrive.

Hate is damning devils.
This angel divides man.

Nazis do use murder.
Mad zeros ruined us.

As disturbing as
Rage’s brutality;
a sin’s id.
Brutality is anger,
is sad.

Murderers’ rage:
Germs are ruder.

All our sins/deaths:
A sad Hell rots in us.

We losers are burned
in Hell; yet desire
burned of hate.
But all our fiery sins
had been rendered to

All is ruined.
The losers hide..
Inside Hell,
their souls dare.

Fascist rapists were
of their harms.
This sperm-warfare’s
hot fire is cast.

Strains below..
In warts/lobes.

This was so
repugnantly stained.
A lewdness is
spraying unto that.

Any sprig.
Any grips..
A springy..
Gray spin.


‘Till I with gilded light,
I will it.’

‘Sixth gilded light: x is.’

‘Too-real uvulae-root.’

a crass sarcasm saps.’


What would Noah had needed
to build the ark out of
if it had to instead carry
twice as many animals as
it did?



What might the government do
if your tax-returns don’t
come out.. even?

They might..

odd-it you!..

Belated Xmas-related advice
for grocery-store managers:
(Or not so belated..
Isn’t it now already the
Xmas season.. for Xmas of
2023, or something? Better
get shopping, therefore..)

During the Xmas-season, I’d
hear grocery-stores playing
that most-often-ANNOYING
Xmas-music over their PAs.

But why?

It seems to me that playing
it would be counterproductive
to grocery-stores’ ultimate
goal of making money.
(Their goal of Mammon over
Jesus, in other words.)

And never even mind the fact
that such music will, for one
money-losing problem with it,
scare away customers who
happen to be non-Christian
and/or who simply have _any_
good taste in music..

But, in addition, and maybe
even more problematic for
grocery-stores, people will
be shopping for food at
these stores,.. but then
they’ll hear the Xmas music;
and so they’ll get in the
“Xmas-spirit”, alright, but
by thinking,..

“Oh, that music reminds me,..
I’ve got to go shopping at
the mall later for gifts.
So therefore, I better keep
from spending too much money
here at the GROCERY-store,
then, I suppose.”!..

(Unless, though, the shopper
is at the grocery-store to
buy, say,.. cinnamon, cloves,
peppermint, etc,..
ie. Christmas season-ing!..
{Hey, ‘Tis the seasoning!..})


Related belated Xmessiness:

They (ie. merchants, mostly
in-fact) talk about how we
consumers do like to “shop
till we drop”. (If we’re
cool, that is.)

.. And shopping-till-we-
drop is something that, of
course, merchants sure don’t
have any problem at all that
we go and do, obviously,..

.. just as long as, though,
we consumers don’t actually
do that dropping until AFTER
we’ve paid for our purchases!

But then, after paying, hey,
go ahead and drop away!..
(What do merchants even care
at that point? This is a
free country*, isn’t it?..)

*(“Free country”:
Just ask those who OWN it..
and own us.
THEY, in-fact, didn’t even
actually have to pay even
one cent for any of it..
Even though it is WE, the
ones ourselves who’re owned,
who are paying, alright.)

(More so cheery, though..)

In another universe:…

The Earth there has the
same number* of days per
year as our own year also

But their year on non-leap
years is divided-up into
exactly 73 weeks of 5 days
each, and into exactly 5
months of 73 days each.

Thus then, each month for
4 consecutive years starts
on the same day of the
week that that particular
month begins upon during
every other year of that
same 4-year period.

(And if a particular year
begins on weekday # 1,
whatever that day is
named, then the months
{during the particular
four-year period} begin
on weekdays…

Month 1: # 1.
Month 2: # 4.
Month 3: # 2.
Month 4: # 5.
Month 5: # 3.)

Then an extra day is added
to the end of the 5th month
every 4 years.
(With weirdness like on our
Earth too, where leap days
maybe are or are not added
at the end up a particular
century, depending on how
to best align the days and
the actual year-length.)

Then every 4 years, the
particular weekday that a
particular month begins
upon is shifted by one day
from what was the day that
that same month began upon
during the year prior.


(It is quite likely that
this calendar-system is
far from original.. even
in our own universe.)


And, oh, about those
5-day weeks..

Just like in our system,
workers often work for 5
days in a row.
But in the other universe
(and soon in ours too, of
course!),.. weekends are
each ZERO days long!..

But having the rent due,
though, only 5 times per
year instead of 12 times..
sure is not acceptable at
all here in this universe.
So then, despite maybe
even if the five-day weeks
are sans any weekends,
this alternative system
would obviously NOT AT ALL
ever be adopted in our own

(See, the slumlord-lobby
is a powerful lobby, after
all. They even own all
three branches of the US
federal government right
now. No kidding around.)

*(“The Earth there has the
same number of days per
It seems to me that it
would be more accurate and
grammatically-correct, when
referring to the exact year-
length, to say, “the same
amount of days per year”,
since there are a noninteger
{about 365.24} number/
amount of days each year.)


The Borg (from the later
few Star Trek series) go,
in deep ominous monotone:
(And in this first case,
that monotone is very
very.. White..)

“You will be assimilated.
Your ethnic foods and
culture will be added to
our own and appropriated.
We will bastardize and
cheapen your culture and
food by, in-part, opening
fast-food chains with
outlets mostly located in
strip-malls throughout the
galaxy,.. and by producing
pop-music we will claim is
Earthling-inspired, but
which is actually only some
cynically-cheapened and
overly-commercial BS in-fact
written and recorded by Borg
who have not even any real
understanding at all of what
it truly means to be an
.. Resistance is futile.”..

Or maybe it could go
instead down like this:..

“You will be assimilated.
Resistance is futile.”

“Uh, what? We will be
ass-simulated, you say?
So, fake butts are your
thing, then?”

“No. Assimilated.
We said ‘assimilated’.”

“Uh, what? We will be
ass-STIMULATED, then?
So it’s you Borg, then,
who are actually the
anal-probing ETs?
I thought those anal-probe
ETs were shorter and greener
than you guys. BUTT.. it’s
you guys, then?! Okay.
Learn something new every
day, I suppose.”..

“No. Assimilated! Geesh.
Humans need to learn to
actually listen, already.
.. We’re out of here, then,
since humanity obviously
has nothing of value for us
to acquire. See ya’ later,
losers, uh,.. NOT!”..

Politics now.
(Watch out..)

Meme for you:..

So, how DO we then..

Deal With The Devil..

-problem in this country?..

Political-cartoon idea:

Part 1:

President Trump — dressed
(as per the usual) as Death
— sadistically hacks away
with His scythe both at
Father-Time and at the

“Hey, we gotta make those
CUTS for the Greater Good!”

Part 2:
(An even more darkly drawn

Trump then malevolently
floats over what is left
of both corpses, just a
bloodied pulpy mess, while
He sinisterly grins and
is drooling hungrily..

The caption underneath:..



Republicans warning us of the
terrorist-threat to America:

Turns out,..
the wolves themselves are
in-fact those who’ve been
crying “Wolf!”..


‘Alien Uvulae’

‘Furious Nephew
(And The Nefarious Few)’*



‘X Is Tense’

‘Injustice Of The Peace’

*(Apologies to Grandmaster
Flash and The Furious Five.
{You remember Flash, right?
“He tried to get away,
but he couldn’t get far,..
’cause some stupid
gave away his car!”..})

For any plural number of
players, each with a
distinctly-colored pencil/pen.

First draw a circle subdivided
into n number of evenly-sized/
shaped slices (like slices of
a pizza), where n is a
multiple of the number of
(n should be at least several
times the number of players.)

And too before play begins,
a mark is made just outside
the circle next to one of the
slices to indicate to the
players that this is the
“primary slice” of the pizza.

Players then play the game
by taking turns, where each
player on his/her turn
colors-in an as-yet-still-
unfilled slice with his/her
own pencil/pen or makes a
distinct mark (such as the
player’s initials) in an
as-yet-unmarked slice.

Each player should end up
filling/marking the same
number of slices by game’s

After all the slices have
been filled/marked, the
score is determined.
Each player’s slices are
numbered as determined by
counting the player’s own
slices (as they are at
game’s end) clockwise around
the pizza starting at the
pizza’s primary slice.
The number of any particular
slice is irrespective of the
order that the slices were
filled/marked by the player
during the game.
What matters is the final
positions of a player’s own
slices relative to each other
at the end of the game.

Each player gets a point for
every one of his/her own
slices — slice number k —
where another one of this
player’s own slices is
located k slices clockwise
from that slice.
(It does not matter which
particular players filled/
marked the intermediary
slices that are skipped
over while counting.
And the clockwise counting
may continue past {or to}
the primary slice.)

For (too simple) example:
(Two players here;
player 1’s slices are
labeled with numbers;
player’s 2’s slices are
labeled with letters.
n = 8.
The 1 indicates the primary

d 1 a
4 * 2
3 c b

Player 1:
1 is 3 slices clockwise from 3.
2 is 4 slices clockwise from 4.
2 points.

Player 2:
d is 3 slices clockwise from c(3).
b is 4 slices clockwise from d(4).
2 points.

A tie.

(And finally, an off-course
or more on-course, if coarse,
encore,.. of course.)

Trying to save the world
isn’t solely about helping
to save humanity from its
own destruction,..

it too is about helping to
make humanity worth even
being saved!



Lined-Octal At Code-Nil

(Well, _someone’s_ got to
call their blog-post that.^..)

Blog-post # 608:
(608 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 19.)

Three new art-inanimations:

In Inertia Interwoven
In Inertia Interwoven

Anagrams: 29.

Shattered labyrinths
formed a spiral.
Shards of their dreams
bent partially.

Knotted were
Some hid.
We do seek spectra,
do look inside them.

A glass lens
or the art or
its paint:
Laser-light too
is as transparent.

Space is what
is rusting,..
As cusps/gears
within it.

The loxodrome
is as sand.
Solar moons
had existed.

As this sector
is a null-vector.
It rusts in all
hot cores/caves.

Turning as do
sine-waves and
their vortex:
A vast inert
nexus/grid had
so interwoven.

Plaid was interwoven.
A wind overlaps twine.

Entirety’s diagonal
is itself diagonal,..
As a tilting solid
yet of a linear design.

Do align as..

Sky of moons or toys:
Yo-yos form knots so.

Glowing as reefs..
In a flower’s eggs.

Alien-rats’ uvula.

Soft hoof.

Gel is distant.
A design tilts.

To imply/rotate:..
It: A lot or empty.
(Partly time too..
At my trite loop.)

Arcs were, fate is,..
Faces were astir.
We craft seas’ ire;
We craft sea-rise.
Fire was as erect.

This sinful
American zeitgeist’s
Therein Nazi-fascists’
ultimate “Seig Heil!”.

Of their
Hated liars’ demonic
evil fascism:
It gets us.. furious.

These so are
Satan’s Chosen
Non-poor cheaters
each then amass
our assets.

Any corporations
then so slur.
Thus, only racists
are non-poor.

Evangelical Christians:
Ever as
An evil’s
racist leg-chain.
An evil’s
crashing act/lie.
As a circle,
an evil’s night,..
Hell gains
via its cancer.

All their ruses,
sin, genocides:
Religions’ cruelness
is death.

Every religion will
equal Satan.
Any evil lies are
all quite wrong.

God fathers souls:..
Daughters of loss.

His DNA..
.. Had sin.

To prey.

Riemann hypothesis:
In math-hype or sines.

Yin/Yang’s dim zeros:
In random syzygies.


‘A mocha: Ah, coma!’

‘Lined-octal at code-nil.’

‘”Dastardliness, o, posse?”
“Drat! Sad.”‘

‘Diorama aroid.’


When is Miss Crass
most crass of all?

On.. Christmas,
of course!..


Oh, but only
rolled in ghouls..
are now our..


What’s like a
lead walk?
(Or like a lead wok,
for that matter.)



But what does an illegitimate
couple get when they inamicably
agree to cease cavorting?

of course!..


Which names have been (redacted)?

Those of espe(***)lly ra(***)l

Warning: More-on politics.

The problem is, even though so
many racist Confederate statues
have recently been removed,..

each of those statues’..
very much still remains

(And in-lieu of any such racist
statue that once stood upon its
base, President Trump now stands
tall upon, and is {baselessly}
propped up by, that very same
{now His political} base.)


Regarding the Carlin-esque 7
Deadly Naughty Words that CDC
scientists now DARE not utter..

Here are probably some suggested
work-arounds, such as, for one,

(or “NTPB”),
(or “NPFTA”).

Maybe too:

Non-corporate pre-born entity.


which is an actual synonym;
but the Trumpies have surely
never heard it before and
will think it is absolutely
A-OK because of the “hetero”
part. And, hey, they wouldn’t
have any problems with
HETERO-ness anything-at-all,
oh WOULD they?!..

Note, the different spelling
between “Heterogeneous” and
“Heterogenous”, so as to
even better evade the Trumpy
They’ll think that the CDC
scientists are talking (in
their dastardly smarty-pants
terr’rist-chattering cant)
instead about that bad evil
undeserved advantageousness
(such as those evil quotas
and even more evil peace
and understanding) derived
from DIVERSITY,.. or about
how advantageous it is (to
the goal of receiving God’s
love) to be straight, not
about, as is actually being
talked about, any of the
advantageousness derived
from outside the organism
per-se (ie. from outside
the individual carbon-based
human person, in this case).


Republicans in 2018..!*

*(Or ‘Rn-2018’, which sounds
just so darn science-y.
{“So, BAN it then!..
BANNNNN.. it!..”})
More neologismation:


Those corporate-“persons” and
other ultra-human Ubermenschen
entities that the Republican
tax-bill ACTUALLY benefits at
all, and benefits greatly.

(Influenced by the terms
“Big-Oil”, “Big-Pharma”,
and the like.)

Used as in:..

“Big-Bribe Industrial-Complex,


(Though, unfortunately, it
seems we have a long time
before at all even nearing
“Peak-Bribe”, however..
In-fact, bribes may be the
sole resource soon left in
abundance.. If anyone wants
to build an electricity-
generator or car-engine
powered by them..)
And even more neologisilization:

New(?) term, for the post-
net-neutrality internet:


Which is just as low-fi as
is AM radio, and soon too
is to be just as uniformly
right-wing as well.


(Though, AM implies the
morning-time; but this is
now more so the internet’s

‘InterNOT’,.. or ‘Enter-Not’,
might also make good new(?)
names for what little we’re
now being left with of the
internet’s corpse.

In the near-future:..

AI-driven/operated trash-trucks
are, it turns out, disposing
not only of people’s trash,
but too are simply disposing
completely of the recyclables
people have left out next to
their trash-bins.


But too as these trash-trucks
travel along the streets,
they are picking up and then
disposing completely of..
any passer-byes who happen
to be.. old people or
racial/ethnic minorities,
or who are homeless people
or poor people, or are..



(Now, where did the AI
get THAT^ Great idea!?..)

Well, the Luddites were
actually correct all along.
Turns out we really
shouldn’t have been so..


The liberals’ (surely losing)
new goal:

To make death and taxes
.. for the super-rich..
at-least-somewhat inevitable



The have-MORE-ONS..
sure like to..
pour on and pee on..
we poor peons!..

A bit Lighter-(Sided)..

“Luke, I am your father.”

“Well, then, Darth-Dad.
You thus owe my mom some
major MAJOR back-child-
support, then.”

“Uhh, umm, uh,..
Luke, I am not your father.”


Transients whose friends are
as tenuous as their situations



So, to bring it down to an
intellectual level closer,
but still much above, that
of President Trump and His

I’m reminded of something the
kids used to (still?) say..
that, I’ve finally realized,
very much applies too to the
even more seriously dangerous
greenhouse-gasses threat
in-general, as well, which
our entire world now faces,
and applies also to the
related seriously dangerous
threat to us all of
mass-ignorance on the topic..



(Simple as that,
turns out.^)

(Somewhat more seriously,
an environmental-protest-
sign slogan:

“Stop toxic greenhouse-
polluters’ denial:







‘Spot Marks the X’*


*(“Hey, get off my X NOW,
{“But you can sure go ahead,
Spot, and mark my _ex_,
though, if you wish.”..})

Easy political-map “maze”:

(I put “maze” in quotes because
it is quite easy to solve, yet it
is not, though, solved quite so..

So, say there is this liberal guy
who is living here in Colorado,
maybe in Boulder, say, who is
wanting to travel cross-country
to a protest of some sort in
Washington DC.

He will definitely not fly
there — both because of his
opposition to the airline-
industry and because he’s too
poor anyway to fly. And he even
plans not to drive there but
to instead cycle all the way —
because, hey, car-driving only
feeds the Big-Oil Industrial-
Complex Beast, man..

(Though whether he cycles or
drives is unimportant to this
puzzle. What only matters is
that he takes no plane or boat
at any point in his journey,
traveling across land the
entire way; but he will cross
bridges or go through tunnels
whenever necessary.)

Yet, however, he has imposed
an important caveat upon his

Simply put, he refuses to
travel through, on his way
from Colorado to Wash DC,
absolutely any US state that
had (officially) gone to
Donald Trump in the 2016
US general-election for

So, then, through which
US states (and..) must he

(.. For the shortest trip;
but his itinerary’s list of
visited states will generally
be quite restricted, anyway.)

It is lucky he has no job
to get back to in Colorado,
because his trip could take
awhile, so he better leave
a LONG time before the day
of the protest..

(..tropssap sih ekat retteb
eh ,oot ,dnA)

My solution to this^ puzzle:









First he must go from Colorado
south into New Mexico.

Then, his only option is to
travel into the country of
(That is why I specifically said
he must avoid the Trump-states,
rather than saying he must pass
only through Hillary-states.)

Then next he must go WEST,
passing through the narrow strip
of land in Mexico between the
Gulf of California and Arizona.

He then must of course go north
into California, then travel up
the entire US West Coast through
Oregon and Washington state into

Now, I am uncertain of the
politics of most Canadian
provinces. But I think I heard
that Alberta, at least, is more
than a bit conservative, at
least by Canadian standards.
So the traveler can take a much
longer trip than otherwise
necessary, if he chooses to,
by going north around Alberta.
But that would not be necessary
under the maze’s rules, since
Alberta, whatever its politics,
did not vote for Trump in any
(Though they might indeed vote
for Trump in the future —
in 2020, 2024, 2028,.. –,..
after Trump forcibly annexes
Canada into the US.
But that’s another issue for
another day, though..)

Then the traveler travels east
(east _finally_!), dropping down
into the US at (for the quickest
route) the border with New York
(Maybe he can even visit
Niagara Falls.)

He can go visit much of New
England (including even New
Hampshire) at this point, if
he so chooses.

But he’ll probably be so tired
and behind-schedule at this
point that he might decide to
just go south and pass into..
New Jersey.
(And he can visit NY City at
this point if he chooses to.)

Then he will have to travel
from New Jersey southwest into
Delaware, being careful to
avoid the tip of Pennsylvania
where Philadelphia is located.

Then his trip goes west through
Delaware into.. Maryland, and
then _finally_ on to.. DC!


(But if Maryland had voted for
Trump, though — Did it? —
he then would be screwed.
I was thinking it would’ve
been cool in that case if the
cyclist could have passed
along the thin isthmus/strip
of islands, if they are even
connected by bridges/tunnels
{which I don’t know, I’ve never
been there}, that are located
at the eastern edge of the
Chincoteague Bay, going into
Virginia and then to DC,
arriving in DC via the other
side of the Potomac than if
by going through Maryland.
But alas, most of the isthmus/
islands, even if crossable
fully by road/trail, are part
of Maryland, not Virginia.
{Though my map is real old —
.. but at least it’s post-
The isthmus/islands haven’t
changed states since, have
The problem is, though,..
Trump will soon be claiming/
officially-declaring that
He actually won Maryland,
thus making a route, had it
existed, through Virginia
But He’ll claim He won every
other state too. So the trip
couldn’t then at all be made
anyway, not even in the first
place, if/WHEN Trump finally
makes His new-improved
vote-count official..})

And, whoops, I forgot to even
mention the Solstice.

Happy Lose-ter Solstice, indeed..
(Or Minuser Solstice for those
in the Southern Hemisphere.)


Sundials Striking Nil-O’Clock

(Or they {silently}* do
so, if, anyway, you’re
to believe the..
And such sundials were
stuck where they struck.
And we too are just as
out-o-luck, and are just
as stuck in that muck,
.. like is some truck
full of yucky-suck,
a f*cked {if not so much
f*cked-up} unlucky truck
that’s much too stuck
to haul any such mucky
sucked-up but up-chucked
yet yuckiest of yuck.)

{Even more yucks below..}

*(But first..
Regarding a sundial
or any clock silently
striking nil, though:
Yet do Cassandra’s
dire warnings really
even exist at all..
if no one can even
hear her warnings
at all?..
But then, what if we
cannot hear them even
at all simply only
because.. we are all
.. absolutely deaf?..)

Blog-post # 607:
(607 = a prime.)

(Hey, but I’m not
.. one to
1-2 – 1-2..
{upon this day of 12-12}.)

Four new art-inanimations:

In Us, Such Knots Still Dare
In Us, Such Knots Still Dare
Contiguous Shard
Contiguous Shard
Spilt Shadows
Spilt Shadows

(Note about “Spilt Shadows”:
There was some math involved
in determining the dot-
pattern, which I won’t
But the intended math aside,
even, it is unfortunately
probable that the crappy
math-plot program I used
led to some wrongly-
calculated shades.
Plus, other significant
shading artifacts likely
also occur in the image
due to the imperfections
inherent in compressing,
saving, and/or rendering
Anagrams, 18:

Each loss is
what unites.
This was the
solace in us.

Tangles crumpled.
Arcs plunged/melt.

Blossoms tangled.
Gloss’ atoms blend.

A tiniest or
sewn length:
Therein its
own tangles.

Those sundials
struck nil.
In us, such knots
still dare.

Sundials’ end:
Sand’s due nil.

Dark stone..
Dares knot.

Cubes’ knots:
Bones stuck.
Stones buck.
Bent so, suck.
Cost be sunk.
Bet so, snuck.

As the
Inside that,
a glassy stripe.

G.I. myth.

Chasing necks,..
Snag chickens.

As every huge ass
sat down in its
Any such
Christian thugs
were so saved.

Desire’s sins
do wash us,..
As inside
showers’ suds.

Bathed in sexual DNA,..
Tableaux had sinned.

The fire’s
Anger is of
this molten core.

Shadows are spilling.
Halos’ wild gears spin:..
A god’s nil/shape/swirl.

As kaleidoscopes are
as laser-light:
Like Earth, glass,
space, or a solid sea.

All a solstice does
remain a solstice.
are as celestial.


‘O, naughty myth, guano!’

‘Do gasp! Mighty myth,
gimps, a god.’

‘Nighty, myth, gin.’

‘Task: Cuspidate,
yet a dip sucks at.’

‘Spire-kiln: Unlike rips.’

‘City LA, nastier are its;

‘O, man at naughty myth,


Unfortunately, what’s
officially art..

is oftentimes much too
.. art-official..


“I swear I’m totally
color-blind, man.
Hey, I’ve got no racist
in my heart at all,

“Well, I, though, am
And I’ve not only got no
racist hot-red in my own
heart, but I’ve got not
even any racist hot-pink
in my heart, either..
And, hey, you say you’re
‘color-blind’, man?
Well, even if you’re not
racist, you’re still
prejudiced against the
disabled! Don’t you know
that the proper term
these days is that you
have ‘visual-impairment
of color’??”..

(And so on..)

