Category Archives: Uncategorized


(^Below-ing it all to Hell..)

Blog-post # 606:
(606 = 101 * 2 * 3.)

Four new art-inanimations:

Of A Slender Roundness
Of A Slender Roundness
It Is Multidimensional Light
It Is Multidimensional Light
Sliced As Universes
Sliced As Universes

Anagrams, 15:

Ice severs sundials,..
Sliced as universes.

Helical fire
are set to fall.

It is
Illuminating this
solid time.

Wide lengths have
solely been circular.
The curves also were
helically bending.

Of a slender
As funnels
do so render.

rotated lines
align into their
These gigantic
solar knots rise.

Sundials, orbs, a ring,
and pegs become obscene.
Gnomons ascended, are
piercing bubbles as so.

Fetus as psychotic:
Of such caste’s pity.

of Satan did hate.
Their treason damned

Egg’s yolk, eye’s
iris, Nazis:
Like as ogres
in syzygies.

We are
were as sticky.

The X-mas tree is..
As this extreme.

These do align,
are torn.

eyes/dreams twist.
Any was therein
lopsided symmetries.

Dreams have
odd circumferences.


Sweet alcoholic drinks
in-particular have been
known to.. SPIKE people’s


Hey, you know what it is
that’s under-construction?..

A new building’s BASEMENT!..

(Yuck, yuck..)

Just how large is a titan who
is 1000 times larger than a
merely _gigantic_ giant?

He’s TERA-NTIC, of course!..


The Republican party may have
themselves some tiny hands..

Though they indeed sure have
themselves some BIG-GUTS,

(As we’ve now been made damn
aware even more so than ever



‘Ogres In Syzygies’

(Warning: Dirty.)

You know why that stripper
differs from a hit-song?

Because she, however though,
.. has a really good dance
.. that’s easy to beat to!..

(Warning: Even dirtier.)

Hey, you hear about that

Yeah, she does everything..

(Speaking of butts..)

Satirical headline:

‘President Trump Shares
Online-Video of Himself
Being a Moronic Racist
Fascist Ass’


Article excerpt:

‘Along with the video,
the president provided this
comment: “Look! Look Muslims
be SO bad! BAD!”, a comment
which was in-fact a perhaps-
intended racist-dogwhistle

In essence, experts agree,
His comment can likely be
interpreted as being
in-actuality an affirmative
statement meaning,
“Look! Look Me, everybody!
Me be Mr Stupid-Psycho
Racist-Nazi Poopy-Pants!
See Me be Mr Stinky-Kinky
Pig-Shit! See! See!”

It seems this is only one
of the more recent of many
such examples of President
Trump yet again voluntarily
providing the public with an
honest assessment of His own
state-of-mind and lack of
fitness for holding any form
of office at all, let alone
the office of US president.

Unfortunately, though, it
seems He is far more proud of
His own overall ineptitude,
and is thusly far more honest
and forthcoming about it,
than He is in-regards to,
say, His own tax-returns.’

Seriously, though..

Well, it’s sure enlightened,
good, and relatively PC that
we non-Muslims might ever
at-least sometimes make the
distinction at all between
the ordinary mild-mannered
Muslims and those dastardly
so-called “radical Muslims”
or “extremist Muslims”, the
extremist/radical Muslims
being the only specific
type of Muslims who are the
terrorists (which we more
liberal non-Muslims claim
to believe in our hearts
is so).

(But never mind that in
actual practice, many
non-Muslims often/always
think of ALL Muslims as
being evil terrorists.)

Though to be even more PC
about it, or it would so
seem to me, we non-Muslims
should furthermore realize
that, in the literal sense,
the terrorists are not at
all the extremist/radical
Muslims, in-fact, but would
more correctly be referred
to instead as the radical/
extremist ANTI-Muslims.

While, also in the literal
sense, the extremist/
radical Muslims would be
those Muslims who in-fact
are peaceful and are MORE
so Islamic and who are
LESS so hypocritical about
their proclaimed religion.

Or in other words, the
extremist/radical Muslims
would, literally, be the
very Muslims who in-fact
live the MOST by the
“Religion of Peace” dogma,
not at all the ones who
live the _least_ by it.

And the same goes with
other religions too, by
the way.
We shouldn’t be referring
to any White-Supremacist
“Christian” terrorist as
an “extremist Christian”
or a “radical Christian”
as much as he should be
instead referred to as a
“radical ANTI-Christian”
or referred to as an
“extremist Anti-Christian”.

in the literal sense, the
TRULY radical/extremist
Christians (and radical/
extremist Muslims too,
for that matter) would be
the ones who help the poor
and who do other good
charity-works,.. the ones
who care for the world
and for their fellow
human-beings, and the
ones who work FOR peace,..

.. and who are NOT the exact
opposite of any of that.


And those asshole “Christians”
who actually WANT the End-Of-
The-World to come about —
and who may even affirmatively
attempt to make it happen
(which would obviously really
ANGER God instead of pleasing
Him at all, thus damning any
such Christians to Hell) —
should realize that the End,
even if it indeed aligns with
what has been predicted in the
Bible, won’t necessarily work
out so well at all for them.

Maybe, as a possibility, the
Antichrist is actually these
Christian’s own favorite guy,
even, President DJ Trump.
(As shocking as that would
be, I know..)

And maybe too, perhaps the
Bible’s reference to Christ
finally defeating Satan and
then throwing Satan in a
Lake Of Fire for 1000 years..
is actually about how the
United States homeland will
become that Lake Of Fire in
which the Antichrist is cast,
.. right after Kim Jung-un,
say, sends his nukes our way.

And Kim has indeed literally
warned as much about the US
homeland becoming a Lake Of
(Kim, the devout Christian
he is, must be reading his
Bible, therefore!..)

And indeed, at least one
part of this interpretation
of Revelation, the part about
President Trump in-fact being
the Antichrist, seems to me
to VERY likely actually be
quite true, if it’s given
that we’re going to believe
in the first place that the
Bible is in any way even
at all actually true.

Although,.. the truth or
falsity of the Bible aside,
I REALLY HOPE that at least
that Lake Of Fire does not
turn out to be absolutely
anywhere at all upon the
surface of the Earth!

More mundane, but still

Regarding the tax-bill:

Tiny Tim is thus about to
get even much tinier!..

But, see, President SKKKrooge
and His KKKronies, with Their
insatiable appetite for
human-flesh, need even more
and more and even MORE of
that tiny tender flesh to
feast greedily upon, though..

Robbing from the poor, giving
to the ultra-ULTRA wealthy..

How utterly DAMN Dickensian!

But now such treasonous
crimes-against-humanity have
become even more obscene than
ever before, and have become
even more sinister than
anything from Charles Dickens’
worst nightmares.

And, hey, so it’s sure fitting,
then, that Republicans hope to
have the bill completely
finalized and passed and
signed by President SKKKrooge
Himself into law by..


Or by ANTIchristian Christmas,
to be more exact.

Merry ANTI-Christmas!

God DAMN us, every one!

(.. Every one of the poor and
middle class and even the sort
of rich — but the super
ultra-rich will be blessed
just fine, though.
Because, hey, They’ve got
The Donald-Devil on Their
side. Thus, They’re WINNERS!)

And, hey, we can bet that even
Jesus Christ Himself would now
be just SO DAMN proud of the
GOP, ie. of God’s Only Party,
more proud than even ever

What God-Damn GALL!

Sickeningly Dickensian,
to put it way too nicely.


So then, in-fact, a rising
tsunami, as we’ll soon find
out, raises ONLY all the
super-sized obscenely-
luxurious luxury yachts!..
That’s what’s important!..
Solely the all-important
elevation of the most
super-sized and luxurious
of luxury yachts!)

While all other boats in
this in-fact not-so-safe
harbor (called “America”),..
especially we humblest of
dingy dinghies,.. will
very soon be overturned,
be smashed hard, then be
submerged, and all of us
finally drowned completely
to literal death, though,
by this glorious tsunami.
And then, to-BOOT, hey, we
non-super-rich will then
probably all go to Hell too
just (and justly) for being
such LOSERS, I guess.

It honestly does seem that
GOD is not at all on
anyone’s side but the side
of the most vile amongst us.

Turns out — regarding the
tax-bill and a HELL lot else
— that sneaKKKy shenanigans
have been afoot*, carried out
by those nefariously Monsters
who in-fact have been in-
control of our destinies
(and thusly too, have been
in-control of what is now
turning out to be our LACK
of destinies)..


*(.. Or something’s been..
more like it..)


And as the horrors of the
GW Bush years now fade from
our memory, since even worse
atrocities face most of us
now these days,..

Millennials and other idiots
“Uhh,.. what’s an Peach-Mint?
And what’s a Blood-Four-Oil?
Or was it a Blonde For-Real?
Blah-ed Air-foil? Is it like
that Elizabeth Warren-Terror?
Or that War-Base Dawn-Lies* I
might have once heard about
on social-media?”..
*(“All your war-bases are
belong to Dawn-Lies!”..)

The clueless Millennial then
texts you the possibilities
above to choose from, and
provides no others, to your
“smart”-phone in his never-
fulfilled quest to maybe
understand at all the
mysterious Bush-years he
had once maybe read about
online, sending his list’s
items along with little
bubbles next to the
possibilities you have to
choose from, where exactly
one of the bubbles you must
then fill in {and do so
legibly by using a number-2
_something_, if not anymore
these days by using a
number-2 pencil}, a la

.. As this is the only way
Millennials can comprehend
your reply even at all..

(No thinking outside-the-
bubbles for them!..
Oh, no.
Hey, thinking outside-the-
anything-at-all {or even
inside it} wasn’t ever on
the standardized-tests,

Choose one and only one:

1) All-Of-The-Above
2) Leroy
3) One-Of-The-Above
4) Some-Of-The-Middle
5) None-Of-The-Below

Get-Set Era, Etcetera

Lots to get-set for..
in this get-set,
jet-set head-set,
and etcetera.. era..

Blog-post # 605:
(605 = 11 * 5 * 11.)

Six new art-inanimations:
(Or more so 5 and a half,
or 4 and 2 halves, or even
only 3 and 3 halves, if
you prefer.)

Tie Solidness’ End.
I Lose It
Tie Solidness End - I Lose It
As Syzygies As
Infinite As Parallax
As Syzygies As Infinite As Parallax
All Is Seen To Overlap
All Is Seen To Overlap
Diametrically As Similar
Diametrically As Similar
Similarly As Diametrical
Similarly As Diametrical
All Is Asymmetrical
All Is Asymmetrical Radi-Eye

(The bottom image, which is
more so geometry than art,
is discussed at the end of
today’s post.)

(And the image “Similarly As
Diametrical” was inspired by
some simple math, too.
But I’m not in the mood to
discuss that math.)

Anagrams, 29:

Our telescopes cast
illumination on the
distance’s stars,..
.. To shine unto
celestial space, as to
transcend limits or us.

Syzygies’ rays form
as infinite parallax.
Any galaxy’s
misty spiral is
a frozen fire.

as similar:
All is
asymmetrical radii.

A stripe does tie.
It so is repeated.

A tangle is..
As gelatin.

Brain-cells ooze..
Loco zebra-lines.

Rainbows’ Zen:
In zebras’ own.

Unicorns exist..
In toxins’ curse.

In our clocks and
either blurs or
Such sundials
bore their own
dark colors.

and gnomons:
As neon masking
coded loops.

Such hexagonal
permutations of
any integers:
As unto energy,
as unto each thing
as plexiform.

Ellipses are not oval.
All is seen to overlap.

Ellipses are oval.
All I see overlaps.

The irises or eyes
have seen and
They are upon radii
else inside

Beyond reality
is surrealism.
Our silly
dream it.

A bee drifts..
As bird-feet.

Be adrift as..
A bird’s fate.

Mark of the Beast:..
Makes fate throb.

Stigmata of Christ:
To rig that fascism.

Our stigmata of Christ:
Trust faith or magic so.

Stigmata, each ugly:
A huge mystical tag.

God is damned to Hell.
All the demons did go.

Our fascism in us:
As ruin is of scum.

In our fascism:
Rain is of scum.
Ruin is of scam.

Cast as asinine shit:
Hate’s sin is satanic.

Satanic is war
or mass-killers.
All was as sick
as in terrorism.

In Hell’s fire..
instead above Earth:
Both it and Heaven
arise, fell, rise.

.. Go to cynical Hell.

The stomach is us.
This eats so much.


‘Man, I again am.’

‘Tie solidness’ end.
I lose it.’

‘On a clove, rock-core,

‘On a clove, rift,
fire, volcano.’

‘Sad egg,
a lava lagged as.’

‘Sad egg, I rigged as.’

‘Sin amoral, a Roman is.’

‘Red/nice cinder.’

‘No, it A.I.,
dark radiation.’



A happy belated
Resentments-having Day!

Resentments-having Day:
The next day after
Thanksgiving Day.

And, for one thing,
I am resentful that I
didn’t post this on
that day itself.

But whatever. Now is
still part of the
Day season, anyway..


“The Thanksgiving/
Resentment Day season?
Uh, what’s that?!”


Speaking of things to
be resentful for..

Quite appropriate was the
color of the Trump-campaign
official baseball cap, huh?

Yes, quite the..
hat-red, indeed..

(Warning: More politics.
Potentially offensive.)

What must be the “joke”
in the male-dominated

“But LIBERAL men (such
emasculated nauseatingly
hyper-PC women-respecting
men, they are), however
though,.. are all a bunch

p*ssies being led
around by their women!”..

({Also not funny..}
“And, hey, it’s LIBERAL
men, see, who are the
men who are going around
assaulting women.
Only liberal men do that
see. Liberals do.
Yep, only liberals.”..)


But when it comes to how many
(most? all?) men view their
personal sexual-entitlement,

hey, all the world is
(to please) our oysters!..


Republican politicians these
days are serious junkies.



“Use seething’s insight.”

“But I don’t see things
incite, though.”

(“Uh,.. and you don’t hear
things too well either.”

“Not if they’re insightful
.. or make me seethe.”

“Fair enough.”)


“Hey, you poor person who
can’t even afford clothing.
Would you rather wear a
barrel.. or bare-all?”

“Huh?.. Oh, whatever the
bear-owl is wearing,
I suppose.”..

(Some geometry!..)

Regarding the bottom
image above:

Take two identically-sized
circles each of a diameter
greater than 1, and intersect
them, as per the image, so
that their centers both lie
on the y-axis of a cartesian
graph, and so that the top of
one circle lies on (x,y) =
(0,1), and the bottom of the
other circle lies on (x,y) =

(Though, the circles do not
necessarily need to pass
through each other’s centers
as the two larger circles in
my image do.)

The intersection of the two
circles should then be an
eye/football-shaped region.

Next, draw a straight line, as
per the red/blue lines of my
image, at any angle you choose
from the very center of this
eye to the circumference of
the outermost circle your line
comes to.

Now, measure the length from
the eye’s center to the
innermost circle your line
intersects, and also measure
the length along the same line
from the eye’s center to the
outermost circle.

And if you multiply these two
lengths (which are both less
than or equal to 1) together,..

then, and no matter the
direction of your line or how
big the circles are or how
they overlap (but as per the
restrictions I have already

you should get a constant
(the same value no matter what
is the angle your line is
tilted at) which just happens
to equal..


the radius of the eye’s iris.
(The yellow line in my image.)

(Or in other words, if the
center of the eye is considered
the polar-graph origin, and the
top of the top circle and bottom
of the bottom circle are both
considered to be at a distance
of 1 from the origin {and of 2
from each other}, and the polar
function of the top circle is
r = t(theta), and the function
of the bottom circle is
r = b(theta)
{with both functions being a bit
complicated because the circles
are not centered at the origin},

r = t(theta) * b(theta)

equals a constant value for all
thetas; and, too,
r = t(theta) * b(theta) happens
to be the polar-plot of the
circle that represents the
eye’s iris’ outer edge.)


The distance from the eye’s
center to the leftmost or
rightmost pointy corner of the
eye-opening is the square-root
of the iris’ radius.
(Because the two large similar
circles intersect at the pointy

Or, in other words, the square
of the width of the eye-opening
(the width of the football as
measured between its pointy
corners) is twice the diameter
of the iris.

(Note: The product of these two
multiplied distances is less
than either because they both
are less than 1. {Unless the
line goes either straight up or
down, in which case one of the
distances equals 1.})



Knotted Chants Inhale

(^But, hey, why not
go for it anyway?..)

Blog-post # 604:
(604 = 2 * 151 * 2.)

Four (and two halves)
new art-inanimations:
(Each of these today is
in black-and-white, or, as
I prefer to refer to it,
they’re each composed of..

Black Iris
Black Iris
Bleak Clarity
Bleak Clarity
Spun, As Knotted
Spun As Knotted

(Now, for some math-imagery
and related maze-fun; and
then, below this, are the
anagrams and all the rest
of that non-math fun.)

Regarding the game from
my most recent post:

I was wondering what the type
of path might be, for an
n-by-n grid of any particular
n, that (under the rules,..
but yet irrespective of how
players would likely actually
play in their effort to win
over each other) has the most
possible intersections of the
loop with itself.

As per the rules, the path
of the loop must turn
perpendicularly twice and
only twice in each column and
must turn perpendicularly
twice and only twice in each
row, before finally returning
to its starting point..

The best I have been able to
do is a path that meanders as
(This example is for a 25-by-25

Knotted Game

But can you improve upon my..

My meander-manner gives
(I think!) 287 intersections,
which “only” is under half of
the number of intersections
of a 25-by-25 grid’s rows
intersecting with its columns
(which is 25^2 = 625
column/row intersections).

(But if we do not count the
squares of the grid that lie
around its edge, since no
loop-intersections would be
possible there anyway, then
287 is just a little more
than half of 23^2 = 529,
which is the number of
non-edge squares of the
25-by-25 grid.)


But, for fun, though..

Here is a maze I made from
the meander-manner image:
(Go from the top to the
bottom, of course.)


(This maze is harder than
it may look.)
Anagrams (14):

Light’s colors/hues/auras:
This carousel/hourglass.

As energies are to
form this design..
In the fire, rain,
atoms, eggs, or seeds.

As this ultimate universe:
Time ever has its nautilus.

As spirals were knotted:
We are to split darkness.
Its darker plot was seen,
Else a spark, twist,
or end.

A labyrinth as it
then knotted.
That is torn, thin,
and yet bleak.

Bleak clarity shines
or is seen..
In the solar

The solar irises
yet sum..
.. To this eye’s

Stains or fun.
(Stir as no fun.)

Strains of sin.
(Stir of/sans/in,..
For stain’s sin.)

Rotten fish-uvula:
Net via hot sulfur.

Less rotationally so:
As, too, a nostril yells.

Shit dreams of toilets.
Hate’s form is so tilted.

Rest In Violence:
Evil’s entire con.

Any rapist is filth.
His tiny part fails.


Spun, as knotted,..
none as spotted.


What should you undergo if
your blood is too purple,
and so it needs more red

A.. trans-fuchsia-n,
of course!..


Ooohhh, alas,.. what would
the world had otherwise
been like..

if, instead, Donald Trump
had simply been accepted
into con-art school?..

Political cartoon:

Jesus Christ Himself, while
bearing His cross and with
His head held low in shame,
is walking away from the
gate of Heaven, having just
been dethroned and ousted.

He walks past a passerby
holding a newspaper, the
front-page headline about
recent sexual-misconduct

And the passerby goes
You too, even?!”..


But the cross we men bear,
like too is that troublesome
monkey, is, in-fact, not so
much borne on our backs..

as it is so in our pants..

Not-so-political (but
not-so-funny either)
political cartoon:

On the left side of the frame
above the caption “Mouse-Trap”
is an image of a mouse-trap,
with the food sitting on the
trigger on its left side, and
with the deadly spring-loaded
mechanism on the trap’s right

And on the right side of the
frame above the caption
“Human-Trap” is a similar
set-up as in the mouse-trap,
with a plate of food sitting
on the trigger on the trap’s
left side, but with the
mechanism on its right side
connected to one of those
upright scales (like those
at the doctor’s office).

And finally, another game:
(Sort-of, since both the game
itself and my explanation
below of it still need lots
of work.)

Warning: Math.

For two players.
Start by drawing an n-by-n grid,
but where n (I suggest) is not
too large.
(Maybe n = 3 for beginners, for
a 9-square grid.)

First, both players take-turns
writing the integers 0 through
(n^2 -1), in order, into
different squares of the grid as
they choose.
Player-1 writes the odd integers,
starting at 1, then 3, then 5..
And player-2 writes the even
integers, starting at 0, then 2,
then 4,..

Then, one of the players forms a
list of n^2 rows on a piece of
lined paper, with the integers 0
through (n^2 -1) labeling the
rows, and where each row to the
right of its integer is blank
(This step can instead be done
before filling in the grid with
numbers if the players choose.)

Each player keeps a tally of their
own score and of the numbers of
the grid they each themselves have
visited so far in the following
part of the game.
A grid-number is appended to a
player’s list only the first time
he/she lands on its square (after
having left another square).

I suggest that the players use
token-pieces to show which squares
they each are on at the time.
They at least should write down
the number of whichever square
they are currently on.

The players start in opposite
corners of the grid, player-1 in
the upper-left square, and player-2
in the lower-right square.

The numbers in a player’s starting
square is NOT included (at first)
in his/her number-visitation list..
unless he/she returns to it later
in the game.

A player can only move straight up
or down or left or right on her/his
(And no standing still on the same
square. Players must move at least
one square.)

If a player moves to a square with
a number that does not yet have an
entry under that integer in the
list, then this player must make-up
a math rule (a function of x and/or
y that is equal to z), a function/
rule such that, when plugging-in x
(her/his score so far in the game)
and/or plugging-in y (the sum of the
unique integers she/he has visited
so far in the game {other than
her/his starting square’s integer if
she/he has not yet returned to it}),
she/he gets an integer z which has a
remainder, when z is divided by n^2,
that necessarily equals the integer
in the grid-square she/he has just
landed upon.
And then she/he writes down this
math rule on the list at entry-
number-(the number she/he has just
landed upon).
And a unique mark or pen/pencil-color
is used to indicate which player came
up with that particular rule.

And if a player lands on a square
associated with a number that already
has a rule, then, no matter which
player invented the rule, the number
of that square he/she has just landed
upon must equal the remainder when z,
as per the player’s own x and y at
the time, is divided by n^2.

A player gets 1 added to his/her score
x whenever landing FOR THE FIRST TIME
on a square with a number that already
is associated with a rule that was
invented by his/her opponent.
(Players can visit any square as often
as they wish. But their scores only
increase upon the _first_ time they
arrive on a square, and only if the
rule associated with that square’s
number was invented by the player’s

The game continues until one player
cannot move anymore.
A player must move if it is possible
to do so.
(It may be disadvantageous in some
cases to be able to move if you are
ahead, since then the game would not
end there, and your opponent would
maybe be able to move too; and he/she
could thus end up getting some points
he/she wouldn’t otherwise have scored.
So, players are allowed to “helpfully”
point out to their opponents where
their opponents can still move, if
the opponents are wrongly insisting
they cannot move anywhere..)

The player with the largest score x,
at game’s end when either player
cannot move anymore, is the winner.


As for the math-rules, they must output
a finite integer z that is greater-than
or equal-to 0.

And the rules must be able to produce
a result for any possible integers x
and/or y that might be inputted into

And they need not involve BOTH x and y.
Though they do indeed at least need to
involve x or y.

But they don’t necessarily need to be
math-functions in the strictest and
most conventional sense.

They might be, for example, something

z = the largest prime dividing
x*y/(x+y+1) rounded up to the nearest
but z = 0 if x and/or y = 0,
or z = 1 if x*y/(x+y+1) is 1 or less
(but greater than 0).

(The +1 in the denominator (x+y+1)
is needed because x+y might equal 0.

And the last conditional is needed
because 1 is not considered to
be a prime.)

Players are allowed to be creative
when inventing rules, just as long,
of course, as the rules themselves..
follow the rules.



The Sight Of One Eye Crossing

Blog-post # 603:
(603 = 3 * 67 * 3.)

Two art-inanimations:
(And a half.)

Always Proximate Unless Entire
Always Proximate Unless Entire
Cross-Eyed Cyclops
Cross-Eyed Cyclops

(Sorry that these two images
are nowhere near good enough
to possibly be the final
images I ever make/post.
But if you and the internet
survive the soon-coming
holocaust, though, then
please go back and look at
at least some of my earlier
images/posts that you haven’t
yet seen..)
Anagrams, 17:

A cyclops uses this one eye
only towards its selves.
Such so sees and yet solely
saw introspectively so.

Knives as they are
themselves sliced.
These may have nicked
steel’s slivers.

A fascist was rude;
all is our sick emptiness.
Masses still are crucified
upon swastikas.

nasty asininity:
Any racist insanity
is mean.

hateful Antichrist:
Cheating satanic shit
of firm lies/slurs.

A rage’s fist hits/rapes.
As its fire/hate grasps.

Nuclear? Or tea-time?

As urinal-stains:
Anal rust is a sin.

That system has its
complicated eye.
The tame cyclops is
as this yet tamed.

Magic/solar/neon holes:
Helical gnomons are so.

Ash’s fire.

A gel grips.

Symmetries as they
do knot as it.
Any shattered/misty
smoke is to.

Hovering verticals:
The arc is revolving.

Many points

Into an overlapped nexus:
As exponential/unproved.

Always proximate,
unless entire:
Surrealism was yet


“Rob all labor.”

“Are poem, a game,

“No, it a mix or

“For, oral operas
are polar or of?”

“No, it never.


What do rock-n’rollin’
farmers like to do?

Turnip the beet!..


Chain-smokers tend to smoke
their cigarettes..



Which type of standup comic
has middle-of-the-road

A.. co-MEDIAN, of course!..


“So, I take it, then,..
that you’re not going to
just give it to me of your
own free-will.”..


“Wow, inflation sure has
risen lately by a huge

Political “humor”.
More than a bit dark.)

Hey, Donald Trump would’ve
done twice as well in the
2016 election than he did
if half his base was not
in prison at the time for
having killed innocent
Black people!..

(But the other half are
cops, though..)..


Thing a defensive President
Trump or Jeff Sessions,
et al, could say
(à la Bill Clinton),..

“It depends on where the
definition of ‘lie’ lies.”!..


And regarding Jeff Sessions
(Suck-tions) having problems
with his ability to remember:..

Uhh,.. some (hypercritical)
smokey-tokey been goin’ on!?..

“I thought at first those
RusKKKies were a great
bunch of guys…
.. until I realized their
weed’s total shit.”..


So-called ‘trickle-down’


Tricks kill the down..


Ash is fire..
fascists’ ire.

(^Born with an ire-n spoon
in their mouths, indeed..*)


*Though, those who were NOT
born with a silver-spoon in
their mouths are thus forced
instead to eat with an..
I-earn spoon..
(If they are allowed even


What thing is stolen
whenever it’s bought?




(And too, but even much
less funny, two more
possible answers:

1) A slave’s freedom.
2) A girl’s virginity.)

Finally: 2 games.

Game 1:

For 2 players, each with a
different colored pen/pencil.

There are an even number of
rounds, with each player
playing offense during half
of the rounds and playing
defense during the other

Start each round by drawing an
n-by-n grid, for some positive
integer n of the players’

The round’s play begins with
the offense-player filling in
any one of the grid’s squares.

Thereafter, the defense-player
on each of his/her moves
fills-in any empty square (using
his/her color) that is directly
to the right or left of the
square most-recently filled-in
by the offense-player, but such
that the defense-player’s newly
filled-in square is the only
filled-in square (of either
color) so far in its column.

And thereafter, the offense-player
on her/his moves fills-in any
empty square (using her/his color)
that is directly above or below
the square most-recently filled-in
by the defense-player, but such
that the offense-player’s newly
filled-in square (of either color)
is the only filled-in square so
far in its row.

Continue until both players have
filled-in n squares each.

And finally — and this should be
possible if no one messed up —
connect each filled-in square to
the next by drawing straight
vertical and horizontal line-
segments so as to form a closed
loop of connected segments.
The path of connected segments
will bend at each of (and only at)
the filled-in squares, turning
perpendicularly at any square from
either vertical to horizontal or
from horizontal to vertical; and
then it will return back to the
square you began drawing the loop

The path is indeed allowed to
cross itself. (And it will only
ever do so at empty squares.)

And the offense-player of any
particular round gets added to
his/her grand-score the number
of times the loop crosses itself
in that round.

(It doesn’t matter if players
count each crossing once {for the
number of crossings per-se} or
count each crossing as two points
{for the number of times per-se
that the loop crosses itself if
you were to trace your finger
around it}. Whichever way is fine
just as long as scoring is
consistent throughout the game
and is done the same way for both

And here is a sample round:
(“Played” without strategy.)

One Path Crossing:
One Path Crossing

The number of crossings (the
lightest squares) here is three
(and so the number of times the
path crosses itself is 6).

The yellow represents the
“line”-segments that connect
the filled-in squares (which
are represented here either as
pink or cyan, depending upon
which player filled each in).

(I apologize that it is
somewhat difficult to discern
from my graphic the route the
loop takes.
Though there is actually no
ambiguity, since the particular
pink/cyan square arrangement
leads to only one possible path
for the loop.)


Game 2:

(I had another game I have
wanted to post today.
But that game will have to
wait until next week,..
if, hopefully so, there
EVEN WILL BE a next week..)

And so, FINALLY,..
my game-2 for this week
will have to instead be..


Re: An anagram above:
Nuclear? Or tea-time?

Oh, about that..

An idea to maybe literally
save the world:

Instead of giving the US
President the sole authority
to launch America’s nuclear-
weapons, which does not at
this time seem anymore to
have been too wise at all a
protocol to have established,

I propose the following

A large group of Americans,
maybe even well over 100,
is established.
This group is made up of
citizens, academics,
congress-members, maybe
members of the President’s
cabinet, etcetera, etcetera.
(And they may each have to
spend an afternoon or
something receiving some
sort of secret training
about their very important

But it is key that their
exact IDs and whereabouts
are not known to anyone
other than to themselves,
not even known by the US
President himself, let
alone by any enemy-nations’
leaders or militaries.

Though it would be best
that the existence of this
protocol I’ll describe be
openly revealed to the
rest of the world.*
(See footnote below.)

And each member of this
group is assigned the
personal responsibility
of MAYBE having a say in..

the launch..

If there is ever a “need”
to launch — ie. the US
President has first pressed
his own button — then a
computer at that time would
randomly-select from amongst
the group’s members (from
all of the members who
happen at the time to be
within secure communication-
range — and each could
possibly be anywhere in the
world) which specific member
will be the 2nd authorization
needed to launch.

And it is important that no
one, not even the US president
or (maybe) even this person
themselves, know at the time
who the second key person
happens to be.

Everyone in the group will
receive the message asking to
authorize, and each group-
member must personally decide
whether to launch or to not
launch, and (maybe) without
even they themselves knowing if
their own button-push will
actually make a difference
either way or will not.

(Though, maybe they could indeed
be notified at the time.
The secrecy regarding exactly who
is the second-authorization is to
mostly only prevent interference
with their decision from outside
forces. So, it might then be best
— if our country’s goal is, for
some reason, to err on the side
of NOT launching — that the 2nd-
authorization person is personally
made aware at the time of how
important their decision will be.
Or otherwise the key person might
think, especially if they are
drunk or something at the time,
“Oh whatever. There’s only a 1%
chance I’m the one. So, then,
I’ll push-away!.. Whoooheee!”..)

But BOTH the President AND this
secret-person need to authorize,
it is really very.. key.

And maybe it would be even better
to require more than simply just
one secret-person to authorize
along with the President himself.
A voting system, perhaps, where
a majority of a randomly-picked
subset of the group’s members
must authorize, might be
Or maybe even every single member
of a randomly-picked subset must
all unanimously agree to launch.
(And only a secretly/randomly-
chosen subset has an input instead
of every group-member so to help
dissuade outside interference or
personal/family retaliation after
the fact {if anyone is even still
alive after the fact, that is..}.)

But, hey, if we actually make it
HARDER to launch our nukes, though,
.. then our nukes would maybe
NEVER ever get launched, though..

And why then do we even have
them in the first place if we
don’t want to actually ever USE
them, huh!?.. Geesh!


*(Regarding making the
protocol itself public
{if not who exactly is the
second-key person}:

We would not want Putin or
Kim, say, thinking that they
simply just need to nuke
Washington DC, say, so as
to kill the US President and
consequently too to prevent
a US retaliatory strike.
{It is not at all to our own
advantage that they be wrong,
in other words.}

This system would be akin to
the nuclear-subs we have now,
since the subs’ deterrence
in-large-part derives from
their secret always-changing
But in my system, those who
authorize the nukes’ launch,
rather than the nukes
themselves, are what it is
that is located in secret
always-changing locations.

{And, hey, any other nations
too, enemy or ally, would be
absolutely free to also set
up such a {more so than what
we have now}-fail-safe system.
_I’m_ sure not going to try
to stop them from setting it
Hey, because, for _everyone_,
it could end up being a..
live-live situation!..})



Ode, Us, Mopper, And I

(^The modus-operandi
of that spoon..)

Blog-post # 602:
(602 = 2 * 7 * 43.)

Four (and a half) new art

Meaninglessness’ Glassiness
Meaninglessness Glassiness
An Even-Sided Tridecagon
An Even-Sided Tridecagon
Modus Pseudo-Operandom
Modus Pseudo-Operandom
Sand Of Truth
Sand Of Truth

Image notes:
(And then the anagrams,
jokes, and other
less-mathy etceteras
are below all this.)

“An Even-Sided Tridecagon”:

The number of largest-sized
squares in the image’s upper-
left equals the number in its
lower right, 13.

I based the image on the fact
— but then took some obvious
liberties beyond that —
that 13 equals both
1*1 + 2*3 + 3*2
1*2 + 2*1 + 3*3.

(And as too is obvious, but
should be noted:
The set of first integers in
each of the three summands
of both sums is {1, 2, 3}.
And the set of latter integers
is {1, 3, 2} for one sum and
{2, 1 ,3} for the other, a
different permutation of
{1, 2, 3} for each sum.)

I based my image
“Sixtysix Times Six” — posted
Nov 30, 2015, blog-post # 494
— on the same type of math
fact. But instead, the two
sums both equaled 66, and
there were six summands in
both sums.

“Sand Of Truth”:

Indeed, this is a (poor*)
representation of a mix
between the Yin/Yang-
symbol and an hourglass.

*(But it’s more about this
image’s concept than about
this image per-se.)

Because, whether in-regards
to past-vs-future or to
day-vs-night (or even to
time is of the dualities
it passes between,..
passing as through the neck
— through the nexus —
of an hourglass.

“Modus Pseudo-Operandom”:

The pattern was simply
generated by repeating, from
the center outward, certain
already-generated portions,
as per symmetry.

It may still be relatively
difficult for you to see the
symmetry, though, possibly
mainly because the eight
non-grayscale colors’
brightnesses are rather
arbitrary (which is obvious
if you reduce the saturation
all the way down).

So here is a simplified
version of the image with
the gray-scale squares
represented as black and the
colorful squares represented
as white.

A More Modest Modus
A More Modest Modus

But I still have trouble
seeing the symmetry, which
should at least have been
more obvious-looking here.

(And this image does looks a
lot like a crossword-puzzle,
I’ll admit.)

Anagrams, 22:

Torn suns tear.

An ironic arc is created.
Radii are as concentric.

Of randomness’
Many modes stir
forms seen.

Modus operandi:
Pi, one, add or sum.
As more did upon..
A round dim pose;
Radius, pod, omen;..
Mad, rude poison.

A radix seeks ascent..
As dark as existence.

Hues do, do tend to
spray at themselves.
Those rotated, had
spun, yet moved less.

Race-traitors’ sin:
(In traitors’ scare.)
Terror is satanic.

Trump’s Republicans
damn us losers.
mass-murderer club
so plans.

Dumbest Donald
Damn old

Our politicians
are losers.
Corporate liars
so lie in us.
(Liar corporations
use lies.)

Politically so
Cynical killing
is to pose.
(Killing cynical
spies too.)

In poses:
No spies.

Do pry/stab.

Satan is of God,..
Fading,.. so as to.

Dense stupid murderers:
Trump desired rudeness.
Trump desires rude ends.

All these fascists
have blundered,..
Via Hell’s last best

Benign truths:
The burnt sign..
.. Then turns big.

Dire stew..
.. Is red/wet.

Therein flatness’
enigmatic glassiness:
A tragic meaninglessness
is then itself.

Pasts/days melt
into futures/nights.
Sand of truth yet
spun its glass/time.

A dome, limit,
sun, nil.

Quantities add to
their integer.
Thirteen is rotating,
did equate.


‘Not to consider,
red is no cotton.’


My anagrams about racism,
Trumpism, war, fascism,
satanism, the end of the
world, genocide, etcetera
are examples of..



What is leading to
humanity’s Fall?

of course!..


Who prefers to still look at
porn the bad-old-fashioned
way, in paper magazines?



(Of _coarse_..)


Focusing mostly on one’s own
unconscious mind (as during
dreams or meditation) is..



“Hmmm.. What should I do?..
Well, on one hand, I’d like
to count from 1 to 5.
But yet on the other hand,
though, I know it best I
count from 6 to 10.”..

We now interrupt our
regularly-scheduled jokes
for a riddle.

(Warning: For little kids.
Warning: Likely unoriginal.)

You may count from 1 to 5
on your hand.

But I count from 1 to 12
on MY hand.

What am I?..


A clock!..

Slightly more advanced:

You may count from 1 to 5
on your hand.

But I count from 1 to 12
on MY hand.

And _you_ may count from
6 to 10 on your other hand.

But which numbers do _I_
count from/to on my other


1 to 60!..


“Hey, my birthday is soon
approaching. You better then
hurry and get me a present.”

“Oh, there’s no hurry, man.
Your birthday is over a
year away!”..


“My wife’s relatives are
a bunch of sick criminals.”

“You don’t say?”

“Yep, it’s true.
My in-laws with the runs
have been havin’ themselves
some run-ins with the law!”..

(“Well, that’s a switch.”)


Yet _illegal_ drugs,
however, are known to
have some significant..

ex-side-ing effects..


“Many skirt the law.”

“Miniskirts ‘r the law,
you say?”

“I wish,..
unless many tend to skirt
the law. Which they do.”

“Many 10-2 skirt the law
of the land, you say?”

“Yes, miniskirt the
lava-lamp, I indeed say.”

“Miniskirts? Lava-lamps?
Hey man, it’s just like
beckon the sick-tease,

“Yeah, cool. And, hey,
sticky two demand, man!”

(And so on..)

What’s the right type
of bean for me?

My.. fava-right type
of bean, of course!


(Not to at all be confused
with Fava-Right politics,
though, of course.)


Rival warring navies engage
in a deadly game of..


Even much less funny “jokes”:

Regarding cops killing unarmed
Black men only because those
Black men were “threatening”:

Cop to another cop:

“You best watch out.
Hey, I once even saw a big
bad Black dude kill a cop
at 50 yards with his BARE


Regarding how church-goers
in Texas and elsewhere are
now being advised to arm

So then, it’s gone from
money-changers to
in the House Of God!..

And I’m guessing that
Jesus Himself must NOT
be too happy (this time
either/especially) about
any of this.

But, hey, at least it’s
finally being acknowledged
that prayer alone won’t
necessarily protect you
and your loved ones from
such incredible evil.

(Unfunny that.)


Had Hillary Clinton become
US president, she would
then have likely tried her
hardest to make HERSELF
look good, and not make..

(as is now instead the case)

look good!..


But Trump, though on the
other (tiny) hand, is one..



‘In-Laws With The Runs’

‘The Sticky Two Demands’

‘Beckon the Sick-Tease’

‘The Fava-Lamps’

‘The Lewd-ites’



Of Motifs, Mots, Motives, And More

(Motorized motionlessness..)

Blog-post # 601:
(601 = a prime.)

First off, in my previous
post I wrote in-part..

“{Five new art-inanimations:
(.. Yet which are indeed
somewhat animated..)

{Whoops. Uh, no images
either, maybe anymore.
Sorry. But I can’t get it
to work.}

I will try again now to
post those 5 images.*

Plus I have 3 additional
art-inanimation for you.

Essence Of Hourglassiness
Essence Of Hourglassiness
Casting Celestial Sands
Casting Celestial Sands
Light Too Churns As Air
Light Too Churns As Air
The Nexus’ Dim Gaze
The Nexus Dim Gaze

The newer inanimations:

Lopsided Machine
Lopsided Machine
This Incomplete Earth
This Incomplete Earth

*(A few of the anagrams in my
previous post related to some
of the names of the images I
had wanted to post at that

Blossoms are tilted.
Most seeds orbit all.

The lopsided machines
This incomplete Earth
does add.

This linearity
had so bent.
As it does in
the labyrinth.

This galaxy’s
several linearities:
A helix is as every;
it all is strange.

Such prongs’ as
these spin about.
Nothing but cusps’
shapes are so.

Each spiral’s
motion spins
As any trigonometric
plots’ mechanical

Surreal is..
Liars’ ruse.

Glassiness churned..
Crushing sad lenses.
A lens’ designs crush.

Forms sans looping:
Gnomons of spirals.

Hollow rip.

As are whirlpools:
A shower or a spill.


Next anagram is dirty.

Either any tits or any
legs or any wet vulvas:
That angel’s sin yet
was very revolutionary.

Tongues are..
.. To enrage us.

As the Negative-Jesus
did con us.
It saves..
Hades’ unjust genocide.

The hatred is..
Their deaths.

Hatred was..
War’s death.

Great is..
Its rage.

Racially really
Anger cynically is
a killer.

Hate —
A blind/wicked sin.


‘Lad, I con egos so genocidal.’


Making God great again!..


Yep, indeed. And they’ve had
just about as much success
{for-real, that is} in their
greatness-making endeavors
as President Trump Himself
has had in His.


And the Republicans too,
for that matter.)

It’s sure ironic that jokes
ON color are almost always
(and at best)..



^(And ghouls fold..

that fool’s-gold.)


‘The Irony-Pirates
(And Their Full-Scold)’


What type of acid makes up
the Milky Way galaxy?..

Ga-lactic acid, of course!..

But seriously..
Really DAMN seriously..

And WHAT IF any particular
Muslim mass-killer who had
been officially and often
immediately labeled by the
authorities as being a
“terrorist”.. had in-fact,..
despite being all terr’rist-
looking and Muslim, even,..
simply done his attack for
much the same reasons that
WHITES (allegedly)
mass-murder people?..

Having “just snapped”, but not
actually primarily because he
is a Muslim per-se, but instead
in-fact (despite maybe even the
attacker’s own claims) mainly
or only because he is, say,
“cRaZy” or is “misunderstood”
or “had a rough childhood” or
is sexually-frustrated (the
most likely motive!), or simply
because he had marital or
money-problems or problems
with his mother?..

My point being,.. we as a
society don’t even look at all
at those possibilities if the
attacker claims to be a Muslim.

His (alleged) faith and/or
race and/or nationality alone
obviously explain it all
(.. to the White Christians

While meanwhile,.. a White guy
mass-murders 60-70 people
(in the most horrific case of
domestic NON-terrorism in US
and despite even the fact that
ICES had claimed responsibility
(if dubiously so),..
still, it is only ever said
(and to this day, even) by the
authorities that “we may never
know his motive”.
“.. Oooohhhh, alas…
He must’ve been really hurting
on the inside, is all..
Poor him..”

Give me a f*cking break.

And in my previous post I
wrote in-part:

“{For example, if n = 4 and
there are 3 people playing,
then the likelihoods for s
being equal to whichever
particular integers are:..

I forgot to mention that,
for the sums’ probabilities
I gave, each “player” must
pick his/her integer from
only the integers 1 through

But all.. bets are off..
for the probabilities of
each possible s if the
possible integers from
which players can choose
are instead unrestricted.



No Gnomon Omen

No, man. No one man
or woman is no one.
Oh, no man, no woman,
not one, is no one,..
is no one.. but one.


Blog-post # 600:
ie. DC:
Direct-Current, man..
(600 =
2 * 2 * 2 * 5 * 5 * 3
{= 2^3 * (2+3)^2 * 3^(3-2)
= (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) *
(1 + 2 + 3) *
(1 + 2 + 3 + 4)}.)

Five new art-inanimations:
(.. Yet which are indeed
somewhat animated..)

{Whoops. Uh, no images
either, maybe anymore.
Sorry. But I can’t get it
to work.}


As glassiness’ optical
essence falls in its
.. Casting celestial sands
of eclipses/lenses/stains.

In glassiest glassiness
and beauty:
A lens as bent is as ugly
as its design.

As rainbows themselves
were refracted,..
The bent forms/waves/arcs
are else weird.

That ironic hourglass:
Light too churns as air.

In this black-and/or-white
Such is a dark/light/hot

Time-zones coexisted
in hourglasses.
The colors’ dim nexus
is to gaze, is seen.

Within that purest
celestial cosmos:
It was the spectrum,
the oscillations.

That is conical,
is as whole.
Each oscillation
was this.

As what did bend
this sharp line:
Hidden was that
behind spirals.

Divided product:
Did prove, did cut.

Our resentment is
as hard.

In Ego’s edicts:
Its genocides.

Values do rise.
Our slaves die.

As it dares,
that hellish racism
has risen.
All this hatred is
America’s harshest

Fire: A boring stunt.
It is of burnt anger.

Every religion
did damn us.
Any god is
murdered in evil.

Be sliced.
Ices bled.

Such solar noise:
As in hues/colors.

The mechanical universes
did rotate/oscillate.
Celestial aliens acted to
churn via their modes.

Calculus is monotonic
on its sphere.
As in those loops’/
circles’ continuum.

Eggplants’ cut essence is
raw within, as is lunch.
This rich tanginess was
succulent, was peeling.


‘Stir one motif of it,
omen, or its.’


‘Egalitarian air:
A til’age.’

(^Whoops, almost.)

Which type of cheese is
typically exceptional?

Par ‘mazin’,
of course!..



‘The Vinegar-Bees’

‘Animus For Animas’

‘Underly Complex And
The Overground Complexes’


Yep, it’s sure ironic that
that UNDERground complex
is OVERly complex!..


Time (on a sundial)..
waits for gnomon.


And The AntiChrist mocks
The Christ thusly:..

“Ha, you flunky!
Ya’ gots blood comin’
out your.. whatever!..
Out your hands, out your
feet, your side!..
You loser!
You blood-loser!”..


We live in a country where
not only is the news far
more controversial and
politically-polarizing and
than ever before,..

.. but even the weather
(climate-change) and
sports (kneeling players)
now days are so, too!..


The truth is the 1st casualty
of “police-actions”..

(Yet again..)

.. And of police-state
actions too, of course.


Regarding the so-called
“rehab” that richer more
famous folks (like Harvey
Weinstein, say) promise to
get themselves after being
caught in their misbehavin’,
.. but, however, where had
they instead been anyone who
is poorer, especially if
much poorer, then they would
instead be going to jail —
or at-best they’d be going
to some very non-luxury
rehab-facility that is
literally not much better
at all than is jail:

Okay, so a rule-of-thumb:

If a given form of rich/famous
person’s “rehab”, for whatever
disorder or sin which they
have been caught having or
engaging in,.. is not a form
of “rehab”-treatment that is
just as equally available and
of the same quality as what
POOR people (even!) can (dare)
receive, and receive just as
easily as the rich person can
if the poor person happens to
be guilty of having or engaging
in the same type of disorder or
sin as the rich person,..

then that “rehab”-treatment/
facility is therefore, it is
safe to say, only just a bunch
of BS bunk.

(It might be BS too anyway even
if both rich and poor have equal
access to the same types and
quality of care. But especially
if not.)

.. Or in other words,..

Whichever peer-reviewed
legitimate and effective high-
quality rehab is good enough
for the goose..
is whichever peer-reviewed
legitimate and effective
high-quality rehab is good
enough for the gander!

And all else is bunk.*

(And in Weinstein’s case,
at least, it seems as if the
potential patient is even
more complicit in the
deception than is whichever
treatment-facility and/or


*Bunk: You know, the types
of beds that they have in
“treatment-facilities” for
the NON-rich folks,..

ie. In jails and prisons!..

Thing to do:

(This is highly likely to
be an unoriginal way to do
this, but I will post this
procedure anyway.)

So, what should you and your
friends do if you need to
choose from amongst a number
of color-choices which one
color, say, you will paint
your clubhouse, or if you
need to decide which of you
will get the last piece of
cake, say?
(But “Eenie-meenie-minee-mo”
has too predictable of an
outcome, though, to be a
good way at all to randomly

Well, then,..
(Clearing my throat..)

A procedure to randomly/
fairly pick from among n
number of possible choices,
if there are at least two
people to help make this

First, write down the list
of n possibilities you
want to choose from.
And to the left of each,
write an integer from 0 to
n-1, a different integer
for each possibility.
As so:

0 Possibility A.
1 Possibility B.
2 Possibility C.
3 Possibility D.
.. etcetera..

(If you are choosing one
person of your group to
determine, for example,
who gets the final piece
of cake, then, obviously
in this case, n equals
the number of people in
your group, and the list
contains the names of
everyone in your group.)

Then, give everyone a slip
of paper and a pencil/pen,
and have each person
_secretly_ write down any
single integer he/she
chooses that is from 1 to n.
(It might be more fun to
just have everybody pick any
integer they choose, as
large as they desire without
limits. Or even maybe it can
be negative if they choose.
But there is no need to do

But, though, if the set of
all possible integers to
choose from is finite and
runs from 1 through an m
greater than n {m = the
greatest allowed integer
to choose from}, then,
for maximum choice-fairness,
m should be divisible by n.
{ie. m should be a multiple
of n.})


Next, collect all the slips
of paper — yes, it is okay
to reveal the integers at
this point — and then find
the sum of all these

Let s = this sum.

And finally (the most tricky
part) take the REMAINDER
after dividing s by n.

Let r = this remainder.

(So, in other words,
r = s minus {the largest
multiple of n that is
less than or equal to s}.)

r should be somewhere from
0 to n-1.

(r = 0 if s is divisible
by n exactly.
r = 1 if (s-1) is divisible
by n.
r = 2 if (s-2) is divisible
by n.
.. Etcetera.)

And, voila!..
Look of which possibility
in your list has the
integer r just left of it.

(If n = 2, then the question
is simply whether s is even
or odd: Even for one choice;
odd for the other.)

And your group has just
collectively and fairly


And, PS:
(The following too regards
some well known math.)

However, the chances of
getting any particular
values for the sum, s,
itself are NOT equal.

For example, if n = 4 and
there are 3 people playing,
then the likelihoods for s
being equal to whichever
particular integers are:..

1: 0
2: 0
3: 1/64
4: 3/64
5: 3/32
6: 5/32
7: 3/16
8: 3/16
9: 5/32
10: 3/32
11: 3/64
12: 1/64

And 0 for all other


But, considering just
the r’s:

r = 0 for
s = 4, 8, 12.

Adding up the

3/64 + 3/16 + 1/64 =
1/4 = 25%.


r = 1 for
s = 1, 5, 9.

Adding up the

0 + 3/32 + 5/32 =
1/4 = 25%.


r = 2 for
s = 2, 6, 10.

Adding up the

0 + 5/32 + 3/32 =
1/4 = 25%.


And r = 3 for
s = 3, 7, 11.

Adding up the

1/64 + 3/16 + 3/64 =
1/4 = 25%.

So, we have each of the
four r’s having a 1/4
chance of occurring,
which is an equal chance
for each r.

(Yes, quite the egalitarian
Commie-scenario, indeed.)

Some egaliterr’rists are
more egaliterr’ristic
than others..



Consciousness’ Rotations

Blog-post # 599:
(599 = prime.)

Three new art inanimations:

As If Colors Sleep
As If Colors Sleep
A Grid Made
A Grid Made
Our Purest Machines
Our Purest Machines

Anagrams, 26:

Consciousness’ rotations:
As cosines so contort
in us.

Rotations or denseness:
None stirred so as stone.

Our purest machines:
In hues or a spectrum.

Of solar-eclipses:
As if colors sleep.

Suns’ rotations:
To stir as nouns.

In those stains,
fluids, or blobs:
This stone boils
and is of blurs.

Earth’s kaleidoscopic
These disks/loops/cogs
are suns, are helical.

These suns’ celestial
burning arises.
As therein glassiness
is turbulence.

Therein that
The stains’ lengths

Earths and eclipses
orbit us.
This obscured planet

Many set-sail via
that geometric cunning.
As they circumnavigate
into alignments.

Even spray:
Every span.

Rain’s vagueness
is sprayed.
Gasses vary,
are spun inside.

A limited plus:
As multiplied.

As this quotient’s
Five, six is eleven.
That net is of XI
less IV; it is equal
to seven.

As perpendicular to
sines as eggs:
glassiness does cut.

Unto this
egg’s flight,..
Its heights
got flung.

Larvae so sting..
A revolting ass.

The Holocaust’s fires:
To set Lucifer’s Shoah.

Nuclear Bible-thumpers:
The Republicans rumble.

This Trinity’s
Evil’s Antichrists
yet align.

Devolving Republicans
.. Duping liberals
and conservatives.

.. And lies.

CIA sold me AI.
(AI sold me CIA.)
(CIA/AI sold me.)

A grid made.

An iris’ designs:
As inside rings.


In-case the space is specious
in this (especially spectacular)
spacious space-suit suitcase..


(One would sure hate to run..
in their speciously spacious
space-suit suitcase!..)


When the Vice-President
resigns or is fired for
turning states-evidence,
that then will be the
Trump administration’s..

ex-Pence account(ing)!..

Another very unfunny

Two frames.

Frame 1:

The scene is of the destroyed
federal-building right after
the OKC bombing.


“McVeigh tried to start a
race-war in this country,..
but luckily failed.”


Frame 2:

The scene is of a burned-down
Black church, with “TRUMP 2016”
spray-painted on the ruins.*


“But Putin, however,..
is having a bit more success.”


*(A scene that had actually
occurred at least once just
before the 2016 election.)
But a slightly funnier

Two frames.

Frame 1:

A Red-state’s legislators
triumphantly declare that
they have finally banned
from using their state’s
public-restrooms all
those folks who dare be


Frame 2:

A state-legislator, looking
glum, stands before the
mens-room door at the state
But a new sign on the door
“No legislators allowed!”..

(^Lies and consequences,





For any plural number of players.

Start by drawing an n-by-n grid
on paper, where n is odd.
(I suggest an n of 5 for
beginners if there are 2 players.)

Label the columns and rows by
writing the numbers 1 through n
from left-to-right above the
columns and by writing the same
integers to the left of the rows
from top-to-bottom.

A player moves by writing a mark
into an empty square on his/her
move, as per the following rules.

(That mark could simply be an X,
say. But, if n is 5 or less, I
suggest using the letters of the
alphabet in-order, so to help
remind players which square was
last marked and which player’s
move it is.
Using integers would also work,
but doing that could end up being
too confusing, given the rules.
Or, if players prefer, maybe each
player can consistently use their
own distinct but unchanging mark
or colored-pencil/pen throughout
the game, which would at least
help reveal which player moved
last {by counting the numbers of
each type of mark on the grid} if
players have forgotten who had
just moved.
Or players can, instead of making
pencil/pen marks, play by placing
in the squares pieces such as
beads or checkers-pieces or coins,


The first player to move fills in
any square with a mark (which
would be an ‘A’ if the players are
using letters for marks).

Thereafter, players each “move” a
number of positions from the square
just marked by the previously-moving
player, as per the rules below, to
land on an empty square, where into
this square the moving-player then
writes a mark (perhaps the next
letter of the alphabet).

Before a player’s move, it is noted
by the player what is the column-
number, c, of the most recently
marked square (as marked by the
previously-moving player) and what
is the row-number, r, of that same

Then the moving player announces
if she/he will ‘hop’ or ‘not hop’.
(More on this below.)

Then she/he moves a total of (c + r)
number* of (maybe empty) squares,
starting off in either the directions
of directly up, down, left, or right,
and then maybe taking at-most a
single right-angle turn in any
(Neither the number of {maybe empty}
squares before the turn, if it is
taken, nor the number after the bend
necessarily needs to equal c or r.
Just the total number of {maybe empty}
squares before the turn plus the
number after needs to equal c + r.)

*(If the grid is 5-by-5, as an example,
then the array of sums {c + r}, the
column numbers plus the row numbers,
forms this array, which corresponds to
the game’s grid:

2 3 4 5 6
3 4 5 6 7
4 5 6 7 8
5 6 7 8 9
6 7 8 9 10 )

And the move, in whichever direction(s),
is taken as if the left side of the
grid is considered connected to the
right side, with each row connected to
itself at its left and right sides,
and as if the top of the grid is
considered connected to the bottom of
the grid, with each column connected
to itself at its top and bottom sides.
So, if you move off the edge of the
grid, you reappear on the opposite
side in the same row or column.
And you end up on the same square you
would have if you added or subtracted
any multiple of n to the number of
(maybe empty) squares you are moving
in that direction.

Now, regarding that ‘hop’ or ‘not hop’:

If a player had announced ‘not hop’,
then he/she must move (starting from
the square just marked by the
previously-moving player) the entire
length of his/her move (both before and
after the turn, if the player turns)
by counting irrespectively of the
already-marked squares his/her move
passes over. Simply the number of
squares he/she passes over in whichever
direction(s), whether marked or not, is
what matters.
Though, the final square he/she lands
upon must be empty at the time.

But if a player had announced ‘hop’,
though, then she/he must move (starting
from the square just marked by the
previously-moving player) the entire
length of his/her move (both before and
after the turn, if the player turns) by
counting only the number of
still-UNMARKED squares her/his move
passes over, hopping/skipping over the
already-marked squares while counting.
And, too in this case, the final square
he/she lands upon must be empty at the

It should be noted that if a player has
chosen ‘hop’, then she/he could maybe
end up at a different square depending
upon, if she/he has turned, if she/he
first moves vertically then horizontally
or first moves horizontally then
vertically, even if moving the same
number of unmarked squares vertically
and the same number horizontally.
This is because she/he may have to skip
over a different number of already-marked
squares depending on whether moving
vertically first or horizontally first.
So I suggest that players, especially if
they have chosen ‘hop’ for a move,
announce on their move to the other
players the squares they are passing
over, and whether they are moving
vertically first or horizontally first.

And the winner is…

— when all squares of the grid have
finally been marked* –..

.. the player who had last moved
by NOT hopping.

*(“finally been marked”:
Or when all players agree that no more
hop-less moves are possible.)

The entire grid can always be filled in
with marked squares, but the last few
moves would probably need to be ‘hop’s
to do so.

And, yes, if there is only one unmarked
square in a row or column that a player
is “moving” along (in the same direction
as runs that row or column), then a
player is allowed to hop-in-place on
that one square after moving to it.

(And, oh, why must n be odd, you ask?
Glad you asked..
Because if n is even, then only half the
squares are reachable in not-hop mode.
If n is odd, though, then — in not-hop
mode — moving off the edge of the grid
{once} and returning at the other end of
the same row/column allows you to reach
the otherwise unreachable squares.
{But if you had any n=even n-by-n grid
and you color the not-hop-mode-reachable
squares black and left the others white,
then that grid would look like a

Only hopping.. and hoping..
Being odd so as to reach
the unreachable,..


Perhaps And Perchance As Happenstance

Blog-post # 598:
(598 = 2 * 13 * 23.)

And lucky you.
598 is divisible,
coincidently, by 13..
on this…
Friday the 13th.

(But it’s not divisible
by Friday, though.
Or even by October..*)

*{Though we’re all
divided by Trump,
See anagram below.}

Three and a half

Of Lunar-Flares
Of Lunar-Flares
As-Per Permutations
As-Per Permutations
Perhaps As Permutated
Perhaps As Permutated

Notes about
“As-Per Permutations” and
“Perhaps As Permutated”:

I took some liberties with
the aesthetics of the
overall images. But the 6
types of larger squares —
which are of side-lengths
of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
smaller squares, and which
occur in-order along the
images’ edges running from
the lower-left corners of
both images and upper-
right corner of “As-Per
Permutations” — contain
smaller squares of colors
that are arranged by a
simple algorithmic rule
{if you care to try to
figure-out what that rule
might be}.
The rule produces a
particular color-arrangement
of n number of different
colors for an n-by-n square.
(And the rule could be used
to generate an n-by-n square
of any n, no matter how
There is one and only one
small square of each color
{of the first n colors} in
every row of an n-by-n
square. But there might be
any number {including maybe
none} of squares of any
particular color in any
given column.
{What the colors themselves
are doesn’t matter. What
matters is which integer,
1 through n, is associated
with a particular color.
In the images above, the
numbers’ colors are in
order within the spectrum:
purple = 1, blue = 2,
cyan = 3, green = 4,
yellow = 5, red = 6.}

And here are the same six
n-by-n squares again, but
shown here less-confusingly
with only one square of
each side-length being

The Permutations Per-Se
The Permutations Per-Se


And, regarding
“Perhaps As Permutated”:

Amongst the n-by-n squares
made up of little squares,
there are
6 squares of side-length 1,
5 squares of side-length 2,
4 squares of side-length 3,
3 squares of side-length 4,
2 squares of side-length 5,
1 square of side-length 6.
Or, in other words:
There are, for every n from
1 to 6, (7-n) number of
squares of side-length n,
where each n-by-n square
obviously consists of n^2
small squares.

But if you add up the
number of all the small
constituent squares..

sum, n = 1 to 6,
n^2 *(7-n)

.. you then get a sum of
196, which happens to
equal 14^2.

So, I wonder if there is
a way to pack all these 21
total number of larger
squares, with (7-n) number
of those squares that each
have side-length of n small
squares, into a largest
square with a side-length
of 14, and done without any
overlapping or gaps.

(I myself have not yet
been able to do so.)
Anagrams, 16:

Thin angle:
In a length.

Porous angles each turned.
Such are elongated or spun.

To see prisms in us:
Emptiness is ours.

A square:
The refraction is it.
Quantities are of
their arcs.

In spirals, entirety
is to last.
As any repetitions
still stir.

A motif stirs.
It forms as it.

As Heaven orbits
surreal funnels.
Lunar-flares then
rise above suns.

All is space’s
hot/warm fire/suns.
This was as
lunar-eclipses’ form.

A sharpest coincidence
was lost therein itself.
As do we, inflections
each intersect the spirals.

Time is of
sliced clearness.
Semicircles as seen
fold it.

Such hope: Either a
bishop’s or a jester’s:
Arch-Pope Jesus is
both theirs. He arose.

A nose sees this scent.
As snot is the essence.

Ids’ random surreal
toilets are sinful.
As eternal urinals
do stir fluids more.

Inside Hell’s satanic
The Nazis’ hot illness
is ascending.

Idiot Donald Trump
divides us.
Our damn stupid devil
did it so.

Soon again upwards,
inside that wet sickness:
This stained puke was
rising.. as to now ascend.


‘Sin, rub lube;
no one bulb/urn is.’

New(?) slang term:
(Which I really don’t want
to look up to see if it is


What it is a guy is having
when having himself a..
hard dawn..



‘The Perverticals’



A Cute And Ugly Spiral

Blog-post # 597:
(597 = 3 * 199.)

Five new art inanimations:
(Uh,.. but only four of
them really count at all.)

(Plus, there’s one below
these that counts even
less,.. or indeed does
count quite well..
but not in order..)


Unto Wince It Went
Unto Wince It Went

(I’m just being silly with
the bottom one, of coArse.)

(And an alternative name
for the third image,..
riffing off the name of
that one Magritte(?)
painting that is NOT a
cigar, is..
“This Is Not A Comforter”.
Yes, very un-comforter-ing,
Anagrams: (20.)

Angularly cuspidate:
A cute and ugly spiral.

Astrophysical space:
This apocalypse’s arc.

Partial enumeration:
A linear permutation.
An impure alteration.
(A limit near, rate upon.)
(A tamer leap into ruin.)

As chilled as fire:
Arise half-sliced.

Red-hot eruptions
rise up,..
.. Poured unto
their spires.

This dish’s
yellow likeness..
Hides this
silk yellowness..
Inside yolks,
whites, shells.

They flew, spin,
and grasped the air.
Yet their wings/hands
are flapped.

Widths or shapes of
shapes created all.
As that folded sphere
was so spherical.

Any toilets are as
trigonometric as is water.
Aromas grow to intersect
a sea in its reality.

Hurricanes, toilets, sin:
Lines are to stir in such.

A hurricane else was..
.. As urinals each were.

Sad intercourse..
.. Created our sins..
.. And erotic ruses.

A hugest asshole dolt:
As God hates us to Hell.

Our mass-death..
.. Has made us rot.
A dream shouts;
A dream shot us.

The grim dreams
surrounded us.
Their rude guns
do mass-murder.

Such are mass-slaughters.
As harm caught us lessers.

Saddest evil gun-data
only sent us Americans
each down to Hell.
As such death-tolls
do stun.. and yet again
will ascend even more.

The right-wing terrorist
foes went along..
then do again,..
.. Therefore twisting
at their wrong-angle..
and shooting.

Republicans did
assault us.
Such animals are
stupid and racist

A start or end implies:..
Spirals do terminate.

Quick note:
The third anagram above
might make some good
lyrics for a punk-song.

“Partial enumeration:
A linear permutation!
Partial enumeration:
An impure alteration!

Partial enumeration:
A limit near, rate upon!
Partial enumeration:
A tamer leap INTO RUIN!!”


‘Stock: Comma,
hammock, cots.’

(Not at all an original
observation, but..)

Donald Trump is the US-..

Gross Nationalist Product!


And where will they make
the metal-parts for
His wall?

At the boundary-foundry,
of course..


Meanwhile, thinking a bit
less myopically..

Earth is our..



(.. Where whatever goes
around does come around..
back onto us all, indeed.
So, hey, we then need to
{instead} be keeping our
own house in order,
I guess. Or else our
house, our chamber,..
will {even more so}..
go to pot.)


White people “suffer”
from our..


It’s so hard for us,
you know..
Boo-hoo, us.

Very unfunny

“Target: We the people.

An elephant with a Trump-
hairdo is seen in a
hotel-room firing down
with a high-powered gun
at the innocent crowd

Behind him, his hotel-
room is filled with lots
and LOTS of guns and ammo,
which are labeled…

‘2nd-Amendment extremism’,

‘Unnecessary wars (soon,
maybe even nuclear)’,

‘Health-insurance repeal’,

‘Social-safetynet repeal’,

and environmental-
protection deregulation’,

‘Food, water, air,
and medicine safety-

‘Consumer-product safety-

‘Faulty disaster-relief’,

‘Unpunished police-
brutality and murder’,

‘Draconian (and sometimes
even in-fact deadly)

Etc, etc, etc..

(Too soon?^..
Well, too BAD!..
Too very VERY bad.)



‘The Wrong-Angles’

‘From Wince We Came’


‘Finite Injustice’


And finally, a bit about
a relatively-stupid type
of permutation that is a
rearrangement of all the
positive integers, which,
despite this being so
stupid, is a permutation
I have been recently
thinking about:

Let f(x) be any continuous
real-to-real monotonically
increasing function where
f(0) is 0.

And let g(x) be the
inverse-function of f(x),
ie f(g(x)) = x.

So then, let the integer-
sequence {a(n)} be defined
as, for each positive
integer n:

a(2*n) =
floor(f(n)) + n,


a(2*n-1) =
ceiling(g(n)) + n – 1.

Now, since, as it is
known, any positive
integer occurs in one,
but never in both, of
the two sequences:

{floor(f(n)) + n}
{ceiling(g(n)) + n – 1},

then the sequence {a(n)}
is obviously therefore a
permutation of all the
positive integers.

As so, the permutation
sequence alternates back
and forth between the
integers of
{floor(f(n)) + n}
and those of
{ceiling(g(n)) + n – 1},
as so:

An Impure Alteration

Every one of the positive
integers, which are
represented as the heights
and lows of the pulses,
occurs once but never
more than once along the
alternating boundary
between the dark zone and
light zone of the image.



Obsanely Inscene

(Inscene obsanity,..^
insolutely abdeed.)

Blog-post # 596:
(596 = 2 * 149 * 2.)

Four new art-inanimations:

To Stir As In Striations
To Stir As In Striations
Our Myths Amiss
Our Myths Amiss
Rotation Is Spun
Rotation Is Spun
Inertia’s Shadow
Inertias Shadow

(I don’t know how accurately
my computer calculated the
shades of this too-low-res
design, but there was some
math involved, is all I’ll
say, in the creation of
“Rotation Is Spun”.
You’ve seen this math
plotted before, but not
in this way.

And there was math involved
too in the creation of
“To Stir As In Striations”
and “Inertia’s Shadow”.)
Anagrams, 29:

To stir as in..
Or its stain..
.. Is to strain.

Upon striations..
Rotation is spun.

A strange din
is so to tilt.
Its striations
do tangle.

Shards of
weird randomness:
Shadows render
a din’s forms.

(Inertia’s shadow
renders a din’s form.
In it, shards are of
weird randomness.)

I form one,
If no more
In more of
Minor foe
Of men or I
Or of mine.
*(Fine room.)

Those birds are of
the wet sea air.
Fishes do arise
to breathe water.

Ice has ice-strata.
The Arctic is a sea.

.. Are static.

Chrome’s static:
The cosmic star.

We are fed
basic modern vices
rarely heated-up
in pans.
These re-microwaved
rice and beans
failed any supper.

I squiggled..
Liquid eggs.

Rotating as
helical eggs:
To align
a gear’s glitches.

An egg was knotted.
Tangents wake God.
(Tan gents wake God.)

As video-scopically
Eyes do call;
a voice spins.

Psychosis tests
any seen in it.

As jigsaw-puzzle
We jam a pulse’s

Our myths are
as amiss
as the nonsense.
Morons’ shame thus
is sane/seen/astray.

Stupidness of
us each:
Such a fetus
does spin.

The president is
as traitorous.
A patriot desires
not this ruse.

None rage as this..
.. Hate’s reasoning.

Evil endangers
no crusts.

Brutes’ riches are
spent on their
The Republicans’
inept ax
has sent terror.

Republicans due-taxes:
Inept axes dare club us.
Inept-ax clubs are used.

Within rages’
obscene lies,..
Their essence
was boiling.

The evil ass is
satanic filth.
This fascist
Leviathan lies.

Satan has
destroyed us,..
As hated nasty
ruses do.

Evil’s node.

United States of America:
Our fate cast its mean die.
It is our ascent fate made:
A statue to define racism..


‘Sin, my hymn is.’

‘So, rezone no zeros.’

‘Videoed IV.’

NO, it U, LOSER!”


(The bottom one^ resembles
a response posted online
by a particular infamous..

Step # 1:

Step(ping in it) # 2:
Donald Trump.*

Step(ping in it) # 3:

(Really _really_)
Step(ped in it) # 4:
Dante’s Inferno..


*(And stepping in it # 2b,


^And so, soon, very soon,..

there’ll be Hell..

.. toupee..




‘Hell Toupee’

‘Sin, My Hymn Is’

‘So, Rezone No Zeros’

‘Hiawatha And
The High-Watts’

‘Our Myths Amiss’

‘Jesus Hussein Christ and
the Who’s-So-Damn-Sanes’

‘The So-Damn-Mighties’

‘Ewe Gnu’

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

(And, meanwhile, in

Jesus Hussein?..

“He’s us!”, Jews sayin’.)


“Ewe gnu whom? Ants?”

“No, not any humans.
But I knew some animals,


Political cartoon idea,
regarding the coming US
Supreme Court case on

Riffing-off of the original
salamander-esque political-
cartoon (from the early
1800’s in the Boston Weekly
Messenger), which is, I
think, from where the term
“Gerrymandering” had been
first derived, the..
sala-meandering.. lines
this time divide up…

the Supreme Court justices!

.. Into 5 on one side, and
4 on the other, of course.


In my previous post, I wrote:

“{Since, for one of
an infinite number of
such possible examples
of functions,
y = (1+ 1/(x +1/x))/2
maps any real x to a unique
real y between 0 and 1, then
this should be justified.

Well, actually…

(Though, the infinity-size
proof itself still stands.
Only the example-function I
had used is what is wrong.)

If we have _any_ monotonic
real-to-real function
y = g(x) that maps all the
reals x to the reals y only
between 0 and 1, then this
would have worked.

Although y always ends up
in the proper range,
y = (1+ 1/(x +1/x))/2,
however, is not monotonic.
There are in-fact two real
values of x for which this
function outputs any one
given y between 0 and 1.
(The.. lone.. exception
being when the curve passes
though x = 0, y = 1/2.)

But one simple function
(out of an infinite number
of such functions) that
indeed would work as a
proper example is:

y = 1/2 + arctan(x)/pi,

where the arctan outputs
an angle in radians that
is between -pi/2 and pi/2.

So, y is always between
0 and 1.
And, too, the function is

x = tan((y-1/2)*pi).

And there is only one value
of x for any particular y
in the proper range.

The lone example of oneness:


Dreck’s Rugs, And Sockin’ Soul

(I could’ve said instead here^
‘sock n’ sole’, but I really
like the idea of having us
some sockin’ soul.)

Blog-post # 595:
(595 = 7 * 5 * 17.)

Three new inanimations:

Stellar Flare
Stellar Flare

Anagrams — 16:

Kaleidoscopes stir
these ugly truths.
pretty lie does
thus tick.

This trigonometric
cone is flattened.
Those incorrect
alignments do

A night strikes
its rays at Earth.
As starry skies
are hitting that.

Lasers’ light falls
to Earth.
Stellar glass’
hot flare hit.

A plant makes air.
Animals partake.

Thin grates:

Trigonometry has lines.
More is only shattering.

Virtue kills.
Evil, it lurks.

God is what is useless.
Loss was the disguise.

A rapist’s hate is..
As this parasite.

Doing peace’s act:
A genocide’s pact.

Guns and drones fired;
Arabs were shot.
As no redress was for
the burning dead.

Damned death is like
slurs or as lies,
which never will die.
Hitler rises and does
kill us, while mad evil
was enriched.

Such an Antichrist is
death, is nuclear.
This real nut can
char us and His cities.

Our fascist president:
Racist pest of rude sin.

Our damned president:
A Red-end: Trump is done.


‘Siren-rock: Corner is.’

‘Siren-rock cult:
Luck-corner is.’

Cut/tuck corner is.’

‘Siren-rock cuts;
stuck corner is.’

‘Siren-rock core:
Rock-corner is.’

‘Siren-rock-core was it,
is awe; rock-corner is.’

‘Sun an anus.’

In Switcheroo-Land:

What did the guy say when he
saw that an emery-board had been
propped-up against his house?

“Ah, dammit. Someone’s leaned
a file on my home!”


“Viable”, whether in-regards to
political ideas or to political-
candidates, sounds like it has



If President Trump isn’t REALLY
controlling things, and given
that He has no head (as the
humans among us define “head”,
anyway), I guess then He would
only just be a..



As it turns out, in the End,
the Number Of The Beast
in-fact actually is..


But seriously:..

This may very well be
my final post ever,..

when we maybe soon
get vaporized,..

we’ll make like GAS..

and PASS!..


Soon,.. the meek shall inherit
the giant barren otherwise-
sterile radioactive space-rock
covered entirely in toxic goo..

(The meek:
“Oh, gee thanks, Ancestors!”..)


‘The Downer-Party’

‘The Incorrections’

‘Department Of Incorrections’


‘Raisin Hell’

‘Taintin’ Satan’



If Republicans still were
tough-love Ayn-Randian super-
Capitalists assholes, on one
hand, but instead were NOT
racist assholes, on the other
hand, they would then say,..

“You whiny White Anglo American
citizens, worrying like you do
about the Mexicans ‘takin’ y’ur
jobs’! Boo-hoo! Hey, you know
problem REALLY is, don’t ya’!?

That you are simply way too LAZY
to work even at all at lower
wages for your Job-Creator
betters, let alone work as
productively as the obviously-
America-loving Mexican immigrants
do for those low wages,..
which, hey, just happen to be the
same low level of wages dictated
by the Free-Market, which is the
important bottom-line fact
whether you like that fact or

So, it’s in-fact only you lazy
losers’ OWN damn fault that the
Mexicans are ‘takin’ y’ur jobs’,
Hey. Whatever happened to
personal responsibility, huh?!

What, then, kinds of special
handouts and favoritism do you
want from Uncle Sam, you whiny
Anglo parasites? Do you
crybabies want to have some new
massive nanny-state-style
Big-Government immigration-
restrictions, say, maybe tariffs,
and/or maybe even Gestapo-style
(but expensive to tax-payers)
round-ups of ‘Illegals’, then?..

Or maybe you want some sort of
Big-Government-built (and thus
inevitably to be an absolutely
ineffective colossal fraud and
waste of tax-payer money)
expensive/huge continent-crossing
WALL, say, perhaps even,.. so as
to help protect your lazy lilly-
White parasites’ precious jobs,

Hey, that type of Big-Government
protectionism is not what
Capitalism* is all about, see!
No, Capitalism’s instead about
FREEDOM, see, freedom for
workers of whichever race,
from whichever nation, and of
whichever immigration-status,..
just as long, that is, as those
workers are willing.. — unlike
you, apparently –.. to work

*(Though, in OUR reality,
Capitalism is indeed, at least
in-part, a lot about racism.)
Speaking of
(And this may become the basis
of my Nobel-in-Economics prize-
winning PHD thesis..
But, though, someone else might
as well take it and run with it
— if there are even any new
ideas here — because I’m just
too lazy..)

A couple decades ago I had heard
that, after they did a computer
simulation, researchers had
discovered, finally, why it is
that in a bag of mixed nuts,
say, the larger nuts tend to
ascend to the top within the
bag and the smaller nuts tend
to descend to the bottom.

Apparently, as the bag is jostled
during shipping, when the larger
nuts shift in their positions a
bit to the side, they each leave
a larger gap for the smaller nuts
to fall into and descend than the
gaps that the smaller nuts leave
when each is shifted by a similar
And, given that it is much more
unlikely that a bunch of nearby
smaller nuts will in-unison shift
enough for a larger nut to fall
into the resulting gap than is
the likelihood that a single
larger nut will make a similarly-
sized gap in-which several smaller
nuts will fall (and never even
mind the fact that a larger nut
may be more likely to shift in the
first place because its mass is
larger), the nuts sort themselves
out within the bag,.. doing so

My conjecture is that this bit of
nuttiness is analogous to how
people and companies are sorted
into various economic-hierarchies
within a capitalistic society.
(Aside from reasons like racism,
exponentially obtained economic
advantages {which in-turn lead
to even more such advantages},
and stuff.)

If a large company fails, for
instance, then that failure has
much more of a collective impact
on its laid-off workers and on
the surrounding community than if
a smaller company fails, let alone
than if a single individual goes
bankrupt or loses his/her job.

But meanwhile, but irrespective of
the health of the overall economy,
the relative elevations within
the economic strata of richer
corporations and individuals then
generally ascend upwards in
comparison to the generally
stagnant or descending elevations
of smaller companies and middle-
class and poorer individuals
within that same overall economic

Now, it is obvious what I said
here about how the fate of larger
companies has more of an impact
than the fate of lesser economic
But I believe this effect alone
could explain capitalistic
stratification, as per the nut

Then too, add to that the other
effects that are common in
capitalistic societies, but
especially in societies like
ours with relatively regressive
taxation and built-in advantages
for those needing those
advantages the least, and it is
no wonder that the rich tend to
get richer and the poor tend to
get poorer.

(It’s akin to — back to the
nuts — if the bigger nuts had
also been, in addition to having
the naturally-occurring reasons
for their ascent, given unfair
direct help somehow by other
large nuts to ascend even much
farther upwards than otherwise.)

And too, these built-in
advantages for those needing
those advantages the least often
include the favoring of larger
corporations (allegedly) for the
very reason I mentioned above —
that these corporations are
“Too big to fail”, since their
failures tend to have more
wide-ranging negative impacts to
the overall economy. (Or so goes
the justification. But ignore
political-connectivity and all

However, even if no further
benefits were to be bestowed —
whether by natural occurrence,
or by government-sponsored or
private-investor intervention
— upon larger companies as
a reward for their large size,
these corporations would still
grow even further relative to
the sizes of smaller companies
due to the nut-effect alone, I
contend, and so the problem of
economic-stratification would
thus tend to only get even
worse and worse overall, but
definitely so given all these
effects combined.

Quite nutty..

And, finally, a calculus riddle
— which is quite..

(Not really so much a puzzle.
And not hard at all,..
if you know calculus.)

If someone tells you that
the (set of) function(s):

f(x) = a * e^x,
where a is any fixed constant,

is the ONLY set of functions
that each equal their own
derivative (ie. their slope at
any x — so the slope of f(x)
at any x equals f(x) itself),
then tell them they are full of

(By the way, the intuitive case
of f(x) equals 0 everywhere,
a straight horizontal line,
which obviously has a slope of
0 everywhere, is the specific
case of a*e^x when a = 0.)

Well, there are in-fact an
INFINITE* variety of other
such functions.
And if we relax quite a bit
the definition of “continuous”,
there are, more specifically,
even an infinite number of
continuous functions.

How so?

Infinite variety:
I think I found that this set
is of the same-sized infinity
as is the size of the set of
all real numbers.)






(Solution inspired by
Fresnel lenses.)

If we allow the function to be
piecewise-defined (ie. f(x) may
suddenly increase or decrease
at some specific x’s so that
f(x) is not necessarily
continuous in the strictest
sense), then this riddle is
easily solved.

Generally, we could have f(x)
defined so that it changes at
each x_n, where {x_n} is any
sequence (with either a
finite or infinite number of
terms) of specific and strictly
increasing real numbers, so
that for all x’s between any
two adjacent values
(x_n and x_{n+1}) of this
sequence of specific x’s,

f(x) = a_n *e^x,

where the sequence {a_n} can
consist of any fixed real
constants that you desire.

So then, for every value of x
between x_n and x_{n+1},
and for any n,

f(x) = a_n * e^x,

and too the derivative of
f(x) at these x’s also equals

a_n * e^x.


Furthermore, you can adjust the
a_n’s as needed and have the
adjacent values of {x_n} be
close enough to each other —
maybe, say, each x_n = 1/(n*m),
where m is a fixed constant that
can be as large as you like —
so that f(x) can approximate
as close as you desire ANY
real-to-real function you may

For example:

(Ridiculous Calculus-Riddle)
Ridiculous Calculus-Riddle

(^The diagonal segments are not
straight, but are each segments
of, for various values of a,

Note that the farther up or down
the plot is away from the x-axis
{y = 0}, the more the curve at
that x is tilting up or down.

And, here, the difference
between every pair of adjacent
x_n’s is a constant.)


(The rest of this is weird,
though. You may ignore..)

But so far, I’ve ignored what
happens to f(x) at the x’s that
are exactly equal to the x_n’s

The width of the range of x’s at
each of these tricky x-values is
exactly zero. So maybe you could
feel justified in just ignoring
this issue.

But, if you choose to care, it
could be said that, in a manner,
the derivative of f(x) at x =
any x_n is either infinity or
negative-infinity, because the
curve, if considered to be
continuously connected along its
entire length, jumps at each x_n
exactly vertically either up or
down {except whenever the two
adjacent values of a_n happen to
be equal}.

So you could just say — but
this is all far from rigorous —
that f(x), like its derivative,
equals infinity AND negative-
infinity* at these tricky x’s.

*(“infinity AND negative-
Since if the curve strictly only
equalled positive infinity, say,
at a specific x = x_n, the curve
would have to quickly, if for
just a single value of x, right
after then be negative-infinity,
because the derivative too needs
to be negative infinity to get
the f(x) curve back to the first
finite value that occurs
immediately right after x is
equal to whichever x_n.
But then,.. the curve would have
to equal positive infinity again
.. because the derivative needs
to be positive-infinity to get
f(x) back UP to that finite
value. And then…

.. Meaning that if the infinities
are each strictly positive or
negative, then f(x) would need
to oscillate back and forth an
infinite number of times within
each single value of x = x_n.
It is much easier — especially
since, under some circumstances
in mathematics, infinity is
justifiably considered to be
equal to its negative — to just
say that for the purpose of this
riddle that infinity equals
negative infinity.

But it is even easier still to
simply just ignore what happens
at x equal exactly to any x_n,
since, as I said, the width
of each range of such tricky
values of x is exactly 0,


The infinite set of all such
possible functions has the
same cardinality as the set of
all the reals, I think.

I think without loss of
generality I can consider here
only real values of each a_n
that lie between 0 and 1,
ignoring too in the process
whether specific a’s are
positive or negative.
(Since, for one of an infinite
number of such possible
examples of functions,
y = (1+ 1/(x +1/x))/2
maps any real x to a unique
real y between 0 and 1, then
this should be justified.)

Write each real a_n (or each
value of (1+ 1/(a+n +1/a_n))/2,
if you choose) in a list so that
its digits in whichever base
each line up with the respective
digit in the base-whichever
representation of the previous
number written above it.
So, if we have an infinite
number of a_n’s, we then have a
grid of digits, where this grid,
while having a finite edge at the
top and a finite edge on the left,
is infinitely large in the
downward and rightward directions.

Then simply read off the digits
diagonally from the grid, and
concatenate them to the right of
a decimal-point to form one
single new real number between
0 and 1.

Like so:

(continued forever)

forms the base-whichever
decimal: .ABCDEFGHIJ….

So, given that each set of an
infinite number of real a_n’s
can be paired uniquely (since
the process is reversible)
with a single real number,
thus, then..
the set of all possible sets of
a_n’s has the same cardinality
as does the set of all real
numbers, ie. as the Continuum.


And,.. so then,..

My blog’s subtitle, regarding
the ‘continuum of discontinua’,
has relevance here.

Quet’s Endless Discontinuum:


Those Cones Are Advancing..

As had (as into)..

(And as did {as unto}
other etceteras..)

Blog-post # 594:
(594 = 2 * 3 * 3 * 3 * 11.)

Two more-so-arty
inanimations, plus 2 mazes,
plus 4 more-math-than-art

Convulsing Shards
Convulsing Shards
Upon A Geometric Labyrinth
Upon A Geometric Labyrinth
Simplified By Its Own Complexity
Simplified By Its Own Complexity
As Had (As Into) Convergence
As Had (As Into) Convergence
Fluids Rotated Less
Fluids Rotated Less
As Solids Fluttered
As Solids Fluttered
Cones Are As Thorns
Cones Are As Thorns
Helical Wings
Helical Wings


“Upon A Geometric Labyrinth”
is a maze derived from my
image “Seven Five-Sided
Hexagons”, which can be seen
in my most recent blog-post.

Go from the center to the
break in the outer wall at
the lower-left.

And “Simplified By Its Own
Complexity” is another maze
based in-turn on “Upon A
Geometric Labyrinth”.

And here too, go from the
center to the break at the
lower-left in the outer wall.

About the bottom four math-
related images/plots above:
(From the bottom, then up.)

“Helical Wings”
is the parametric plot of:

x = sin(t) *sin(t/4) *t,
y = cos(t)^2 *sin(t/4) *t,
with t going from 0 to some
value I can’t recall.

“Cones Are As Thorns”
is the parametric plot of:

y = sin(t) *sin(t/2) *t,
x = cos(t)^2 *sin(t/2) *t,
with t going from 0 to
(I think) 32*pi.

(The only difference, other
than x and y are exchanged
{which is not important here},
is that in one function I have
a sin(t/4) and in the other
function I have a sin(t/2).)

Other similar parametric
functions can have
interesting-looking plots.

y = sin(t) *sin(t*r) *t,
x = cos(t)^2 *sin(t*r) *t,
and r is a rational constant
(preferably, for aesthetic
reasons, with a smaller

As for “As Solids Fluttered”,
here I plotted a family of
parametric functions,

y = sin(t) *sin(t*n) *t,
x = cos(t)^3 *t,
where n runs from 1 to 12,
and t runs from 0 to 16*pi.

And “Fluids Rotated Less”
represents almost the same
family of functions as
“As Solids Fluttered” does,
but I divide here, instead
of multiply, by n:

y = sin(t) *sin(t/n) *t,
x = cos(t)^3 *t,
where n also runs from
1 to 12, but t runs
from -16*pi to 16*pi.

(And the names “Fluids Rotated
Less” and “As Solids Fluttered”
are anagrams of each other.)

Anagrams: 43 —

Nasty women:
Not many sew.

That murderous führer
stomps around.
Our hatreds harm us
under Trümp’s foot.

Many dare to heed
such orders.
So they are crushed
or damned.

The damnation solely
of Satan:
And too to Hell
is any man’s fate.

The Devil’s systematic
damnation of virtue:
It did actively save us
from this atonement.

These mean, sick, angry,
evil angels and demons
cannot atone.
So they are damned,
taking mass-vengeance
on all innocents.

A Hell’s idiot fascist
terrorists had been so
.. Cast to die inside
bad realms of hatreds,
thorns, lies.

Mean, stupid, shit-hole
As dumbest or sickest
superhuman filth.

Much Nazi-fiat
is as demons.
Hate is, is of damn

Neo-pogroms of Satan
neared as to end us.
Pentagrams and nooses
often do arouse.

Hate’s race-wars unwisely
do spin rudest ends/evils.
We scarred ourselves with
any stupidness and lies.

That Nazi race-war
is here.
Hate was crazier
than ire.

Americans still are..
As racist, meaner, ill.

We shit.

The nastiness’ sickness:
An essence’s shit stinks.

Nastiness’ dumb person:
Trump’s nonsense is bad.

Rude nightmarish
This is
a charming murder.

This war..
.. Is wrath.

This war is..
ISIS’ wrath.

The Cold-War has
rushed to thaw.
Hot world’s wrath
hated us each.

Trump’s holocausts:
Plots sum to char us,..
Plots’ harm so cut us,..
Mortal push cost us,..
Lost charm so put us,..
To slurp such atoms.

Untruths arise,..
.. Are thrust in us.

Putin’s terrorism:
Trump rises in rot.

Putin’s ego’s terrorism:
Trump rises to so reign.

Putin murders asses.
A rudeness is Trump’s..

Ruder symmetry.

Small kissing.

Small kisser.

As solids fluttered,..
Fluids rotated less.

Pods lied.
Slop died.

Seed-pods’ oval
is clear.
Cloves are
as lopsided.

Peak is..
A spike.

A stone has corners.
Cones are as thorns.

Helical wings so rotated
in loops’ ascent.
Each does twist once
as to align, roll, spin.

Spheres add:..
Deep shards;
Sharp deeds;
Shaped reds;
Phased reds;
Hard speeds;
Shed spread;
Spared shed;
Shed drapes;
Passed herd..
(Sped, shared,..
Had pressed,..
Had depress).


Weird colors
of vagueness:
Love’s roused face
is wrong.

In slender angles,
within distant heights:
A design’s lean length
is its thinner width.

As here inside
Those inertially
are grids, motions,

Those cones
are advancing,..
As had (as into)

Shards are convulsing.
Ovals churned as rings.

Triangle, square,
pentagon, hexagon,
None has an exact loop
equating a ring or eggs.

Eternity is or truth is
what became polygons.
They arose/twist upon
geometric labyrinths.


‘Not atone. Race-war era,
we care not a ton.’

‘Sad ogre, it sank;
nastier god as.’

‘Bonk a knob.’

‘Knobs bonk.’


“And, so why then did you
assume that that shop sold
any fresh produce?”

“Because, man, you TOLD me
it was the ‘corn-ear store’!”

“Oh, right, my bad.”..



‘Cutting Corn-Ears’


(^’US versus us’,
US versus US, or
‘us versus us’, or
any vice-versa.)


(^’Face Versus Face’.)


‘The Macro-Bros’

‘Churnin’ Urinals’


Fast blur-ness
(and some spoons)
was forged in the..



But I hope I shouldn’t
have to give you a..


about the above puzzle^
or about the coming..


or about the following..
other type of world-ending
thingy we also all soon face..

(Well, here’s a nice
little spoonerism..)

Turns out, the..

Right’s wise..

to have fomented the..

Whites’ rise..

(And speak of..
The Donald..)

During His campaigns, Donald
Trump had/has been known to
engage in many..


Trigger-warning time:

And finally..

(Maybe Trump Himself will even
forward this image across the
internet, since He actually is
just so proud about this..)

Yeah, what’s black-(hearted)
and red-(state) and White-
(Supremacist) all over?..
(.. all over again, that is..)


Uhh,.. ^Too far?

Too offensive?..

Well,.. TOO BAD!!

Yep, it really is WAY too bad!
Way worse that just bad enough,

(But if we had wanted only
Bad-Enough, then we would have
elected Hillary.)


So, hey, AmeriKKKa (with a
KKK..), we should have really
thought about that all (or
had thought even at all) first
before voting for Him!
(Even if via the Electoral-
College. But still, absolutely
NO excuse.)
And, worse, we voted for Him
(more so BECAUSE than despite)
knowing full-well what He’s

So now we really need this —
this shit we’ve taken upon not
only just ourselves, but too
upon the entire world — shoved
hard back into our collective
(But we’d probably all actually
only enjoy that, wouldn’t we?!..

we really ARE a pariah-nation of
incredibly stupid boot-stomping
(and bootlicking, to-..BOOT..)
fascists, racists, and genocidal

It’s the American DNA,..
the American way, per-se.

So, hey, take our God-DAMN bow,
Because we very much so are
the Master-Racists, indeed..

*(Re: “Uhh,.. Too far?
Too offensive?
I only apologize for the
image being too obvious,
too easy, and too cliche.
{Oh, mea culpa, mea culpa.}
But whatever. I think we now
have MUCH greater problems
on our {small} hands, don’t
we all?)

Related realization:

Trump’s own name acts as
the modern-day American
equivalent (equ-Evil-ent)
of the Nazis’ swastika.

The name “Trump” — which is
a superliminal (and likely
even intentional) reference
to how Trump TRUMPS all else
(maybe even God Itself) —
is a name that inspires awe,
that incites anger and fear,
and that evokes Trump’s
ultra-trumping power, as too
had the swastika done these
same types of propagandistic
things originally for the
paleo-Nazis and for Their
(still ongoing..) purposes.




(“Oh, no, no, I don’t think
you’re a jig-jaggin’ zigzag
at all.”..)

Blog-post # 593:
(593 = prime.)

Six (and a half)

Space’s Lenses So Align
Spaces Lenses So Align
Seven Five-Sided Hexagons
Seven Five-Sided Hexagons
Gravity: Eternal Lie
Gravity - Eternal Lie
Therein Arrays’ Parts So Whole
Therein Arrays Parts So Whole

Notes about some of the images:
(Out of order respective to
the images.
Anagrams and all that other
fun follow this long expanse
of image-related notes.)

(Regarding the image “Therein
Arrays’ Parts So Whole”:
Yes, it’s a maze..
if you start anywhere within it
you choose and try to travel to
anywhere else within it you
choose, since it has no breaks
in its outer wall and has no
designated start-finish
locations within it.

{You have free-will, yes,
but still you are destined to
remain eternally imprisoned..}

The design of the maze is due
to a simple repetitive procedure
which could have been continued
indefinitely,.. but then quickly
leads to REALLY even tinier and
tinier walls and passageways..)

(Regarding the image
“Seven Five-Sided Hexagons”:

Each little five-sided polygon,
which has been replicated and
arranged along with the regular
hexagons to form the overall
design {which could have been
continued outwardly forever},
has five angles equal to the
angles of 5 types of regular
polygons, where those regular
polygons have.. {in the order,
going clockwise, of the
respective angles around my
very-irregular polygon}..
3, 4, 5, 6, and 20 sides.

So, the 5 internal angles
of each of my irregular
polygons are equal to:
60, 90, 108, 120, and 162
degrees, which also equal
the internal angles of..
(respectively) an equilateral
triangle, a square, a regular
pentagon, a regular hexagon,
and a regular icosagon.)

(Regarding the image-name
“Gravity: Eternal Lie”:

This is an anagram of..


But it itself is not worthy
of being amongst my anagrams
below because the proper
term is “The General Theory
Of Relativity”.

But two related anagrams
below still qualify.)

(And some info and an additional
image are below regarding the
shape of the squiggly paths in
the image “Sguiqqles”.

And, yes, the q’s and g’s
in the name “Sguiqqles” have
been exchanged on-purpose.)

Anagrams, 27:

The anagrams were insanity.
A rhyme was as entertaining.

These rotated
permutations spin.
That round emptiness
is to repeat.

spirals or shapes:
Those solids/forms are
in/upon a linear sphere.

Neon light’s omen
is weird.
Dimensions glow therein.

Arrays therein
parts so whole..
.. Otherwise are
as sharply torn.

A sharpest cut:
Cusps are that.

This ruse is a betrayal.
Busy liars are its hate.

Try love.

All racist bull..
wins its every poll.
As Republicans still..
overtly will.

Fascist skinhead thugs:
Hated fucking-ass shits.

His toupee was ever
the mushroom-cloud.
Trump dooms us.
He loco. He it.
He us.

Hellish rite..
Is their Hell.
His Hell-Rite.
His ill there.
This ill here.
Shill it here.
Either shill,
The ire shill.
He ill, He stir..
This Hell-Ire,
Hell-Ire shit.

Each kills..
As ill heck.

Fascist puke:
It fucks apes.

Nine-Eleven fears
do hit us bad.
It has been used
for an evil end.

God, sin, evil:
Living’s ode.
In void’s gel.
Divine slog.

There is no Hell
but of this earth.
The hot fire,..
the ill hate,..
so burns.

As hurricanes..
.. Are such rains.

As perpendicular as this,
as interwoven as wind:
A spiral is weird,
is neon, and never was
that cusp.


Therein squiggles
and yet not scribbles:
Bending questions
glibly steer the arcs.

Clearest or sunny
shape or light:
Translucent hieroglyphs
so are.

Each cyber-pulsation and arc
is yet as the cosmic ghost,..
To transcend a hieroglyphic
echo’s systematic abacus.

Each looks like
some corkscrew.

Space’s lenses so align..
As neon/glass/eclipses.

In relativity as general:
Gravity is an eternal lie.

The general theory
of relativity:
Gravity, eternity,
hole after hole.

^(I could have above instead had:

“All racist bull..
wins its every poll.
As Republicans will..
_try love_ still.”

But that ain’t exactly true
{except in the completely
ironic sense, of course},…

.. unless it is meant that
Republicans will still
be putting love ON-TRIAL,
that is.)

(Too soon,.. but..)

Thing to call climate-change
deniers as of now:..


Or maybe..


(Either way, quite destructive,


Our zeitgeist is infested with
(amongst many other horrors)..


Quite a Modern-Era-length
BAD-vertisement, indeed..


(“But, hey, don’t go and just
be some.. ‘GLIB-eral’, man!”..)


“It’s goin’ on Down-Under,

“Down-Under WHERE?!”..

“Well, you better pull them up
quick, then, or you’ll be
arrested for indecent-exposure!
{And then be sent off to a
penal-colony… Down-Under,


(“Down-Under WHERE?!”..
And so on..)

“A WHAT-colony!?”..}


“It’s an either/or situation.”

“Either oar, you say?
The left or right oar,
I presume?
And is that to row with?”

“No, it’s two columns’ width.”

“To call ’em oars with what?”

“A phone.”

“And then ya’ call ’em what,
exactly, while on the phone?”


(Hey, sometimes ya’ just gotta’
row with the flow, man..)


(Ridin’ high in the paddle?..
Then try not to get yourself
a paddle to your saddle.

Best instead ya’ just put
the metal to that paddle,..
and then ya’ skedaddle,
ya’ hear?!

“Well soon, though,..
me _not_ here..”)







‘The Cyberglyphs’

From Inner-Space’

‘The Interstitialists’


Seriously, however..

Regarding those
who indeed are.. bought..
but, though, who are not..
the.. souled:

It’s now the masks
who wear the faces..


Thus, you must trust
not only no one,..

but now.. you must trust
not any no-ones either..

Regarding the shape of the
paths in the image above,

Consider this graphic:


This is a simplified version of
the path’s shape, which could
have been extended forever under
the rules of its generation.

Start with the 2-by-2 pattern:

– P

P = Purple/pinkish square.
G = Green/cyanish square.

Then at each step, repeat what
you have so far, so to double
the length of the path, and
rotate the new duplicated
section of path clockwise by
90 degrees.

Then append it at the upper
right of what you have so far
(so that the leftmost square
of the new section is in the
column one to the right of
the rightmost square of the
older section, and the lowest
square of the new section is
in the row one above the
topmost square of the old

And finally, connect the
topmost square of the older
section to the rightmost
square of the newest section
by a yellow line of squares
that 1st extends horizontally
to the right from the topmost
square of the older section
to a new green square just
below the rightmost square of
the new section, then extends
upwards to that rightmost
(purplish) square.
(The newest green square will
then be at the bend connecting
the newest of the vertical and
horizontal lines of adjacent
yellow squares.)

The purple/pinkish squares will
alternate with the green/cyanish
squares as you encounter them
along the yellow path.

(Though, where the path actually
goes can sometimes be ambiguous
if you don’t — like I haven’t
— indicate graphically how
physically adjacent sections of
the path are separated from
each other and are connected to
each other.)

The purple/pinkish squares
represent 2 permutations of
the positive integers.
(Reading off their vertical
positions in terms of their
horizontal positions, or

And the green/cyanish squares
represent a permutation of
the positive integers and
(by exchanging the x and y
coordinates) a permutation of
the integers 2 and greater.


And try to get your handle
around this little

“If each statement S(n) is,
‘This statement S(n) is
necessarily as true as either
(only one of the following)
is statement S(1) or as
is statement S(2) or as
is statement S(3)..
(continuing to).. or as
is statement S(n-1)’, and
S(1) is a lie, then this
very statement is as true
as is the limit of S(n)
as n approaches infinity.”

S(5) can be rewritten to be,

“This statement S(5)
is necessarily as true as is
S(1), which is a lie,
OR as is
‘This statement S(2)
is necessarily as true as is
a lie’
OR as is
‘This statement S(3)
is necessarily as true as is
a lie or as is ‘This statement
is necessarily as true as is
a lie”
OR as is
‘This statement S(4)
is necessarily as true as is
a lie or as is ‘This statement
is necessarily as true as is
a lie’ or as is
‘This statement is necessarily
as true as is a lie or as is
‘This statement is necessarily
as true as is a lie”’.)

So, if S(n) is true — but
being-true is not among its
n number of potential truth-
values if it is to be true —
then it is a lie.
But if it is a lie, then it
is true, as per the usual
Liar’s Paradox.
But then it must thus have
whatever is the paradoxical
“truth”-value of the statement
‘This statement is a lie.’
And if n is at least 3, then
that truth-value is amongst the
truth-values that make it true
if it has that truth-value.
And too, S(n) can’t simply be a
lie instead, since it is stated
that it is a lie, making it
true if it is a lie.
(In-turn making it as true as
‘This statement is a lie’.
And, for n of 3 or more,
S(n) is true if it is as true
as ‘This statement is a lie’.
But ‘true’ is not amongst its
truth values.)

And too, S(n), since the ‘or’s
are exclusive, can’t be both a
lie and of the truth-value of
‘This statement is a lie.’

So, S(n) must then have some
other truth-value even more
paradoxical than ‘true’, ‘lie’,
and ‘As true as ‘This statement
is a lie”.

But at each S(n) for n of 4 or
greater we have a statement that
can’t be true, a lie, as true as
‘This statement is a lie’, or
even of the truth-value of S(3).

On and on,…
each S(n) of greater n having
weirder and weirder truth-values.


Though you might be tempted to
assign the truth-value of
‘absolutely-meaningless’ or even
of ‘lie’ to S(infinity), I am
not sure that that is what is
actually the TRUE value..

I had, many years ago, considered
without rigor or justification at
all, that perhaps these different
truth-values could be represented
numerically as points along the
circumference of a unit-circle
drawn on the complex-plane and
centered at the origin.

‘True’ would equal 1.

And ‘Lie’ would equal -1,
of course.

But the truth-value of
‘This statement is a lie’
would be i, the squareroot
of -1.

And the truth value of S(n)
would equal the squareroot
of the truth-value of S(n-1).

So, S(3)’s truth-value would
be represented under this
scheme as (1+i)/squareroot(2).

And, generally, the truth-value
of S(n) would be represented as:

cos(2*pi/2^n) + i*sin(2*pi/2^n).

{^Due to de Moivre’s theorem.}

Under this scheme, you might say,
‘S(1) is as true as S(1)’, or
‘A lie is as true as a lie’,
which would be as true, like
how the multiplication of -1
times -1 equals 1, which is

But then, ‘S(2) is as true as
S(2)’, or the Liar’s Paradox is
as true as the Liar’s Paradox’,
would be represented by i*i = -1,
which is then ‘a lie’.
This might indeed be logically
justified, but I don’t know.)

But what about S(infinity)?

Oddly — but if my complex-number
scheme is justified, however —
S(n) approaches, as n goes to
infinity, closer and closer to..

cos(0) + i*sin(0),..

the truth-value of 1,..
which is TRUTH!

But taking the squareroot of
a complex-number returns two
possible values, though, which
are each the negative of the
other value.
(Because, (-x)*(-x) =
(-1)*(-1)*x^2 = 1*x^2 = x^2.)

So, S(infinity) might just as
well be approaching the value
of a simple lie, which is -1.

But perhaps,.. —
And the “primary root” refers
here to the first root that
occurs counterclockwise from 1
on the complex-plane’s unit-
circle –.. S(n) takes on the
primary squareroot of S(n-1)
for some n’s but then takes on
the negative of the primary
root of S(n-1) for other n’s
(which in those cases would be
the 1st roots counterclockwise
from -1), with each S(n) being
either equal to the positive
or negative of the primary
root of S(n-1) in perhaps an
arbitrary manner, for each of
the n’s from n = 1… up to
.. n equal to infinity.

Then S(infinity) could end up
being ANYWHERE along the
unit-circle’s circumference,..
ie. It could have ANY truth-
value (even those not amongst
the primary-root truth-values
of all S(n)’s),.. or maybe have
ALL truth-values simultaneously..

including possibly even..

absolutely true.

(Or very VERY near to absolutely
true, anyway.)


{But this all^ depends, of course,
on my own logic’s truth-value
in regards to my trying to have
figured this whole thing out.}


End Here As No Limit

Blog-post # 592:
(592 = 2 * 2 * 37 * 2 * 2.)

Four new art-inanimations,
some more arty but some
more mathy:

The One Dream
The One Dream
Five-Sixths As Universal
Five-Sixths As Universal
Darkness’ Sum
Darkness Sum
Arc Of Triangles Similar To Themselves
Arc Of Triangles Similar To Themselves

(Lots of non-image-art stuff
is after all this.)

The third {thin} image,
“Darkness’ Sum”, is sort-of
in-part an example of a Braille
alphabet for extraterrestrials,
I’d guess, as transmitted
and/or received via, perhaps,
those sundial radio-dishes
from my image “Transception”
{posted May 18, 2017}.

I forgot the math involved
in making this “signal”,
but I think maybe the
sequence of “letters” could
have been continued forever
{under whichever relatively
simple math-rule I used}
without ever repeating any
letter exactly.

The 4th {math-over-art}
image, “Arc Of Triangles
Similar To Themselves”,
represents (on the image’s
right side) a set of
triangles of various angles
that each have sides in
ratios of 1:r:r^2, for some
r depending on the angles.
(Along with the base, the
two lines of any one color
cross to form such a
triangle; but then these
two lines continue on.)

If such a triangle is right,
then r = squareroot of the
golden-ratio {the root of
r^4 = r^2 + 1} or of its
reciprocal {the root of
1 = r^2 + r^4}.

The white arc of the image
{But I am unsure what goes
on left of the y-axis}
represents the continuous
collection of top vertices
of all of these triangles
if the other two vertices
of each triangle lie at
the same 2 points along
the x axis, as per the

And back to the second
image, “Five-Sixths As
The gray {sometimes part-
obscured} triangles of
this image are, as too are
the triangles in the 4th
image, each with sides in
ratios 1:r:r^2, for some r
depending on the angles.

However, I didn’t really
use this fact much at all
in the image’s creation,
since I could have had any
type of triangles spiraling
in like I had, though at
different rates than here.
Even the six-ness of the
image is mostly due to
reasons other than the
side-ratios of the

Anagrams, 15
(one in 19 parts):
{Warning: I’m even less
certain of the accuracy of
the anagrams today than I
usually am.}

Nil is the one dream,
In the one dim laser.
In math, lines erode.
(One nil made theirs;
No line made theirs.)
Dream this one line.
In the lone dream is..
Time’s one hard line,
Ordinal time sheen:
Done in the realism,
In the realism-node,
In Earth’s line-mode.
Time-line: One shard.
The one mind is real.
Shine or die mental.
No id is mental here.
(The demon is linear.)
End here as no limit.

Inside the complicated curls:
Atomic circles did then pulse.

This vast thing is surreal, is ever of a nexus,..
As those triangular five-sixths universes.

As the folded cones..
Of each oddest lens.

Seen in this Braille’s own dark sums:
As these, blind surrealism is known.

Within Braille was darkness’ sum.
As blind surrealism knew what is.

That strange signal is muted.
Languages transmitted this.

Religion divides us.. but is rude.
Sin did disguise our brute evil.

The masks wear their faces, soon ours, then do wear us.
Such weirdest automatons are now faker “he”s or “she”s.

In Hell, we bigots cannot resist Hate’s evil torturers.
Those villains won at being the cruelest terrorists.

Hate-fucking-ass losers:
Fascists are gunk-holes.

Nude man.

No sense splits.

In pointlessness:
Nonsense is split.
Nonsense is spilt.

Inside the pointlessness:
Lies spited this nonsense.


‘Torture of a foe:
Rut, rot.’

‘Spar. Terror re-traps.’

The following six blanks
are to be filled-in with
three words (as per the
numbers), where the three
words form one of those
triangular word-chains
(of three compound terms)
I’ve talked about in past
What are the three words?

First, you 1____ 2_____,

finding you need to
2_____ 3__.

So, you increase your

The triangle:
(Going clockwise.)

. . 1____
3__ . 2_____

(Word 1 has 4 letters.
Word 2 has 5 letters.
Word 3 has 2 letters.)


Virtual-reality is many
people’s.. e-scape..


“Them trains always travel
on time.”

“They always travel on
ties, you say? Well, that
ain’t too shocking.”

“No, they travel on TIME.”

“You mean the trains are
using time as their fuel?
But how do they do that?”

“By getting where they’re

“And they’re going there
.. by traveling on time?”

“No, by traveling upon
the plains.”

“Upon the higher planes?”

“Yes, the Great Plains.”

“Wow. Via them for real?”

“No, via them two rails.”


And so on..
.. and on.. and on..


‘Jim Nauseam’

‘Masks Now Wearing Faces’

‘The Naked-Privates-Eyes’

(And The 8-Sides)’


Here’s quite a non-humdrum
conundrum,.. quite a
humdinger of a Schrodinger,

Let’s say you are a
quantum-physicist who sets
up in your lab a sample of
radioactive material with
a 50% chance of triggering
a Geiger-counter in a given

And then you attach the
Geiger-counter to some
poison-gas vial or to, for
even more fun, a nuke, say.

But instead of a cat, in
this experiment it will be
YOU who is to maybe breathe
in the poison or be nuked.

Now (certainly the situation
with the nuke, but too even
with the poison), the
experiment is set up so that
if you are killed, then your
death will happen literally
before you even know at all
what is going on.
Literally within just one
nanosecond, say, you will be
completely dead.
There will be absolutely
no time at all for you to
realize that the Geiger-
counter has detected a decay
if it indeed does.

So, if there is no detection,
your state of still-being-
alive becomes solid-reality,
and you observe this reality,
and things are good..

But what if you indeed are
In that case the state of
you-being-dead simultaneously
exists past your death with
the state of you-still-being-
alive, if I understand it.

This version of Shrodinger’s
humdinger is interesting for
one reason because, maybe,
the superposition exists if
and only if the single
non-superimposed reality of
your death exists. (As if
the superposition itself is
in superposition with the
absence of superposition.)
But otherwise, there was no
superposition if you remain

There are possible resolutions,
which I have not thought much
about, such as quantum-physics
has thus disproved itself.. or
.. this is a proof of-sorts of
the after-life, where you can
observe from-afar that you
indeed have been killed.

(If there is no after-life,
other people, then, might be
the ones who observe your death
for you if you die. But what if
you had instead set up a
universe-destroying bomb?
Maybe universe-destroying bombs
are therefore impossible, then,
we can hope?
But we might never know if they
can or cannot exist, though,..
and maybe not even if… one
does indeed someday go off..)


Leroy Quet the first,..
the last

Bend Zoo-Dizzyism

(^Hey, ya’ got to..
sans trend..))

Okay, back to the
mundane now..

Blog-post # 591:
(591 = 3 * 197.)

Three new semi-artsy
(A bit different in the
moods they set than my
images usually are.)

Ever Veer
Ever Veer
Eye-Fish Lens
Eye-Fish Lens

2 mathematical art-lessnesses:


(I can’t recall what the first
of these two images represents.

But the math of the bottom
image I explain somewhat at
the end of today’s post.)
Anagrams, 42:

Finest poems:
Of emptiness.

A pulse’s repetition:
Its perpetual noise.

Optical loopings:
Topological spin.

Puzzling signals:
Nulls zigzag/spin.

As in parallels
to churning:
Nil turns along
each spiral.

Asinine zeros.
Neo-Nazis rise.


The Nazi racists arose.
Satanic zeros are shit.

Hell’s evil ass-scum
racist Aryans arose.
Such loser liars are
massive anal-cysts.


Aryan shits are..
In hate’s arrays.

Man’s ire..
.. Remains.


Racially most important
corporate human-fetuses:
As numerically corrupt
estimates of that poor
As numerically poor
estimates of that
corrupt man.

Evil age’s clan.


Evil clans
came in a rage.
Anger can

Mike Pence is..
Enemies’ pick.


That enemy is..
.. Yet this mean.


Weirdest shoahs:
The shadows rise.


Hate’s shadows rise.
Its shoahs were sad.

A dark hellish noose:
Neo-shoahs dare kill.


A hate’s wicked, racist,
and hellish noose:
That is as cancer.
Neo-shoahs kill.
We died.

Skinheads are evil thugs,
are shits, assholes.
Hate’s losers had knives;
as their lies gash us.


White/ill neo-fascist
brutes do then kill.
But their wickedness
is to fall into Hell.


Insane or
as mentally-ill:
A non-silly lament
is real.


Ghosts are
even of angels.
The graven fools

Flab tool.


Fruit’s mess..
.. Stirs fumes.

A soda-snorkel itches,..
As do these cork-nails.


An eclipse overlaps.
Cloves’ lines appear.


As linear as ellipses:
A spiral else is a lens.


Lenses’ night.
Glint’s sheen.

Knotted inside such,..
Stone chunks did tie.


Knotted visions curl.
Stone void struck nil.

Folded fountains:
Of fluid and stone.


Into a fun.
Fan in/out;
I fan unto.
A noun fit..
.. A nun of it.


Inside the
face’s spirals:
Its ash, fire,
and eclipses.


One cube has
Each lobe is
so continual.


Helices appear so dim;
each is this knot,..
.. As that in


Most integers otherwise
alter addition’s sums.
Strange surrealism does
twist too inside them.

Outstretched inside any,
Unto its reached destiny.


Avoidance converges.
Ascend/veer via no cog.


Not a cog.


As in those auras:
A sun’s hot sea/air.

A fire-fountain is..
Of infinite auras.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
(See my July 5, 2017 post
if you don’t know what a
“trianagram” is.)

I curl..
A cusp.

Another example of a word-
triplet thingy (which is not
a trianagram) of the type
that I first talked about in
my Feb 26, 2016 post:

. . Point
Check . Blank

(Or, in other words..)

Blank check.


(^Did I post this triplet

(In a recent post from Aug 7,
you may recall that I posted
the same type of word-triplet,
“Salt . Water . Table”.)


‘Sued, a meme made us.’

‘Must net a patent sum.’

‘Raft in Aegean. It far.’

‘Sleek eels.’

And (since word-play especially
shouldn’t be all work/word and
no play) here’s an easy puzzle:

The.. loon spiffed..

using a..



(^Because the fork variety
would’ve been just way too


It’s sure ironic that it’s
called a “check-point”,
isn’t it?..

.. Since the nice authorities
manning it most always, I’d
guess, demand you pay the
bribes in cash!..


(And related..)

Fun little back-and-forth
we can have in near-future

Motorist: “I’ll just write a
check to ya’ guys, here.”..

Angry authority then points
rifle at naive motorist..

Motorist: “Uhh,.. But it’s
CALLED a _check_-point,
isn’t it, dude!?
Uh, what’s the prob, then?..
.. Hey, I’m confused, man.
So, THAT’S NOT why you guys
insisted on seeing my ID?”..

(Not-so-funny outcome to this^
otherwise amusing situation has
been redacted to protect the
{naiveté of the} innocent..)

(Changing gears a bit..)

How is the Leaning Tower
of Pisa aligned?


(.. Of{f} course!..}


“It sure was expensive to
haul away my mangled car
after I crashed it.”

“So, I guess your car,
then, was therefore..

“Uhh,.. Yeah.”


On which archipelago do
things appear way too bulgy?

On the..

Fish Islands!..

(Again, of{f} course.)

(More gear-changing.)

Thing to say these days:

that’s the best thing since
wifi-connected smart-bread!”..


(“But is it better even than
_self-driving_ wifi-connected
smart-bread, though, man?
Because, if not, then just
forget about it, ‘kay?”..)
Speaking of things that
should(n’t) happen:

Maybe during a newscast on
some cooler network (Does
any exist, though?) there
should be some type of
count-up calendar graphic
that (this time) shows..

“America held-hostage
___ days”,

the number of days since
Trump became president.

(And I think it’s on Nov
17, 2018, give or take a
day or two, that it will
have been.. ___ days..
So, 11-17-18;
{Or 11-18-18, even? That
would be cool if so.}
Hey, mark {of the Beast}
your calendars!..)


Hmm, and maybe too there
should be such a count-up
calendar somewhere during
the sportscast that shows..

“Colin Kaepernick’s career
held-hostage ___ days”..

(.. Or years.. Or decades..)

Yet another thing to say:

“Some religious conservatives
can sure be celibate in the
biblical sense!”..

.. In that,..

(The cliche’s
converse situation)..

They don’t KNOW anything!..


And speaking of CraZy and
dangerously powerful people
who are now running/ruining

It’s full-speed-ahead..


a speed-head fool!..

Scene-excerpt from a
sophomoric movie about the
dashingly handsome escaped

Asshole hyper-masculine
police-chief to reporters:

“Our department has a massive
manhood now going on for the
dangerous suspect..”

(Reporters look a little

Uhh,.. a massive MANHUNT,
I mean..
Yeah,.. a manhunt.
.. To clarify: A manHUNT,
that is..
Umm, I mean, it’s a hunt,
JUST a hunt, see, is what
I’m getting at.
Forget the ‘man’ part..
.. Man-part?
Umm,.. I mean, forget the
‘man’ in that part of THE
WORD.. Hey, this department
is just innocently hunting,
is all that’s going on and
absolutely _nothing_ more.
Understand, absolutely NO
funny-business is going on
with my men, okay?
Uh. Though they’re not MY
men, literally..
NOT mine, to clarify.
Got it!?
NOT my men.. in that naughty
sense anyway, see.
Hey, I’m very sure that
they’re all happily married,
even,.. like I AM TOO to my
own beautiful and SEXY wife,
by the way. Yes, this
department’s officers are
all very very married to
good women, you know.
And, too, I think that their
wives are really quite hot,
even,.. yes, really.. REALLY
damn hot,… uh, umm, uhh…
I bet.”..

(And the stunned reporters..
and too even the stunned
officers in the room..
are trying so hard just to
simply not snicker, let alone
to not laugh out-loud..)

‘Not One Nun’

‘The Arid Sirens’

‘The Human-Defiers’

‘Humans Not Fit For

‘The Hyperallergenic’

‘Graven Imaginations’

‘The Cork-Nails’


‘Zak Zodiac And That
Zagging Ziggy Max’

‘The Ziggles’

And Them Rhyth-’em Cowboys’

‘Fish Islands’

‘The Ass-Cyst Ants’

(What the world really needs..)

Menswear making a statement:

A tie with pockets..

Since, hey, it’s MENS-wear,
So, it OF COURSE has pockets,
.. any pockets at all, unlike
the total pocketlessness of
so much women’s wear.*

Yet, a tie is generally
absolutely useless (unless
you are a messy eater, that
is.. {But I still never wear
one anyway..}).

Thus, it’s time for a tie to
finally be useful at all!

So, there’s irony in this
menswear statement.

.. Deep..


*Re: “The pocketlessness of
so much women’s wear”:

But, hey, women don’t need to
ever worry their pretty little
heads about needing pockets,
anyway,.. right?
Because they all just have
purses, see..
So, no prob,.. right?..

But yet even women-nurses’
scrubs are too often sans
pockets, I hear.
And nurses don’t wear purses,
.. or at least not while on
duty, anyway.
But they DO often really need
pockets while on-duty, though.

And this certainly isn’t the
only example of why clothing-
related sexist conventions are
even more so REALLY stupid
than most people realize.

But then meanwhile,..
many _men’s_ pants/jeans (or
at-best, unisex pants/jeans),
on the other hand, even have
that little useless pocket
within a pocket, which
no one even knows why it’s
there in the first place!
.. I guess it’s meant for a
pocket-watch or something?..
(Quite FOB-ulous!..)

Oh, and that watch-pocket
can sure come in handy these
(Like also can.. a TIE,

And then men’s shirts can have
a little pocket in them, too.

And then men have cargo-pants
and the like too to wear, with
(large and sometimes even
useful) pockets all over the

And, yeah, women could simply
wear men’s pants if they want
any pocket-availability at all.

But why should they HAVE to??

And if women-having-purses is
the (specious) excuse for
denying women all access to
pockets, then why not too
completely abolish all pockets
from clothing worn by students,
say, and EVEN no matter the
gender of the students??..
Because, hey, students use
_backpacks_, see!..

But yeah, the overall sexist
AND otherwise stupid clothing-
situation — from useless ties
and even useless pockets (all
over guys’ clothing, even) for
to the not at all useful
pocketlessness for women –..
is YET ANOTHER good reason
for us all to just go naked,
I suppose!..

Hey, _that’ll_ show those


(^Odd topic for me to rant
about, but it ends on an
optimistic note..)
“{But the math of the bottom
image I explain somewhat at
the end of today’s post.

The bottom image above shows
a number of partial sums of
sin(2*pi*x/k), with the sum
running from 1 to some integer
for each partial sum.

I then plotted too the number
of divisors of 1 through 47.
{With 0 on the far left.}

Had I, instead of summing the
smooth sine-curves, plotted
the sums of the pulse-shaped
“curves” {which are each
analogous to the respective
sine-curves} where the kth’s
such curve of frequency 1/k
and wave-length k consists of
a sequence of, repeating
forever, an amplitude of 0
for a duration of {k-1}
followed by a single pulse
with a duration of 1 and
with an amplitude of 1,..


.. then the sum of all these
curves would have equaled the
number-of-divisors plot.

But it seems that summing the
smooth sines to k = infinity,
however, will eventually get
a “curve” which equals
infinity most everywhere.


So the sum of sines is a very
_rough_ estimate precisely
because it is, ironically,
a much too SMOOTH estimate!*

Precisely, of COARSE..

*(A joke I already did
in-regards to something else;
but that something was math
too, though.)



(Ah, and what a beautiful way…
.. for we all to hellishly die..)

Blog-post # 590:
(590 = 2 * 59 * 5.)

Four and 2 halves art-inanimations:

One8 Eight7 Two6 Seven5
Three4 Six3 Four2 Five1
One8 Eight7 Two6 Seven5 Three4 Six3 Four2 Five1
As The Laser-Darkness
As The Laser-Darkness
Boiling Space
Boiling Space

(Note: The top image,
“Apockaleidoscopic”, is, I think,
the last image I will make based
on the same theme I also used in
2 other recent images, which can
be seen in my Aug 7, 2017 post.)

(Note: The third image is not
intended to resemble a swastika
or a Christian cross, and it is
not even meant as a political-
statement in the other direction
in-regards to its rainbowness.
It is simply based on some simple
purely nonpolitical math, is all.
maybe then I should have instead
called it “False Equivalence” as
somewhat of a relevant joke. But,
despite the name I gave it being
way too unwieldy, I’ll just keep
that name precisely because I’ve
already put a huge amount of
effort just into writing it out..)

(Note: Both “Boiling Space” and
“Pulsive” are low-rez low-artiness
images based on that one math plot
I’ve been posting a lot in regards
to lately. But there is some
additional mathematics involved
explaining the different curves of
different colors. But I don’t feel
like explaining that math now.)

(Note: And the relatively mathless
images today — “Epoch-Collapse-
oscopic” the most, of course, then
followed by “As The Laser-Darkness”
and “Apockaleidoscopic” — each
honor the Aug 21st solar-eclipse
to some extent. And, hey, why not,
the other images too today also
honor the eclipse, we’ll say.
Yep, our world is full of {often-
sinister, in-fact} distractions..
But soon, even outer-space as well
will provide us with a distraction
of its own. {But it’ll hopefully
be much less sinister, though.
.. Hopefully..})
Anagrams (18):

As the laser-darkness:
Art seeks a lens’ shard.

To focus/crumple this laser,..
The spectrum is as colorful.

Stupidest terrorism:
Trump desires its rot,..
To stir Trump’s desire.

A hate’s rage was
a king’s mistake.
He makes swastikas
great again..

A knot as rude
does twist in us,..
Unto our destined

Fascists again
were killers.
Sickest ill was
in fear’s rage.

These were hypocrites
and fools.
They posed their own
false score.
They scored their own
false pose.

Therein our zeitgeist
of mass-murder:
The rude zero arose;
it is grimmest fun.

A zeitgeist’s Nazis/pigs:
Its penises zigzag as it.

Hot fire is as eggshells
or as stones.
Those are of their
glassiness’ gloss.

These spirals do
pulse as science.
A sun’s eclipses
eclipsed Earth so.

The solar-eclipse is
psychopathic, as to be
what is entire.
This hate’s Apocalypse
boils space there within
its core.

The rings’ fire:
Their fingers.

Ring’s thief:
This finger.

This Earth is crumpled,
is as severed.
These dreams, spirals,
curves hide it.

Into the spiral:
It then is polar.

A silly kaleidoscope
Apocalypse does kill
in us.

Beyond, yet within,
Earth is so ended by
its own sickest Apocalypse.


Beware number-based puns,..

or you could end up getting
more than you bargained five!..

(.. And maybe _even_ more
than you bargained six..)

A political-cartoon idea:

“Probably the most threatening
and dangerous monument still
standing-tall that proudly honors
our nation’s racism and bigotry:”

And the cartoon’s image is of..

.. the Trump Tower..



In Increments Of Nil

(^And nothing more..)

Blog-post # 589:
(589 = 19 * 31.)

New art inanimation times 1:

Unto Such A Sundial
Unto Such A Sundial

And, just for kicks (but not
just for kids), here is a
black-and-white version of
my much more colorful image
(from the previous post)
“Seen In These Kaleidoscopes
We Seek” to print-up for
your own or your loved-ones’
coloring purposes:

Colorlessness Seen
Colorlessness Seen

(I had thought about making this
into a maze, but forget that.)
Anagrams, 27:

I summed nil to a nil.

As hyper-dimensional:
One spiral hides many.

A dew-droplet is..
Lopsided water.

As eyesight
of laser-light:
The hot fire is
a glassy gel.

These convulsions:
Toss such vile neon.

As were inflections
I made:
We die in
Creation’s flames.

A surreal wicked null:
Nuclear-war killed us.

Unborn lives
are as atomic.

We rudest men
have been chosen.
Such were beneath
even demons.

Sad demon:
So damned.

Patriotic morons
do sub-evolve.
Dumb evil corporations
so vote.

Neon’s nights.
(Then in songs.)

This reality equals the
ignorance of its/our own
nonsense, as it was hidden.
Each lie or fantasy aligns
or ruins so we then did not
question what is seen.

This screamer’s anger
is to cast..

Hate’s sin, lewdest

Rudeness is what
is to scar me.
As wise truths
seem sardonic.

Those truths were
so sardonic.
This thorn does
scar us; we tore.

Coincidences are as
massive as this:
Each arise inside
a cosmic vastness.

Loops, oscillations,
Spirals’ convolution
else is so.

As the spirals
underneath us,..
A sundial’s shape
turns there.

The spirals
are celestial.
Earth is
a stellar eclipse.

Each glassiest spiral:
Space is as laser-light.

Permutations cast
many arcs/lines..
Unto an asymmetric
spiral’s ascent.

Those polarities:
As their loops tie.

This leg’s shin/foot:
No less of its thigh.

Acts belie.

The anagrams’ couplets:
Poems/art: Such a tangle.


‘No, in uneven union.’


18th-19th Century America:
“All men are created equal.”

(^All _White_ men, that is.)

20th Century America:
“All persons are created equal.”

(^Officially so,
if not in-practice.)

21st Century America:
“Some corporations are more
equal than others!”*..

(^Officially so
AND in-practice.)


*(Hey, corporations have been
endowed by Their Creator with
inalienable rights, now now,
since, see, God** created
corporations in His own image!
**{And He’s a God that demands
human-sacrifice***, at that.}
***{The sacrifice solely of
actual biological human-humans,
that is, to be clear.****}
****{And of these humans’

Our country has really fallen
into the wrong tiny hands!..


President Trump and His redneck
followers are a bunch of..



Trump, the antisocial socialite
— barging in on high-society
weddings, hanging out in secret
meetings with America’s most
powerful enemies, assaulting
women, otherwise being almost
just as crude even in social
situations as when trying to
start nuclear-wars — indeed
is really quite..



Street-preacher holds up his
Bible in the air and loudly

“You must take the Bible

“Really? Okay.”..

So, he grabs the preacher’s
Bible and runs away with it..


Easy-to-dance-to (or to..
whatever-to..) music often
has a good..



‘The Scream-Casters’

‘Kim Jung Kardashian Un
And The Huge Asses’

.. And nothing more to say,..



(The discontinuum-hypothesis,^..
{maybe} indeed..)

Blog-post # 588:
(588 = 2 * 7 * 3 * 7 * 2.)

Two new (sort-of-new)

Seen In These
Kaleidoscopes We Seek
Seen In These Kaleidoscopes We Seek
Sought Via Those
Kaleidoscope We See
Sought Via Those Kaleidoscope We See

And here are some math-related
non-art inanimations
(inart nonanimations?).
But I don’t now feel like
describing the math, though.
If you want math, however, then
keep reading this post.. and
reading it.. and reading..

Of That Integerness’ Arcs
Of That Integerness Arcs

(I will say, though, that the
bottom image shows, for m and n
both running from 1 to 97, which
coordinates pairs (m,n) are such
that m and n are coprime to each
other. Most of these coprime
pairs are plotted in white.
However, the purple squares
represent those coprime pairs
that would not be accessible
{by starting from the lower-left
at (1,1)} if this plot was a
maze and the white areas were
the paths.
{Albeit, it’s a crappy maze with
multiple possible ways to reach
many of the white squares.}
The name “Go-primality” comes
from, had this been a Go-board,
the fact that the purple squares
would have been where white
pieces were before being captured
by black pieces surrounding them.
{But I can’t recall the rules of
Go regarding if your opponent
needs or not to have also placed
his pieces in all the diagonally-
adjacent locations too around
your piece in order to capture
that piece.
But whatever are the real rules
of Go, a white piece is captured
here even if the pieces diagonal
to it are white.})
Anagrams, 26:

Hyper-dimensional Tao:
Only inside a metaphor.


The solar-eclipses:
Spheres oscillate.

Of solar-eclipses:
Fires so collapse.

A sun’s Earth;
a kaleidoscope’s suns:
As such polka-dots are
as seen in us.

Helices do poke at..
The kaleidoscope.

Their kaleidoscopes:
Helio-spikes do react.

Those kaleidoscopes:
To seek loops I chased.

The design is distant,
is else a wicked loop.
Angles twisted inside
this kaleidoscope.

Insight’s clear
This science’s
learning quest.

This entirety’s vastest
hemispheres arise
amongst all.
Its metaphors yet
as strange have their

A night’s starry stains
are celestial.
This clarity is as
eternal as strange.

The Klein-bottle hourglass
is its own sand.
A thing’s tilted lobes
turn as shown, like so.

Hot fire’s heat:
Of this aether.
(.. The Earth is of.)

Cosines add ten-by-ten
Ascending as descent..
to beyond.

The circle is of
Fractions oscillate

All roundest thin
edges of this:
These fold unto
radii’s lengths.

They are thin singles
in love,..
.. Yet having their

Subhuman genetics:
Such beings un-mate.
(Such been mating us..)
(She cut abusing men.)
Change must be in us..

Rigorously a nil:
Originally ours.

These strange
Of that integerness’

Products’ divisions:
In void, cusps do stir.

As spun those round
No truth is one of
cusps and lines.

Eyes are too blinded
to see the illusions.
Nil does lie, yet nil
does soothe but erase.

Infinity has twisted so,..
As of its destiny within.

Of many tiniest limits:
Infinity almost is met.


‘Wall-lie: Ill law.’

‘Did nil blind id?’

Another one of those word-play
word-triplet thingies I talked
about on Feb 26, 2016 in
blog-post # 507:

. . Salt
Table . Water

So going clockwise, we have:


(These triplets are the
word-play equivalent of
rock-paper-sissors, I

“And what do you do there,
exactly, at Mathematical
Oxymora, Incorporated?”

“Oh, I head up the


“Hey. Did you, you lazy bum,
yet place the 1 before the 2
and the 3 before the 4!?”

“Uhh,.. sort-of, boss.”..

“So, yes, then?”

“Uhh,.. SORT-of.”…


A military-coup in the US would
sure be.. un-president-ed!..


Ignorance of the law
is no excuse…

But THE ignorance of the law
is every excuse!..


(^Possession of ignorance
is 9/10ths of the law!..)

Republicans’ new slogan:

The Party Of
“They Really Mean ‘Yes'”!..


{Hopefully this^ does not count
as joking-about-rape, though.
Two possible of the more obvious
non-jokey meanings to the slogan:

1) The Republicans are the ones
saying/believing this about women
(who are the ‘They’ in this case)
and maybe too about how women are
actually only “lying”, see, when
they claim to want equal rights.

2) ‘They’ refers to Republicans
themselves, since they aren’t
exactly saying “NO!” to Trump
or to His agenda (which even
includes as part of it a
scheme to kill millions of
Americans by taking our
and too, of course, it includes
its grand-scheme to take away
women’s rights).

Republicans now days are acting
more than even ever before like
they are frat-boys who like to
rape girls at parties —
ie. they are acting like their
own president has literally

And NO!!!..
The truth in-fact is — as
Republicans should know, but
apparently just can’t ever get —
that neither do most women..
nor does most anyone else..
actually appreciate it even at
all when Republicans try to force
their agenda into Americans’ lives
.. or into Americans’ bodies.}
(Shifting-gears quite a bit..)

Two math puzzles (along with
some, if not all, of..
The Answers):

Puzzle 1:

Consider all distinct positive
rationals r along with each r’s
reduced-form denominator d(r).

What is the average, then, of
all (the infinite-number of):

r/d(r) ?

The answer has a “closed”-form,
which here means, there is a way
to write out the answer in-terms
of already-defined mathematical
constants, even if not each of
those constants themselves is
necessarily further expressible
(given what mathematicians now
know, that is) completely
in-terms of still other famous
already-defined mathematical

(Answer a little below.)


Puzzle 2:

And consider (unlike above, where
we had considered all positive
rationals {which are each greater
than 0}), all those (infinite
number of) distinct rationals r
that are each strictly greater
than 1.

And, let n(r) equal the numerator
of r when r is represented in its

But instead of taking the average
of all of the following (which I
guess would be zero), simply take
the sum, summing together every..


The exact sum may surprise you.
What is it?

(Answer a little below.
And it is definitely expressible
in-terms-of already well-known

Answer to (and more regarding)
the first math-puzzle above:

I get that the average of
all the r/d(r)’s is…






Numerically about..

1.125, which is almost
1 and an 1/8th;

and it is “exactly”:

pi^4/(72 zeta(3)).

(But the closed-form, completely
in-terms of other well-known
constants, for zeta(3) =
1 + 1/2^3 + 1/3^3 + 1/4^3…,
is, or last I read years ago,
not known to mathematicians.)

Fun-fact (fact?) regarding^:

If we let x equal a constant
that numerically is about:

and we raise each d(r) to this x,
then the average, over all distinct
positive rationals r, of:




This is because, or I figure,
the average, generally for any
x > 1, of:




And too because..

= 1 at x = about 1.3964.

The exact value of x may have
a closed-form, but I don’t
know what it is.

Back to the average of the

But I am a little confused
about this whole average
thingy, I think, because —
seemingly paradoxically — if
we expand the set of numbers
we are taking the average over
from being just all positive
rationals to all positive
reals, then things don’t go
as I would expect (unless I
erred, which is definitely

The original result I had
found by considering only all
positive rationals with, in
reduced-form, their numerators
and denominators both being
not greater than some large-
but-finite fixed-but-arbitrary
positive integer m.

The sum of all such r/d(r)’s
divided by m^2 approaches a
nonzero-finite constant as
m increases towards infinity.
And too, the _number_ of such
r/d(r)’s divided by m^2
approaches a nonzero-finite
constant as m increases.

So when considering the average
(the sum divided by the number),
the m^2’s basically cancel-out
as m goes to infinity.
And the average, for any m,
should simply approach, as m
increases, the ratio of these
two non-zero finite constants.

And this average should be the
same even when considering
rationals with numerators and
denominators that are
arbitrarily MASSIVE but finite.
Even if the numerators and
denominators of the r’s are
allowed (as they indeed are) to
have many many more than even
quadrillions and quadrillions
of digits, say, then still, the
average (taken over all positive
r’s) of:


should still be the same
constant, about 1.125.

(In-fact, the average should even
be _closer_ to this constant than
if the numerators and denominators
had instead been restricted to be
relatively smaller.)

But, though!..

In the case where we include
all positive irrational numbers
as well, so r is taken over all
positive real numbers, then..

We basically have the case
where we include r’s with
infinitely large numerators and

But since m can be as large as
we want, as long as it is
finite, and we still get the
same average (and especially
since, as well, it’s even more
so this average, if anything,
the LARGER the finite numerators
and denominators get),..
then I _would_ have thought
then that the average over all
positive real r’s would have
been the same as the average
over all positive rationals.

Maybe so this is indeed the
case, since people’s, and maybe
mine too, intuitive understanding
of averages is a bit off.

(Aside: It is also an apparent
paradox to most people that my
average over all rationals is not
instead 0 or 1, say.
I think this misconception
arises from the fact that the
rationals with different
denominators contribute unequally
to the value of the average.)

Though, if r is irrational, then
r/d(r) is zero, since we have a
finite real divided by its
infinitely large denominator.

And — furthermore given too that
the number of all reals is a much
huger infinity than the number
of all rationals (Ask Cantor!) —
we have the average over the
positive reals being equal to..

{0 * (massive number of
positive irrationals)
(sum, over relatively puny
number of positive rationals r,
of the r/d(r)’s)}
all divided by
(huge number of all positive
reals together).

Now, 0 times the number of
irrationals is indeterminate,
and could maybe here be 0, a
finite nonzero number, or

But since the size of the
infinity of the number of
irrationals is the same as
the size of the set of all
reals, then I think these
infinities — those on the
left side of the numerator
over the denominator– must
then cancel-out.. to make our
average equal to:

0 plus..
the ratio..
(sum, over relatively puny
number of positive rationals r,
of the r/d(r)’s)
divided by
(huge number of all positive

Now, this is where things get

The sum of the ratio’s numerator
is infinity, and too the
denominator is infinity, but I
think that the denominator’s
infinity is so much larger than
the numerator’s infinity that
this ratio must approache ZERO,
not 1.125.

(But if the actual average of

r/d(r)’s over all real r’s

indeed is 1.125 and not 0,
though, _maybe_ that is due

0 * (massive number of
positive irrationals)/
(huge number of all positive

equalling 1.125 instead of 0??

But I doubt it, and
I don’t know..*)

*(Indeterminates, irrationals,
yadda-yadda, oh alas..)

Answer to the 2nd math-puzzle

The sum, over all distinct
rationals r that are greater
than 1, of


where n(r) = r’s reduced-form
numerator, is..







Yep, 1 exactly.

(Unless _I_ am the 1 that is
not exact..)


An interesting related more-
visually-fun puzzle is to
determine if the following
is possible. Is it?

Take, for any rational r where r
is greater than 1, the cuboid*
with side-lengths of:

(1/d(r)) by (1/n(r)) by (1/n(r)).

*(A ‘cuboid’ is a way-too-obscure
fancy way of saying a ‘box’, or a
‘right-parallelepiped’ if you want
to be even fancier.)

d(r) and n(r), as above, are
the denominator and numerator,
respectively, of r in reduced-

Now, each of these cuboids has
a volume, given its particular r,


And the sum of all these infinite
number of cuboids’ volumes is
exactly 1, which is the volume of
a 1-by-1-by-1 cube.

The question is, though, can
these cuboids indeed all be packed
into a 1-1-1 cube, while of course
leaving no air-space and no parts
of any cuboids jutting outside the

It seems likely that the answer
is yes.

And, true, there are always
cuboids, after a finite number of
them have already been packed into
the cube, that are smaller than
any gaps/spaces left yet to fill,
no matter how small and awkwardly
shaped those gaps/spaces.

However, there is still the
possibility that after filling
the cube to some point as best
as possible, that, maybe after
having necessarily skipped past
some larger cuboids so to pack
them in later as you fill the
cube tightly, there are maybe no
individual gaps/spaces left that
will allow the largest yet-
unpacked cuboid into it.

But there must be a maybe-simple
procedure/algorithm that could
for-sure automatically/successfully
pack the 1-by-1-by-1 cube.
(Maybe even simply by requiring at
each step that any large yet-
unpacked cuboids do indeed still
have enough empty space somewhere
within the cube for them to fit into
when the time comes to do so.)

And you are allowed to orient the
cuboids within the cube in any
manner you wish.
I assume without proof that any
successful packings would require,
though, that the cuboids be oriented
orthogonally, ie, with their sides
parallel/perpendicular to the cube’s
sides and to each others’ sides.
(But maybe the cuboids can indeed be
tilted weirdly within the cube in
some manner, yet I highly doubt it.
But maybe so, though, given that
there are an infinite number of

By the way, if we consider only the
cuboids that have their longest side
equal to 1 (ie. those representing
r = integer n, and that are
of sides 1-by-1/n-by-1/n),..

then these cuboids’ collective
volume is
pi^2/6 -1,
or about .64493..,

which means that all the other
cuboids, corresponding to all
non-integer fractions greater
than 1, must be packed together
into a total (not necessarily
contiguous) volume of just
which is a bit over a third of
the cube’s volume.

Solution to my previous post’s

The only number of pennies for
what Max originally had that
satisfied the conditions is…

But, hey, let’s first look at
some matrices..

Here is a chart showing the number
of pennies in his pocket after the
first purchase, given 0 through 4
pennies (the columns) he had
to-start, and given 0 through 4
cents and too (respectively) 5
through 9 cents (the rows) that
ends the price (after tax) for one

— {Pocket-pennies}
—– 0 1 2 3 4
0/5 – 0 1 2 3 4
1/6 – 4 0 1 2 3
2/7 – 3 4 0 1 2
3/8 – 2 3 4 0 1
4/9 – 1 2 3 4 0

So, if say, he had just 1 penny in
his pocket to-start, and the price
ended in 3 cents, then he wouldn’t
have used that penny since he has
fewer than 3 pennies. But he would
have gotten 2 pennies back as part
of the change. And adding 2 to 1,
he ends up — as we can see by
looking at the entry at column 1
and row 3/8 — with 3 pennies in
his pocket at the end of his first

Okay, things get a little more
interesting after the second
purchase, though.
This time, the chart’s column-
numbers are not the number of
pennies he had at the beginning of
the second purchase, which would
simply produce the same chart, but
instead are how many pennies he
had had when first arriving at the

So, to generate the second chart,
we plug the above matrix into
itself, and, given the 1st chart’s
numbers of pocket-pennies, we first
determine from the 1st chart how
many pennies he has just before the
second purchase.
Then we read off the number at the
referred-to pocket-penny column of
the 1st chart, but the number which
is in the same row (since the beer
costs the same for both purchases).

So then, we get the number of
pennies in his pocket after the
second purchase:..

— {Original pocket-pennies}
—– 0 1 2 3 4
0/5 – 0 1 2 3 4
1/6 – 3 4 0 1 2
2/7 – 1 2 3 4 0
3/8 – 4 0 1 2 3
4/9 – 2 3 4 0 1

So, for example, as per the first
example, let’s say he first had 1
penny, and the cost ended in 3
cents. So he then had 3 pennies
after the first purchase.
But looking up in the first chart
how many pennies he ends up having
if he had instead started with 3
pennies, and again the price ends
in 3 cents, he should be left with
0 pennies, having used them all up
on the second purchase.
And so, looking up the number at
column 1 and row 3/8 of the _second_
chart, we indeed see 0 pennies is
what he finally leaves the store
with after the second purchase.

(Finally stuff gets interesting..)

Now separate, perhaps with little
horizontal line-segments drawn
between the appropriate numbers,
those parts of each column of the
1st chart into those numbers greater
than Max’s starting number of
pennies (as per the particular
column) and those numbers less than
his starting number.
Those line-segments of the first
chart would then just happen to be
placed between the 0 and 4 of each
column (making a descending
staircase of line-segments).
And we can just ignore the top row,
since it is given that the number
of pennies in Max’s pocket had not
remained the same.

And then do the same for the second
chart, dividing the regions of this
chart where the final-penny numbers
are greater than the number of
pennies he first arrived at the
store with from where the final-
penny numbers are less than the
number he started with. But the
boundary between the greater-than
and less-than regions is more
complicated than for the 1st chart,
with — if we again ignore the top
row — there being either 0, 2, or 3
number of dividing horizontal line-
segments per column.

But the funny thing is,..

If we were to superimpose one chart’s
boundary-line-segments onto the other
chart’s boundary-line-segments (so
that they align as per the proper
column numbers and the proper row

we’d then see there is ONLY ONE
line-segment, which spans just one
column, that they both have in
(Again, ignoring the top row.)

This is the single location on the
graph where had the price instead
been one penny more for the beer
than it actually was, then the
numbers of pennies in Max’s pocket
after BOTH purchases would have
changed each time to being either
more than what he started out with
or to fewer.. but necessarily
changing in the direction that is
the reverse of whatever is the
direction given the actual price.

And so,..
as Min figured out..
(and thus Max owes her some big-
bucks,.. uh,.. some big-pennies..),..

Given that this single common line-
segment lies between rows 2/7 and
3/8 and is in column 2,..

we can conclude that, therefore,..

Max at first had 2 pennies in his
and the beer’s total price (after
tax) ended in either 2 or 7 cents.
So, after the first purchase, he
had 0 pennies in his pocket, a loss
in pennies.

Then after the second purchase, he
therefore had 3 cents in his pocket,
which is greater than the 2 he
started out with.

But though, had the beer’s cost
(after tax) ended instead in 3 or 8
cents, then, during the first
purchase, he would have held onto
his 2 pennies and gotten 2
additional pennies as part of the
So he would then have had 4 pennies,
which is more than the 2 pennies he
began with.
Then on the second purchase he would
have spent 3 of those pennies,
leaving him with 1 penny, fewer than
he began with.

So, on the first trip, Max actually
has FEWER pennies, but alternative-
expensive-beer-universe Max has MORE
on the second trip, Max actually has
MORE pennies, but alternative-
expensive-beer-universe Max has FEWER

And there are no possible price-ending/
number-pocket-pennies situations that
lead to any of the other 3 (out of 4)
possibilities for more-vs-fewer I
talked about in my previous post.
(Given, anyway, the 0 to 4 pocket-
pennies to start, and given the
standard pay-by-cash protocol I talked
about in that post.)

So, we have:

2 pennies to start in Max’s pocket.

Then 0 pennies.

Then 3 pennies (which he then “lost”.)

So, pay up, Max!..

(Note: Try not to be confused — yet
I may have somewhere above, despite
trying not to be — by the fact that
the number of pennies changes from
fewer to more than he originally had
after, respectively, the first and
second purchases.
What matters is only that the fewer-vs
-greater situations differ as compared
to had the beer’s price instead been
one cent more.
Then too, what else only matters is
the fact that this difference in
either direction must occur after
both purchases.
It could have instead been — I note
for the purpose of understanding the
puzzle-statement, yet this entire
situation never could have actually
ended up occurring — that Max had
more pennies than he began with
after the first purchase; and then
he again had more than he began with
after the second purchase. Or maybe
instead he had fewer pennies both
But had that been the case, then
according to the puzzle set-up, his
expensive-beer-universe counterpart
would have needed to end up with
fewer pennies after both purchases,
if he actually had more both times.
Or he would have had needed to end up
with more pennies both times in the
other universe if he actually had
fewer pennies after both purchases.)



Of Dis-dis-dis-.. -dis-distinction

(^It’s uncertainly
un-un-un-.. -un-universal.)

Blog-post # 587:
(587 = prime.)

Four new art-inanimations:
(And another 1/2 a bit below.)

This Sole Shard Of Eternity
This Sole Shard Of Eternity
Like These Triangles
Of Dis-distinction
Like These Triangles Of Dis-distinction
Unlike These Triangles Of Similarity
Unlike These Triangles Of Similarity
Procession Of Process
Procession Of Process

(A note and a simple diagram
regarding “Procession Of Process”
are below, just before the

(And I repeat throughout the two
images “Like These Triangles Of
Dis-distinction” and “Unlike These
Triangles Of Similarity” the
right-triangles each with
side-lengths proportional to
{1, squareroot(phi), phi},
where phi is the golden-ratio.)
Anagrams, 30:

The shadows were galactic.
As each whitest arc glowed.

As this heaven’s
bent towers did ascend.
Its cones and shards
have been twisted.

Each starry spire
is glassy.
Space’s rays/
light-rays rise.

As tongues:
Toes nag us.

Unreal zeitgeist:
Nazi lies get true.

Their infinite psychosis
so kills.
This foolish spin
is entirely sick.

As damn-tremendous
Man’s rage condemned us
to die.

Weird lie-cults
boil hot ash, hot fire.
This will be of their
dire holocaust.

Racist asses fight.
Fascists’ rage hits.

Nightmare’s stage:
This strange game.

Grin as them..
Then as grim.
The armings.
Strange Him.

Of that face:
A hot affect.

To face ruin of..
Our affection.

This satanic mask:
That is a sick man’s.

All religion
is Satanism.
Mass’ oral lies
align in it.

Evil Satan is God.
It avoids angels.

His odd end-game/toll:
God is damned to Hell.

As Hell is in the
sad name of Heaven:
A neon flame’s evil hate
has shined.

As this warmth:
Its thaw harms.

This stylus and gnomon
were solar.
The glow errs on
most any sundials.

As crescent-suns:
Scenes’ arcs stun.

An odd snake twists..
.. As sins’ knotted wad.

A knotted nautilus..
.. Sank unto altitude.

That hourglass
in free-fall:
As of all
half-rusting there.
(One has
flat surreal flight.)

As of its
universal mouths:
In those sits
a uvula’s form.

Death’s fetus or swirl:
Its flower has rusted.

This sole shard
of Eternity:
Hot ash/fires
inertly do set.

Nonexistence exists;
lies are this.
Inertia nixes
the less toxic sense.

Of all shadows seen:
A hollowness fades.

(.. tiny fail.)


‘Elf-farm raffle.’

‘Nixes sex in.’

Some political humors.)

The drug-manufacturer death-
merchants, “health”-insurers,
defense-contractors, chemical/
biological-producers, big oil,
big tobacco, nuclear-power
industries, etc,..
tend to often be amongst



(Hey though, but They’re
VERY Important Corporations,
now now!..)
(Wake up, Sheeple!*..)

The US Constitution:

Hey, it IS a handbook,
NOT a warning!…


(Certainly, I have seen ^this
sentiment somewhere before.
But still, people act as if
the idea has never even once/
even slightly occurred in any
way to anybody at all.)

But the Corporate-“People”,
on the other hand, are the..



Which of these things is the
real threat to Americans and
to America?

(Two images and respective
captions side-by-side.)


(Image of swarthy terrorists.)

“Killed thousands of Americans.”


(Image of very White Republican

“Trying (still) to kill
MILLIONS of Americans.”

(Maybe the next one would also
be a good bumper-sticker.)

“America: Love it or leave it!”

And the image is of Trump
walking off into the sunset,..

with His head slumped in-shame
while He is carrying a bag* on
a stick as done by a hobo


And He is walking in the
direction pointed to by a sign
saying “Bering Strait this way”,
.. where Dinghy-One awaits there
for His departure to…


(And Har-har,
“Bering Strait this way..”
“Hey, we better watch out
then, because something’s
sure Bering Strait this way,
indeed,.. bearing straight
RIGHT for us all!”..)

Sarah Palin:

“Hey, I can see Donald Trump
from my kitchen window!…
Uhh,.. I mean, RUSSIA.
Yeah, I can see.. there,
see that, um,..
country(?).. county(?)


Nothing but an image of a
glum Uncle Sam,.. who is
sitting on the curb and
is surrounded by junk..
while he holds a sign


Yes, we’re ‘free’,


“Turns out,..
America is not so much free
.. as it is really really..”

(And the image is of
a bald-eagle that is
loudly screeching out..)..



built a great wall..
Dumbty-Trumpty told Mexico
to pay for it all.
But all the President’s forces
and all the President’s men..
instead just threw Trumpty
over His own wall,
and didn’t let Him back
ever into the US again!..”

(^They DUMPTY Dumbty-Trumpty!..)

‘The Back-teriasmen’


‘The Strangests’

‘Elf-Farm Raffle’

A note about “Procession Of

The squares of the this image
and the following image
(simplified for your
understanding) are proportional
to the square-roots of the
Fibonacci numbers.
Thus each square’s area is
proportional to a Fibonacci
number, and a square of
whatever size has an area equal
to the sums of the areas of the
next two smaller-sizes of

And the little triangles (gray
below), which are each formed
by 3 squares coming together and
touching at their corners, are
right-triangles, since if you
have any triangle of sides equal
to the square-roots of three
consecutive Fibonacci numbers,
then the Pythagorean theorem is


Finally, a puzzle:
(Long but whimsical.)

Max — who is rather forgetful
(as we will find out) — arrives
at the store to purchase a 6-pack
of beer for his night together
with his lovely wife Min.

He will make his purchase at the
store using only the cash* in his
*(US currency.)
He has more than enough cash in
his pocket, which includes some
number, n, of pennies (where n is
not greater than 4), and too he
has all the necessary coins of
larger denomination (nickels,
dimes, quarters) he will end up

In the store parking-lot after
buying the beer he notices and
notes how much change he has in
his pocket, including how many
pennies he has.

But then he realizes (because he
forgot at first how he always
needs more than just one 6-pack
for the evening) that he must go
back into the same store and buy
yet another 6-pack, which costs
the exact same price as did the
first (including tax) — the
same price since inflation isn’t
so bad (yet) that the price of a
6-pack was raised over the course
of just a few minutes..

Then, after the second purchase
but before finally leaving the
store parking-lot, he notes again
the change left in his pocket,
including the number of pennies.

So, after a bit of a drive home,
he tells Min, who had originally
loaned him all the cash in his
pocket, that he had figured out
— but he can’t recall which of
these two ways it was — that,

after the first time he bought a
6-pack he had MORE pennies than he
started with (n pennies), but had
the 6-pack instead cost one cent
more, then he would have had FEWER
pennies than he started with,
after the first time he bought a
6-pack he had FEWER pennies than
he started with, but had the 6-pack
instead cost one cent more, then he
would have had MORE pennies than he
started with.

And too, Max had realized — but
had also forgotten which of these
two ways it was — that the
situation was similar as well for
after the second time he bought a


after the second time he bought a
6-pack he had MORE pennies than he
started with (n pennies) — the
number of pennies he had before
buying either 6-pack. But had the
6-pack instead cost one cent more,
then he would have had FEWER
pennies than he started with when
first arriving at the store,
after the second time he bought a
6-pack he had FEWER pennies than he
started with when first arriving at
the store. But had the 6-pack
instead cost one cent more, then he
would have had MORE pennies than he
started with when first arriving at
the store.

(In other words,
There are these 4 possibilities,
where 4 equals the number of
possibilities for after the first
purchase {2 possibilities} TIMES
the number of possibilities for
after the second purchase
{2 possibilities}:

a) FEWER pennies after first
purchase, but would have been MORE
pennies had beer cost one cent more;
and FEWER pennies after second
purchase, but would have been MORE
pennies had beer cost one cent more..

b) FEWER pennies after first
purchase, but would have been MORE
pennies had beer cost one cent more;
and MORE pennies after second
purchase, but would have been FEWER
pennies had beer cost one cent more..

c) MORE pennies after first purchase,
but would have been FEWER pennies had
beer cost one cent more;
and FEWER pennies after second
purchase, but would have been MORE
pennies had beer cost one cent more..

d) MORE pennies after first purchase,
but would have been FEWER pennies had
beer cost one cent more;
and MORE pennies after second purchase,
but would have been FEWER pennies had
beer cost one cent more..

And in none of these possibilities^
were the number of pennies in Max’s
pocket after either purchase the
same number he started out with when
first arriving at the store.

Max asks Min how much exactly she had
loaned him.
But she couldn’t recall even at all.
She only knew that Max had had
absolutely no change with him for the
beer-trip other that what she had
loaned him, and she knew for sure
that the number of pennies she loaned
Max was 4 or fewer.

And worse yet, on the trip home Max
had stupidly lost (or covertly
spent..) all the coins that were in
his pocket, so neither Max nor Min
knew how much change remained after
the second beer-purchase.

(And too, neither Min nor Max know
at all the sales-tax rate on beer,
So even if they assumed the beer’s
price likely ended in a 9, still
it would be near impossible to
figure out from that the final
digit of the cost after tax.)

And so then, “Hey oh hey”, Max told
Min,.. “Let’s just round-down what
I owe you. I can’t pay you back
in-full (and for some reason,
rounding-up is out of the question..)
because, see, neither you nor I can
recall the number of pennies you had
loaned me to go buy the beer!”..

But Min — who was miffed that she
could be out even the proper number
of pennies — thought for a second
and says,..

Hey, Max, I have figured out for
pretty much certain*, based on what
you have just told me, exactly how
many pennies were amongst the cash
I had loaned you.

And furthermore, I know just how many
pennies were in your pocket right
after you bought the first 6-pack,
and too how many pennies were in your
pocket after you bought the second
6-pack (those pennies Max had “lost”).

What then, I’m asking YOU, dear
reader, were these three numbers of

(Answer in my next blog-post.)

*”For pretty much certain”:
There should be only one solution,
I figure.

But this is if the purchases followed
standard paying-by-cash protocol,
where Max would have first given the
cashier as many coins as he could,
where each coin is worth at least a
nickel, before spending 0 to 4
pennies to cover the remainder.
He should have been using only
whatever pennies he needed to cover
the remainder after first giving the
cashier the necessary number of
quarters, dimes, and nickels, which
he indeed had enough of on him.
He wouldn’t be handing the cashier
4 pennies, say, if the price ended
in 3 cents, say.
Nor would he be handing the cashier
5 or more pennies, even if he would
have ended up only paying the exact
price by doing that.

Plus, as per this paying-by-cash
protocol, Max should never have done
something weird like, say, included
just 1 penny and no more pennies
amongst his payment if he owed the
store an amount ending in, say, 4
He wouldn’t be using any of his
pennies at all during a particular
purchase if he didn’t have enough
pennies at the time to finish
paying the exact amount he needed
to pay then.

Well, that all^ was rather


*(As the universe soon ends..
with both a scream
and a whimper..)