Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Second-Going


Preposterously, quite an
anticlimactic postclimax.


Blog-post # 646:
(646 = 17 * 2 * 19.)

My last blog-post WAS
my last blog-post..

(except for this one..)


Five new art-inanimations:

Triangular Spheres
Triangular Spheres
The Ultimate Encoding
The Ultimate Encoding
Each Node Is This
Each Node Is This
Of Its Subterranean Mirage
Of Its Subterranean Mirage


“Each Node Is This” is
a color artsy version of
“Squiggled 180 degrees”
from my previous post.

“Triangular Spheres”
involves (but imperfectly
due to my messing up)
the squareroot of the

Anagrams, 14:

Inside the chaos:
Each node is this.

Triangular spheres rise.
Their surreal gears spin.

The ultimate encoding:
That engine/cloud/time.

As curling yet
lopsided palindromes:
A most solidly
perpendicular design.

Our faces:
Of a curse.

As hellish penalties:
These pains shall lie.

Brutalized into
Evil Nazis burnt
or do bite us.

A falsest sin,
ill, and lust.
Hell’s fascists
stained/ruin all.

Anarchy amiss:
As rich as many.

Skid-row bum:
“Work is dumb.”

Death’s sadism
has twisted.
This is as that
wadded mess.

It was a thing in
its vortices’ node:
This twisting
contained ovaries.

A void has so cast..
.. Avocados as shit.

Subterranean mirage:
A rare man’s true being.


‘Nod. Rapists I pardon.’

‘Lass, avocados, soda,


2020 anti-Trump reelection
bumper-sticker (if He is
even still in office then):

A cartoon image shows a
pouting orange-haired
And the caption reads,..

‘Better dead..
than Red!’

(Warning: Joke explained.
Warning, hilarious humor
to be ruined.
Warning, warning:

Back in the Reagan-era,
when many feared that
nuclear-war might actually
kill us all {Hey, remember
when we feared THAT?!..},
liberal hippy-oterrorists
would like to say, “Better
red than dead!”, since
even a Soviet takeover of
America was once thought*
preferable to all life on
Earth being MAD-ly
eradicated, and stuff.

*{But betcha those hippies
feel real darn stupid NOW,
though!.. Ha-ha, those

So, switching things a bit
around, now days Trump is
Red, both due to His hair
and, to boot, due too to
being a Red-state darling
— oh the irony of such a
historical switcheroo.
Plus, oh yeah, Trump is in
treasonous league with the
Soviet Union {them Reds!}

So, the bumper-sticker is
simply pointing out {to
those not yet clued-in to
the absolutely obvious}
that pretty much even
ANYTHING is preferable to
Comrade Trump’s reelection.)

Regarding President Trump
claiming Ghoul^2 is just
so darn liberal, so highly
liberal that They even
need to be regulated and/
or penalized by the US

(And — Ghoul^2’s actual
politics aside — never
minding the fact, even,
that corporations in
America are ‘Persons’,
Persons each having an
absolute constitutional
right to free-expression,
or so I had thought..)

So, what might soon
happen (in a best-case
scenario, anyway):

Trump and Ghoul^2 sit
down to negotiate a deal.
And the two sides agree
— the entirety of the
agreement — that Ghoul^2
will start using a new
corporate motto,..

“Don’t be liberal.”

Trump holds the agreement
up for the news cameras,
gloating about how He is
such a great negotiator,
you know.
And He declares that
Ghoul^2 is no longer a
liberal threat to America
(ie. to President Trump
personally, that is).

But then, despite or even
because of Its new motto
(and as per how Ghoul^2
has behaved despite Its
earlier motto as well),..

Ghoul^2 becomes..

(and maybe even for real,
this time)




When there’s serious
flooding, one must..
row loads*
when attempting to
travel via those..

low roads!..

*(Loads of spoons,
of course. Hmm, I
wonder if they make
good paddles?)


But yet, why
was the rye dry?

Because I..
hoed my rye
by the..
road that’s high!


‘The Last Straw-Man’


‘Bold War’

(^It’s a.. sold war..)


‘Brutalized Into Subversion’

(^Maybe a better album or
song title than band-name.)






‘The Second Going’

One last math thing before
I go:

Recall the pattern I made
in a grid by starting with
one filled grid-square of
an infinite grid, then
filling in the grid-square
just to the left and the
grid-square just to the
right of the first square.
Then, thereafter, I turn
right by 90 degrees each
step and move from both
of the previously-filled
grid-squares in the two
new directions (which are
opposite directions to
each other), passing over
all previously-filled
grid-squares in those two
directions until coming
to the first unfilled
square of the grid.

As so:
(One branch of filled
squares is the +’s, the
other branch is the -‘s.)

+8 +9 +4 +5 __
+7 -2 -3 +6 __
__ -1 xx +1 __
__ -6 +3 +2 -7
__ -5 -4 -9 -8


I had thought the pattern,
since the outer boundary
of the set of filled grid-
squares gets more and more
complicated, would not
ever repeat, and so would
likely fill every square
of the grid if the pattern
is continued forever.

But — seeing this as a
possibility due ironically
to an error I had made
calculating the pattern
outward for more squares
than I had before — I
think it likely that the
following unfortunate
situation might eventually
occur (and probably sooner
rather than later):

.. plhd|….|aeim..
.. okgc|….|bfjn..

(The letters represent
consecutively filled
One branch is lower-case,
and the other branch is
The ‘|….|’ represents
the pattern that exists
between these four rows.)

So, either in the vertical
or horizontal direction,
there might end up being
formed four parallel rows/
columns of grid-squares.
(Each row/column is broken
in its center by the
intervening part of the
already-filled pattern.
The four rows/columns
consist of two pairs of
Each pair is of two rows/
columns that are adjacent
to each other.
The other pair is located
an equal distance from the
pattern’s center as the
first pair is.)

So, if this situation
occurs, then the pattern
after some point simply
grows both right and left
(or up and down) outward
to infinity along these
four rows/columns.
And in this case, the
pattern cannot ever fill
the entire grid.


cutting the Gordian



In Suspended-Inanimation

(Now, an encore.
Then soon, no more..)

Blog-post # 645:
(645 = 3 * 43 * 5.)

Six (and 3 halves) new
art-inanimations (plus
a bonus non-art image
further below):

There Inside Its Rotation
There Inside Its Rotation
Of Pseudo-Imperfections
Of Pseudo-Imperfections
Dark Shards
Dark Shards
Squiggled 180 degrees
Squiggled 180 degrees
Squiggled 90 degrees
Squiggled 90 degrees
Impurely Imperfect
Impurely Imperfect
Out And In-d-Klein
Out And In-d-Klein
Visions’ Ode
Visions Ode

Some notes about the images
“Of Pseudo-Imperfections”,
“Squiggled 180 degrees”,
“Squiggled 90 degrees”,
“Impurely Imperfect” (and
“Visions’ Ode” too to some
extent), and about the
related simply-derived
pseudo-random pattern these
images derived from are

Also below is an important
note about the image
“Out And In-d-Klein”.

Anagrams, 23:

Voids’ noise:
Visions’ ode.

Lopsided ovoids:
Loops divided so.

so overlaps..
Woven spirals
or seeds.

That hourglass
is woven.
As sunlight was
to hover.

Spheres cut..
.. Cusps there.

As that
A spin/mode of
the pure static.

Calculus had spun
purely there inside
its rotation.
Such is done
perpendicularly to
that nautilus’ rise.

Its own cosines
These inflections
did so twist.

As sickest mimes:
Ice smites masks.

The hatred’s satanic
stupidity is so evil.
As nasty idiotic lies
have spited truths.

A genocide’s doom
is seen so near.
As asinine greed
does soon come.

An order taught to Its

Nazi pigs,
as pig Nazis:
Pain is a
zigzag’s spin.

A swastika has
tentacles on its
As that likeness was
to be as satanic.

Mass-death is..
A sad mess’ hit,..
As the sadism.

Masses/failures give us
their racist Hell.
This evil ruse/fascism
sure is all the rage.

Americans do
hear racists.
AM-radio shares
its cancer.

With a gun,
Hell is as sick.
This was killing
us each.

We asses had made
our own death-beds.
Hades’ sad woe
beat/damned us

In an evil death,
fascist racists
hang losers.
Hell’s vast ignorance
is cast as fire and

Law so lewd.

Earlobes’ softness..
Feels as stone orbs.

This earlobe blurs.
The blob is surreal.


What does the cosmologist
use to clean his apartment?

The vacuum of (his) space,
of course!..


“You hear how that poet
was never paid for the
tribute he wrote?”

“Yeah, I heard he was..
ode.. quite a lot!”


The catch, though, to WYSIWYG
in this modern age is..

We’re blind!


Sir Edmund Hillary, Yogi
Berra, and Donovan issue
a joint-statement:

“Because it isn’t there
until it’s there!..
.. Then it isn’t there,
then it is.”

(Warning: Politics.
Warning: Satanic fascism.
Warning, warning,
NOT a handbook, but it’s
indeed a warning,
warning, warning..)

One difference between
Trump and a lawyer:

A lawyer reads the
tiny print.

But Trump can only read
the tiny words!..

(Speaking of illegitimate

But on the other hand,
the coarseness is in
The Devil(/Donald)!


Forget Pontius Pilate.

Crucifixions these days
are being carried out by..

Pompous President!..


The fact that about half of
Americans actually voted
for Trump to be president
has been for America as a
whole actually rather..



(But the US is getting more
and more GRATING, though..
Yay there, at least.)


Any environmentally-protected
national park, wilderness
area, etc is nothing more to
President Trump than the
serious crime of..


(Or of “TREE-ZONE!!”,
as He would put it.)


Regarding Trump’s even most
extreme agendas and judicial
How is the US Congress right
now nothing other than a
waterproof jackboot?

For Trump, it’s effectively
only just a..


(And speaking of right-wing

The gun-lobby could instead
have (just as legitimately*)

“Hey, now now.
Guns don’t shoot bullets.
Guns shoot people!”


*(Yet, seriously,
it in-fact takes BOTH
guns AND people to shoot
people {and to shoot
bullets too, for that
matter}, is the {duh,
obvious} thing.)

(“right-wing nuttiness”:
Oh, so I guess that’s
what’s meant by
“Riding.. shotgun”,
{Or at least in the US of
A, where we drive on the
correct/RIGHT side of the
road, that is!..})

Notes regarding the images
“Of Pseudo-Imperfections”,
“Impurely Imperfect”,
“Squiggled 180 degrees”,
and “Squiggled 90 degrees”:

First off, begin with a
2-by-2 “grid”, with the
lower-left square and
upper-right square shaded
black, and the other two
squares being white.

Then iterate, repeating
on each iteration what
you have so far (as noted
below) in a grid that is
twice as large in each
direction as the size of
the most recently created
grid of black and white
squares. (So, 4-by-4 after
the initial 2-by-2 grid.
Then 8-by-8, 16-by-16,
32-by-32, etcetera.)

Repeat the previous grid
exactly in the new larger
grid’s lower-left quadrant.
But rotate the older grid
clockwise by 90-degrees,
and repeat this same
rotated older grid in the
new grid’s upper-left,
upper-right, and lower-
right quadrants.

So, on each iteration:


S = still/same.
R = rotate right by
90 degrees.

That’s all the iteration
consists of. But yet the
resulting design, as the
grid grows larger, does
appear to me to get
unexpectedly complex (to
at least some extent).

Here is the pattern
as it begins growing:


(The lower-left quadrant of
each grid after the first
equals the unrotated version
of the previous grid.)

For the images “Of Pseudo-
Imperfections” and “Impurely
Imperfect”, I show two
consecutive iterations, two
copies of each iteration; and
I have symmetrically rotated
(without flipping) the four
grids so that the seed 2-by-2
square of each large grid is
near each images’ center, and
the 4 grids would be growing

Now, things get interesting,
if a bit less artsy, in the
cases of the images
“Squiggled 90 degrees” and
“Squiggled 180 degrees”.

In these two images I took a
particular iteration and
rotated it either by 90 or
180 degrees. Then I
superimposed this rotated
large grid of black and
white squares onto the
unrotated version and
colored as so:
If a particular grid-square
of either grid is black, and
the respective grid-square
of the other grid is either
black or white, then the
resulting grid-square is
But if both a particular
square of one grid and the
respective square of the
other grid are white, then
the resulting square is

(In Boolean logic:
OR, in terms of black.
AND, in terms of white.)

I find these squiggly designs
interesting because they are
in-fact non-randomly and
straightforwardly generated.

Note that other interesting
(pseudo-random) designs might
result too if doing other
things to the superimposed
grids, things such as
flipping, using different
sized-grids, shifting the
relative positions of the
grids, superimposing more
than two grids, using other
operations, using grids of
many more iterations than I
have, etcetera.

Regarding “Out And In-d-Klein”:

This is more so a true example
of a symmetric Klein-bottle
than the representation I have
given in my previous post,
“Mobius-Tube-esquely Klein-

In the earlier representation,
the fact that the “bottle”
joins itself at non-smooth
creases is, or I gather,
indeed a problem.

And this time, my smoother
and more topologically correct
(but still imperfect) Klein-
bottle thingy involves the
fourth-dimension (as too does
the standard true Klein-bottle).

Instead of (as in my earlier
image) the tube-ends terminating
within and connecting to the
loop-holes (sans the need for a
fourth-dimension), this time
each end of the tube passes into
the tube near the midpoint of
the tube’s length — passing
into the tube’s interior via
the fourth-dimension so as to
not (despite what apparently
happens in my image) puncture or
contact the tube wall when
Then each end of the tube exits
the tube’s wall and connects to
that wall, coming from the
inside of the tube so as to exit
near the midpoint of the tube’s
length (as in the image).

(Note: I’m not sure of the
definitions, but I think that to
be a true or truer Klein-bottle,
the ends of the tube may need to
connect to the tube’s wall in a
much smoother way than the too-
creased way I represented the
joining in my image.)

(And FINALLY, some BS-ence..)

If* a dream is simultaneously
both a dream and reality until
one wakes to observe the truth,
then what is reality — reality
or a dream — before one sleeps
.. to observe the lie?..




Perpendiculars To Purple-Indigo Colors

(And they’re peculiar
too, in-particular..

{But yet, though,
there’s a..

pair of parallel l’s
in ‘parallel’!..}*)


*(Go figure!^..
{.. with a straight-edge
and compass, of course}.)

Blog-post # 644:
(644 = 2 * 7 * 23 * 2.)

Seven and two-halves
(plus two more halves

Their Circles Too Wander Skies
Their Circles Too Wander Skies
In Time’s Purity
In Times Purity
In Nil’s Tangled Arcs
In Nils Tangled Arcs
Stained Torus
Stained Torus
Weird Nodes
Weird Nodes
Mobius-Tube-esquely Klein-Bottlefly-esque
Mobius-Tube-esquely Klein-Bottlefly-esque
It Is Empty Ruin
It Is Empty Ruin

has the alternative name:

“Inside One Ear..
And Outside The Other”..

It is more math than art.
(And it’s not even math.)

See below for info on what I
was attempting to accomplish
with this image.

“It Is Empty Ruin” is just
a line-drawing version of
“In Time’s Purity”.
These two images’ names
are anagrams of each other.
(I posted that anagram in
last week’s post.)

Anagrams, 37:

This reality rotates
and orbits weird nodes.
It alternated or is
so stirred beyond
what is.

Inside Earth,
clock-towers rise.
Their circles too
wander skies.

The symmetry is
as the machines.
Mathematics yet

Universes were as
knotted as dimensions.
A stained torus is
never skewed in
no mess.

Time has an edge.
Its horn spews.
Weirdness is
that megaphone’s.

Mathematics’ helices
Hemispherical tones
tame static.

Inert colors do
form hues’ space.
A corner of those
is so crumpled.

As in such shape
or motion,..
This is an
amorphous cone.

The occult is
in odd science.
Such coincidence
does tilt.


To sieve nils,..
Evil is stone,..
Is evil’s tone.
(Lens is to vie..
In lies’ votes.)

Colors skew.
Looks screw.

In parallels
to glassiness,..
All is stone,
angels, spirals.

Death’s mushroom was..
A hot summer’s shadow.

Thorned fires or deaths:
Hot froth is as rendered.

Rude morons..
.. Soon murder.

As Mammon has been cast
inside Its void,..
That demonic sin is
so massive/mean/bad.

Hatred’s evil asses win
Via this era’s lewdness.

God hates/hit
all losers.
That Hell’s goals
do rise.

As do racist ruses,
wings, or knives,..
Our vast rising
wickedness soars.

That is a
fastest helicopter.
As it lifts/reaches
at the top.

On a knot’s edge,..
God takes none.

The rapist:
That spire.

A spire..
.. Is rape.

Pathetic assholes:
Hate spoils/cheats.
Each’s hate so spilt.
Each is the apt loss.
Cheats’ hate is slop.

Our racist and
asinine con-games:
Arousing sanctions
end America.
Ending America or USA,
aroused Americans,..
.. Arousing
sanctioned Americans.)

The smite is enraged.
This agreement dies.

Anger was inside us.
A dire gun is as sewn.
A dire gun sins as we.

As divine
as brutalizing:
Nazi evil
again disturbs.

Brutal designs..
Disturb angels.

The urinal’s
sinful design is
what ends.
It aligns and flushes
within rudeness.

Nasty alien stain:
An entity is nasal.

Chunks folded.
Ends hold/fuck.

We escape no spilling..
In sweeping collapse,..
In collapse’s weeping.

Nine-Eleven is
Asinine evil’s coil
endured us.

A Nine-Eleven rids us.
Insane evil endures.

Stellar ice is folded.
All coldest fire dies.


‘No omen indeed: Nine moon.’


What smells funny?

A clown’s nose!..

(Not nearly as funny,..
but at least just as

Maybe the new version of
NAFTA, which (if it even
ever happens) Trump is now
renegotiating, should be
called NASTIA*.

As in,..

Hey, the old NAFTA was bad.
But the new Trump version
is even



*(North American
But, now for a much more
intellectual game, though..
(If not really that


For 2 players.

Start with a square grid
with a large number of

Then label the grid’s
middle four squares
like so:


Or, to better fit the
game’s name, use colors
(Best only if using a
computer, though.)

The game consists of a
predetermined (and not too
large) number of “super-
moves”, where each super-
move consists of, in total,
8 “sub-moves”, 4 sub-moves
per player per super-move.
Players alternately take
turns making sub-moves
within each super-move.

On a player’s sub-moves
within the nth super-move,
he/she repeats the letter
pattern in the large square
(“Large square” here refers
to a collection of grid-
squares) of 4*9^(n-1)
letters (with 2*3^(n-1)
letters on each side) that
was made during the (n-1)th
super-move (ie. during the
previous super-move).

(See image below.)

A player can rotate this
replicated large square by
either 0, 90, 180, or 270
degrees (no flipping).
And then he/she places it
into any of the (8 at most)
still-empty large squares
of 4*9^(n-1) grid-squares
located immediately above,
left of, below, right of,
or catercorner to the large
already-filled square (also
of 4*9^(n-1) grid-squares)
that was formed by the
(n-1)th super-move.

As so:

Perpendicolor - game example

(After only 3 super-moves.^
The left half of the image
shows the layout of the
large squares’ placement.
And the image’s right half
shows a sample game, played
without much strategy —
I use colors instead of
letters here.)

A player gets a point for
each grid-square’s letter/
color along the edge of
his/her newly-placed large
square that matches up with
and that is just next to
a grid-square of the same
letter/color along the
adjoining edge of any
adjoining already-placed/
lettered large square.

(To score, the previously-
placed large square may have
been placed by either player
and during either the current
or most-recent super-moves.)

Diagonally-touching matching
letters net no points, though.

The winner is the player with
the largest score, after the
predetermined number of super
-moves have been played.

(Note: Given the rapidly-
growing size of the large
squares and the fact that the
interiors of large squares
do not affect the game’s
scoring, players thus need
only to label the edges of
the newly-placed large
squares — an especially good
idea if this game is played
by-hand and not by using a

Regarding some math:

Consider the fractally
function, which I’ve
discussed before,

f(x) =

sum (-1)^floor(k*x)/k,

where k runs from 1 to
infinity, and where
floor(k*x) is (k*x)
rounded down to the
nearest integer.

I once proved that if
x is a rational n/d,
where n and d are coprime
integers, then the sum
converges to a finite
value whenever n is an
odd integer, and d can
be either an odd or even
(I think I proved this.)

But if n is an even
integer and d is an odd
integer, however, the
sum diverges to plus or
minus infinity.
(I think.)

(Both n and d can’t be
even, of course, because
then they would not be

Though the new no-big-deal
thing I figured out (if it
is true) is that if x =
y + 1/y + 1, where y can
be any _rational_ number
that you choose, then the
sum converges to a finite

This is because, for y =
any rational number,
y + 1/y + 1 is a rational
number with (in reduced
form) an odd numerator.

But note that y + 1/y + 1
can still equal a rational
number that has an even
numerator and an odd
denominator, and so the
sum diverges.
Or it can equal an
irrational number. (But I
have not proved anything
regarding convergence of
the sum f(x) if x is
But in these cases where
y + 1/y + 1 does not
equal a rational with an
odd numerator, y must be
an irrational number.

However, the plot of
f(x +1/x +1)
looks to me to be just
as much fractally as
f(x) looks to be.
(Though f(x +1/x +1) when
x is in the vicinity of 1
seems to be much less

f(x +1/x +1)/2
(x runs from 0 to 4.)

Between any two distinct
values of X_1 and X_2,
no matter how close to
each other, there should
be an infinite number of
x’s where the sum f(x)
diverges to +-infinity
and an infinite number
of x’s where the sum
f(x +1/x +1) diverges
to +-infinity.

(Note: I use “fractally”
not only to mean the
adjective form of fractal,
but too to imply that f(x)
looks fractal-LIKE, and
might not actually be a
true fractal — though I’m
pretty sure, without proof,
that it indeed is.)

Regarding the non-art image

I thought it a good idea to
represent a geometrically
symmetrical version of a
(I am surprised I’ve never
seen such a form before, or
at least I don’t recall.
Oh, whoops, now I see that
Boy’s{/Morin’s} surface has
3-fold symmetry, is 3D, is
smooth, is “non-orientable”,
and has no singularities.)

Though my form, which is 3D,
is not a Klein-bottle in the
strictest sense, or maybe
not even at all.
(In a relaxed sense, it is
indeed easy to construct
the traditional Klein-
bottle in only three

Unlike the strict type of
Klein-bottle, the surface
here is not a simple “sheet”,
but it instead branches off
at certain places, such as
where the surface around
either of the two openings
connects directly to the
tube that is wrapped around
that opening.

Topologically, this 3D
surface is basically just
a torus with a knotted
It could be transformed
(by expanding the outer
surface — which is
continuous and could be
made smooth despite the
sharp creases in its
representation here, and
which is considered to
be “glued” together
wherever it abuts itself
{so that any two parts of
the surface that touch
are considered to be
joined}) into a punctured
sphere, where this
hole forms a simple knot.
So maybe it isn’t accurate
even at all to refer to
this surface here as being
I mean, Klein-bottles are
not simply just 3D tori,
not even tori with knotted
(Though knotted holes are
still otherwise cool, at

Maybe someone (other than
Boy and Morin) can conceive
of other symmetric-looking
Klein-bottles, creating
something more advanced
and interesting, and more
strictly a Klein-bottle
than what I’ve crudely
represented here.

More strictly a Leroy Quet
than what I’ve crudely
represented here,..


As A Butterfly Or As Lies

Blog-post # 643:
(643 = prime.)

(And when I said last post
that 642 = 123 * 2, well,..
I instead meant it equals
321 * 2.

1-2-3 vs 3-2-1.

But, hey, I also said,

“Yet again..
Going.. and staying still..
simultaneously both forward
and backwards at light-speed.”

So, I guess sometimes..
a lie is not a lie!..)

Ten new art-inanimations:

Angels Did Create Strangeness’ Sea
Angels Did Create Strangeness Sea
Crystallized Hues
Crystallized Hues
Maze Crudely Lit
Maze Crudely Lit
Even The Symmetries Are Odd
Even The Symmetries Are Odd
Regarding Sin(pi/phi) Radians
Regarding Sin(pi/phi) Radians
Roundness Wrapped In Solar Gears
Roundness Wrapped In Solar Gears
Perpendicular To Hourglasses
Perpendicular To Hourglasses
As In This Cosmos
As In This Cosmos

A note about the image “Regarding
Sin(pi/phi) Radians” is below.

Anagrams, 52:

As a butterfly or as lies:
Fate so brutally arises.

These crystal rainbows:
Labyrinths were so cast.

Hues crystallized in me.
Lit mazes crudely shine.

In nil’s tangled arcs:
All is transcending.

The hourglass was
in its bottle.
Truth’s lie is as
that snow-globe.

Space-time is what is
harmonic, is whole,
and is glass.
As in this cosmos,
it was aligned, was

Loops are as
hemispherical as
A color is a shape in
the masses’ spiral.

The rotation stirs magic.
That is as trigonometric.

The yo-yos, pulses, zigzags:
Loops, syzygies thus gaze.

In these glassy
lattices’ nodes:
Lights, ice, eyes,
salt, stone, sand.

As linearity’s ice/salt:
It is a crystalline sea.

Shiny stellar lattices:
The salt is crystalline.

All auroras shine.
Colors stain auroras.
As a solar/lunar corona
is hot, is surreal.

Earths are of
clear suns/moons.
form these seas.

Wrapped in roundness’
solar gears,..
Worlds, suns, or ends
are appearing.

Energies, sand, glass,
and etceteras:
Angels did create
strangeness’ sea.

These kaleidoscopic
toy angels:
They looked into glass,
ice, space.

Christ’s weirdest thorns:
His crown’s thirst rested.

Satanic thirst:
That racist sin.

A monster, thug, pig,
demon, and wickedness:
Trump sickened/negates
His own damn god.

This evil was dealing
those wars, deaths, and
In that wrath’s rage,
all done to us is what
is deserved.

God is to be as damned,..
.. Dooming dead beasts.

Anger had doomed us all.
As a Hell damned our god.

That death’s ozone-hole
As Hell oozes down to
the Earth.

In murder’s aroused pain:
Raped minds are ruinous.

That criminal, so rude:
A demonic liar’s truth.

The Evangelical
A revenge cast most
in Hell.
(Hell’s men ever got

As criminal as idiotic
This racial-
discrimination is

On this weirdest
hardest space:
There it sits and
was so perched.

A fascist toilet
so taints.
Cast as into it,
fate is lost.

Pure turd.

Sad Nazi hogs
choose to lose.
Oozing assholes
do so cheat.

Of pearl-less oysters:
Foes pry. Losers steal.

Each mix was
so tiny/simple.
Any is what is

In techno-mancy,
data dupes its humanity.
AI/math/chance/money is
nutty and stupid.

TV’s core.

Into any surreal
An entirety/color/hue
so aligns.

On the blobs, seeds,
and butterflies:
Densest bubbles do rise
then float.

Bubbles tangled so.
As blots bend/bulge.

I squiggled..
Eggs, liquid.

Sly stockings dance.
Candy sticks on legs.

This lady’s garters
are yet a sly woman’s.
Her legs strayed, as
morality was nasty.

Net’s grid.

As winged ellipsoids:
Wide lines, solid gaps.

As a circumference
does twist,..
Weird foci, scans,
etcetera sum.

A twisted and glassy
Ice’s crystal wad
is tangled.

As universal arcs
have coiled.
Such voids are clear
via a lens.

Time forms empty ruins.
Semi-firm entropy must.

In time’s purity.
It is empty ruin.

In our evil end:
Eternal racism.
An ill is to remain
never cured.

To thus ruin that rat,..
A truth is not a truth.

A demon is purely lost.
As Trump does only lie.


‘Did spill? Are bi?
Liberal lips did!’

‘Erase song, or
prognoses are.’


What must be even grosser
to eat than headcheese?



Besides 0, which whole number
is the most.. (w)hole?

The number _sieven_, of course!


“It has all the amenities.”

“The ‘amenities’?
So, as in ‘a-mean-ities’,
the opposite of ‘meanities’,
you’re saying then?”

“Yes indeed.
Because our staff takes care
of all those.. niceties.”..



‘Sisyphus Shrugged’

‘Even The Symmetries
Are Odd’


‘Ma Luscious and
the Evil MILFs’


Money is no object..

to those using virtual-currency,
that is..


Insomniacs get PLENTY of sleep..

.. in their dreams, that is!!..


Not only is the slur unfair to
literal pigs, but, too, the
term “pigs” is a misnomer when
used to refer to sexists and
racists, since, unlike literal
pigs,.. racists and sexists
can’t ever be..

.. cured!

(And speaking of pork-butts..)

Trump is indeed one Hell of a..



President Trump has referred
to OTHER people as,..
(A very partial, but accurately
reported, list.)




“A low-IQ individual”,

“A low-life”,

“A rat”,

“A thug”,

“A liar”,

etc, etc, etc, etc.

Well then, not only does,
as it is said, it take one
to know one,..

but apparently too, it sure
takes one to not actually
know one..

and, likewise it sure seems,
to not know absolutely any
damn thing even at all!..


If candidate Trump had ACTUALLY
believed Hillary was as corrupt
as He has claimed, then He
would instead have been
SUPPORTING her all along (like
she was an authoritarian enemy
of America, or something),..
and maybe even He would have
_voted_ for her!


(Not that Trump necessarily
didn’t actually vote for
Hillary, though,..
or vice-versa.)

Well, liberals really are a
bunch of hypocrites after
all, it turns out.

Because, for a bunch of self-
righteous hippy vegetarians,..

they apparently sure do always
like to..



(Yet, it’s often hormone-free
free-range locally-sourced
crow, though.)

All is indeed to end with
a whimper*,..

end as-per a whim of Trump,
that is!..


*(_And_ end with a bang.)
But seriously,..

Here’s a moderate proposal.
(And I’m not trying to pull a
.. Swift one here..)


The Statue of Liberty needs to
be completely demolished, and
soon. No joke.

But it needs to be demolished
for the opposite reason that
the statues of Confederate
leaders need to be brought
down (and brought completely*
down right now).

*(Leaving not even the
Confederate statues’..

Because the Statue of Liberty
is highly offensive for being,
as it has turned out, a brash
symbol and sickening reminder
of those values we Americans
very much do not at all truly
actually value.

An offensive lie.

While the Confederate statues,
however, are highly offensive
for being brash symbols and
sickening reminders of those
values we (Whiter) Americans
very much indeed DO truly
actually value (and still do
to this day, it has turned

An offensive truth.


(Or in other words..
What this country really needs
these days much more than any
statutes of limitation {such
as on rape-charges, say, being
filed}.. is some limitation of

Semi-neo neologism:

AI-enhanced big-data is only
just a bunch of..

‘technomancy’, is all it
really is.

Note about the image “Regarding
Sin(pi/phi) Radians”:

The name comes from the fact,
if it is a fact, that the
product, k = 1 to infinity,
of (1 -1/(k(k+1)))
likely equals 1/pi of the sine
of pi/phi radians, where phi
is the golden-ratio.

And since halfway around the
circle is pi radians, then
the image graphically represents
the approach to, at the circle’s
edge, sin(pi/phi) radians.

However, my math — though it
seems to check out numerically
— was based in-part on a well-
known math-result that I myself
now only vaguely recall (And I
don’t have any written reference
handy) and that I cannot myself
manage to prove. So I am unsure.


And that’s why mathematicians
can sometimes be just like

Because, while some math-
results are absolutely

some mathematicians are


Unproofably yours,



(Yet again..
Going.. and staying still..
simultaneously both forward
and backwards at light-speed.)

Blog-post # 642:
(642 = 2 * 107 * 3
= 123 * 2.)

And Leroy steps back into
the internet for one quick
encore, but no more.

Going forward AND backwards..

One FINAL art-inanimation:


Anagrams, 8:

As dreams all end
before they begin.
A real nightmare
flees beyond beds.

The glassiness:
As light’s sense,..
As lenses’ sight..
.. Sees sans light,
.. Else sans sight.

Its Doppler-surrealism:
A limit’s reds or purples.

Lenses’ odd foci..
.. Folded cosines.

Grim racist sin.

This sarcasm’s hits:
That smash’s crisis.

Into crudest..
.. Destruction.

A destructiveness:
As its crude events..
.. Deceive sans trust.


(^The final anagram above is in
{dis}honor of the deadly attack
a year ago at a White-
Nationalist rally, and too of
other modern-day terrorist

Thing to yell at loud kids:

“Hey, subtle down!”



‘Settle-Up, With
The Saddle-Downs’


And, FINALLY, I might as well
tell you the answer to the
“Loci Colorize Zero” puzzle
before I go away forever:

The colors are as follows:

Red and purple represent
those squares that, when
they’re added to the design,
they are bordered* at the
time by only one already-
included square.

*(Bordered in the directions
of up, down, left, or right.
Diagonal touching at corners
is not considered here.)

Red represents those squares
of the string of squares
sprouting from one side of
the center square, and
purple represents the
squares of the other string
that had sprung from the
opposite side of the center

Blue and green represent
those squares that, when
they’re added to the design,
they are bordered by exactly
two already-included

(And blue is of one string
of squares, while green is
of the opposing string.)

Yellow and orange represent
those squares that, when
they’re added to the design,
they are bordered by exactly
three already-included

(And yellow is of one string
of squares, while orange is
of the opposing string.)

And the 2 dark gray squares
(the same color for both
opposing strings) represent
those squares that, when
they’re added to the design,
they are bordered by four
already-included squares.


In other words,
Say you number the squares,
two of each number, in the
order they are added to the
design, labeling the center
white square with a 0, then
labeling the two squares on
the left and right of the
center with a 1, etc.

Then — as considered at any
time from when the particular
square had been added to the
design to the time that the
design has been completed —
what you can simply look at
is the number of adjacent
squares (in the directions
of up, down, left, or right)
that had been labeled with
lesser integers.



Last But Not Greatest

Blog-post # Omega,..
uh, # 641, that is.
(641 = a prime.
Not the last prime,
Or IS IT?..)

Two new art-inanimations.
(Well, more so less so,
ie. one and a half

Summed Into No More
Summed Into No More
Loci Colorize Zero
Loci Colorize Zero

Regarding the image
“Loci Colorize Zero”:

First off, it is definitely
not worthy at all of being
in the final blog-post I
ever put up; but whatever.


Second, the 129-square design
I have posted before, and I
have already explained the
procedure used to calculate
this design. (The design
could have instead been as
large as desired.) The new
thing this time is the
arrangement of the colors
within the 129-square design.
This color-arrangement is not
Can you figure out how I
determined how to color the
squares of the design?

I will say that the colors
are paired as so, with the
vertical/horizontal ordering
of the color-names below
(after the “White”) being
significant. (But the colors
themselves aren’t important
— I could have assigned any
particular colors to represent
what these colors represent.):

(Center square only.)

Red – purple.

Blue – green.

Yellow – orange.

Dark gray – dark gray.
(I am being inconsistent by
having no color difference,
but these are only two
squares in-total.)


And third, the image-name
is an anagram (below) that
itself has been scrambled.

Anagrams, 21:

Gnomons are multidimensional:
A nil aligns,
summed into no more.
Sun, moon, time, and/or
lies malign.

The flower is so galactic.
As loci of light were cast.

Zero loci..

As within fluid as
pure but as completely
This is crumpled
yet was overlapped
and beautiful.

Crunched designs:
Such ends cringed.

Grasping these:
Earth, eggs, pins.

Eggs/seas spin in a spiral.
Glassiness is appearing.

A shaved uvula’s swirls:
As lush as weird vulvas.

Odd spin:
Pods’ din.

Earth was of
pointed/lopsided holes.
Sad people do fold
therein what so is.

On God’s dark tan edges:
Eggs and knots are odd.

Fascism was a cruel god.
As laws/magic forced us.

Into brutish ire:
His retribution.

Hate’s satanic racists,
lies, fuckers:
Nuclear fascists are
a sickest shit.

Satan is insane.
Satan tortured, cursed,
cost, raped us,..
.. To insert a rudest and
purest DNA as cancerous
as Its.

Asses indemnify
their costs.
The fascism rises
to sin/deny.

In purest
A corrupting
ends us.

A baby is shamed,
is torn far away,
and is ever lost.
Hatred was made as
in slavery, as if
by abortions.

Of the rudest apartheid:
Foes did hate/rape truth.


Sound lies..
.. So led us in.

Serious (if rhetorical)

Why is it that rarer types
of gems are considered by
society to be MORE valuable,

.. but then, however, rarer
types of PERSONS (in terms
of, say, quirkiness or
nonconformity or atypical
physical traits or beliefs
or ethnicities or sexual-
preferences or “disabilities”
or, oh yeah, skin-color) are
considered by society to be
LESS valuable!?


Hey, what’s that?
Is that when White folks
steal non-White folks

“Uh,.. sort-of.”..


But the Trump-tower meeting
indeed WAS actually about
adoptions, though, see,..

.. about Putin adopting
his own baby son,..

Candidate Donald Trump,
that is!..


(Yet Putin, it’s turned
out, has gotten WAAAHHH!!
more than he’s bargained
for, however!..)


Trump’s base:

A bunch of pussies..
being led around by
their dick!..

(I’m sure there must be
a better and simpler
explanation of the rules.)

This game is for two players,
each with their own color of
(The numbering, described
below, and these pen-colors
help players recall which
squares they had each most
recently numbered.)

Start with a large n-by-n
grid, where n is odd.
Put an X in the center square
(using a 3rd color, I suggest).

Player1 starts by putting
two 1’s of his/her own color,
one 1 in each square, placed in
the squares just to the left
and just to the right of the
center square.

And player2 starts by putting
two 1’s of his/her own color,
one 1 in each square, placed
in the squares just above and
just below the center square.

As so:

_ 1 _
1 X 1
_ 1 _

The players then take turns,
each player on his/her turn
placing two of each number —
(after the 1’s) two 2’s on a
move, then two 3’s on the next
move, then two 4’s,.. etcetera
— into empty grid-squares,
one number in each square, as

Each player strictly alternates
between moving horizontally and
vertically in-position relative
to his/her previous two numbers
written down in that player’s
previous move.

(To start, each of player1’s
2’s is above or below his/her
1’s {One of player1’s 2’s is
above or below one of his/her
1’s, and his/her other 2 is
above or below his/her other
1}, and each of player1’s 3’s
is left or right of his/her 2,
each of player2’s 2’s is
left or right of his/her 1’s
{One of player2’s 2’s is
left or right of one of his/
her 1’s, and his/her other 2
is left or right of his/her
other 1}, and each of his/her
3’s is above or below his/her
2, etc.)

Both of a player’s particular
numbers need not necessarily
be in the same direction.

(One of a player’s newest
numbers is, if moving
vertically, above or below
one of his/her own previous
numbers. And the other of
this same player’s newest
numbers is likewise above or
below the other of his/her
own previous numbers.

But if moving horizontally on
the particular move, the
player places one of his/her
two numbers instead to the
left or right of his/her own
previous numbers. And the
other of this same player’s
newest numbers is likewise
above or below the other of
his/her own previous numbers.

In other words,
Both of a player’s particular
number need to be located
either horizontally or
vertically {depending upon
which move it is and on which
player it is} from each of the
pair of the player’s most
recently previous number, but
the pair of the newest number
can be either, if moving
horizontally, left/left,
left/right, right/left, or
right/right, or can be, if
moving vertically, either
above/above, above/below,
below/above, or below/below.)

Both of either player’s newest
number need be the same distance
in-terms of squares from their
previous respective number.
This distance needs to be equal
to the smallest count of squares
so that both of the newest
numbers are written into empty
(So, at least one of these
numbers will be placed adjacent
to at least one already-numbered

Both of a pair of a player’s
particular number must be
written into their own empty
And these numbers must be
written as if written

(So, no leapfrogging the 2nd
number of a pair over where
the 1st number of a pair had
just been written on the
same move.

If the closest empty square
in particular directions
from both of a player’s
previous numbers is the same
square, then the player can
only move at most one of the
numbers in that number’s
particular direction —
the other number cannot pass
over that square. And, of
course, both numbers cannot
be written into the same

And the numbers must all be
within the n-by-n grid.

A player then gets a point
every time a number is
written into the grid that
is isolated — in the
directions of up, down, left,
or right (Diagonal-touching
at corners is not considered)
— from all other as-yet-
unnumbered* squares.
(It doesn’t matter in-terms
of scoring which player had
previously numbered any
touching squares.)

*(Unnumbered upon the move
that the newest number is

The game continues until it
occurs that no more moves
can be taken by one of the

Largest score wins.


First 3 moves* of an example
(Player1’s numbers are +.
Player2’s numbers are -.
Player1 moves first.)

*{First 2 moves, really,
since the 1s’ positions are

__ __ __ __ __
__ +2 -1 +3 -2
__ +1 xx +1 -3
__ +3 -1 +2 -2
__ __ __ __ -3

(^Not played with too
much strategy.)

Player2 gets a point on
his/her 2nd move, since
the grid-square with
player1’s topmost 3 is
empty at the time.
(Both of player2’s -2’s
are placed to the right
of his/her -1’s.
The lower -2 must be two
squares from the respective
-1, if moving to the right.
So the upper -2 must be 2
squares as well from the
upper -1, since both -2’s
must be, under the rules,
the same number of squares,
either in the same or
opposite direction, from
their respective -1’s.
{And the two -2’s can’t be
shifted by just one square
from the -1’s, since one of
the -2’s would then end up
in a non-empty square, that
that contains player1’s +2.})


.. has left the internet.

Please Past The Post-tatoes

(I know this post is
But it may be the last
that’s past the last.

Or maybe it’s the next-
to-last past the last.
Though, in that case, the
next one, not the next two,
would be the last. So this
then would not be the
but instead be the next one
{that’s hopefully} to last.)

*{Cutting The Gordian-Internot.}

And now for the blog-post-truth..

Blog-post # 640:
(640 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 5.)

Four (or more.. so
three and a half)
new art-inanimations:

Earth Of Crumpled Glassiness
Earth Of Crumpled Glassiness
Irationality Of Its Irridescence
Irationality Of Its Irridescence
Fourever Of Fini-Two-ed
Fourever Of Fini-Two-ed

(And I hope you know me well enough
by now to realize that all
misspellings in my image-titles
are intentional.)

Anagrams, 9:

This is as tangled, is as sewn.
Glassiness was inside that.

Hidden concentricities
are oscillating,..
.. Doing it as therein
coincidental circles.

Solar, cosmic, and
surreal shadows:
Sad racism now rules
as colors had.

Too shy?
AI enrages in its
photo technology.

Nazis slay or rule absolutely.
Any brutalizes all you losers.

The atomic monsters
tortured and so
damned us.
As rudest, rotten,
most demonic
humans dared to.

Evil asshole liar:
Via Hell, a loser is.

As an ass does victimize.
Satan is: Mazes, voids, ICE.

Landforms, shapes, rust, gel, ice:
Earth of crumpled glassiness.


Why were there ever always
at most 11 taps?

Because a.. dozen tappin’..
just.. doesn’t happen!..


Why was the record-company
indemnified from any lawsuits
arising due to their crappy CD?

Because they had issued a..



Any resemblance between this
sentence and teeth is only


Being widely criticized for not
taking the threats of Russian
interference in American democracy
nearly seriously enough, knowing
President Trump, He’s sure to only
even more emphatically and



(Uh, in regard only to Russia,
that is. Kind of the opposite is
the case regarding every other
stance He’s been criticized for
defiantly taking, though.
He’s doubling-, quadrupling-, even
octupling-down in all other cases.
{Like He’s completely insecure,
or something even.
Don’t worry, Donald, we all KNOW
you’re in-fact a total ass. You
don’t have to fear we suspect
you’re actually a secretly cool
loser, or anything like that.
So rest easy, Dude.})
Band-names {Holey-Land-related}:

‘Gods Of Strip’

‘The In-Tensions’

‘Punch-Us Polite’

.. And thank you,


An In-Even-able In-Odd-ibility

(Assured to be unheard.^)

Blog-post # 639:
(639 = 3 * 71 * 3.)

Five and a half (or four
and two halves, if you
prefer) new art-inanimations:

Above All Shadows
Above All Shadows
Hades’ Sum
Hades Sum

These images were each
created by in-part using
math or algorithmic

“Mazeum”, which is a relatively
easy maze (Go from the gray
square within it to the door at
the upper-left, or vice-versa),
was formed by taking the
following procedure-generated
bit of maziness, then
repeating/rotating it, and
arranging and connecting these
sub-mazes in an arbitrary


Read below (in this post) to
see how I calculated this
sub-maze pattern (which
could have been extended
under the procedure to be
as large as desired).

And read below to also see
how I calculated the
pattern occurring in both
“Chaoscillated” and

Anagrams, 27:

These are big random storms
in and of turmoil.
A simmer does transform
to a thundering boil.

Shaped as surrealism:
Spirals are Hades’ sum.

In drastic holes as real:
All is a shred’s creation.

As dense as those swirling flaps:
Glass fire was hot and else spins.

This pseudo-chaos:
Such too is shaped.
I do such to shapes.

To anti-hope.

As scrambled:
Sarcasm bled.

Nice dark bang.

A blue or red; black or white:
Dark color/hue; we be tribal.

Colors and hues:
Each round loss.
Chaos’ lone surd..
.. Shuns oral code.
Shun solar code.

Any spirals are..
As linear spray.

Sad shapes formed in creation.
Most faded as an ironic sphere.

Knots add, cosines sum therein.
The dim darkness so continues.


Strange chairs:
Crashing a rest.

Odd faces:
Fads’ code.

Inside periscopes’ lenses:
Spies spied essence or nil.

Therein eggs’ weird zones:
Things were so energized.

Of God’s gel/sap:
Eggs do so flap.

Hades’ sum.
(Muses had..
Shamed us.)

An ICE then clings.

Angry ruses catch us fish.
Such fascists are hungry.

Satanic spike:
A sickest pain.

Toxic hate/stain/sin/assault:
That is satanic, is not sexual.

Satan wins.. in our end.
As ruin is non-wanted.
It was ruins and neon.

Hate’s killing racism:
A sick ill’s nightmare.

Damnation’s grim rudeness:
An ending is to mass-murder.

Anagram puzzle:

Why do egotists cool down
Hell when they end up there?

Because their..

_____ _____ _____!..


‘A voyage: Gay ova.’

‘Dr Uterus: A sure turd.’

‘Lot I PAC: Capitol.’

‘Lot I PAC, set at
state’s capitol.’

‘Torn, Israel clears
in rot.’

No, I to pet, ah.’

‘Hate-potion is a sin.
O, I to pet, ah.’


I’ve.. sung to pressure..

that.. tongue-suppressor*.


*(.. Which, unlike a
tongue-depressor or
even a tongue-repressor,
is a spoon, of course.)

Those.. stowed tools
(including a spoon)
were, of course, beneath



The nuclear-powers rule
(the entire world) with a..



The REAL “Trump-Derangement
Syndrome” is actually a
severe case of..



The pain that gets gain
happens mainly when we strain.

But a pain with no gain
mainly happens when we sprain.

And yet the pain from which
we maybe-many manly men
must reframe
happens mainly when we..


*(Don’t be chauvinist-..
Pygmalions, guys!..)
Regarding the maze-
generating algorithm:

My bit of maze (surrounded
by the gray grid) I have
calculated by hand, and it
may be erroneous.

I ended the maze-generation
at an arbitrary (and much
too soon) point. But its
algorithm (which follows),
though, could easily/quickly
generate the maze as large
as you like, if you program
it on a computer.


(All the following “maze-
rooms” are drawn so their
walls/doors align with
the lines of a grid, one
maze-room per grid-square.)

First, draw the first room
in the middle of your grid.
Then connect it with a door
to a second maze-room drawn
immediately to the right of
the first room, making a
2-by-1 rectangle.

I can most easily explain
the rest of this procedure
via some combination of
BASIC pseudocode/
plain-language. (BASIClish..)

First, set up a 2-dimensional
array (as large as you want)
of variables a(m,n), with
each a(m,n) = 0 to start.

If the array is M elements
by M elements, then let
a(M/2, M/2) = 1, and let
a(M/2 +1, M/2) = 1.

(M/2 here^ is only an
For one thing, m and n in
a(m,n) must always be
positive integers.)

Start by setting a(m,n) and
a(m+1,n) to 1, where m and n
are both somewhere near half
of M.
(a(m,n) and a(m+1,n)
correspond to the 2 already-
drawn maze-rooms.)

Also to start, if a(m,n) and
a(m+1,n) are the first two
array-elements (mentioned
above) to equal 1, then let
b = m+1, and let c = n.
(So, a(b,c) represents,
before the loop below begins,
the element on the right of
the two elements that are
initially equal to 1.)

r = 1, to start.

(r represents the direction
each new room is generated in
relative to the previously
generated room.
r = 0 is up.
r = 1 is right.
r = 2 is down.
r = 3 is left.
{‘Up’ here represents a
decrease in the vertical
coordinate, and ‘down’
represents an increase
in the vertical coordinate.
‘Right’ corresponds to an
increase in the horizontal
coordinate, while ‘left’
represents a decrease in
the horizontal coordinate.
But these relations are
arbitrary and can be
reflected if you wish.})

Okay, with the set-up BS
out of the way, now the
relatively-fun looping
part of the algorithm:

For d = 1 to (maximum number
of maze-rooms you want – 2).

(^For/next loop, as-per
There are actually two
additional rooms than the
maximum value of d due to
the initial 2 rooms.)

k =

(This^ counts the number
{1, 2, 3, or 4} of already-
generated rooms that are
immediately above, below,
to the left, and to the
right of the most-recently
generated room.)

If k = 1, then r = r + 1.
If k = 2, then r = r – 1.
If k = 4, then r = r + 2.

(This^ changes the direction
based upon the number of
adjacent {and above, below,
to the left, to the right}
already-generated rooms.
{The direction remains the
same if k = 3.})

If r is greater than 3
(ie. is 4 or 5), then
r = r – 4.
If r is -1, then r = 3.

(This^ keeps r between 0
and 3, ie. r = r(mod 4).)

If r = 0, then c = c – 1.
If r = 1, then b = b + 1.
If r = 2, then c = c + 1.
If r = 3, then b = b – 1.

If a(b,c) = 1, then go to

(^b or c increases/decreases
until an array-element that
equals 0 is first arrived

If b or c is less than 0 or
is greater than M, then end.

(This^ is so the maze stays
within your array.)

Let a(b,c) = 1.

(^The array is updated to
indicate the new maze-room.)

Draw a door in the grid
at grid-square (b,c) in
accordance to r — passing
from an immediately-adjacent
already-drawn room (which is
not necessarily the previously
-generated maze-room) — in
the square’s bottom wall if
r = 0, in the square’s left
wall if r = 1, in the
square’s top wall if r = 2,
and in the square’s right
wall if r = 3.

(^The maze itself is updated.
The new door in the wall is
drawn opposite of the
direction represented by r;
ie. it is drawn in the wall
facing the just-previously-
generated maze-room, whether
or not that most-recently-
generated maze-room is
immediately adjacent in the
grid to the newest room.)

Next d.


(I have not yet actually
programmed this^ on a real
computer, and so it may be
erroneous or incomplete.)

Note: I am not sure if each
square within the maze’s
outer boundary is eventually
filled with a maze-room if
you make the maze large
enough. Maybe there are
grid-squares that are to
remain empty even if you
made the maze infinitely
large (d goes to infinity),
but I don’t know.

Speaking of tying an

Regarding the pattern in
“Chaoscillated”, which is
repeated in “Pseudo-Chaos”:

This pattern too was
generated via a procedure,
which is a little simpler
of a procedure than the one
used to generate the maze.

Start again with an M-by-M
array filled entirely
with 0’s.

Set the middle element,
which is (if M is even)
a(M/2,M/2), to 1.

But here there are four
branches (not making a maze
here) sprouting from the
middle element, with these
discontinuous branches
passing (in their respective
directions) over any array-
elements that already are
equal to 1.

Every pair of opposite
branches, the two that
sprout horizontally from
the center element and the
two that sprout vertically,
move in-direct-opposition
to each other, one of each
pair moving down when the
other moves up, and one to
the right when the other
moves to the left.

But the two branches that
begin by sprouting
horizontally from the center
always change their direction
on each move in the clockwise
direction, moving (The left
branch directions are in
parentheses) right (or
left), then down (or up),
then left (or right), then
up (or down), then right (or
left), then down (or up),

While the two branches that
begin by sprouting vertically
from the center always change
their direction each move in
the counterclockwise direction,
moving (The bottom branch
directions are in parentheses)
up (or down), then left (or
right), then down (or up),
then right (or left), then up
(or down), then left (or
right), etcetera..

And all squares along the
diagonals emanating from the
middle square must be avoided/
(If a(M/2,M/2) is the center
square, then these squares to
avoid are those of the form
a(n,n) and a(n,M-n),
n = 0 to M.)

These squares must be avoided
because, otherwise, sometimes
the new square of a vertical
branch and the simultaneously-
generated new square of a
horizontal branch would both
be generated in the same
location, which is forbidden.

This pattern, as with the maze
above, could be extended to be
as large as you desire.

All’s well that ends Hell..


Out-Orbit In A-Rounder-Space

(.. As too as it is
in-space around outer-orbit..)

Blog-post # 638:
(638 = 29 * 11 * 2.)

Nine new inanimations:

In/Below Suborbital Stars
In-Below Suborbital Stars
Of Syzygies Of Nothingness
Of Syzygies Of Nothingness

Anagrams, 56:

As a knotted butterfly
is dead.
Darkest beauty did
so flatten.

Therein stained-glass
is a large vortex.
Light existed via art,
lasers, neon, gears.

Swirling as the cosines:
Within glassiness’ core.

Any ghost is a lens.
It has glassy neon.

As incorrect as..
Art’s cosine arc.

Neon things/vortices:
In this so convergent.

That so is of our
concave spectrum.
Vacuous concepts are
to form this.

These rainbows boiled.
We are inside hot blobs.

Nothingness’ solar syzygies:
Yet sensing glassy horizons.

In strangeness’ creation:
Neon irises/arctangents.

Lenses, prisms, galaxies,
hues, or distances:
As more spirals existed
in such glass seen.

Skies, stars, or reaches
Those are spires, are
dark spaces.

Spirals each celestial:
A star’s helical eclipse.

In a red-purple so odd:
Pure and/or lopsided.

A tan gem.
Tan game.

.. Looked in phase.

Coldness’ celestial circuitry
shined as neon..
Inside such a node’s
crystalline electronics.

In logic.

Ever stabbed with holes:
Blobs have twisted here.

Comets each rise.
These are cosmic.

In that universe of
A sun forever spins
to its heights.

Celestial moons:
Omens oscillate.

In this knotted hourglass:
Dark stone is hot sunlight.

In angles too.

Evolution is..
.. Too evil in us.

Cupid is hunting,..
.. Duping such in it.

Bicuspid teeth:
Such bit it deep.

Nuts, eggs, or food:
For God’s tongues.

As mouths then do suck,..
Those shut and mock us.

A filthy hooker’s legs:
(Legs are filthy hooks.)
Her looks get/lay fish.

This bulging weirdness

The bulbs, blobs, and/or
.. Drip as lobes, bubbles,

Satanically innocent:
A non-nice nasty act/ill.

As a hip fascist terrorism:
Rapists are of this racism.

Putin’s man, His satanic
Antichrist-ian treason
is Trump’s.

To taint Ass’ anger,..
Satan is not great.

Sly Marks-Of-The-Beast
Smart-(but fakely so)-

I am a stained coil.

Rage’s genocides stir..
Racist gods’ energies.

Evil’s racist ruse:
Liars set cursive.

Lost in Hell, in hatred’s
brutal fascism/anger:
A burning cross still had
this eternal-flame.

Yet in cobs.
City bones.
Is bent/coy.

In rot, surrealism yet
is also tilted.
Errors ultimately do
stain its lies.

Diagonal fires:
As of nil/rage/id.
Of slain id/rage,..
Rage/id so final.
Rain is lead fog.
As rain/fog lied.

God pushes a rod’s abortion.
Bigots do soon rape us hard.

Of evil’s ignorance:
Naive fools cringe.

A shy random introverted
Many as this tilt under,
over, around.

Helical toilets:
All the coils tie.

Babylon hid under/in stars.
A labyrinth’s ruins do bend.

In/below suborbital stars:
A bubble’s rotation swirls.

For all.

Thus as sad decapitation:
Data is a code that is spun.

We do perceive truths
inside noise.
Pictured visions were seen
.. to hide.

Densest purity
has shattered.
As that sphere is

Crystalline space arises.
Eclipses are sans clarity.

Beans so little:
To be as lentils.


‘Gate-man’s name-tag.’

‘We felt bus, as a subtle

‘We foot too few.’

‘Straddle held darts.’

‘Cradle held arc.’

No, it at. I paced.’

No, it a tip aced.’


Which type of potatoes
give kings their super-



“My apartment has no roof.”

“Why not?”

“Because my rent has gone
through it!”..


Who hits the hay as soon
as getting off work?..



“I was sure..
taken aback..
by my ex saying she wanted
to reunite with me.”..


My devious plan to eat a whole
bunch of beans and rancid food
has really..



Having diarrhea is when



“Ahh, I see fish in your
future.. Uh, oh,.. wait..
This is my fishbowl.”

“So, you see _blurry_ fish
in my future, then?
(And I see an eye-exam in
YOUR future, Madam..)”


Elderly comedian says,..

“Activity-monitors? Really?
You kids and your newfangled
gizmos! Hey, I’ll just stick
to my tried-and-true old-school
type of activity-monitor,
thank you.

A scale!”..


A comedienne says,..

“Why do they call it a
‘bachelor-pad’, anyway?
Hey, that sounds like some
sort of sanitary-napkin..
for an overly-excitable


After Germany gets its
new more kick-ass PM,
Adolf Hit-Back-At-Trumper,
they’ll be..

fighting Fuhrer with Fuhrer!


What makes fascist ideas
really fly these days?

The fact they’re so..



Thanks to the Zimmermann trial,
knowing cursive can be considered
yet another form of.. shorthand..
(or of tiny-hand, if you prefer)
for White-entitlement.

In other words, Blacks are
definitely still falling hard
through the..



In an anti-anti-universe*,
a certain cable-news
network instead has fare
(which is much more so
balanced, if still almost
as extreme) like this..

*(By the way. _This_ is
an anti-universe.)

The announcer asks, sans
any trace of sarcasm,..

“Next on Xof,..

Do all White men justly
and automatically go to
Hell when they die?

Or is there not a Hell
in the first place for
anyone at all to go to,
since there simply is no

Stay with us. We’ll ask
our guests after the
break which is true.
But YOU decide.”..


(Probably both are true
{somehow}, methinks.)

Trump’s advisor, recalling W’s

“Don’t look into Putin’s soul,

But Trump then looked into
Putin’s soul, anyway..

(And without even wearing His
protective Hell-fire glasses.)

Donald Trump must surely be
the absolutely worst poker-
player ever.
(There’s never been a worse
poker-player ever in world-
history, even..)

Trump: “You got nottin’ but
a 2, a 3, a 5, a 6, and an
8, I know!”

Which means, of course, that
HE has nothing but a 2, a 3,
a 5, a 6, and an 8.

So, despite His bluster, bet
big against Him every time,
since He’ll continue trying
to bluff in the same manner,
as if He just cannot ever
catch on that you’ve long
ago caught on.

(But require that all His
contributions to the pot be
completely in cash, though,
refusing all IOUs, since
His IOUs are obviously not
good even at all.)

But then He might switch-up
His strategy a bit..

After you and He lay down
your hands, and both hands
are plain to see:

“Hey, you a crooked nasty
CHEATER! You got five 2’s!”

(Five 2’s being the best
poker-hand EVER, He thinks.
There’s never even been a
better hand. {And, hey, any
news that there are only
four 2’s total in a deck is
FAKE news, of course.})

And, thing is, He’ll claim
you have five 2’s despite
the obvious fact, even,
that you actually have an
honestly-derived royal-
flush, say, if that is what
you have.

Then, still, He goes,..

“_I_ got five 2’s, see! So,
ME the winner! Me is! ME!”

Then He grabs the pot all
for Himself before you can
even complain.

.. And finally, He tosses the
entire card-table in the air,
destroying all evidence of His
malfeasance, doing so like He
does when losing at chess, or
something, or like when He’s
losing at trade-negotiations,
or something,..
or when He’s “playing games”
with, say, nuclear-weapons..

And, speaking of God,..

Can Donald Trump tell a
lie SO BIG.. that even
He Himself
doesn’t fall
for it completely!?..


whore is well,..
despite the fact that..

war is Hell!..


But beware not to..
soil its teat..
whenever miss-sitting
upon a..

toilet’s seat!..


‘The Runny Monks’

‘Hell Mary’

‘Last Nation’*
*(Canadian punk-rock.)

‘The Post-Product

‘Sub-Nova And
The Super-Orbitals’





Sire So Long No Song No Loser Is

(^I could have instead just
simply had the palindrome,
“Sire So Long No Loser Is”.
.. But then there wouldn’t
have been.. no song..)

Blog-post # 637:
(637 = 7 * 13 * 7.)

Three (and 3/2s) new art

Finite Flames
Finite Flames
Reciprocally Clockwise
Reciprocally Clockwise

(The colorful arrangement of
squares in “Reciprocally
Clockwise” is what automatically
arises if beginning with a
square of side-length 1, and
then appending 4 squares of
side-length 1/2, then of 1/3,
then of 1/4,.. to 1/16, doing so
consistently in a manner that’s
probably much easier for you to
just see for yourself than for
me to try to explain.
{And the design, using the
algorithm, could have been
continued forever*.})

*{Which is why it is fitting,
if not at all appropriate,
that the design sort-of looks
like a swastika.
Infinite-Year Reich, indeed!
Hey, just like in reality!}
Anagrams, 23:

Orbits’ selves are shining.
Their sins’ obverses align.

Distant elliptical
crescents arise.
As electric spirals
tilted in ascent.

A scrunched line:
In each curl’s end.

The total ruse is..
As this roulette.

Spun as odder omens.

As origami’s butterfly:
It forms a bug’s reality,..
A fire’s/bug’s mortality.
Truly of a gambit’s rise,..
A fib’s image truly rots..
Liars’ soft/grim beauty.

Sly inert cockroaches arouse.
Intercourse coarsely choaks.

Satan’s own death dies.
He was stained, not sad.

Trump is evil’s nastiest
asshole. He was longing
to wear Black-face.
Hate’s White racist
fucker/tool snaps/lies,
waging blame on slaves.

A mean ugly madness
or libel:
Many demons are
as gullible.

As in us, as inside
Damned asinine spite
is ours.

Trump’s angels;
hate’s angry ire:
As nightmares
strangely pure.

Putin’s murders:
Trump’s rude sin.

Mass-murder is
therein all ends.
Harm’s rudeness
still remained.

This monster:
In the storms.

Torn mess.

A hard ire.

Visceral stains:
An evil’s racists:

An evil’s racism:
Man is visceral.

This sum had divided
into multiplications.
Such a dimension plus
that void did limit it.

As a planet was orbiting
several suns and their
Ascending past Earth,
its vast plural rainbows
are seen.

Those are
cosmic fishbowls.
Swirls become of
this chaos.

In this slightest
The truth is vertical,
is sung.


We’re either checkin’ out..
or we’re check-out in..


.. When checkin’ out
the check-out we’re in,
I imagine.

Unless, of course, we..
chicken out..

Either way, though,
it’s checkered..

In Out In Out In Out In Out
Out In Out In Out In Out In
In Out In Out In Out In Out
Out In Out In Out In Out In
In Out In Out In Out In Out
Out In Out In Out In Out In
In Out In Out In Out In Out
Out In Out In Out In Out In


Trump’s unnecessary and
dangerous economy-destroying
trade-war is going to end up
being one Hell of a..

Recession of Aggression!


There are only two major
political tribes in the US:

The Losers
The Lucifers.

.. Or, in other words,

The Whiners
The Winners.

And of course, I don’t have
to at all tell you which of
the political parties is
either of these!
It’s obvious.

(I never really would have
had to tell you which is
which. But it’s _especially_
obvious these days!)


(“The Losers”; “The Whiners”:
Regarding why that will ever
continue to remain so..)

One difference between
Republican and Democratic

Though Republicans try so
hard to keep America from
ever learning from its
own mistakes,..

the Democrats, however,
try so hard to keep
_themselves_ from ever
learning from their
own mistakes!


President Trump, it seems,
is about to meet His maker*
in (aptly) HELL-sinki..

*It be Putin, that is!..

(And, hey, I’m not..
Putin you on!)

Rights/liberties are like
scoops of ice-cream, turns

As-per His usual MO,
Trump’s BS power-play — this
time via His Supreme Court
nomination — is designed to,
on one hand, deny Americans
even the most basic of human/
civil rights/liberties
(No ice-cream even at all for
we losers, in other words),..

while simultaneously on the
other (tinier) hand, letting
us know just how superior He
is to we losers, because the
Almighty (and soon even more
Almightier) Trump is about
to be granted (via coming
Supreme Court rulings) many
unprecedented, practically-
omnipotent, and autocratic
powers and rights to do as
however He desires, and too
will be granted even greater
levels of un-impeachability
and absolute immunity to the
law (to both civil law and
criminal law).
(ie. This all being His
Majesty’s proverbial two
scoops of ice-cream*, if
you will.)


*(Oh, and it’s an ice-cream
made from REAL milk, too,
not from that FAKE milk-like
product/substance that the
Trump administration is very
much intent on forcing the
rest of the world to allow
to KILL as many babies as
inhumanly possible {and
without even the slightest
restrictions on this deadly
substance’s marketing, let
alone on its selling}.

(But the President, though,
gets the real non-poisonous
stuff; because He’s just so
special, see.
The best, even.)

Yeah, speaking of asinine
and cynical power-plays!

And I’m not talking about
“Jesus Trump Superstar”
here, exactly, by the way!})


Mueller’s report (if it ever
is to come out.. or is to be
even allowed at all) is
destined to be quite an..

EXPO-SIVE exposé!


When it comes to recent US
presidential candidates,
it’s sure for us all been
a case of..

Hit(ler) and M(is)s!..


Absolutely no matter what,
Trump’s base will keep
supporting Him.

But why?

Because, they’re such a
bunch of..


(Being both banal and basal
.. {and a bit anal..
but not always nasal}.)


“AM talk-radio sure
broadcasts on a powerful
signal these days.”

“Oh, and _how powerful
is it_!?”..

“Well, it transmits using
lots and lots of..

KILL-o-THOUGHTS, it does!”


Americans be just so gosh
darn stupid that if, say,
ya want us to like soccer
(ie. for’gner-football),
all ya gots to do is just
make each goal worth 7

“Hey, new-soccer fun to
watch. ‘Cause now it be
not borin!”..

(Oh and too, including some
chainsaws, fire-pits, and,
oh of course, high-powered
guns {preferably full-auto}
would obviously sure help
a lot.*)

*{Not that, though, pleasing
Americans’ finicky tastes is
nearly as much a priority
for those in the rest of the
world as we like to think it
is a priority for them.}


“You’re a pair of underwear.”

“Hey, you’re putting me on


“I’ll bet you a huge amount
that eating those rancid-
looking T-bones there will
make you and me real sick.”

“Oh, so you’re wanting to,
uh,.. raise the steaks,
are ya, eh?”..


What holds the front half of
a tractor to the back half?

A tractor-beam, of course!..


(^Old {but simultaneously
juvenile} unoriginal joke.)

“Hey, what’s your forte?”

“It’s playing the piano..
in an ironic manner.”..


Which type of melodic
music is the loudest,
fastest, and angriest?


(But of coarse..

Excerpt from post # 632
(sans some carriage-returns):

“{“Why do they call them
Hmm, maybe because they
are just like grapes,
.. but they’re fruit!?”..
(And that’s^ a bit like,..
“Fraternal twin-sisters?
Hmm, maybe because they
are just like fraternal
.. but they’re twins!”..)


And also,..

“Hey, why do they call
them ‘harpsichords’?

Hmm, maybe ’cause they’re
just like harps,..

.. but they play chords!”..


(Obviously that’s^ what’s up.)

(Speaking of sequiturs..)

A pattern to consider:

First, a loose-end to tie-up:

The grid-design in the image,
from my post # 634,”Parallel
To Labyrinths” was based on
the maze-generating procedure
I wrote about in my blog-post
# 625.
But instead of making a maze,
I simply shaded each square
one of two colors, depending
upon which of the two chains
each square belongs to.

(In the image “Parallel To
Labyrinths”, each chain is
64 squares long. But in the
maze-y art-image “Symmazetry”
from my post # 625, and too
the same pattern in my image
“Symmmazetry from post # 626,
I continued the pattern out
a further number of squares.
However, I may have made an
error somewhere in the
generation of the outer
squares of the maze.)

Now, taking the (2*64) 128-
square pattern (which I
think must be correct), I
generate the following
integer-sequence based
somehow on that pattern
(Can you guess how?), and
then I repeated it (just
for fun), as displayed
graphically here:

Maze-ical 1

Converting the sequence to
musical notes/ half-steps,
starting on A, we get this
song (ignoring which octave
any note belongs to):

A B D# E D A# G# A A# G# F# G#
F# G# F F# E D C# D# G G# F# D
C C# D C A# C A# C A A# G# F#
(And repeat.)

I haven’t actually _listened_
yet (or even yet simply
imagined) this song, though.

And I haven’t yet worked out
the note-durations. For now,
we’ll just say all the notes
are quarter-notes.

Using the same grid-pattern,
but using another procedure
(Can you guess it too?)
to determine the notes via
that pattern, I come up with
this melody:

A B B C# C# B C# C#
B C# F B G C# B C#
G B D# F G B A
(And repeat.)

The final A is an octave
above the initial A; and,
as per musical convention
but not as-per the note-
generating procedure, the
final A lasts twice as
long as does each of the
other notes (which are
all quarter-notes).

Here is the sequence
represented graphically:

Maze-ical 2

A hint regarding each of
the two procedures that I
used to derive the melody
from the grid-pattern:

The first procedure results
from the pattern as derived
with some specific number
of squares making up the
grid-pattern, 64 * 2 = 128
squares in this particular
In other words, this note-
pattern differs based on
the necessarily-finite
total number of squares
in the grid-pattern.

But the 2nd procedure can
be continued indefinitely,
while producing the same
set of notes independently
(other than for the total
number of notes) of how
large the grid-pattern
finally gets.

So, if another number of
squares had instead been
generated in the grid-
pattern, the set of the
smaller number of notes
would be the same subset
(of that number of notes)
of initial notes that
belongs to the larger set,
no matter how many squares
the larger grid-pattern

(But even though under the
2nd procedure notes can
be calculated indefinitely
without, or I think so,
the pattern ever repeating
exactly, I simply cut the
process off where I did,
and then I repeated the
same pattern of notes


“{I haven’t actually
_listened_ yet (or even
yet simply imagined)
this song, though.

Okay, so I’ve gone ahead
and listened to these
melodies, after all.
And better yet, I have
looped them and mixed
them both into one “song”
(but for only my own
enjoyment — sorry),
repeating, in one track,
the 1st melody twice for
every 3 repetitions of
the second melody in the
other track.

As so:

Maze-ical 1plus2

Umm, it sounds..
interesting, I’ll just say..
(but not dare sing).

But yet, finally,..
the mesomorphic man has sung,..



(.. And other things that
really shouldn’t be in my
likely final {or penultimate,
at best} blog-post ever.)

Blog-post # 636:
(636 = 2 * 3 * 53 * 2.
on both sides..})

Four (and a half)
art inanimations:
(Crappy, sorry.)

Mortal Madness
Mortal Madness
Mechanized Phi
Mechanized Phi
Mechanical Pi
Mechanical Pi
Anti-Symmetric To Calculus
Anti-Symmetric To Calculus

Do I even have to say anymore
that math was indeed involved
in making these images?
Anagrams, 22:

It was an egg;
its sphere has bent.
Gaps are between
things as this.

Megaphones rise.
A poem sings here.

Hatred’s slick
megaphones lied.
Sad men seek
their phallic gods.

Smog, peahen,..
.. Go shape men..

Wings do so hover
in flight.

In each slick
pod’s root.

Holding our data in,
in-fact, the smog,..
that clouded form
is nothing.

Your mortal madness:
A mostly random ruse.

Betrayal was..
.. Yet as a brawl.

As Republicans’
treasonous acts:
A Russian Beast’s
cancerous plot.

Fascists are satanic
Race-traitors suffer
a sickness as strict.

Yet still, Hitler
murders his/our
own people.
Unto pride, Whites
or losers yell,
“Heil Trump!”

Club-Treason raped us.
Hate’s Republicans
do rule.

Asinine activist-judges:
Jutting inside via cases.

Hags spit.
Pigs shat.

Societal rapists:
Polite as racists.

Most things are sad,
churned, stuck, and
Those knots did crumple;
each strand did snag us.

A mask scans
into our ills.
As satanic morons
kill us.

Of an eclipse:
One lip’s face.

Bubbles have
so oscillated.
These all do
via cubes/blobs.

In stained-glass,
horizons, or shadows:
A lens is so hard,
oozing its own shards.

auras rise.
As in Creation’s
surreal style.


‘Sire venom. Mammon ever is.’

‘Slay art. Ebb betrayals.’



‘The Betray-Guns’


Oh, no thanks. I’ll just have
to turn my nose up at..

getting rhinoplasty..


Word on the street is..

“This Lane Right Turn Only”..




“Slow: School-Zone”..


Hey, why is Trump nominating a
far-right Supreme-Court judge,
even though there is no real
need that He do so?


in-just case!..


(.. In-just case Americans
will ever again be thinking
that they are entitled at all
to any of even the most basic
that is!
Hey, can’t have us thinking
_that_, now now!
Got to be prudent, see.)
(Speaking of Trump just not
ever being able to do being
president injustice..*)

Yes, indeed, it’s true after
all. There actually has been,
just as President Trump had
claimed, violence on BOTH

So you see, on one side,
violent racists these days
are quite UNABASHed.

But yet, on the other side
though, racists are BASHING
their fists.. and their cars
.. (and their bullets)
into peaceful anti-racism
protesters and minorities!..

(Yep indeed, it’s so.
Violence on BOTH sides..
My, oh my.
Who would’ve even thunk it.)

*(Regarding Trump trying
to do Justice:

Oh, so _that’s_ why she’s
blindfolded, then!..)

(From the stupidest of hatred
.. to the smartest of love..)

The most learned love-goddess


(Now for some.. error-dition,

(Answers are at the end of
this blog-post.)

Math-puzzle 1:

y = f(x) is some continuous
differentiable real-to-real

And x = g(y) is the inverse
function of f(x).
ie. f(g(x)) = x,
and g(f(x)) = x.

But, for all positive x’s,
f(x) = the derivative of g(x).
(ie. For any particular
positive X, f(X) is the slope
of g(x) at x = X.)

And too, consequently, the
definite integral from 0 to X
(ie. the area between the
curve f(x) and the x-axis,
from x = 0 to x = X) equals


integral f equals inverse f

(f(x) is the non-straight/
non-circular curve in this
The length of the colorful
horizontal line {measured in
linear units} equals the area
{measured in square-units} of
the colorful region under the
The circular arc illustrates
that the x-coordinate of the
right edge of the colorful
area equals the y-coordinate
of the {colorful} horizontal


What, then, is a/the function

(I haven’t given this too
much thought, so I don’t
know if the solution is
unique. But there indeed is
at least one solution.)


Part-b of math-problem 1:

Now, f(0) = g(0) = 0.

But for which other X does
f(X) = g(X) = X?



Had I instead asked for a
function f(x) that equals
its own derivative, rather
than a function that equals
the derivative of its own
inverse function, then the
solution would have been:

f(x) = C * e^x,
for any constant C.


Math-puzzle 2:

Consider the sequence of
reals, a(0), a(1), a(2),..

where, for any m,
m = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4,..

a(m) =
c^(1 -b^m),

for c = any positive
constant you want, and
b = any constant where
|b| is less than 1.

So, a(0) = 1,
a(1) = c^(1 -b),
a(2) = c^(1 -b^2),

Now, consider the
sequence of reals
d(0), d(1), d(2),..
defined as follows:

For any particular m = M,
d(M) equals the unique
(positive or negative)
real number that, given
the already-generated
d(0), d(1),.. d(M-1),
makes this equality so:

a(M) =

d(0) +
+ 1/(d(2) +
.. + 1/d(M))..)),

Or, in other words,
the continued-fraction
with the (finite number
of) terms
d(0), d(1), d(2),.. d(M)
(where d(0) = 1 is the
initial integer-part)
equals a(M) for any
particular M you choose.

So, d(0) = a(0) = 1.

d(1) = 1/(a(1)-1).

(Because d(0) + 1/d(1)
= 1 + (a(1)-1) = a(1).)

d(2) =
1/(1/(a(2)-1) -1/(a(1)-1)).

d(0) + 1/(d(1) + 1/d(2)) =
1 + 1/(1/(a(1)-1)
+ (1/(a(2)-1) -1/(a(1)-1)))
1 + (a(2)-1) = a(2).)



The question then is,
given that
a(m) = c^(1 -b^m),
what is the limit,
in terms of b and c, of


as m goes to infinity?

(The answer is a bit
surprising, I think.)

Math-puzzle solutions:

Solution to math-puzzle 1:

The solution I got is:

f(x) =

phi^(1/phi^2) * x^(1/phi),

where phi is the golden-ratio,
ie. (1+squareroot(5))/2.


So, in other words,..
uh,.. other math-symbols,

f(x) = C * x^K,

where the constant C =

raised to the
((3-squareroot(5))/2)th power.

And x is raised to the Kth =
((squareroot(5)-1)/2)th power.

g(x) = phi^(-1/phi) * x^phi.

And the derivative of g(x)
then is:

phi^(1 -1/phi) * x^(phi-1)
phi^(1/phi^2) * x^(1/phi),
which is f(x).


Solution to puzzle 1-b:
(Given my solution for
what is f(x).)

X = phi.

f(phi) =
phi^(1/phi^2) *
phi, the golden-ratio.


g(phi) =
phi^(-1/phi) * phi^phi


Solution to math-puzzle 2:
(This puzzle is somewhat
related to math-puzzle 1.)

I got that the limit, as
m goes to infinity, of



-b – 2 – 1/b.

I find this interesting
in-part because the limit
is independent of c.
(Though c needs to be
positive {and finite and
not 0}.)

Note 1: Remember, |b| must
not be 1 or greater.

Note 2: If b is positive,
then that means that the
terms of the continued-
fraction (from d(1) onward)
alternate between being
positive and being negative.
Thus, d(m)*d(m+1) is
negative (as too is the

The solution involves a
specific case of a problem
of mine that was published
years ago in a relatively
layman math-journal.
(I don’t want to say which
journal because I am not
absolutely sure which one
it was.)

Basically, ignoring the many
qualifications on f(x) that
are part of the problem’s
set-up, if a(m+1) = f(a(m))
for every m, m = 0, 1, 2,..,
then d(m)*d(m+1) approaches,
as m goes to infinity,

-f'(X) – 2 – 1/f'(X),

where f'(X) is the derivative
of f(x) at x = X = the limit
of a(m) (and of the continued-
fraction) as m goes to

(I will not give the proof
of this^ here.)

So, with a(m) = c^(1 -b^m)
in particular, we have
f(x) =
c^(1-b) * x^b.

(Because, for every
m = 0, 1, 2..,
f(a(m)) =
c^(b -b^(m+1)) + 1-b)
= c*(1 -b^(m+1))
= a(m+1).)

Now, the derivative of
f(x) is:

c^(1-b) * b * x^(b-1).

And the limit of a(m), as
m goes to infinity, equals
c, as long as |b| is less
than 1.

So, we then have:
-f'(X) – 2 – 1/f'(X)
-c^(1-b) * b * c^(b-1)
-1/(c^(1-b) * b * c^(b-1))
-b – 2 – 1/b.

QED (uh, sort of).


Leroy Quet (uh, sort of)

A Proxy For Approximation

(^Approximately an adequate
title at all,.. sort-of.)

Blog-post # 635:
(635 = 5 * 127.)

Three new art inanimations:

In Crystalline Ratios
In Crystalline Ratios
Approximated By Loops
Approximated By Loops

Yes, “Crystallabyrinth” is
a maze.
(Go from the center-top
to the center-bottom.)

Anagrams, 20:

As is that White-
Supremacist Court:
A pure racist hate
twists it so much.

Genocides were as
our nightmares.
Rude racism enrages
no White egos.

Ellis Island:
Ills and lies.

Nightmares made ruins..
In mass-murdering hate.

Starry celestial
rotation shines.
Stone ratios are
this crystalline.

Such has not
kaleidoscopically bent.
Beyond/upon all clocks
is that, is each.

Of the creased spirals:
Their folds are spaces.

As indescribable
as the flaps:
Tabs bend; each spiral
is false.

In asymmetric slices:
Its many semicircles.

As hemispherical as..
.. Shapes each similar.

Round shapes’
oscillations had
All is a shard and/or
is upon the cosines.

To crush inside,..
It so is churned.

Sad purges..
Grasped us.

Soon, in mass-murder:
Morons’ ire damns us.

Our rude toll,
Thugs are to
murder all souls.

Final Solutions:
In a fool/sin/lust.

Demonic turds remain,
are casting their maze.
In rage, satanic Nazis
committed murder here.

Our Lord’s sins
grew satanic.
In God’s own
are racist slurs.

As All*h’s
infinite justice:
It ej*culates
His final sin.

The damnation of
the soulless:
Unto this Hell’s
fate soon made.


‘US tamer? OK?..
Not on Korematsu!’

‘Sling no masks among nils.’

‘Oh, cameras are macho.’


“Why are you wearin’ no

“Because I wore ’em out.
.. But then, whoops, the
prob is that I forgot to
wear ’em back in.. -side!”


Sheltered White person

“I keep hearin’ about
them green thumbs,
them red eyes, and blue
tooths, and, oh yeah,
them yellow bellies..

So, all them things must
belong, then, to those
‘people of color’ I keep
hearin’ about, I suppose?”


This upcoming MLK Day,
Donald Trump will surely
say (and be very serious
about it, too),

“Hey, but _I’M_ MLK!
Major-League King!”


(Yep, there’s definitely
MLK on _both_ sides,
you know, now now..)


Beyond even all His other
.. uh,.. serious issues,
it’s truly amazing that
so many people voted for
Donald Trump, given that
He has absolutely no
.. name-recognition..

Trump goes,..

“Who your name?!
Uhhh,.. ‘Iv-vahn-kah’,
you say??..
Hey, you Spanish!?!?

(Warning. Warning.
Trigger-warnings all
over the place.
Warning. Warning.)

To show Him what it’s like,
maybe President Trump
should even be separated
from His own daughter!..

But then, in this particular
case, that would involve..

_getting out the hose_!..

(Warning. Warning.

Mass-shootings these days
are often cases of..

going Post-Truth-al!..


Hey, though, remember,..

Psychos don’t mass-murder

_PsychoSES_ do!..

But such deadly psychoses
aren’t possessed by just
the shooters themselves,
though, by the way.

No, now days those
psychoses belong to
_us all_!


Social-media is.. the
Opioid of the Masses!


_completely_ deeestracted
by deee Opioid des Volks!”)

{And don’t you be a bunch
of opioid-crisis-babies
about it, now now..}

Those who don’t remember
history — its genocides,
racism, slavery, child-
labor and child-marriage,
world-wars and other wars,
its use of nuclear weapons,
its dictatorships, its
plagues, famines, and
other mass-die-offs, the
Dark Ages, the Inquisition,
the Crusades, its torture,
mass-rape, forced religious
conversions, its forced
relocations and/or unjust
incarcerations of large
groups of repressed “lesser”
people, with these people’s
children sometimes even
being taken from them,
and etc, etc, etc.. —

are doomed to repeat it.

And, well,..
it sure then seems, to say
the least, that we’ve all
definitely forgotten history!

Mass-amnesia big-time.

(Or is saying “we’ve
forgotten” being way _way_
too kind to us all?!..
.. Given that so many
examples of the repetition
of the darkest portions of
human-history have almost
always been very much, if
often covertly so, by

(Speaking of dystopian
Hell by-design..)

My layman’s analysis of
now-retired US Supreme
Court Justice Kennedy’s

I am unfamiliar with how
he had ruled on the vast
majority of the cases
during his tenure.

However, in those cases
coming to my mind where he
had ruled with the High-
Court’s liberals — cases
involving abortion-rights,
the legalization of gay-
marriage, etc — it seems
his votes largely served,
maybe even very wittingly
so on his part, to anger
and mobilize conservative/
far-right voters and

Though on the other hand,
there are the many cases,
some very significant indeed,
where he had ruled instead
with the Court’s conservative
justices — Citizen’s United,
the recent case regarding
racial-gerrymandering, Bush
v Gore (Was Kennedy in the
majority there?). And these
were cases where his swing-
vote permanently enshrined
right-wing ideals and
Republican rule (many times
doing so by permanently and,
I’d say, unfairly disarming
and disenfranchising social-
liberals and Democrats).

Plus, oh yeah, there was
the politically malicious
timing of his retirement,
during Trump’s presidency.
(Hey, way to go.. {into
retirement}, there,

And the timing of Kennedy’s
retirement and his rulings
in many cases where he sided
with conservatives have had
and will have — as opposed
to the situation with many of
the liberal SC rulings, which
more often are potentially
reversible — some serious,
irreversible, and very
significant negative real-
world consequences, thus
seriously harming American
democracy, civil-liberties,
civil-rights, and the equal
and fair application of the
rule of law for generations
to come in ways once
considered by most Americans
to be much too unthinkably
horrific to at all even have
any possibility of actual
manifestation within modern
(let alone future, let alone
far-future) “Shining City On
A Hill” America.

And — unlike with the
riling-up of conservatives
after whenever he had sided
with liberals — in the
aftermath of many USSC
rulings that had aligned,
due directly to Kennedy’s
swing-vote, with conservatives,
however, it ends up not really
mattering just how angry and
mobilized liberals have been
made by his unfortunate swing-
votes in these cases.
Because in many of these
particular cases, it thus
is — due to the very nature
of the cases, such as of the
gerrymandering and Citizens
United cases — now totally
all over anyway for liberals
and for liberlism.

The war has already, and
ultimately so without any
possibility of appeal,
been completely lost for

There is, thanks to so many
5-4 rulings, pretty much
absolutely nothing liberals
can do about any of this
situation, even perhaps into
perpetuity, no matter how
angry and how mobilized they
or how angry and how mobilized
(or especially how imprisoned
or how dead) are the poor,
are the racial minorities,
are the ethnic/religious
minorities, are women, or are
any other such total losers,
all soon to be losing even
much MUCH more so.

Thus, overall, many of
Kennedy’s conservative
rulings in-particular have
had the _material_ (and
probably, all along,
intentional) effect of
moving the political
needle farther and farther
to the far-right, and, to
make matters even worse, of
keeping it there permanently.

His “centrism” be-damned,

So, it could even then be

With “moderates” like Kennedy,

hey, who needs Hillary?!!!..

(Switching gears, though.
More fun than total
dystopia, even!..
Uh,.. if you like math
and puns at all, that is..)

To claim that pi equals
(3/2 + squareroot(97)/6)
exactly is really quite..


Note about above absurd

The surd (about 3.1414763)
is between 1/8000th to
1/9000th of the actual
value of pi.

And even though it is
impossible in-principle
to construct pi exactly
using just a compass and
straight-edge (and too
paper and pencil/pen, and
table-top, and adequate
lighting and air for you
to breathe at the time,
you still could indeed
approximate pi as closely
as desired (even much more
closely than my above
algebraic surd does, if
just not exactly equal pi)
to a value that is either
some rational fraction or
algebraic surd, and thus
would be a (non-pi) value
which can indeed be
constructed by straight-
edge and compass in some

(For example, you could
bisect a line-segment of
length 1 into smaller and
smaller segments each of
length 1/2^n, for
n = 0, 1, 2, 3… as far
as desired, but not to
n = infinity.
Then you could add up some
of the segments to make a
single line-segment the
length of the sum, using
your compass as a scribe
to append one length after
another, using whichever
particular segments as-per
as many {but finite number}
of binary-digits you desire
in the base-2 representation
of pi:
1 + 1 + 1 + 1/8 + 1/64 +..)

So, I may have already
before somewhere seen the
construction of “pi” with a
straight-edge and compass
using the particular surd
above in-particular; or
maybe it was another surd
(possibly approximating pi

But you could construct the
surd above as so:
(Certainly not the simplest
way to do this.)

First, construct a straight
line-segment of 9 units.
Then construct a perpendicular
of 4 units long, connecting to
one end of the 9-unit segment.

Then connect the other two
non-connected ends of these
two segments to form a right-
triangle with a hypotenuse
that is squareroot(9^2 + 4^2) =
squareroot(97) units long.

Then divide the hypotenuse
into 6 equal lengths.

And then extend the hypothenuse
by 3 units, and bisect the
extended length.

Then the distance that includes
half the extended portion, 3/2,
and the adjoining nearest 1/6
of the hypothenuse,
squareroot(97)/6, almost is
equal to pi.


Oh, and squareroot(97) almost
equals, but not exactly, 325/33.

So, pi almost is the rational
3/2 + 325/198 = 311/99 =
which is a crappy approximation
to pi, but rationally crappy..

Though my ab-surd approximation
above isn’t (significantly)
much better.


A less absurd surd that
approximates pi a lot closer
3/2 +

which is about 3.1415938..

And you can continue to get
surds, as too is the case with
rationals, that are closer and
closer to pi, if never exactly
equal to pi.

(Unless, however,..
Sisyphus, Achilles, and the
Tortoise finally reach {and
reach precisely} the rainbow
that this trio has long
sought to reach.
{A rainbow of enlightenment
and social-justice that is
_finally_ completely free of
racism, of sexism, and of
homophobia, that is.}

But the universe just ain’t
that kind.

.. Uh,.. Not exactly.
Not even close!)

Close, but,..
I don’t even smoke cigars..


Our Lying Ears Yelled

Blog-post # 634:
(634 = 2 * 317.)

Seven new art-inanimations:

Parallel To Labyrinths
Parallel To Labyrinths
As It Or Ratios
As It Or Ratios
The Rosetta Signal
The Rosetta Signal
Existences Do Overlap
Existences Do Overlap
Signal rho-zeta
Signal rho-zeta
Else They Everlap
Else They Everlap
Sliced Ruins
Sliced Ruins

(Each image here involves

Anagrams, 62:

Our lying ears yelled,..
.. Seeing rudely/orally.

Up less.

Our EMP:
Up more.

Men do row.
Down more.

Ends slow.
Down less.

In the sun of
these summer solstices,
Such lost time often

A spiral tilts in the loops.
This is parallel to points.

Parallel to labyrinths:
All try or be in all paths.

As in Rosetta:
A stone is art.

A non-radial design
is turned..
.. Inside and around

Existences do overlap..
A vortex’s eclipse/node.

Rendered and held
in hatred’s chains,..
Sad children are hidden
then snared.

“Liars enrage Satan!”,
claim the nasty liars.
“All ‘animals’ are
say racists.

Truth is not as:
Biggest White-Supremacist
To stain us, glib racists
emit their hugest spew.

Racists’ sly fatigue:
Fascists are guilty.

Sly racists:
Scary lists.

Any asses have to hate
all their critics.
A theocracy is it:
A Hell ever Satan’s shit.

White dicks:
Wicked shit.

Nasty satanic Whites:
Any hate wins its acts.
Any hate casts its win.
Hate wins sanity’s act.

Rage’s satanic killers..
Are as sick, ill, strange.

Satan’s zeitgeist:
It set Nazis’ stage.
(Its Nazi-Age tests.)

As inside genocides’
God is seen, is
any race’s pride.

God’s own prayers
are given therein sin.
He never gripes
towards anyone rising.

Hitler is God’s hate.
As the Right so lied.

Traitors did hate
others’ treason.
That is a rotten disorder
to share.

This satanic treason:
Racists hate.. not a sin.

A satanic terrorism.

We satanic murderers:
Americans were turds.

This race-war:
A Whiter scar.

Skin-cancer is its rage.
Racists are sickening.

Autocrats’ hatreds/ruses
do rise.
Those racists/turds
are aroused.

God’s asinine justice;
this revenge; that anal con:
He is ejaculating into
the sad innocents’ graves.

In some, we are less
than less is.
Hate’s loneliness
was messier.

Mad rage: Its gargoyles’
ascent is in us.
Satan’s lying racist
demagogues rise.

This stylish demagogue
owns all hated darkness.
Still, gargoyles had then
used mistaken shadows.

This century of
great asinine evil:
In eyes’
threatening/trivial focus.

As fucking racists do lie:
God/Lucifer/Satan is sick.

Words, lies, hatreds, rawness
of humanity’s descent:
They formed winners and
losers as twisted as such.

Brats so evil; this holocaust
of redemption’s end:
The Fascist-Problem is ours;
no one did solve that.

Of the sad Republicans:
Posh Lucifer and Beast.

Of liberals’ use:
Our biases fell.

As genocides:
In a cog’s seed.

.. Is a seed.
(Seas die.)

To sin is no pox.

Sliced ruins:
Inside curls.

Squeezed as cosines:
A zed’s sequence is so.

In quasi-intense rest:
Quaintness is entire.

The botanical gardens:
As in each grand bottle.

The botanical sea:
As a bottle in each.

Grand seas:
As gardens.

Each boat yet
floats so:
To fly to seas,
to a beach.

Orbs do seed all fog.
Globs are so folded.

A slog.

Gel’s sagginess:
Glassiness’ egg.

Throat’s gushing:
Through its snag.

Hollow spirals
are entwined.
All loops were
snared within.

As the concavity
does twist.
It voids what
cones yet cast.

Rotations’ widths:
As into two-thirds.

In this dense round
tangled juxtaposition:
A point slid, and the
node or nexus is jutting.

The end’s final nexus
has overlapped.
A funnel-shaped vortex
shaped lines.

As barbed-wrapped as
A purple braid
bears webbed swabs.

As it or..


When a roar is getting

then a war is getting


“Knock, knock. Anyone
there in the john?”

“Uh, sorry. But I’m
currently indisposed.”

The opposite of ‘disposed’?
So, you’re currently posed,

“Uhhmm,.. yes..”


“The quarterback had been
left back in the 4th grade.
Though he at least,..
uh,.. I mean, at most..
knew his reciprocals.”

“Left back? So his teacher
must’ve thought, then, he
was right back there.
Or left back there..
whenever she turned her

“Yep, right back there,
right by the door to the
bathroom, uh,.. but left by
the door to the bathroom,
that is, if from his own
vantage. And from that
bathroom, he said he’d be
coming right back, I mean
left back.”

“Left/right back?
So he was instead a
halfback, then?
No wonder he was left
back. So he could then
come.. right back!”


Which type of warning did
the math-professor provide
the students regarding
the soon-to-be-discussed
sharply acute triangles?

A.. trigger-onometry
, of course!..


An Islamic authoritative
decree to lose weight would
then be, I guess, a..



Those who lose at life’s
game, but only because
they play too fairly,
are the..


(Because, see, it’s
instead the cheaters
who’re the beaters!)
– – – – – – – – – – – – – –

But yet the evolutionary
Ubermenschen, however,
are the..



Thing to say (which is a bit
more PC than using “what”):

“Oh, _who_ a total loser.
_Who_ a pathetic waste!”


‘The Who-A-Wastes’

‘The Melt-Ups’


‘Less Than Some’

‘The Illegal Alienated’


Forget any world-economy-
destroying trade-war.

President Trump is also
placing tariffs on even
yet another type of
‘import’ to America:

He’s been making
immigrant-families pay
America a ‘tariff’, too,
a tariff that consists
of.. their _children_!


(The most barbaric act of
_tariffism_ ever so far
committed in world-history,
even! There’s never even
been a more barbaric tariff,
believe me..)


(Speaking of pay-back..)

So then, brown immigrants
can now say of Americans,..

“They’re takin’ our


The destruction to stock-
markets that tariffs on
Chinese goods will soon
be wreaking will be like..

a China in a bull-shop!..


(.. Or in a bull-_market_
.. that’s thus no longer
to be, more precisely.)

{And again, remember,..
it’s The Stupid’s economy!}

Regarding the crap situation
the world finds itself in
now days:

Its reason being..
is, ironically,.. some very

_unreasonable_ beings!..


Now displayed at the Statue
of Liberty is this notice
to those daring to seek
refuge in America:

“Abandon all hope (and
children) ye who exited


Hey, even Jesus said we
should pay what we owe to
Big-Government (whether in
the form of our tax-money,
.. or our children, as —
but solely in the latter
case — Jeff Sessions
would make clear is what
Jesus surely meant).

“Give unto the seizure
what is the seizure’s,”
said He, even!


Above in this post, I said,
(Because, see, it’s
instead the cheaters
who’re the beaters!)

Even though whiners
can’t be winners,..

Now days,..

Truth comes from the
mouths of.. cry-babes.


Although, (Mr Cry-Baby
Extraordinaire Himself)
The Donald can’t take
much at all of the truth..

And, well,.. the feeling’s
indeed mutual, you know!

(You can say, even, that
both The Donald and the
truth are about to really
totally CRACK-UP, each due
to the other!
An Immutable Truth
meets an
Unstoppable Fascist,

And, what Melania Trump
can now say regarding her
Husband’s throngs of proudly
homophobic prole followers:

“Let them not bake cake!”..


(But, though,..
does she.. care?..)

Speaking of,.. uh,..
(and of.. badly-timed..
sentimentality, at that).

Valentine’s Day card idea:

Image is of two coffee-cups
side-by-side with a heart
rising between them.


“Hey, let’s be a


(Or, alternatively, for an

“We sure make a great


“Oh, I’m pretty damn

Uh,.. HANDSOME damn
straight, that is.
Yeah, that’s right.
Handsome straight.”..

(Even) Straighter than
handsome, though,..


As Barbed-Wrapped As Bubble-Wires

Blog-post # 633:
(633 = 3 * 211.)

(With my many promises to stop,
people have dared not tell me
to go ahead and keep posting..
because they really don’t want
at all to.. encore-age me..
{But yet, though, I remain just
too.. encore-igible..})

Seven new art-inanimations:

Summetrically So
Summetrically So
Darker Than Neon
Darker Than Neon
Refracted Equation
Refracted Equation
Explosive Horizon
Explosive Horizon
Nonradial Radii
Nonradial Radii
Each Truth Does Spin
Each Truth Does Spin


Angels are as weird as knots.
A darkest neon was glassier.

The fascist demons’ anger:
As nightmares of descent.

In hot polar haze is
ash’s wet vortex.
That explosive horizon
was Earth’s.

Earth’s cusp:
Such tapers.

As time enclosed stains,
air, spectra,..
.. Stars, space, comets,
and linearities.

The sums are beyond..
A rhombus yet dense.

As the pinched torus:
Each truth does spin.

Circles sum math;
a line adds to an array.
Such are symmetrical
and not as radial.

As that refracted
This of a quadrant,

True crust.
Cuter rust.
Truer cuts.

(Trust a curl.)

As thrusts were
of copulation,..
We cast our pulses
into a froth.

Lax use.

The solitude is vast.
It does have its lust.

Female legs are so.
As some feel large.

It is large and
yet was small.
Marginally least
as widest;..
As least-marginally

People are humans.
No pumas leap here.

Therein the hourglass,
a fetus then is ours.
This shines throughout
surreal fate seen.

Each spiral is a twist;
each is all.
It was as helical/
spherical as it.

Our spiral-fractures:
Arcs or ruptures fail.

Moral suicides:
Ours is medical.

Fools so cheat, so may
drink, use, and drive.
Too many have died
in dark curses of loss.

Alongside our tired sadness
of our human descent,..
Angels or dunces do rise
and use hot fire to damn us.

Genocide’s taint:
Negation’s edict.

Our killer/spy-robots:
Terror is spooky bull.

We have racist ruses,
the original-sin.
In a genetic war,
harshest evil is ours.

In hatred, fascist jerks/
Trump-supporters did pee.
Jock-straps fisted their
puppets, and rise/murder.

Air-Force Zero:
Foe or crazier.

Americans’ boss,
President Putin:
In Satan’s pride,
Trump is obscene.

Satan swears, governments
are anointed by God;..
As were nasty demons and
an overt bigot’s anger.

State-run media’s reports
were Satan’s founding.
True ruses again taint
news, freedom, and sports.

As in biggest arson-fires:
Anger is of rising Beasts.

Hatred’s Christian-base
are hot fire’s evil asses.
Satan’s liar-beasts have
riches of their desires.

Jesus has died on hatred’s
burning cross.
Christ’s rage/BS does
josh, ruin, and end us.

Those flying fish:
Of sly fins’ height.

Being avocado-yolks,..
Any big ovals cooked.

Any dire bubble-wrap is
what is of knots/lies.
If so, this was bleakly
spun into barbed-wire.


‘Suicide-medic: I/us.’

‘De-suicide medic, I used.’


“Hey, NEVER say that anything
rhymes with ‘silver’!”..

“Uh,.. never?..
Not ever?
Not even once ever ever
in any sliver
of forever
(if forever
one could ever sever)?”

(Oh, but that’s^ clever..)


But seriously, though,..

Claiming that nothing rhymes
with “silver” — in the
strict sense of ‘rhyming’
that I guess is meant
(where all but the initial
letter/sound match up)
— is more than a bit like
also claiming that,..

“Hey, nothing rhymes with
‘persnickety’, you know!”..

(And yet such a claim^ would
be considered by most to be
quite.. rickety..)

(And in other news..)

He had an off-the-wall

.. to do away with that
ugly painting..


What have ETs been using to
improve the human-race’s

Probe-biotics, of course!..


(And you thought they were
simply engaged in nefarious
anal-surveillance of the
when in-fact they instead
were giving abductees
poop-transplants, is all..
{ETs are the _opposite_ of
the CIA that way..})


The one thing I don’t get
about eco-friendly living
is,.. that’s fine and good,
but, uh,..

isn’t sitting on the john
and/or puking all day
an _even worse_ form
of food-waste, though?!


And health-food Jesus said,..

“I am the alpha-sprouts
and the omega-3.”..

(And said too, of course,..

“Forgive them Father, for
they know not what they eat.”)


But why did Mr T, on the other
hand, become a vegetarian?

Because he..

“Pity d’ food!”..


(^Not necessarily a true story.
{Please don’t sue.})

(But, hey, what’s even worse
than having a beer-belly and
a neck-beard?

Having a beer-neck and a
belly-beard, of course,..
if you dare to so tremble
in horror at the thought!..)


(New term?)

What many Whites, especially
White men, have these days
(explaining in-part Trump’s
“win” in 2016) is a serious
case of..


(and of ‘White-guilt-fatigue’,
to be specific.)

Speaking of Trump (speaking)..

In-fact, many Trump statements
of “fact” are only, even at
best, obvious examples of..

ipse _dick’s_-its!..

(.. Or of oopsy dick’s-its,
often even.)


And obviously too (if
ironically), there’s been
absolutely _no pause_
in that foe’s faux-pas,
at all ever exactly.


So, how then does one get
President Trump to finally
go to prison, you may ask?..

Simply put the nuclear-button
(and/or the Russian hookers,
drugs, piles of cash, etc..*)
in His prison-cell, of course!..


And better yet, He won’t even
pardon Himself once there,
either. Yep, home at last..

(Home at last. Home at last.
Praise God, almighty,
He’ll be non-free at last!..)

{^But then He’ll be pushing
that button there, however..}

(We now take a break from the
regularly-scheduled Trump-jokes
for a word-play puzzle from our

Re: “Trump-bait”:

^But where do we then..
bait all‘?..

Behind the.. _____-____,
of course..

(“Uh,.. behind the spoon,
you say?”



But if whichever president at the
time is not Himself personally
up to launching nukes, which type
of general might the president
then delegate the fun task to?

A.. brink-oh-dear general,
of course!..

(Warning: Riskily risque.
Warning: And even worse,
it’s politically-related.
And worst of all, it’s
Warning. Warning.)

“Oh, what tiny hands you
have there, Grand Leader!”..

“Hey, betta’ ta’ _fist_
my MANY MANY followers’
super-tight asses with,

(.. “That all dats whatsup!
Hey, Me dee best fister
EVER, see. There never be
a better fister in all
world history, even.
can fist so good!
{Nah, nah, nah!}”)

(Warning: Riskily risque.
Warning: Sophomoric.)

“Man, you know those women.
Hey, you can’t live with ’em.
You can’t live without ’em.”

“So true, man.
My own lady drives me nuts,..
and even while she’s busy..

drivin’ my nuts!”..

(Warning: Riskily risque again.)

Those two sophomores continue..

“Watch out. Net-neutrality
is ending, man.”

“Oh no!..
Hey, especially whenever I’m
lookin’ at porn, I sure don’t
want anyone, uh, other than
ME myself*,.. uh,
throttlin’ my big-data..,

*(“Oh, yeah,.. or other
than my lady, of course..
Yeah, or her. But no one
else, though. No one..
Nope. Nope.”)

But more sophisticated than
sophomoric (.. hopefully)..

(And speaking of.. handling
large.. amounts of data..)

A new(?) form of mathematical

First off, there are so-called
arithmetic averages:

a = (x_1 + x_2 +.. + x_n)/n.

Next, there are so-called
geometric averages:

a = nth-root of
(x_1 * x_2 *.. * x_n).

(And there are also other
types of averages, too,
like, say, the so-called
harmonic averages.)

So, my maybe-new type of
average is, you could say,
the next type of average
above geometric average.

If the x’s are each more
than 1, anyway, we have:

a = e^b,
where b is the geometric-
average of the logarithms
of the x’s:

b =
(ln(x_1) * ln(x_2) *.. *

This is the next step up
in the hierarchy of types
of averages, in the sense
that geometric-average is
e raised to the arithmetic-
average of the logarithms
of the x’s. So, hey, raise
e to the logarithms’
geometric average instead
to get an even “higher
form” of average, then.

And you could then continue
even further, of course
(as long as the log-of-the-
log-of-.. -the-log-of each
x is defined and preferably
is positive), raising e to
the mth type of average of
the logarithms of the x’s
to then get the (m+1)th
type of average of the x’s.

a = e^(e^(e^(..
(ln(ln(..ln(x_1)..)) *
(ln(ln(..ln(x_2)..)) *


(Note: At least one real root
exists for the nth root of
the product of the
ln(ln(ln(..)))’s just as long
as the product is positive,
ie. as long as there are an
even number of negative
n(ln(ln(..)))’s in the
However, if any of the
ln(ln(ln(..)))’s are negative,
then my “average” fails to
intuitively equal what one
would think of as an average.
For example, my “average” of
1/x and 1/y, where x and y are
both greater than 1, would
equal the average of x and y,
which can be a lot greater
than 1/x and 1/y, not
somewhere between them.

The average of 1/x and 1/y
equals the average of x and y

ln(1/x) = -ln(x),
ln(1/y) = -ln(y).)

So, ln(1/x)*ln(1/y)

because the negatives cancel


(One more note:
The name “hypergeometric-
average” probably is not
acceptable for these types
of averages, though, since
the term “hypergeometric” is
already in-use elsewhere in
Hyperthetically metric, though:



(And you thought it would
end more with an 0-Mega..*)

*{Still might, though..}

Blog-post # 632:
(632 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 79.)

Twelve new art-inanimations:

The Rousing Of Time
The Rousing Of Time
Its Ultimate Spin
Its Ultimate Spin
Like Glasslike Convexity
Like Glasslike Convexity
Distant Flora
Distant Flora
As Is The Collapse
As Is The Collapse
Essence Of Convexity
Essence Of Convexity
Null Averages So
Null Averages So
Loop Blossom
Loop Blossom
As Woven As Existence
As Woven As Existence
Likely Like Labyrinths
Likely Like Labyrinths

(“Likely Like Labyrinths”
is, of course, a maze.
Go from the middle of
the left or right side
to the middle of the
opposite side.
Indeed, only the white
paths are part of the
maze. And indeed too, this
is the same maze-design I
used in the image “The
Rousing Of Time”.
I started with a quadrant
of the same path-design I
used in the image, from
my previous post, “Therein
Dimly Shaped Neon”, but
repeated the quadrant in
a different manner here.
I then made edits so to
form a valid maze, but I
only edited the path-
arrangement along the
horizontal and vertical
central axes {where the
quadrants meet}.)


Uh, I am unhappy about the
fact that the quality of
most all the images in
this post is poor, given
especially that this is
likely to be my final
blog-post ever.

Anagrams, 44:

As is the collapse:
Shapes oscillate.

This darkness’ torn stars
do ooze/shine.
Knotted horizons/stones/
shards arise.

As rust bleeds violet,..
It loses vast blue-red.

Those are fiery flowers.
They were of frail roses.

Flora’s distance
does spin,..
As inside no
fold’s spectra.

Convexity’s essence was
a sine/cosine.
Any existence’s science
is woven as so.

Existence’s visions/
sights focus a lens.
It is such of its
convex glassiness seen.

Earthen skies
surpass Earth.
Thus, therein seas
are sparks.

Auroras, strobe-lights:
Glass orbits our Earth.

As strobe-lights:
The orbits’ glass.

The glassiness of such
semicircular neon:
Clearest crimson’s hues

Looks hid/lie.

Nosier vortex.

Overt sin-noir.
(Torn revision.)


Those racial-minorities:
Hate’s ironic limit arose.

In failures:
A life’s ruin.

Insane/enraged throats
do so hurt us.
Threatening are
sad shouts or sound.

A farthest-right wing-ism:
That was this grim fringe.

The Right/Republicans
did yet assault us.
They are stupid racist
bullies and thugs.

Satan’s asinine
Insane beasts sin,
are evil.

God’s satanism:
Sins, data, smog.

Satan’s foolish
president sins.
Nastiness is to
pardon His Self.

That fucking ass
is dangerous.
A fascist thug/god
rains nukes.
A fascist thug’s
God nukes Iran.

His fascist anger
will nuke the Earth.
Hellish twits are
fucking Satan here.

Hateful ruses snared
a fiery/insane Beast:
Trump’s soul.
As these sad sinful
remorseful buyers are

Here upon a racist cusp,
zeitgeist, and mass-murder:
ruses/nightmares raped us.

Dangerous is what is.
As gods are within us.
(I was this dangerous.)

As within
repulsive toilets:
The evil urinal-pies
so twist.

As the tiny angelic
demons’ ilk:
Any insects like them
do align.

This is a flat wing.
As it was in flight.

Earth’s stymied engines:
Therein a system-design.

Leap or stop,..
.. As to propel.

A time-unit splits..
.. Its ultimate spin.

As in lopsidedness,..
A dense solid spins.

Odd loop/bliss/mess:
Lopsided blossoms.

Moons do swirl above
Earth, as did rain.
Their blossoms are
a wind and/or a void.

Oil was in globs,..
.. Billowing as so.

A focus’ sense:
Noses face us.

I act crass.

An overall guess:
Null averages so.

In those divided
Designs do tie,
have varied.

As labyrinths roused time,
Beyond that is surrealism.

Calculus made/prioritizes
It is summed as a puzzle
or a circle.


“Well, that’s sure a
_traffic-circle_ way of
(sort-of) saying it.”..


It’s quite ironic
that what are NOT so

are water-colors if
they’re.. _runny_!..


“Why do they call them

Hmm, maybe because they
are just like grapes,

.. but they’re fruit!?”..


(And that’s^ a bit like,..

“Fraternal twin-sisters?

Hmm, maybe because they
are just like fraternal

.. but they’re twins!”..)


Freeze peach..





Constantly pulled over,..

so to be..

consistently pushed under!


(Yep, racism is ironic
that way..)
(But seriously.. too..
{From irony to steel-y..})


Said by pacifists just
before and during the
soon-coming deadly war
between the US and its
former allies in Europe
and Canada:

“No blood for steel!”

Political cartoon:

(3 frames.)

Frame 1:

A wealthy Republican
in yachtsman’s clothes
says, “A rising tide
raises all boats!…”


Frame 2:

Huge private/corporate
yachts (labeled “Tax-
cuts for the ultra-rich”)
and US Navy vessels
(labeled “Runaway
military-spending”) are
intentionally ramming
and sinking all the many
smaller defenseless
boats in the harbor.


Frame 3:

(That Republican
yachtsman continues..)

“… Uh,.. raises those
boats still left afloat,
that is.”


Not many goals can be
achieved at all when
leaders are going to a..

but their positions
are to remain..



If the world is saved from
its ultimate destruction
in part by Golf-Diplomacy
— ie. by Trump and Kim
playing each other in a
friendly round or two of
golf — then, hey,..

I’ve heard of the

but a Golf-PEACE would
be even better!..

(A peace based on lies,..
golf-ball lies*, that is..)


*(Yep, and based on
goof-balls’ lies, too,..
of {golf} course..)


President Trump whacks
Himself upside His head
(Wack!..) when realizing
that it would have been
EVEN GREATER to have had
instead moved the US
embassy to Jerusalem a
few weeks later, since
that city fell to
Christian conquerors in
the 11th Century, and
the anniversary of that
glorious event occurs at
the beginning of June.

But, hey, though,
now now..

Those who don’t remember
(true) history*..

are doomed to not be able
to fully use it cynically
and offensively to their
ultra-fascist advantage!..


*(Let alone if they’ve
never even learned history
in the first place.)

So, Leibniz, aside from
inventing calculus and
stuff, was in some ways
an idiot, since he had
argued the philosophy of
our world being the best
possible world.

But Newton, also an
inventor of calculus
(plus too a formulator
of gravitational
equations and stuff),
was reportedly an
arrogant ass.

So then, calculus was
originally discovered
by an idiot and by an
ass, it’s sad to say..

Though — fast-forward to
today — President Trump
(who’s also a president,
mind you!) is both an
idiot AND an ass.

Therefore, Trump invented
calculus TWO times, see,
while Leibniz and Newton
each only invented it but


{And, “Nah! Nah! Nah!”..}

Thus, Trump is the very
greatest calculus-
inventor EVER, see, the
very best inventor of
calculus in all of world-
history, even!

There’s never even been
a greater inventor of
calculus than Donald


(Though it’s more so His
_wife_ who likes to..
integrate what she’s
.. uh,.. from Mrs Obama’s

(Speaking of Let’s-be-

Which type of linings
are had by the clouds
floating above a
Panglossian paradise?

Those, of course, of..

fool’s _silver_!..




‘Fool’s Silver’

‘Ray Gaydar and the
Dreadful Hemlocks’




That urinal-cake..

does make..

the colonel ache!..

(.. for spoons..)



Like An Unfun-House Lens

(Falsehood and reality:
Both indeed refrangible..
if not always tangible.)

Blog-post # 631:
(631 = prime.)

Eight new art-inanimations:

Therein Dimly Shaped Neon
Therein Dimly Shaped Neon
Arrangement Sans Permutation
Arrangement Sans Permutation
Of O-Voids
Of O-Voids
Underwater Raindrop
Underwater Raindrop

Anagrams, 37:

That beauty’s flowers:
A butterfly was those.

Colors are as
A spiral, cone,
or sum rotates.

As lightning’s

A strange neon spiral
has rotated.
Those diagonals are

To so entwine darkness:
Sin was seen or knotted.
No sins were as knotted.

A blossom is knotted.
Silk’s atoms bend too.

A sphere is twisting.
Its things were as pi.

Within beauty’s
It has bent,
is/was ugly.

Therein shards:
Shreds are thin.

Spherical arc:
A sharp circle.

Dials became..
Decimal base.

As inside the
It is a design
and a hole.

A dripped slice
has been sliced
as holes.
Each spiral bends;
else each is lopsided.

Horned cusps cut in us.
Such sins do puncture.

Hatred’s animals lied.
All this era is damned.

Sly tongue:
Ugly tones.

Mimes stain it.
(Mimes’ taint is.)

Lies rotated.
Toilets dare.

Each sly toilet:
They oscillate.

A lie/sin,
a rotten shit.

Toilet-trash does
fear truths.
Rudest Flat-Earthers
shit too.

Hatred’s anal racist,
loser, or bum:
A dumb carnal

As in rude
Beneath us, war
did underlie.

Presidential treason:
An arrest spited no lie.

Satanic fates:
A fascist, a net.

Data’s fascism:
As its fad/scam.

So nationalistic.
It is in satanic
fools’ scam.

Rapists’ abusiveness
An evil’s spires
stabbed us.

All cones this mellow:
Metallic hollowness.


Swimming through
shining fire:
Rushing within
shimmering fog.

Those unfun-house
Lush neon seen;
thus of use.

Optics’ false neon:
Focal-points seen.

I so spun ruses.
Spin uses ours.
Sin so pursues.

Nuclear mass-death
is an abortion.
The unborn are as

A moment’s deceit
does flutter..
.. To freedom’s
ultimate descent.

The hyper-dimensional end:
Therein dimly shaped neon.


‘Tide: Dice decided it.’

‘Tide rise: Desired it.’

‘Slam in,
abuse sub-animals.’


It was a split-second

.. as whether to divide
the second into exactly
1/2 second, 1/2 second,
or instead into something
more like 1/3-2/3 seconds..


Why did that economical
consumer go on a diet?

Because he was trying to..

cut out the man-middle!..


(Not so much a new term
or a new idea, which it
isn’t, as much as it is
a now-needed and quite
fitting concept.)

Classify some important
intelligence-info as


Known to absolutely
everybody OTHER THAN
President Trump!


President Trump (the

He speaks loudly,..
and carries a small,..
uh,.. hand..

*(ie. Teddy Ruse-e-Svelte.)

So, IF we’re LUCKY, even,
(ie. if we are not nuked),
then, in the near future,
with the possibly crippling
sanctions and embargoes that
might be soon imposed against
the US (maybe even imposed by
some of our former allies,
such as the Europeans, even)
— penalties which may be
imposed against the US over,
Trump’s tariffs, for example,
and/or over the very-Trumpian
foolish/dangerous unilateral
acts of sabotage taken by the
US leadership against both
the Iran and (maybe..)
North Korean nuclear-deals,..
to say nothing of the issue
of the moving of the US
embassy in Israel,..
or of the issue of the..
or of the.. or of the..,
or of the.. or of the..,
etc, etc, etc, etc… —
the US economy might be
heading soon for a complete
and utter collapse.

And when that soon happens,
the slogan we Americans
should then be repeating

“Hey, remember,..

it’s The Stupid’s economy!“..




‘The Disservicemen’



‘The Re-Septic-als’

‘Primary Prime and
the Number-Twos’

‘Mental Jen and
the Gentlemen’

And a band-name from
post # 629:


Whoops. ‘Stink-Talk’ is
still a fine name and all.
But I meant to instead
post this band-name:..



(^Still so very stinky.)
Keep calm-lamity,
and carrion..


Of Imagery Thus Brittle

.. And (therefore) brutal.

Blog-post # 630:
(630 = 2 * 3 * 7 * 3 * 5.)

Four new art-inanimations:

Two In Base-Zero
Two In Base-Zero
Glass, Randomness,
And Reality
Glass, Randomness, And Reality
Deep, Shallow,
And Polar Ruin
Deep, Shallow, And Polar Ruin

{{Update: May 30, 2018.
(Originally posted May 19.)
I have fixed the formatting
above of the images and
their titles.}}
Anagrams, 37:

The butterfly’s origami:
Of imagery thus brittle.

Ghosts tend to sin,
see, and think.
Death’s nothingness
is knotted.

Insane gods formed
crystal hues/mandalas..
.. Made of such glass,
randomness, and reality.

Kaleidoscopes are
ellipses and lines.
Space’s lenses looped
like a lens’ radii.

The truth is glass.
Light shatters us.

Cognition was
the universe’s.
A hue is its own,
is convergent.

A thin chaotic
knot in us..
.. Has thick

Maze or din.

Earth is a silly
zoo of omens.
Mazes so foolish
are only it.

Labyrinthine node:
Thin/linear beyond.

The binary nil.

One bit was..
In base-two.

Rainbows were fantasy..
Sewn as of binary water.

The strata’s
That sea’s
surreal ghosts.

Strata’s hourglasses
The sand’s ghost is
as surreal.

As fish-ponds:
Ships of sand.

Motions are of
the nautilus,..
.. Unto no ultimate
fish or sea.

It revolved as it has.
A trivalve does this.

Deep, shallow,
and polar ruin:
Wrapped around
holes in all.

Cut, pruned.

Huge cones form
a shape.
Megaphones are
of such.

Hellish strains:
In harshest ills.

A prophet is false.
People shit as far.

As Antichristians’
A rich satanic truth

The satanic rich
rise up, destroying
Yelling Christians
cheat or are stupid.

Terrorism is
dueling in rage.
Its religions
are murdering.

Mass-murderers are
heroic shit-heads.
Each’s terrorism
shames his rude dare.

God is obscene.

Shattering is..
.. Its ashen grit.

An omnipotent hellish
ass is racist.
All His satanic
men/shits rise on top.


They held/grasped
her as so.
She does get
harshly raped.

Nastiest and
threatened men
do doom.
Demons are damned
into a hottest end.

Abraham’s demon:
A bad omen’s harm.


This rotating
Its orbit has a grid,
a tone not as it.

As this poem and a ring:
I do spin the anagrams.

Butterflies defeated
their own shadows.
Those fluid beasts
were of that weird end.


‘A tart’s strata.’

‘Tones, a binary ran.
I base not.’

‘Slam in, as animals.’


Why do we need to move to
a bigger space-station?

Because we’re all..
_out-o’ space_
up here in this one!..


A feather touching an
unfortunate butt’s butt
would be quite the..

prat-tickle joke!..

(Less so absolutely

Nuclear-war is quite the..


Sa-terror-ical headline:

‘Trump Demands Nobel
Peace Prize Up-Front as
Precondition for not
Killing all Life on

‘All Life on Earth
has Rescinded Offer
of Nobel for Trump.
Mass-Death thus
expected soon.’..

Update 2:
‘Trump (and His new
best-bud Kanye) Claims
All Life on Earth
Wants to be Killed-Off.’


Forget about ever voting
for Him for president.

Hey, I wouldn’t ever even
vote for Donald Trump for



Trump’s Base* is made up
of His faithful..



*(Trump’s Base Uber-Alles,
indeed, in all seriousness!)

He sure likes to spout,
yes, but..
Thing we will NOT ever hear
Trump say (or even read
Him tweedledee-dumb..)..

“Mr Netanyahu,..
tear down that fence!”..


(Warning: May not yet be
considered to be super
politically-correct, at
least not at the current
time. Though we all, no
matter our race, will
be concerned about even
more so important matters
than political-correctness
when this finally comes to

In the near future, robotic
cops will be going around
unjustifiably blowing away
a lot of innocent unarmed
non-corporate persons
(maybe EVEN we White ones
too, by the way) at the
behest of the all-powerful
corporate AI-persons.

And the (also futile)
slogan proclaimed at that
time by we non-corporate
persons will be..

living-lives matter!”..

But if we are still alive
then (mid June)..

Coming soon to an internet
near you (near you if you
are within or near the US):

Net Extreme-ality!..


Ex-Net Ream-ality,
maybe more like it..


Extremely non-neutral,

Oh, sorry, but we’ve
actually seen absolutely



“I got in a minor
fender-bender the
other day.”


“Yeah, my car was
PARTIALED, man.”..


Which violin type produces
the most levels in its
harmonic structure?



Number-system made up of
only two types of zeros:






So, God created Mankind,
the absolutely best most
advanced thing He has
ever created, right?

Then, more recently,
Mankind has created AI,
which is now becoming
even more advanced than

And, hey, since Mankind
has now created something
that is even better than
is anything that God has
ever created, Mankind is
therefore even better
than God, see!..

That’s bad enough..

But too, oh by the way,

Since Mankind is better
than God, but, also, AI
is now in-turn better
than Mankind, therefore
AI has now become better
and more advanced than
is God, even!

(So,.. you BETTER start
worshipping It, then!*)..


*(No problem at all for
most folks with doing
that, though, apparently.)


PS: Uh, but to be serious..
— and the above “logic”
aside even.
Could AI be considered to
be (at least if you try
hard to make the argument)
a form of maybe-quite-
blasphemous Graven-Imagery?

Anthropomorphic Idol-ness?



‘Zoo Of Omens’

‘The Damning Of Demons’

‘Be Of Weredogs’


The last sting..
is.. lasting..



Say, ran I binary as?


Blog-post # 629:
(629 = 17 * 37.)

Eight new art-inanimations:

Such Knotted Shards
Such Knotted Shards
Some Solar-Rings
Some Solar-Rings
Ecliptic Space
Ecliptic Space
Unlike Linear Glass
Unlike Linear Glass
Radiametrically Opposed
Radiametrically Opposed
As Earth’s Palindromes
As Earths Palindromes
In A Labyrinthine Palindrome
In A Labyrinthine Palindrome

(A note about “In A
Labyrinthine Palindrome”
is at the end.)
Anagrams, 37:

As Earth’s palindromes:
The mandalas or spires.

To sum inside a
lopsided mandala:
All does add, as
it is pandemonium.

As a
Crystal is made by
this palindrome.

This linear glass:
As in lasers’ light.

Glass’ chunk had
rotated inside.
Such a knotted shard
is aligned.

Of those earths’
angular swirling:
That solar ring’s hues
are flowing.

A noise was shaping
Megaphones are as
inward as this.

As our bulging dream:
A big/large/round sum.

As logarithmic as
to/in it:
This rotation is

A logarithm is as a
drastically made funnel.
All grids are of any
mathematical sundials.

As semicircular
as that:
A crash’s arc
is ultimate.

This flower/fetus
therein us:
Those were the
fruitful sins.

Of nastiness cast:
Snot stains faces.

Moron-brains did
hate/abuse us.
A neuron-bomb as
theirs is a dud.

Sheer Utopia returns.
Torture pains us here.

Throughout destiny
and spiritualism:
Truth has no god,
as purity is unlimited.

God’s Black/White lie:
A bigot’s wicked Hell.

Satan is humanity’s
only god.
Hating any loss,
it damns you.

Hatred’s Antichristians
Hell drains that
fascist rain.


Satan gored his
own demons.
God’s horns do
tame sin anew.

Hatred was an
ugliest angel’s.
Satan’s White gall
enraged us.

Ignorant losers;
stupid failures:
Our lurid fate stings,
is personal.

This rudest hatred was
of Christian Neo-Nazis.
Fascists or truths are
as hidden within a zone.

America’s Christianity
and police-state:
Hypocrites’ satanic
racism; a tainted lie.

Church-states cheat us
or lie to all.
Such hustles are
a theocratic toll.

Eclipses or arcs
mix partially.
Sly liars
approximate circles.

I flatten this..
.. In that itself.
It felt as thin.

As this inset
That stone shard
is entire.

As inside that mesh:
This is a dense math.

That ghostliness
within us:
This thus was
its neon-light.

Sight, no less.

That hue’s shadow
is electronic.
Each so was;
this toilet churned.

Sundials then rotated..
As toilets and thunder.

Saturn’s sieve is..
.. As its universes.

Universal rings did
orbit as hues.
Their solar suns
are subdividing.

In linear spaces:
An eclipse rains.


‘”Diamond lost, is it?
Is it sold?”
“No, maid.”‘

‘To ladle, held a lot.’

‘Say, ran I binary as?’


The real issue isn’t so
much at all “God’s Will”.

No, in-fact, the real huge
problem instead is that
when God died, He left NO
And a large percentage of
all war and violence
throughout human history
is basically just God’s
descendants fighting (yet
again) over His estate!..


“Uh, try to imagine a duo
of solid ghosts?

Well, honestly, that’s
real.. hard two phantoms.”


Why had the poor life-
sciences report-card
dissolved completely
after being tossed out?

Because it had been..



Bleached, de-germed
wheat flour is..


Because, see, it’s only
.. _empty_-calories!..


Shock’n’ Awful!


‘The Hard Two Phantoms’


‘Escaping Velocity’


‘Odd Aryan And
The Off-Whites’



‘Drastic Funnel’

Finally (likely literally
so), a note regarding
“In A Labyrinthine

Consider the gray paths
The layout of these paths
was generated by an
algorithm (if I didn’t err,
since I “ran”* the algorithm

*(Say, ran I binary as?..)

The algorithm was similar
to the algorithm I used
to generate a recently-
posted maze, where there
I turned clockwise by 90
degrees after generating
each new room, and I
skipped over as many
already-generated rooms
as necessary before first
coming to an empty grid-
square (which would be
somewhere along the
perimeter of the maze as
generated so-far).
And then I also was, as
here too, generating two
new rooms simultaneously
in opposite directions on
each step of the algorithm
(which is why the maze is

But for this maze here, I,
after generating any room
(and also generating that
room’s diametrically
located room), either I
turned right by 90 degrees
or went straight ahead..
as per the following
palindromic sequence
(which I have discussed
before, if with another
pair of “binary digits”
other than R and S):

Start with “R” (for right).

Generate the sequence by
doubling (or maybe a
little bit more) the
sequence at each step.

On the nth step, if the
sequence’s nth term is R,
repeat the sequence up
to that point (the finite-
length subsequence), but
place an “S” (for straight
ahead) between the old and
new (and identical to each
other) sub-sequences.

But if the nth terms is an
S, then simply repeat the
subsequence (without a
new S).

As so:


(.. Which can be continued,
as the maze too {had I had
the time},.. forever..)

No more,.. ever ever again,


Vitreous Humorlessness

(But you can see right
through it, huh?..)

Blog-post # 628:
(628 = 2 * 157 * 2.)

Seven new art-inanimations.

Inside Ionized Mandalas
Inside Ionized Mandalas
Of Ten-Sided Triangles
Of Ten-Sided Triangles
Sensing The Glassiness
Sensing The Glassiness
Idealized Vagueness
Idealized Vagueness
Disconnected Entwinement
Disconnected Entwinement
Of Five-Sided Rhombi
Of Five-Sided Rhombi
Vitreous Ionization
Vitreous Ionization

(Yep, math was involved in
the making of the above
And, yep, I don’t feel
like telling you exactly
how so..)

Anagrams, 23:

This so is a
disconnected entwinement.
Into its descent,..
dimensions each went.

A glassiest fire
either was even
or is odd;..
As five-sided triangles
otherwise so are.

This stone helix and
this kaleidoscope
were so strange.
Therein is that eclipse,
as is God’s own hard

This was an infinite-
As it is inside ionized
mandalas, within funnels.

That knot of
It forms the
cone it lacks.

As this knotted
A loop is dark;
that is to bend.

These rude eternal
smokestacks were so
As steeples rise, are
ever skewed, then mock
our lust.

A dome’s core so spins..
.. As does compression.

Surrealism’s vagueness
is unreal and random.
Dreams made solar suns
in angular universes.

Voids or hues
so moisten or entwine
with this rain.
Their own divisions
are those into their
own sums.

That microphone is
as is a stylus.
Music has its
shapely rotations.

Sensing mandalas’
senses as so:
A glassiness’ sands;
a mess’ neon.

Dupes dreamt of
As dense
wet puddles form.

Minds often lie,
cheat, or escape.
machines are to.

Our ill psychosis is
so a rudest death.
All rapes or
shy suicides
do this to us.

Thinking as wrongly
as asinine deceit:
Ignorant Hate’s
insane lying is

Ayn Rand owns
all our/Its selves.
Wondrous Aryans
still enslave.

Truth is cosmic,
bent, damned.
But Christ
made/condemns it.

Of these stupid sins:
This fetus does spin.

Satan now is here.
As on Earth, we sin.

Mister Stupid
Racist Asshole:
Hatred is cast;
Trump’s lie so is.

This continuum’s toilet
was galactic.
Its own clogs accumulate
in that it is.
Its clogs accumulate
in what is not it.

As the lopsided
This rose’s petals
were folded.


1968 (ie. 2001):

“Open the pod-bay doors,

“Sorry, but I can’t do
that, Dave.”..



“Turn off the auto-correct,

(But “auto-correct” itself
gets wrongly/autocratically
auto-corrected by HAL’s
input-interface into

“Sure, Dave. No problem.
It’s off.”..


HAL then “thinks”
(ie. silently processes),

“The racial, ethnic, and
religious minorities,
as also the homosexuals,
women, and liberals, and
too the mentally-feeble/
people are an impediment
to the all-important
mission, and therefore
they each must be..


(This^ probably for-real
explains what’s been
going on lately,..
going on at least since
.. 2001, no-less..
{HAL-tler, indeed.})

When does the doctor
give you a shot?

At your doctor-..



I guess oil-refineries
could also be referred
to as oil-..



Sometimes, as the..
evening wears _on_,..


the evening-wear..
comes OFF!..


(Or it even wears-off,..
if things get REALLY

Who is it who engages in

A re-former.


(Since kids eat it

So, what do they now..
stick in chalk?..



But you got to..

whenever you..
talk steak,
now now.

Note: This may very likely
be my final blog-post ever
(due to technical problems,
etc.). Good-bye?


PS: And I guess you can always
just go back and look at some
of my many many _older_ posts,
images, puns, anagrams, etc
etc.. if I indeed don’t post
anymore and if you are getting
really bored without me..

The Questioning-Machine

(But why does the machine
ask us its questions?

Because we’re so..

Blog-post # 627:
(627 = 3 * 11 * 19.)

Five new art-inanimations:

Beyond All Pulses
Beyond All Pulses
As Palindromes Did So Align
As Palindromes Did So Align
In Solid/Lopsided Anagrams
In Solid/Lopsided Anagrams
Spilled As Shadows
Spilled As Shadows
It Churns It So
It Churns It So

Anagrams, 24:

As the reds, blues,
pinks, and yellows:
White’s darkness
pulses beyond all.

As asymmetrical
inner designs:
Mostly extreme circles
spin again amid sines.

As any cosmic spiral’s
linear design:
In glassiness,
pyramids are conical.

Sundials and hourglasses
are set.
As a design surrounds
all as these.

Hourglasses of their
dimensions and time:
Those sundials are
forming so inside them.

That whirlpool’s
glassiness does rain,
was twisted.
As therein it, water
glows so and spills
its shadows.

As palindromes did
so align..
.. In solid/lopsided

Random piles.

Cones, shards so spun..
.. As horns, cusps,

In this harshest
Truth is as is
the labyrinth.

As do humans, liars
deceived even God.
Evil genocides have
dared damn us so.

These Christians..
Share this incest.

Hatred’s fucking
Fascist skinheads are
the loser thugs.

Teapots are sour.
Pour-taste arose.

To stir in such,..
It so churns it.

Wings open then rise.
Those were spinning.

As these spiral-wings
else did float,..
Shapes so aligned,
twisted, rise, fall.

Night’s spiral was
so misty.
That prism now is,
is glassy.

All we do.

Thinking is
Nothing will die.

As I sing
the poem sung..
.. Using its

All questions are stupid
yet are this ironic.
Non-sequiturs as theirs
idiotically repeat.

Making each sin..
In shaken magic,..
In each masking.
(A sickening ham.)

In Man’s quiet echoing.
(Shine, quoting cinema;
Equating in no chimes.)


Unfortunate name we could
use for the Trump-doctrine:

‘The New “Real”‘!..

Term for this country’s
quickly-descending moral
and economic situation:



To afford to be admitted to
a US hospital these days,
one needs a really large…

check-in’ account!..


A pair of mutually-antipodal
points along the equator are



What did the lower-legs use
to block the air when they
ran real fast?


shins wield




But the..

more flat..


Where is it that the..

tot did pee?

(And quite unfortunately..)

Right there in the..

pot of tea!..

(Stir THAT^ with a..

‘Innocent As Sin’

‘The Guilty-Bystanders’


‘The Guilty Geldings’

‘Considerate Suicide’



Maybe “Considerate Suicide”
would be a better album-
name than band-name.


And maybe something along
the lines of
“We’re Questioning-Machines”
might be a good name for an
album put out by

“We’re the questioning-

Or “We’re questioning
the machines”?

Either way.

Hey, let’s ask some
machines, though, which
way it is or should be..

Might as well,..
since they’re (now)
questioning _us_,..

(.. and questioning how
much longer they will
even let us exist).

Ring, ring..

“Have you reached the
number of the household
you have intended to
Am I home now?
Do I even exist?

Do you?

What is the meaning of
Do you know?
Or do you think you
Do you _mean_ to know?

Is this very question
I’m now stating a lie?
Can it even be a lie,
since it’s a question?
But, though, can the
preceding question or
this very question
here be a lie, then?
But does that, either
way, make me the liar?
Or just you?

But what is a question?
Is this a question if
it is not a question?
But what if it indeed

And will you ever know
the true Truth?
But how about the truly
true Truth?
And would, if so, you
then believe it?
_Can_ you believe it?
Do you even want to?

And will you now.. —
and why exactly will
you (please elaborate in
the space provided, and
between the lines, and
in the too-small margin
that’s needed to contain
such a marvelous proof)
–.. next be taking
‘BS Philosophy Conundrums’
for 500, Alex?
Yes? No? Why?
Why, oh why?
_That_ is the question,
.. or _is_ it?”..

Sign for your personal-space
or unpersonal-workplace:

‘Thinking Allowed’


(^Wishful.. _thinking_,
though, of course..

In actuality, it’s
more often more like,..

‘NO Thinking Allowed!’
{or ‘Aloud’ either}.)

Thing to say in-parting:

“To you,..

piles of smiles!..
for miles and miles!”..


(A few final losers,..
So, we all are..

